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Post Jun 20, 2018 at 03:27 AM
I have been married for 13years and am currently residing with my husband. Over a period of time I have become financially and emotionally dependent on him. I haven't been in a job and my husband's possessive nature has caused me to isolate from my friends. Since ours was a love marriage going against our parents there has been an enormous cloud of hostility hanging over our marriage since the beginning. So there is very little or no support from them.
I have a 5 year old kid and off late my loneliness is causing me to feel anxious and depressed most of the time.
I don't have a routine and cannot function anymore. I can't focus on anything. I have no friends and am an only child. I feel scared of the future or of staying away from my husband to an extent that even if he has to go to office I start feeling lonely and depressed. What should I do?
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Grand Magnate
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Default Jun 20, 2018 at 07:05 AM
I would suggest therapy for yourself.
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