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Default Nov 18, 2022 at 11:28 AM
Oh yeah, it would be annoying then. It may be fun to try some day in a different spot but you have a lot of new tools to keep you busy anyway
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Default Nov 24, 2022 at 06:58 AM
Apologies in advance for what could be a long thread.

Two years ago, had a "provisional" type 2 diagnosis. GP wanted another blood test. Then Covid hit (in general, not me!). Blood test cancelled, then few days later asked to make appointment to discuss its results. When I pointed out no blood test happened, I was thanked for letting them know then heard nothing.

Fast forward to June this year. Asked to book blood test. Results confirmed type 2 diagnosis. First appointment with diabetes nurse who lacked some empathy skills. "Noticed you're overweight when you walked in", "you must exercise". Thanks, tell me something I don't already know. Informed can no longer see usual GP and passed over to specialist diabetes one. Telephone appointments ensured, metformin prescribed. 112 tablets arrived, he forgot to send dosage instructions.

Then fun started. For anyone who has taken this drug and had side effects, you know what I'm talking about. Next telephone appointment told him and he prescribed slow release ones. Even worse side effects. So now have over 100 tablets to take to pharmacy for disposal.

Finally got face-to-face appointment last week. What a thrill that was! For a young guy had little "bedside manner". When I said I'd stopped taking the tablets, then got a lecture on what diabetes can do. Said I was well-aware but would not sacrifice my dignity. So, now he's prescribed something else with a host of side effects too. Dapagliflozin. I use postal prescription delivery so they've yet to arrive.

Also argued with me that fungal type problems experienced were all because of my type 2 and nothing to do with metformin. No amount of telling him that it began when I started the tablets. Have only recently got it under control.

One piece of good news. Had my first diabetic eye test and everything was fine. Although it revealed I should get reading glasses (years of computer use!). GP didn't have the report, so as advised by optician, wasn't sharing it with him.

Next doctor's appointment should be interesting. There's another diabetes one so will try to swop if I can.
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Default Nov 27, 2022 at 07:58 AM
Wow, will they not let you see your regular doctor permanently just because you have diabetes?
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Default Nov 28, 2022 at 06:53 AM
No hvert, they won't.

Seem to have totally ignored I'm taking medication for hereditary high blood pressure.

This new diabetes tablet seems to be a "wonder drug" according to this new doctor. Apparently, will protect my heart and also "have a positive effect on my blood pressure". I'll be reading the info sheet very carefully,

Yes, the UK's NHS is a mess....
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Default Nov 29, 2022 at 04:25 PM
I hope it works better for you than the metformin! I was fortunate to not get many side effects from the metformin so I take that and eat low carb. It gets old.
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Default Dec 01, 2022 at 05:01 AM
I've started taking the new drug and so far, no obvious side effects except skin problem has flared up again.

The info sheet was like a mini book. The worst, but very rare, side effects don't bear thinking about. And why they should manifest themselves in that part of your body is very strange. Not wishing to be too indelicate, I'll be paying more attention than usual.

Only family member who knows is my aunt. During long phone chat about my mother's attitude last night, I told her. She doesn't think it's a good idea to tell mother unless forced to. Happy days!
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Default Dec 29, 2022 at 04:46 PM
Have now told my mother and she keeps "picking away" at the subject. Firstly, why I knew in June but hadn't told her. Secondly, she's wound up about who knew before her.

Appointment with diabetes nurse earlier was interesting. Different one to last time. Much more approachable. Impressed me with her efficiency and common sense. As I've only been on new medication for just over a month, she said there was no point in taking blood so now need to cancel follow up appointment with doctor.

She took my blood pressure, wants a week's readings, to be given to my usual doctor. When I mentioned about not having contact with him anymore, she was surprised. She confirmed he's still available for advice.

Listed everything I needed to do for future appointments. Still didn't have record of eye test. Looked at my feet, talked about diet. Mentioned exercise but in a far nicer way. Her final comment "I'm here to empower you, not criticise". Have her name for future reference.

What a different experience! Result!!
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Default Dec 30, 2022 at 08:03 AM
This second nurse sounds fantastic! I hope you can meet with her again if you have to go again.

I was skipping my metformin here and there over the holidays and learned that it makes a huge difference for me, much more than I realized. Even when I just had eggs for breakfast, my numbers would be much worse if I forgot to take my metformin. It's good to know.
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Default Dec 30, 2022 at 01:33 PM
Yes, she was and I've written down her name to request her for future appointments. Will also do the same for other diabetes doctor, to try and avoid the other one.

Although she wanted me to start BP readings today, have decided it can wait a few days as they're not open until Tuesday anyway.

When I explained about what metformin did to me, she listened. When I mentioned the skin problems starting when I began medication, she expressed surprise but accepted my word (unlike the doctor).
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Default Feb 27, 2023 at 08:34 AM
Finally had blood test (had to go back 2 days later because I was cold!). Despite making appointment with other doctor, someone changed it back! Decided to give the younger one another chance.

Well, he kept me waiting 30 minutes! Seemed more friendly this time. My results scribbled on tatty scrap of paper on his desk... I produced latest report.

Pleased with latest blood sugar level. Cholesterol still too high. Foliate a bit low. Everything else fine. He didn't mention weight, probably looked at date and decided it was too close to Christmas. This time, he gave me some choices, so I "met him half way" by asking if I really needed to take so much medication. He decided we should stick with "diabetes" drug. Introduce a statin that "isn't a statin" (due to previous side-effects). This time I showed him skin problem and didn't argue, admitted it appeared fungal and gave me some cream, result!

Still hasn't got ophthalmic report from 8 December. When I offered to take copy in, he didn't think it mattered....
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Default Mar 05, 2023 at 07:21 PM
@poshgirl It is good that you are keeping on top of the basic checks that we all need to do. As for the opthalmic report, it is important that this be checked. You need to know that your eyes are good or not. Recently I had my eyes checked and was told that I had a blocked artery in my right eye. I wasn't aware of this. I needed to go back to my doctor for follow up. The changes I had are a precursor for stroke. Due to the change I need to see the optometrist on a more regular basis.

My optometrist gave me a quick review at the time of my test and also discussed what he found. Previous to this test I was pretty blase about going to the optometrist but I still went. Please get the results of your test for your own piece of mind.
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Default Apr 21, 2023 at 10:23 AM
Thanks Possum220

Surprised me (not in a good way) that he didn't take up my offer to supply copy of letter about eyes. What he doesn't know is optician discussed results with me, although he did say it was just between us. Apart from a nevus(?), there wasn't anything of concern to him. The experts may investigate this further or decide it isn't a problem (age-related). They decided on the latter.

Keep saying I'm going to make appointment with my usual GP. Felt worse since starting diabetic medication (taken in evening) and "statin that isn't one" (taken with BP med in morning). Strange with diet that I can eat healthily but get headaches and nausea, but when I have something like a roast dinner feel fine. Also no ill-effects from birthday cakes recently (not mine!).

Diabetic doctor wants a blood test end May so have been trying to hold out until then. Have tried Diabetes UK for advice but all I got was platitudes. Perhaps I expected too much. Just feel fuzzy headed as if nothing there, lacking energy, muscle aches, nauseous. Horrible skin and hair. All this since being diagnosed and starting medication; nothing before.
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Default Apr 24, 2023 at 12:16 PM
My fasting blood sugar this morning was 90!!! I dont think i have ever seen a reading that low. It waz 129 2 hours later, after sugary coffee for breakfast.

I had emergency eye surgery for a torn, detached retina about ten days ago, so its been pretty easy to stay on a diet. I was in bed a lot of the time, i was just tired. Total home recovery time is like a month, where you have to take it easy.

Im kind of waiting for my usual hunger to come back, idk. Meantime, my gallbladder pain, and the upper abdominal pain which has been plaguing me for six months (like waking me up at night), have greatly diminished.
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Default May 18, 2023 at 10:22 AM
This is a Glycemic Index Graphic from WebMD which might help people looking to manage their blood sugar levels:

Common Foods on the Glycemic Index
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Frown Jun 13, 2023 at 04:21 AM
I was dx type 1 when I was 7 (I’m now in my 40s). I’m on an insulin pump and CGM. I was hospitalized last week because my blood sugar was 787. DKA. ICU on an insulin drip. Because freaking CPTSD symptoms are kicking my ***. I’m so stressed and anxious all the time. I go days without sleep. I’m just so tired of my body betraying me in so many ways. 😔
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Default Nov 27, 2023 at 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by gus1234u View Post
Diabetes Support Thread

tho some days feel like this, we are still alive~!

Please help us grow a support thread with many people in it.
Be kind if you reply to a post; be positive about our efforts.
If you want to rant, start a separate thread - we'll read it.
I still hope we will get a sub-forum of our own, where we can be found easily.
Best wishes to you all, and good management~!
the numbers of those suffering from diabetes are growing so fast including children, that this would be such an important separate group. My husband has run the gamut. Pump, monitor, doctor now saying he is type 1 instead, getting his agent orange compensation from combat in vietnam, 14 doctors, unnecessary procedures. Trying blue zones approach. We are our own best advocates! Great effort here to network and stand together!

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