My father passed away over ten years ago. I was having a lot of fatigue and stomach problems. Once he passed away I felt my life changed. I became or had become, a different person, not sure, but not too long after that I was having symptoms related to schizophrenia. I think psychosis and delusions were common. Eventually, six years later I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I've had a very abusive childhood, abusive relationships. I was put in jail because of the untreated undiagnosed schizophrenia. I ended up in shelters. I had a lot of terror, fear and panic when I would come too. I would sit on this blocked cement and I felt I was someone different, because everything felt new and different then it would be blocked and I was schizophrenic again. I can have these violent moments. I'm not sure where they come from either. It has been difficult to accept my dad's passing.
Do I have a personality disorder that is different from schizophrenia? Is it possible that I have mpd?