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Trig Nov 18, 2018 at 12:49 PM
I added the trigger icon just as a warning to others that this thread is about integration, a topic that can trigger others.

As I see more and more long time members here in this board ask questions due to being curious, fearing it or feel they may be going through this, I wonder if now is the right time to share what I went through and what I know about this topic.

As it was explained to me by my treatment providers and what I went through...

Back story... I was a college student in a psychology class. The instructor required a class activity of doing a psychiatric test during the first class session. then we had to take that test to a mental health treatment provider of our choice, enter therapy, go through formal evaluations for mental disorders, Then participate with one semester of therapy based on the test results. This was an activity meant to demonstrate to the students both sides of the desk, There were many students that planned entering the mental health field of careers.

I did my classroom test, found a mental health treatment provider. After a few sessions this treatment provider set me up with a referral for a psychiatric evaluation with a psychiatrist. I spent many sessions with the psychiatrist completing a very lengthy evaluation process, I released my medical records and educational records.

When the tests results came in months later, my therapist, psychiatrist and I met at a joint session. At this joint session the results of my psych evaluation complete with scores of all the different scales, tests, and recommendations were explained to me. I also received a copy of the report. Among other problems I had DID.

One of my first questions was... how do I get rid of this?


What's that I asked.

I was told the definition first...

integration is the mental process humans use to connect thoughts, behaviors, objects, putting concepts together to form one.

I asked another question.... wait, what? Wasn't this in the movie Sybil where she was hypnotized or when in the 3 faces of Eve alters died. you are not hypnotizing me or killing me off?

Answer yes thats how movies portrayed this back in the 1950's through trough the 1970's, much of whats in those books and movies is not what this is now. We dont hypnotize and we dont kill anyone off. Here let me show you with this apple. this apple is your personality.

A personality is a persons memories, emotions, how you react and behave, how you think about yourself and everything around you. What your preferences for likes and dislikes are, how you dress, walk, talk, whether you are shy or outgoing, everything that makes you who and what you are is right here known as your personality. (psychiatrist is holding up the apple and pointing to it.)

my reply was something like ok I'm following what you are saying.

psychiatrist continued by literally smashing the apple with a paper weight while saying along came your childhood trauma's before you were old enough to understand what was happening and why, I believe your records said around 4 or 5 years old you were hospitalized with some major sexual assault mental and physical damage.

All I could do was stare at this now smashed apple on his desk.

the psychiatrist continued Integration is the whole process that we will be doing together, you your therapist and I, to put you and your personality back together into one whole personality again.

I pointed to the smashed apple and said ...We are going to put that back together again, are you a miracle worker? (this got a bit of laughter which lightened the mood)

Psychiatrist said yes we are all going to work together to discover you again. We are going to be learning all kinds of good stuff like what your preferences are, how you think, how you react and behave, you will be learning how to manage your day to day life, what your dissociation symptoms are, what causes you to dissociate, you will be learning how to use therapy techniques to counter those triggers, like breathing, grounding, by the way do you like to take walks?

my answer yes I love walking in the woods and along beaches and rivers.

Psychiatrist reply see how easy that was, we now know you like to walk and where. how does walking in the woods and along beaches and rivers make you feel, what do you do when you do this?

my answer It makes me feel calm and I pick up things that I find interesting.

Psychiatrist reply....let me ask you right now while telling me this were you visualizing your last walk?
my reply yes

psychiatrist reply....... right there you did the integration process. you put together your thoughts with my questions and your memory, emotions, behaviors and gave me an answer.

Thats integration. the process began with your entering college, taking the classroom exam, seeing out your therapist, being referred to me and taking the psychiatric evaluation tests, and now hearing the results. it takes integrating all elements of this to be able to do this.

human beings naturally integrate thoughts and behaviors and emotions when they are very young. a child learning their first words had to hear the parents say the word, integrate that together with their thoughts and then integrate that together with how it made them feel, then that childs brain helps the child to mimic the word ma ma or da da. integration is a never ending cycle of learning about our selves and our world around us.

now lets look at that apple again. everything about your personality is apart and functioning on its own based on what causes you to have your dissociation symptoms. when I smashed that apple how did it make you feel?

my reply scared for a moment I felt far away like I was sinking.

Psychiatrists reply... that's being triggered and what you felt was called dissociation. Did you completely sink?

my reply no I listened more closely so that I could hear you.

psychiatrist reply.... thats grounding. you did something to ground yourself back out of your dissociation symptoms. thats great you already have some skills to help you heal and do the integration process.

My reply ..So all I have to do is go to therapy, talk about myself and my problems, learn how to take care of myself and my problems, Im already doing the integration process. Whats it going to be like when its all done?

psychiatrist reply... you are going to be able to do the same things that you already can do and on top of that everything that is these separate functioning parts of your personalities you will be able to do those too. by the way we call all these separated parts of your personality "alternate Personalities"

my reply... wait a minute why call it alternate when you already said its my personality that got smashed.

psychiatrist.. just a formality, the term began back in the 40's and 50's and continued and hasnt caught up with now. What matters is that apple/ your personality was whole and now its smashed and we are going to make it whole again.

As you relearn all this information and coping skills about you and taking care of you and your problems your smashed a part personality will heal back together again to form one whole personality again.

That was the beginning of my DID integration process. lots of info and personal experience more to come later when I have more time.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 07:32 AM
This is interesting and I look forward to reading more.

Since DID is experienced differently I am assuming integration is too.I'm curious how different(or similar) our integration processes were.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Betty_Banana View Post
This is interesting and I look forward to reading more.

Since DID is experienced differently I am assuming integration is too.I'm curious how different(or similar) our integration processes were.
Thank you.

How it ...........emotionally feels...........to each person may be different but the ..............process itself.............. is the same and has been since the 1990's. (since I was diagnosed in college dissociative disorders and integration has been the topic of many of my research term papers, thesis papers and I have continued with my own personal research and work in the field of dissociative disorders. integration was one of the in depth topics due to my natural fears about it)

feel free to post your.........integration process......... and how each step in the process ..........felt ..........to you.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 08:14 AM
((((amandalouise)))) Thank you so much for sharing your story. Hope you'll continue. I'm so glad you were able to get professional help when you needed it
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by MickeyCheeky View Post
((((amandalouise)))) Thank you so much for sharing your story. Hope you'll continue. I'm so glad you were able to get professional help when you needed it
(((((((((((MickeyCheeky))))))))))) welcome. Im hoping my explaining the integration process and how it felt to me will help others to not be so afraid of getting better/ healing.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
Thank you.

How it ...........emotionally feels...........to each person may be different but the ..............process itself.............. is the same and has been since the 1990's. (since I was diagnosed in college dissociative disorders and integration has been the topic of many of my research term papers, thesis papers and I have continued with my own personal research and work in the field of dissociative disorders. integration was one of the in depth topics due to my natural fears about it)

feel free to post your.........integration process......... and how each step in the process ..........felt ..........to you.
I agree that the basics of integration are pretty much the same but I'm sure the whole process is very different for each person.

I think you're brave for sharing your experience really.Mine feels too personal to share other than the basics.

This is an interesting thread though.There's not a whole lot of info out there about integration.Especially about life afterwards and I'm hoping that will part of what you share here too.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 02:46 PM
Thanks. Following thread.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 12:10 PM
After being diagnosed and getting that initial finding out my diagnosis and having everything explained to me I did what most people do. I did some research and went looking for the movies and books. how they described everything was so out of this world and not in a good way. everything left me with more fears and questions. I kept finding things that were like me then later finding out that what the directors, actors, and authors were doing was incorporating into their works what they their self found on the internet. when I contacted these people none of them could go beyond to the real thing to answer my question. many just quoted others thesis/ research analysis papers. none could actually tell me from first hand experience how dissociation works, why me, and what was going to happen when integration actually happened. I was scared and my being dissociated most of the time reflected this.

I joined so many mental health websites on the internet, all of which contradicted what the last one said and I still could not find anyone that could go beyond what was found on the internet and in books and movies. No one could tell me exactly how a person physically and mentally dissociates, what happens beyond the diagnostics for DID and what exactly happens physically and mentally when someone goes through integration. Like a fish out of water I was flopping around trying to figure things out and everything was just so confusing. even those that were DID on the world wide web could not describe things to me on a more personal level. I kept getting links to other websites and research but no one was doing the kind of work that I was doing of going beyond the common widely known.

Finally I shared with my treatment providers what I was looking for. My therapist looked at me and said... be careful what you wish for, you may not like what you find out, and the truth in this situation is actually less mysterious then most people think. If you really want your answers I can help you with that. We have A/V equipment. We can start recording your sessions. This way you will see for yourself what having DID is like beyond what you find in books, movies and the internet.

How and why you became DID that is going to take a lot of research and study on your part. you start by learning about the brain, its physical parts and how they function. you will have to learn and know things like right and left hemispheres, frontal lobes, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brain stem, lots of technical medical and mental information. Are you ready to "go back to school"?

I agreed to having my sessions recorded and the next semester one of my classes I enrolled in was a neuro biology class. Entering that class was a bit of a challenge. I had none of the pre required classes. In order to be in this class I had to meet with my college advisor and the class instructor and explain the circumstances of why I was trying to get into a 3rd year class for medical students. After jumping through some hoops I was part of the class roster. not only was I a psychology major I was now entering into the world of medical fields of study. It was not easy by any means. my life revolved around transcribers and memorizing terms and how this works and how that works and this is connected to that. my therapist, psychiatrist and medical doctors were all great at helping me to understand everything that I was learning. Soon not only was I learning because i had questions about my mental disorders, but I was also learning because I found it all to be so fascinating.

please dont take this as in you have to take medical classes. you dont for integration. I just had questions that I needed answers to and that was what I did to find my answers.

you also do not have to be recorded during your sessions. this was the solution I found for my questions.

these two things we incorporated into my therapy work.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 07:10 PM
Following. To when we can focus and read
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Default Nov 21, 2018 at 01:22 PM
As un technical, un professional untextbook wording that I can get here is the whats and why a person dissociates. (the dissociation process)....

you have all different physical parts of the brain that work together. all your senses are constantly and forever from the day a person is physically born to the moment that they die. All this information from what you are doing, thinking and saying, hearing, seeing, feeling... runs through the body to the brain so fast you do not realize it is happening as electrical currents along the nerves, to the spine and then the spine send the information to the brain.

now heres where dissociation and integration gets a bit confusing.

one of my triggers are common for human being so I will use that to demonstrate. a fear of heights.

Im up on top of a mountain looking down. all my senses run at high speed what I am seeing to the spine.

the spine sends all this information to my brain straight to the Thalamus.
the Thalamus is like an an airport or train station. it sends everything that comes in its door to the right places when its working correctly.

all at once all this that I am going through and what my senses take in gets shot out of the thalamus to different parts of my brain. As this information that there is a trigger happening reaches different parts of my different things happen all at once.

the hypothalmus sends back the message the emotions (fear, anxiety) the brain stem receives this message and speeds up the auto reactions like heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure. the Amygdala recieves the message that there is a trigger and a panic attack in the works and sends its messages around for either flight or fight. depending upon what skills and the type of trigger and how severe that trigger is decides which message the Amygdala sends back around the route.

the hypothalamus gets the news that for this trigger the response is lack of emotions flight response and starts shutting down the emotions.

the brain stem gets the message that the hypothalamus has shut down the emotions and slows down the breathing and heart rate and blood pressure because there is no more emotional responses happening. Because there is this emotional disconnection from the physical going on the brain stem slows things down almost but not quite entering a dream or sleep state. more like a foggy, everything is moving in slow motion, just here but not physically doing anything state for physical functioning called autopilot, automatic instead of consciously participating.

now because of being afraid of heights I am in a dissociation state physically and mentally.

now I knew the mechanics of dissociation. the beyond what I could find out there.

mind you there is a lot more involved with how the brain works and why a person dissociates I am trying to keep this as un complicated as possible. if you are interested in learning more, colleges have great classes on how the brain functions, how and and why we have emotions, what happens in the body to create dissociation and much more.

you can also contact your treatment providers who can help you get actual medical information about the brain and how it functions, and what happens when a person dissociates.

your treatment providers can even help you get brain scans and such to see whats happening inside your own brains when you dissociate. My own scans and MRI's happened during evaluations for physical health problems, some that are a part of my family history. if the scans are not medically needed you may have to pay out of pocket and they can be expensive.
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Default Nov 25, 2018 at 05:16 PM
Thanks for sharing

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Default Nov 25, 2018 at 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Fuzzybear View Post
Thanks for sharing
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Default Mar 23, 2019 at 03:35 PM
bumping up for those interested in what integration is and what it was like for me.
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Default Apr 14, 2019 at 08:39 PM
Bumping for further discussion. I am beyond grateful for this thread. It is infinitely fascinating and appeals to the nerd in me who loves learning about brain function and a neurobiological basis for things.

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Default Apr 16, 2019 at 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by FearLess47 View Post
Bumping for further discussion. I am beyond grateful for this thread. It is infinitely fascinating and appeals to the nerd in me who loves learning about brain function and a neurobiological basis for things.

FearLess47...just starting on the journey but happy to share as it occurs
Thank you Fearless47. I am glad this thread is helping you. I am sorry that I havent had time to update this thread with more of my integration process. I have been going through my past journals and putting them in order so that I dont post too quickly and confusing for you all.

I am very thankful to you all that are following this thread, please continue to take care of yourselves and I will be posting more of of my journey here in this thread.
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Default May 18, 2019 at 11:30 AM
Ready for more of my integration process? I have been through all my journals and have decided rather than continuing to post in the order in which things happened I am going to post according to problems or issues. This is because I have found when reading my therapy journals that there are some things we returned to during my therapy journey.

You know how therapists will ask you questions and you will think “what the hey, is this about?” That was me and integrating my voices.
To me hearing voices was just normal. It didn’t cause me any stress or anxiety or as treatment providers call it “clinical distress”.

“clinical distress” what a word right, what does that mean? It means a person is having symptoms and problems, troubles that are out of their normal way of being, that usually subsides on its own.

Even though I didn’t know what my diagnosis was or whether I had alters, or even that I was mentally ill, before the age of 5 I had alters due to extreme trauma. That means I had these voices from before age 5, I grew up hearing these voices every waking moment of my life for well over 20 years. To me that was normal and nothing to get worried about, stressed out about, and they certainly didn’t subside on their own. In the psychological sense and definition I was not in clinical distress nor was I experiencing clinical distress.
As a result of lacking “clinical distress” and hearing voices was my normal way of being, on this issue, whenever my treatment providers would ask “do you hear voices?” or on any psych testing if that question was on the test my answer was always “no I do not hear voices, I don’t hear the toaster talking to me, I don’t hear voices saying weird things.”

I honestly thought this was such a strange and confusing question to ask me. I would always think “what do they think I am some nitwit or nut case. My journals have many ranting and raving entries about how screwed up my therapists are if they think I’m hearing voices.

After I was diagnosed it was explained to me that DID type voices are a special kind of voices. Not like psychosis voices, with the DID ones Reality remains intact. I didn’t lose touch with reality and the voices could be matched with my present day situations, in other words they remained with in reality of the present moment that they were happening. My psychosis voices contained being paranoid and delusional ideas and happened out of the blue, but DID voices only happen when someone is triggered by something. They don’t just happen, but when they do happen theres no patterns of when. Yes I know all the stuff you find on various forums and internet sites that the voices happen only at this time of day or when they feel safe and comfortable with therapists, some claim this only happens during therapy other sites say it only happens outside of therapy…

Bottom line on voices is everyones internal system is set up in their own way that ensured survival. Everything about having DID including he voices of DID are related to how we are handling the present moments triggers and can be traced to a specific trigger.

Remember at the beginning of this thread I explained how the brain has a flight or fight response any time a person encounters something that they cannot handle. Anything related to dissociation and DID is related to triggers and the flight or fight response that causes a person to feel dissociated.

Now lets turn back time for a moment to when my alters and I were not one. Back when what is now called each of my alters and I were less than one.

Rainy was my alter who’s sense of agency was storms and depression. That means all throughout my whole life time any time there was a storm or I was feeling sad, Rainy was talking and taking control. Whether I was in kindergarten, recess, at school events, dating, eating, bathing, just going on with my life Rainys voice was there and sometimes I heard her and sometimes I didn’t. The things she said was not things that would be like my psychosis where I would feel the voices were out to get me or telling me to do bad things or saying bad things.

My DID voices were different than my psychosis voices..The things Rainy talked about were things in my life that related to her. Think of it like carrying on a nice conversation with a friend.

Rainy….its raining
Me…yes I know
Rainy.... Im cold time to go home
Me ....ok what do I want to do when I get home.
Rainy ....watch tv and eat pbj,
Me....I don’t think I want pbj how about chicken sandwich,
Rainy no how about just some hot chocolate
Me ....ok you get hot chocolate and I will eat the chicken sandwich.

These voices (or as its called since 2013 “dialogues” Some places still use the term voices) continued all my life time since the very first alter creation before I was 5 years old.

Each of my alters had their own interests, ways of being and dislikes and what they could and could not do, how much control they had and so on all through what is now called Sense of agency. As a result of their sense of agency their voices were distinguishable from each other, there was consistency in how they talked and what they talked about.

As a result of this, figuring out what they were saying to me was relatively easy. My therapist and I would document what my alters were saying and match their words to what was going on in my life at the moment that I heard their voices.


Rainy’s distinctive voice pattern of speech vocabulary and tone…. Its raining

Me ok I just head a voice say its raining. (writing it down)

I look out the window then surprised because it was in fact raining
(next to where I wrote its raining, I wrote that I checked outside it is raining out)

Rainy’s distinctive voice pattern of speech vocabulary and tone …Time to go home

Me writing down that I just heard a voice that said its time to go home. I looked at the time and it is time to go home. I wrote down that I checked the time and it was in fact time to go home.

At first when my treatment provider wanted me to write down what I was hearing in my head and match it to my present life I told her she was nuts. What does this have to do with therapy.

She explained to me integration is the process of putting things together.

We are going to put together what is going on inside my head with what is going on in my daily life so that I could take care of my daily life better.

Since DID type voices are a special kind we can do that with the voices of the others.

then she pointed out since I have DID, the fact of the matter was that I have already been doing this all my life just not on paper and while knowing I was doing it. And that this will be very easy for me to do.

Whether I hear one word or many all my life they were there and all my life I was acting accordingly and appropriately doing things in my life to take care of me, by what the voices were saying.

now we were just going to bring this to a conscious level of behavior instead of just unconsciously / out of habit doing it.

By bringing my awareness of my behaviors and how the voices and my daily behaviors are connected it shows how my alters have helped me all these years.

By doing this therapy assignment, I will be able to handle everyday life without getting triggered and dissociating. in other words doing consciously what I have already and am doing unconsciously through dissociation with out needing to dissociate.

She was right, the therapy assignment was very easy to do all I had to do was carry around a note book that fit in my purse or sticky notes that fit in my pocket and write down what I was hearing and what those voices were saying.

eventually the voices stopped on their own when I was capable of remaining aware of what my self care needs and wants were, and able to handle problems with out getting so triggered that I dissociated.

Before this past few weeks my wife has been after me to please go through your journals and find what you really want to keep and what you can get rid of. The children needed more closet space now that they are getting bigger and older. They are not babies any more.

On the children's closet top shelf I located a total of 38 therapy journals that were just documentations of these voices. Needless to say now that I’m integrated I got rid of all those journals. I don’t need a journal to tell me that Rainy was saying it was raining and I wrote it down and that it matched with the fact that it was raining outside.

this process of integrating my voices also worked for integrating the feelings from my alters. if I was feeling something I would write it down and match it to what was going on in reality. if I could do that then I knew what I was feeling was dissociative not psychosis and would know what I needed to do to handle what ever trigger was going on that got my flight or fight dissociative response going.

my suggestion to anyone who is DID or dissociative and hearing voices and want to know what kind of voices they have. Take time to write out what you are hearing and feeling. Then match that to your life at the moment that you heard that voice or felt that feeling. if it matches then you know that your brains flight or fight dissociation process is at work and what you need to do to take care of your self and your triggers so that the voice or feeling calms down.
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Default Nov 30, 2019 at 12:01 AM
"the hypothalamus gets the news that for this trigger the response is lack of emotions flight response and starts shutting down the emotions.

the brain stem gets the message that the hypothalamus has shut down the emotions and slows down the breathing and heart rate and blood pressure because there is no more emotional responses happening. Because there is this emotional disconnection from the physical going on the brain stem slows things down almost but not quite entering a dream or sleep state. more like a foggy, everything is moving in slow motion, just here but not physically doing anything state for physical functioning called autopilot, automatic instead of consciously participating.

now because of being afraid of heights I am in a dissociation state physically and mentally."

I don't understand how a flight response shuts down emotions, I would think it would be an avoidance response. I sure understand the trigger increasing heart and breathing rates. That is how I know I am being triggered. But for me, if I am with someone who triggers me I do say I can/t talk about it and remove self from situation. If I am alone I just experience the physical signs, feel strong emotion and think "fighting" thoughts about it.
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Default Nov 28, 2018 at 10:53 AM
I purposely gave it some time before posting another post in this thread. I know that its a lot to wrap the head around all the medical terms and that there actually is a physical brain process that happens to cause dissociation and dissociative disorders and in turn is part of the integration process.

I know that its a lot of information to take in and understand how the mental element of dissociating and the medical/ physical element works together to create that state of mind called dissociation and that of dissociative disorders.

unfortunately in order to understand what happens with integration a person must also understand the dissociation process.

I know many are waiting for the answers to the big questions... how are alters created and what happens after integration.

I have been debating whether to answer how alters are created. why because there is no 100 percent agreement on this in the mental health community. Professionals around the world agree up to a certain point but then the "I dont know and who really cares" type answers begin to happen. Its actually quite frustrating to say to a treatment provider ... I know this that and the other thing but what happens next and they say back "I dont know, does it really matter?" and I say back Yes it does, I wouldnt ask if it didnt matter to me.

I can tell you what my own treatment provider discovered about me and my system and how my alters were created. but only you and your own treatment providers can say what the mechanics behind your own alters actual moment of creation was like, based on what you learned while going through the integration process your selves.

Its one of those things that you have to go through to find the answer, part of the integration of alters is discovering their origins, what and how your brain created them, what the medical / physical and mental process was for their actual creation.
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Default Nov 29, 2018 at 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post

I can tell you what my own treatment provider discovered about me and my system and how my alters were created. but only you and your own treatment providers can say what the mechanics behind your own alters actual moment of creation was like, based on what you learned while going through the integration process your selves..
I agree with that.It's all a very unique,individual thing and each persons "story" will be different.The basics will be the same,the brain processes of it but that's really about it.It's the same with integration,you can share what the integration process was like for you,how your alters were integrated,what happened afterwards but that would only be your own unique story,unlike anyone else's.It's more than just the emotional part of it that's different,like you had stated,all of it,Being DID,integration,and then after integration is different for everyone on a personal level.

My therapist told me he was more of a scientist than anything else.His perception of the whole thing(DID,integration,after integration) was based on that.My perception was/is based on my own personal experiences.And while he was able to explain how it all developed,what was taking place in my brain,etc.I was able to explain to him from my pov,from my perception,which helped everything come full circle.
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Default Nov 29, 2018 at 02:02 PM
first I want to give huge hugs to those in this board. when I first joined here about 8-9
years ago any attempt to discuss what I was going through in regards to integration was not a very welcome topic. this topic can be very scary and triggering for many. there were not many openly integrating people on the boards. I felt I had to keep this
journey to myself and to more private places here on psych central and other places on the internet to protect those who were not ready for this step,

dont get me wrong, those that have helped me through the last 8 years or so of this integration process are very much appreciated and un replace able. what I am saying is it feels great to have others here now at this level of healing.

this thread isnt just for me its for all of you too. if you have been integrated or going through integration your posts are welcome here.

my alters creation and what treatment providers in my location believe happens to create alternate personalities....

One of the reasons I started this thread with explaining the mechanics of how dissociation happens in the brain physically was so that you all would understand what my location, my treatment providers and I believe happens to create alters and what happened to me.

lets take a step back for a moment to the 1980's when I was a very small girl under the age of 5. Im not going to go into graphic details of what the abuses were. that could trigger others.
Possible trigger:

I was neither physically nor mentally mature enough to handle fully grown men and their adult issues. mentally and physically I went through the dissociation process already explained above. when this happened because of the severity of the abuse and my brains reactions to that something amazing happened.

Because I was now in a physical and mental dissociative state of mind everything that the senses, nerves were telling the spine and going through to the thalamus got redirected. Instead of moving on for more processing in the various parts of the brain, all this information was send directly on past the process and into storage for long term unconscious memories. I no longer would have those memories, emotions, trauma events, senses information consciously available to me. in mental term this is called dissociative amnesia.

now we had a problem. normally when the brain is physically working correctly everything is passed through the routine and we are able to associate things by our memories emotions and senses...

example walking down the street a person is able to remember the last time they walked down that street and how it felt to them, what they did, who they talked to. and if you are in a store and you see a shirt with any thing on it that reminds your brain of something on that walk your brain automatically puts all the right information together reintegrating the memory of the walk because the shirt decal reminded you of it.

lets say I was triggered in the store by a shirt decal. my brain goes through its process but theres no conscious memories to match that to, but there is the unconscious memories. after entering the dissociative state of mind my brain routes to the unconscious.

now Im standing in a store in a foggy, numb kind of state of mind where the unconscious long term memories are stored. someone walks up to me and asks if Im alright.

my brain is in its physical dissociated functions so what I say and do is based on what is stored in the unconscious. I look at the store clerk and say something like yes Im looking for the way out of here and walk away.

I am now functioning as an alternate personality, in other words instead of mentally and physically functioning with how and who I am when I am not dissociated, my body and mind are functioning on the unconsciousness level. kind of like someone who walks in their sleep can do and say things that they wouldnt ordinarily say and do when they are awake. I have the sense of agency of what is stored in the brains unconscious long term memories.)

As I functioned more and more in this mental and physical way called dissociation that the brain does, the more information from the senses nerves events get passed on through into the unconscious storage tanks.

any time I entered that process of dissociation more information was built up so that now my brain had enough so that when I physically and mentally entered a dissociative state of mind it was able to know and put together matching sense of agency personalities / characteristics and differentiate between whether I was dissociating because of the sexual trigger or fear of heights or anger or depression or well you get the picture. which ever the trigger for my dissociating was the result of what information I needed access to, in order to handle the situation. therefore my brain "switched" me to the unconscious alternate personality states that matched. just like if someone thinks about an orange their brain switches to recalling the memories, of oranges.

Sometimes this process of switching is called alters taking control or in some cultures taking possession.

mind you this is not what all treatment providers around the world believes happens to create alternate personalities. to find out what your own treatment providers believe and those treatment providers in your location believes you will need to contact them your selves.

Last edited by atisketatasket; Nov 29, 2018 at 05:44 PM.. Reason: Added trigger tags
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