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I would reccomend assertiveness therapy. I went to a therapist in the mid '80's and he told me about assertiveness therapy. I got some books on asseriveness and read them. I've been practising assertiveness for the past 35 years. He also told me to stand up to abusive people, which I have also been doing for the past 35 years. However, although these therapies have helped, the problem itself has never really gone away. From what I've read on the internet, dependent personality disorder is a personality disorder and a personality dirorder cannot be cured, it's part of who you are. So, I'm a bit confused. Also, it's really hard to find a competent therapist. I've been trying to find one for years, but most of them are crackpots. I've had 2 therapists go to sleep on me while I was talking. I can't go back to a therapist who goes to sleep on me. A lot of therapist don't offer anything, they just let me talk until the session is over. I'm going to try to treat myself by reading stuff on the internet. I also saw a book on amazon about dependednt personality disorder that I'm going to order.
I don't know much about dependent personality disorder. I wish I knew what to say to help. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I have a personality disorder too, a different one than yours. We don't ask to have these things written into our very being. It's not like we choose them. They are heavy burdens to bear. I think you are very heroic and noble to be doing what you can. Sorry I do not know how to be helpful.
that's true, i did not ask for this to be written into my being. And there's no cure! This is kind of a bummer!
I think everyone is dependent on someone.....that is what life is about.
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