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Old Dec 21, 2011, 03:35 AM
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dependent1 dependent1 is offline
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Location: Lancashire, England
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I have a diagnosis of dpd and at the moment i am really struggling with distressing thoughts and feelings. Can anyone give me any strategies to help me deal with very strong thoughts of self-condemnation and suicide?

I have a very good mental health worker who is aware of the situation.

I am 40 and went to uni and graduated twice. I had a good career but got very mentally ill and had 3 hospitalisations so im not working but want to. Unfortunately i have been living with my parents for the past year. I have 3 beautiful sons. I have had lots of problems in close relationships. My ex husband was an abusive and aggressive man. I feel like he has destroyed my life. He denies any wrong-doing. I cannot stand it. The distress eats me up and I have to pretend to everyone that I'm ok. But I'm far from ok.

Old Dec 21, 2011, 03:49 AM
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For me, focusing on those three sons would help me set aside those sui thoughts--but it's not me we're talking about.
I have a very good mental health worker who is aware of the situation.
Hasn't this person offered any help or support? Are you on any meds?

What were you doing before you moved in with your parents? Are your sons with you? How supportive are your parents? Is there a plan in place for you to get your life back?

I'm sorry to be so full of questions, but I can't grasp enough of your situation to make any intelligent suggestions. I'm so sorry you're going through so much misery, tho. Keep coming back & posting. We'll support you all we can!
roads & Charlie
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Old Dec 21, 2011, 04:04 AM
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dependent1 dependent1 is offline
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Location: Lancashire, England
Posts: 27
Hi, thanks.
My MH worker is helpful in what she says when we are together. The strategies that she gives me make sense. I have had CAT therapy and group psychotherapy. I have been on citalopram for 2 years (max dose). I was on quetiapine (600mg) for a year and then started to have seizures. I have had to come off the quetiapine to stop tthe seizures. Now I am left with all the emotions that they masked. I dont want to mask them with meds again. I want to accept my dpd and live with it and learn how to deal with the emotions.

My oldest and youngest sons live with their dads. My middle son is with me. I find it very hard to cope with the fact that i dont live with all 3. But when we are together I cant cope.

Before living at parents, I was in hospital. My youngest sons dad left me. I lost my job and my home. He left becos my older 2 sons dad made our lives hell. their dad encouraged them to make false allegations about my partner that blew our lives apart.

I hate the way my life is. I dont know anyone else of my age whos life is such a mess. I have been looking back over the years and DPD makes sense of a lot of things that have happened but more of the same in the future is too hard to bear.
Old Dec 21, 2011, 04:06 AM
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dependent1 dependent1 is offline
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Location: Lancashire, England
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I dont want to frighten aanyone who takes quetiapine. My Mum has epilepsy so that increased the likelihood of me having seizures.
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