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Hey guys and gals,
I have been involved with the Borderline section of the forums for over a year now and I have an official diagnosis of Borderline PD. Currently I am undergoing DBT therapy. I have long suspected the possibility of having Dependent Personality Disorder as well. I have a hard time distinguishing between the two disorders - so I'm hoping the forum community can shed light on the differences. *I'm not asking to see the list of diagnostic criteria - I'm just asking if there are any fundamental differences between the two that you guys and gals can allude to* Thanks, HD7970ghz
"stand for those who are forgotten - sacrifice for those who forget" "roller coasters not only go up and down - they also go in circles" "the point of therapy - is to get out of therapy" "don't put all your eggs - in one basket" "promote pleasure - prevent pain" "with change - comes loss" |
giddykitty, silentangel1969
I am not very well informed on DPD so I am going to look it up. Hopefully there are others here who have it and who will be able to answer your questions about it.
HD7970GHZ, the_girl_one_knows
I'm interested in this as well.
You could meet the criteria for both.
Both Borderlines and Dependents have a fear of abandonment. Dependents aren't known for rages, as Borderlines are, and they tend to be compliant and submissive. They are known for not making their own decisions, while Borderlines tend to make their own decisions--fast and furious. The best book I've read on Personality Disorders is Theodore Millon's Personality Disorders in Modern Life. There is some info on his website: millon dot net (site won't let me post link; I'm new here). The Official Website for Theodore Millon, Ph.D., D.Sc.[/url] The book is about $200 new (I think WELL worth it), but you can find a used copy or check it out from your local library. He has a lot of information on each personality disorder, as well as case studies, subtypes, and even info on personality disorders no longer in the DSM, like passive-aggressive personality disorder. It's basically a textbook. I have Borderline (well maybe just "tendencies" now) and I too am very dependent. But I'm fiery and opinionated, and don't meet the general definition for Dependent Personality Disorder. |
domingoenfuego, giddykitty, gothicpear, HD7970GHZ, Lost_in_the_woods, serenity2298, silentangel1969, Tsukiko
This is exactly what I came here to find out. Thank you muchly.
Basically, you can view BPD and DPD as kind of polar opposites yet complimentary PDs. As someone who has dependent tendencies, I found myself in quite a few romantic and platonic relationships with people with BPD. The reason for this is that as a Dependant, my whole existence depends upon me being dependended upon of sorts. By getting into relationships with people who have BPD, I felt as though I was there to help them and I could break through the problems and they would value me and need me as a result. Of course, this never ended well as dysfunctional can't really fix dysfunctional. So, in a nutshell, us dependents depend on others depending on us. If that makes any sense. Lol. It took me a while to get my head around this, and I'd always wonder why I fell into the same patterns with the same dysfunctional, needy people. Turns out I was just as needy in a submissive kind of way. Hope this helps.
giddykitty, HD7970GHZ
Add information about the mentioned book by Theodore Millón. It can be downloaded for free.
Social Anxiety and Depression. Cluster C traits. Trying to improve my English. My apologies for errors and mistakes in advance. Mankind is complex: Make deserts blossom and lakes die. ( GIL SCOTT-HERSON) |
Where can I find the download? |
Is this PD the same as saying someone is co-dependent?
I think there is a thread about the differents between dependent and codependent.
Yeah, look some threads bellow. :-)
Social Anxiety and Depression. Cluster C traits. Trying to improve my English. My apologies for errors and mistakes in advance. Mankind is complex: Make deserts blossom and lakes die. ( GIL SCOTT-HERSON) |
you can have dependant personality disorder all by itself, but most Borderlines have DPD too! That's just my take on it..
"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born.... and the day you find out why" ~ Mark Twain |
HD7970GHZ, Lost_in_the_woods
Thanks for the replies. I apologize for the late response.
I know my dependent traits come out when I get attached to someone and seem to mix with and exacerbate the borderline traits. I also heard that Dependent PD tends to run along with Borderline, like Pierro mentioned above.
"stand for those who are forgotten - sacrifice for those who forget" "roller coasters not only go up and down - they also go in circles" "the point of therapy - is to get out of therapy" "don't put all your eggs - in one basket" "promote pleasure - prevent pain" "with change - comes loss" |
gothicpear, Lost_in_the_woods
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