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Old May 11, 2013, 06:24 PM
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roseblossom roseblossom is offline
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I have just been looking at different ways a person can be dependent because I have been thinking about my own situation and wanted to share them here and ask if anyone has other examples that they can think of or have experienced:-

depending on another person to reason or think for you

depending on another person to soothe you emotionally or comfort you physically

depending on another person to make decisions for you

depending on another person to provide financially for you

depending on another person's status to boost your self-esteem

depending on another person's accomplishments to boost your self worth

depending on another person's popularity to boost your self-worth

depending on another person to care for your physical needs

I noticed that essentially all these things seemed to indicate a possible core belief of helplessness or incapability or low self-worth. (I haven't researched dependent personality disorder fully so maybe stating whats already well known to other people here).
Hugs from:
jimmy rich, optimize990h, Panda_Girl_17, Trusty
Thanks for this!
berkut, Panda_Girl_17, Trusty

Old May 11, 2013, 08:22 PM
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roseblossom roseblossom is offline
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Thanks for the hugs optimize.

I think that having read now more about dependent personality disorder, my experience is more related to co-dependency and so I will post the list I've written under the Relationships forum.
Old Oct 27, 2013, 08:54 PM
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I relate on depending on another person to reason or think for me, to soothe me emotionally or comfort me physically and to make decisions for me.

I don't know what to do with this knowledge. It's not like I've known or thought about it for long. But I can really relate.
Old Sep 04, 2014, 01:37 AM
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jimmy rich jimmy rich is offline
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Ooops, I am not supposed to post on any string that's older than one month in here! Sorry gang.

Last edited by jimmy rich; Sep 04, 2014 at 01:40 AM. Reason: String is too old!
Old Jan 18, 2015, 12:37 PM
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I would like to add to the list above: Depending on a therapist from a regressed, inner- child standpoint in regard to unresolved abuse or deprivation that is searching for healing.
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