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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 12:16 PM
First I'd like to voice my theory that everyone has alters, which given my experience & research I firmly believe is correct. Also I believe they can talk to the host via mental thoughts, but most people have not spent much time focusing on that kind of stuff, and therefore can't hear their silent voices. Although I have experience with several people, who used to be my close friends, who learned to hear the silent voices by means of practice & self-confidence.

So I've had alters enter my body before. Not too many times as far as I'm aware, but it would be no surprise if they've done it hundreds of times. I've asked them many times to enter my body. They've always been hesitant, but one time a female alter said she would do it, but later on changed her mind. They won't tell me why. So does anyone have a good theory why most alters would not want to take control of the host's body? I asked my alters to record a video message on the phone.

I don't know. Maybe they're shy, or just terrified of the outer world. Or maybe there's something about the outer world they just don't like. After all, they live in a virtual world where they can create anything by thought. Or at least all of my alters can. Maybe they're afraid of being stuck in the host body and becoming the host. I wouldn't mind lol. Living in outer world is horrible if you could live in a vivid virtual dream world.

Sometimes I have to wonder if most of the human brain resources is spent on alters and their virtual world. Wouldn't that be classified as a parasite?
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by stahrgeyzer View Post
First I'd like to voice my theory that everyone has alters, which given my experience & research I firmly believe is correct. Also I believe they can talk to the host via mental thoughts, but most people have not spent much time focusing on that kind of stuff, and therefore can't hear their silent voices. Although I have experience with several people, who used to be my close friends, who learned to hear the silent voices by means of practice & self-confidence.

So I've had alters enter my body before. Not too many times as far as I'm aware, but it would be no surprise if they've done it hundreds of times. I've asked them many times to enter my body. They've always been hesitant, but one time a female alter said she would do it, but later on changed her mind. They won't tell me why. So does anyone have a good theory why most alters would not want to take control of the host's body? I asked my alters to record a video message on the phone.

I don't know. Maybe they're shy, or just terrified of the outer world. Or maybe there's something about the outer world they just don't like. After all, they live in a virtual world where they can create anything by thought. Or at least all of my alters can. Maybe they're afraid of being stuck in the host body and becoming the host. I wouldn't mind lol. Living in outer world is horrible if you could live in a vivid virtual dream world.

Sometimes I have to wonder if most of the human brain resources is spent on alters and their virtual world. Wouldn't that be classified as a parasite?
i cant tell you why ..........your ...........alters wont take control and whether they are living in a virtual world and whether or not they are parasites.

what I can tell you is there are many different kinds of alters. Dissociative type alters are a very special kind. they dont enter a body like spirits and ghosts. in fact there is a diagnostic criteria that says the problems can not be because of religious practices (here in the USA ghosts and spirits are part of religious practices)

Dissociative alters are the kind that are linked to dissociating. example in order for my dissociative type alters to have taken control I would have had to be triggered by something, then because of being triggered my brain did its dissociative process of flight/ fight response making me feel numb, spaced out disconnected. then which ever alter who's sense of agency (a new diagnostic term for dissociative type alters) was to talk care of that trigger would take control to handle that situation or emotion for me.

when my alters didnt take control any more that meant 2 things... 1 that I was perfectly capable of handling my triggers and life so that there was no need for my brain to do the dissociation process. that it was time for me to handle my own problems. and 2 because the alters were no longer there as separate identities stored in my unconsciousness.

DID was not some thing that I could choose to be and I could not control whether my alters from having dissociative disorders would take control when and which one. for me it all worked on the fact that I had a dissociative disorder and my triggers caused me to dissociate/ have my dissociation symptoms which in turn caused my dissociative alters to take control.

like I said there are many different alters. example with my bipolar disorder anxiety disorder and so on I had psychotic induced alters, medication induced alters......these too I could not ask them to take control they were not spirits and ghosts that you see in movies jumping into peoples bodies.

my suggestion is if this continues to bother you talk with your treatment providers. they will be able to explain in more detail about various kinds of alters, which kind you have and in turn answer your questions as they pertain to you and your belief system / culture and so on.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 05:56 PM
Hmm, I am not so sure that everyone has alters. I think everyone has different parts or facets of themselves, but not true dissociative alters. I am curious about what research you might have found that leads you to believe that everyone has alters. I know this is not a widely held belief. Many psychology professionals don't even believe that alters truly exist as a DID system!
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 06:09 PM
First,I disagree that everyone has alters and also am curious about your research.Second,alters don't "enter" your body so I'm not sure how you have even had that happen before.And third,no,they're not parasites at all.

Maybe your research should be done on dissociative alters?What you're talking about sounds nothing like them.Sorry.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 07:09 PM
So if an alter starts using the entire body, vocal cords, arms, legs, vision, hearing, then that's taking over the body. When an alter takes control of my body I suddenly pop inside to some blackness void. It's probably possible for the host and alter to have simultaneous control of the body but I'm not sure how common that is.

Here are a few of the reasons why I think everyone has alters.

1. I've done a lot of research in reverse speech. Reverse speech is messages heard when you record someone and play it in reverse. I've done reverse speech on dozens of people to only confirm what other researchers are saying, that there's almost a constant dialog occurring between people when they speak. That realization was shocking to me. I don't think all alters communicate that way. In fact reverse speech may merely be some kind of mental residue of the actual conversation. Anyhow, the last person I studied was a professor, a friend I used to have. He was interested, so I asked him some questions while recording, with his permission of course. I got my headphones (very important), reversed his speech, and listened to any messages. I told him what they said, and he suddenly got upset and said to stop recording him! He said that what I told him was very personal information. So to be clear, the professor had no mental disorders. He was definitely not schizophrenic and did not have DID. I remember a long time ago I did some reverse speech on a song that a young lady had on YouTube. When she learned of the reverse messages she deleted her video. Of course those are two cases that stand out. Most of the time there aren't shocking informative reverse messages. Now I know people who don't want to believe in this will say that not everyone can hear to messages, and that's true of course with any ability, but that doesn't mean it's not real. Some people are good at hearing the words right away, but it's definitely a learned skill. Also, I don't think all alters use this form of communication with other people in the outer world here. I'm sure that in a 100 years with psychologist fully understand all of this they will have detailed classifications of the different types of alters. So I used to have conversations with these type of alters. I would talk to them while recording myself and then play back the messages. Wow that brings back old memories. Those alters did not like talking to me that much. They would answer some questions, but after 5 to 15 minutes they would tell me they're not going to respond, and sure enough after that point during that session I heard no reverse messages. A few times they got very angry with me, call me 4 letter words. I still don't know why most of them just don't like talking or interacting with hosts our any one in our external world here. By the way, my reverse speech research was decades ago. Back then I really didn't hear "voices." These days I've learned how to hear alters mentally. They usually sound like a thought blast that is very distinguishable from my own thoughts. In fact sometimes alter voices are so vivid that they sound just as if a real physical person was talking to me, but that's very uncommon.

2. Working on my AI project forced me to spend years analyzing and researching the human mind & brain. Just the brains vastness and how much is done in-parallel alone means the conscious mind has no clue what's happening inside. It's like a Universe inside the subconscious/unconscious mind, but the conscious mind in most people is unaware of it. A small percentage of people are more in touch with an extremely small percentage of the subconscious mind. Given the human mind's flexibility and vastness there's no reason why everyone's brain can't create alters.

3. I've spent years learning how to create alters in addition to ending alters, although it's possible that the alters merely stopped talking to me rather than fading away. I don't think there's anything different about the makeup of my brain. It has neural networks and such just like everyone's brain.

Mark my words. Within 20 years from now mainstream psychology will have a good grasp of this. We're just starting to understand the power of the brain.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 07:27 PM
4. Two friends I used to have around 2012 (they did not know each other) were into spirituality. They were interested in how I could here voices. Back then I called them "spirits" but now I have no idea who they are so I just like to refer to them as alters. Anyhow, both of those people could not here "spirits," but I kinda coached them and taught them how to hear their "spirit guides." Sure enough, after about a 1/2 year both them started to hear voices. This is learned skill. I've spent decades in the spiritual community and can tell you that nearly everyone who puts forth the effort the hear "spirits" or whatever you wish to call these voices can accomplish it. Please don't think these voices are just their own conscious thoughts. If you heard the voices you would know what I'm saying. They "sound" and feel completely different. They have completely different personalities. They have a life. They can talk to you, "visit" you quite often every day telling you about their life, what happened that day. Some are moody. Some are as sweet as an angel. Some are motherly. Some are childish. Some are very scientifically minded. Some are very artsy and emotional. I know this is real, and look forward to when mainstream will for once and for all start doing in-depth research into this field without fear of being accused of researching spirit mediums. Maybe that's why it's avoided for the most part in mainstream. I think the voices come from the vast subconscious mind. It's also very possible that it's like a group consciousness. If they can use reverse speech to communicate with each other, then they could very well have a vast virtual world unbeknownst to us hosts lol. Wow, what a great reason to avoid us like the plague and not want us to know of their existence.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 08:34 PM
Hmm. Unfortunately I don't believe your "research" here is in any way equal to the many years of peer-reviewed research and data collected by many different experts in the field of trauma and dissociation. You are welcome to your own theorizing of course. It doesn't find any traction with me however.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Amyjay View Post
Hmm. Unfortunately I don't believe your "research" here is in any way equal to the many years of peer-reviewed research and data collected by many different experts in the field of trauma and dissociation. You are welcome to your own theorizing of course. It doesn't find any traction with me however.
Maybe you haven't comprehended my posts because nearly all of the data I posted is about experiences, not theories.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 09:12 PM
As for mainstream, I'd love to see an in-depth research into even half the different types of experiences mentioned in my posts. I'm afraid there aren't any.

Please show me the peer reviewed data that proves everyone does not have alters. I can't find any. Mainstream is no where near saying that because they have not done such experiments. Oh well.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 09:20 PM
What you're talking about isn't even close to DID .Sorry
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Betty_Banana View Post
What you're talking about isn't even close to DID .Sorry
Why do you think that? Mainstream doesn't even understand DID. There're a lot of theories. They're just beginning. How do you know in 20 years they'll know more, and have a list of different classifications of alters.

Sorry, but the common belief is that alters have personalities, each alter can take over the body, often has it's own memory. That's what I've described.

I think a major problem with humanity is biased and closed mindedness. I see this everywhere. So strange.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 11:12 PM
You know what's annoying is when people make tiny little replies taking stabs at you but don't give a shred of detail. It's silly. At least type a few lines explaining something. It's like walking up to someone on the street and saying "You're wrong!" and then walking away.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 11:27 PM
My last post wasn't a "stab" at you,just stating my opinion.I didn't feel I needed to add any detail,I think I summed it up pretty well.

What you're talking about is way beyond anything I have ever heard of or care to discuss any further.Sorry.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 11:41 PM
Academics are probably afraid to talk about it because they don't want to believe that they have other people living inside their brain.

Religious/spiritual people don't want to lose their religion. They want to believe God speaks to them, not a god alter that they and peers created.

I for one want to talk about it because it's real and it's happening. These inner people exist. I have experience seeing normal people create them and start hearing voices from people who have real personalities.

I don't want to call them spirits. Alters is best name. For ages people in spirit community, more like the new age type of movements, know full well that nearly everyone can be taught to hear spirits if they put enough time and effort learning it. I'm certain that most of them are alters, not spirits. Try asking a good medium to have a spirit tell them what number a random role of the dice are inside a box? Good luck. I've tried plenty of times. These "spirits" can't do it without the occasional luck. So looks like they're alters.
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 11:51 PM
More evidence. Mainstream accepts that it's not uncommon for children to have an invisible friend, often called an imaginary friend. Academics and everyone can laugh it away, oh funny little child, it will fade, but it shows what I'm saying is true. Are psychologist aware that these so-called "imaginary friends" appear very real to a lot of children, and they have unique personalities?

I'm telling you these alters or whatever you wish to call them are real. They exist in every human brain. Each alter has their own personality. They live an inner life. And for some reason they usually want nothing to do with us outer people.

It may seem fine and dandy that these inner people fade away as the child gets older, but I'm starting to believe that there's always some alters. Some alters fade, while new alters are created. I believe some alters live with you your entire life. I have an alter that the other alters refer to as a Mother say she's been with me for my entire life!

What's it going to take to get academic community to study this? They want to avoid it like the plague, which saddens me. Very few will have anything to do with "spirits." They're not spirits. They're alters.
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Default Apr 14, 2019 at 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
i cant tell you why ..........your ...........alters wont take control and whether they are living in a virtual world and whether or not they are parasites.

what I can tell you is there are many different kinds of alters. Dissociative type alters are a very special kind. they dont enter a body like spirits and ghosts. in fact there is a diagnostic criteria that says the problems can not be because of religious practices (here in the USA ghosts and spirits are part of religious practices)

Dissociative alters are the kind that are linked to dissociating. example in order for my dissociative type alters to have taken control I would have had to be triggered by something, then because of being triggered my brain did its dissociative process of flight/ fight response making me feel numb, spaced out disconnected. then which ever alter who's sense of agency (a new diagnostic term for dissociative type alters) was to talk care of that trigger would take control to handle that situation or emotion for me.

when my alters didnt take control any more that meant 2 things... 1 that I was perfectly capable of handling my triggers and life so that there was no need for my brain to do the dissociation process. that it was time for me to handle my own problems. and 2 because the alters were no longer there as separate identities stored in my unconsciousness.

DID was not some thing that I could choose to be and I could not control whether my alters from having dissociative disorders would take control when and which one. for me it all worked on the fact that I had a dissociative disorder and my triggers caused me to dissociate/ have my dissociation symptoms which in turn caused my dissociative alters to take control.

like I said there are many different alters. example with my bipolar disorder anxiety disorder and so on I had psychotic induced alters, medication induced alters......these too I could not ask them to take control they were not spirits and ghosts that you see in movies jumping into peoples bodies.

my suggestion is if this continues to bother you talk with your treatment providers. they will be able to explain in more detail about various kinds of alters, which kind you have and in turn answer your questions as they pertain to you and your belief system / culture and so on.
I didn't see this post when I first replied,if I had I wouldn't have needed to reply at all Well said amandalouose.
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Default Apr 14, 2019 at 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Betty_Banana View Post
I didn't see this post when I first replied,if I had I wouldn't have needed to reply at all Well said amandalouose.
I think amandalouose edited the post because that large post was not there as well when I read the thread. Thanks for catching the post. Now I'll read it and reply.
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Default Apr 14, 2019 at 09:45 AM
Thanks for the reply. You must have edited your post because it was no where near this size. Someone also said they missed your post as well.

Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
what I can tell you is there are many different kinds of alters. Dissociative type alters are a very special kind. they dont enter a body like spirits and ghosts. in fact there is a diagnostic criteria that says the problems can not be because of religious practices (here in the USA ghosts and spirits are part of religious practices)
I know about the religious practices part. I think you're misinterpreting it because it's possible any patient could think their alters are demons. If what you said is true then academic professionals would not even bother diagnosing a good percentage of patients. Just because someone says something doesn't make it true. Just because someone describes an alter as a spirit does not make their diagnoses a religion.

As far as entering the body, I've read many accounts of alters living in a virtual reality, a heaven like place that all of the alters create. In fact there is/was a popular girl on YouTube who's alters do that. Also it is well know that alters can learn to send mental messages to the host, which can be perceived as sound. So there's no reason why an alter can learn the ability to send visual images to the host as well, which could be perceived by the host as an alter being outside of the body. To set such a limit is ridiculous. Are there academics who would set such a limit. Sure. There are academics who believe the Earth is flat. I personally can't imagine an academic setting such a limit on an alter. At least not an intelligent notable academic.

Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
Dissociative alters are the kind that are linked to dissociating. example in order for my dissociative type alters to have taken control I would have had to be triggered by something, then because of being triggered my brain did its dissociative process of flight/ fight response making me feel numb, spaced out disconnected. then which ever alter who's sense of agency (a new diagnostic term for dissociative type alters) was to talk care of that trigger would take control to handle that situation or emotion for me.

when my alters didnt take control any more that meant 2 things... 1 that I was perfectly capable of handling my triggers and life so that there was no need for my brain to do the dissociation process. that it was time for me to handle my own problems. and 2 because the alters were no longer there as separate identities stored in my unconsciousness.
I used to think that alters faded away. I talked about this possibility, but admit that even academics have no tools to know for sure.

Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
DID was not some thing that I could choose to be and I could not control whether my alters from having dissociative disorders would take control when and which one. for me it all worked on the fact that I had a dissociative disorder and my triggers caused me to dissociate/ have my dissociation symptoms which in turn caused my dissociative alters to take control.
Of course, but I've learned that it's a skill. It's possible to take control. It's possible to make alters fade, although for me it takes a long time, about 1/2 year. It's even possible to create alters. I've done it and studied the process.

Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
like I said there are many different alters.
Exactly! That's what I said, that within a 100 years from now academics will have a much better understanding of what's happening and will surely have a vast categorical list of different types of alters, or who knows what they'll call them in a 100 years. I'm betting that that "spirits" will be included in that list as a type of alter.

Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
example with my bipolar disorder anxiety disorder and so on I had psychotic induced alters, medication induced alters......these too I could not ask them to take control they were not spirits and ghosts that you see in movies jumping into peoples bodies.

my suggestion is if this continues to bother you talk with your treatment providers. they will be able to explain in more detail about various kinds of alters, which kind you have and in turn answer your questions as they pertain to you and your belief system / culture and so on.
Actually I reached the point where I can help myself more than some academic who spends 30 minutes with me per week, and I'm more interested in studying and researching it. I'm now nearly 100% convinced that everyone has people living inside their brain who have their own unique personalities. Yes, when academics around the world get the courage to start tackling the more religions & spiritual aspects of this phenomenon they will discover what I've seen, and then religions around the world are going to collapse. Oh wow, I can't imagine. Idk, mixed thoughts on that. Maybe it is best to leave it alone. Can you imagine if academics release evidence backed by brain scanning tools that shows spirit voices, include alters that play the role of God, are just alters. Most humans seem to be extremely emotionally fragile creatures. Maybe they need their religion. Even so, I absolutely refuse to let myself lie to people and myself by playing some role I start pretending this is all not real. Truth seekers must continue seeking truth. I for one have lost my religion and then spirituality nearly a decade ago. It was like a nuclear bomb going off. I survived, better off. Truth is best!!!!

Anyhow, I can't emphasize enough how wrong it is to say it's not an alter for the reason that an alter has learned the skill of projecting images to you. Just because someone sees a "spirit" in front of them does not mean that spirit is there outside of them. It's happening inside their brain. It is a skill, just as learning Out of Body projection and travel is a learn skill. I myself have learned to project images and scenes to my alters. My alters know how to project the same to me in addition to voices. I've heard countless accounts of alters being able to communicate with host. This knowledge may not be in the latest DID diagnoses, but that doesn't mean it's not true. The DSM changes & updates over time. Give it a few decades.
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Default Apr 14, 2019 at 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by stahrgeyzer View Post
I think amandalouose edited the post because that large post was not there as well when I read the thread. Thanks for catching the post. Now I'll read it and reply.
no I did not edit my post.

just a bit of info...
when people edit their posts you will see at the bottom of the post the words "edit by" and the name of who did the edit and the reason why the post has been edited.

Last edited by FooZe; Apr 14, 2019 at 02:59 PM.. Reason: administrative edit to bring within guidelines
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Default Apr 14, 2019 at 09:55 AM
BTW you have to understand the reason for the US adding the religious practice part. The only reason for diagnosing a person is if it's causing them problems or pain, and it's accepted that generally speaking religious are to help people, not harm them. But that does not mean they don't have an alter. There are good alters, bad alters, very very good alters, etc. If an alter was created thinking it is God or Jesus or Mary, and it's soul purpose is to help the host, and the alter never takes control of the hosts body and does nothing bad except to on occasion send messages of love and support, then IMO most people would see that as a good thing so long as the host wants it and has no problems with it. That my friend is a religion, but in my firm opinion is most likely an alter. Is is possible that there's some kind of a God or super being and that some people are actually communicating with that being? Sure, it's possible. A true truth seeker is always open to all possibilities.

During my spiritual years I've had plenty of deity alters, God, Jesus, Mary, Archangel Michael, countless angels, even some ETs. But then again, by now you surely understand that I have an extended more flexible definition of the term "alter."
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