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Default Dec 14, 2018 at 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
Well the marriage as we know it today is a product of organised religion or church. Its them who used to limit our freedom for centuries, its their legacy that the society still uses to limit us so yes, theres nothing right about the organised religion.

Reminds me of a quote that I think was attributed to Napolean Bonaparte but I could be wrong.

"There must be Religion, otherwise the poor would murder the rich".

Regardless of who originally said it, the words couldn't be more true.
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Default Dec 14, 2018 at 10:27 PM
and each other. I know nothing of you and me and what came to be, I only know of you and me and in between
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 02:17 AM
I probably went too far with this topic. I tend to go overboard when talking about things that deeply interest me.

OP and me think kinda alike it seems. I almost never get to talk to people that have similar opinions as I do. Most people give me grief for thinking how I do and being the way I am.

So yeah, my apologies. Making enemies and upsetting people on here is counterproductive. I'll tone it down a notch.
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
I probably went too far with this topic. I tend to go overboard when talking about things that deeply interest me.

OP and me think kinda alike it seems. I almost never get to talk to people that have similar opinions as I do. Most people give me grief for thinking how I do and being the way I am.

So yeah, my apologies. Making enemies and upsetting people on here is counterproductive. I'll tone it down a notch.
Well heres the thing: I believe that more developed people absolutely dont care what anyone thinks about them, their actions and their opinions.

You said it yourself: you have been yourself in this topic but then you turtle and apologize, while you have done nothing wrong on any level.

Hey its fine I guess 😊

To everyone: lets not be sad, its weekend and all!

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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post

All my mother wanted to do was have absolute control of my life. She literally lied to the doctors, telling them I had all of these mental health issues that I didn't have so they would prescribe me 8-9 different medications that I didn't need just so I would be easier to control. When I wouldn't bend to her will, she would have me locked up in psych wards just so she could be in control of me.

Well, I eventually caught onto her B.S and started learning all that I could from books and the internet. I was forced to self teach myself the skills that I know today because she didn't want to teach me how to survive in the real world. I self taught myself what I know about manipulation, hacking, money, among other things. Finally, her health started failing since she was diagnosed with lung cancer. By then, I had learned enough to outwit and deceive her. She had no more power over me. She couldn't overpower me physically and she couldn't do **** to me when I wasn't in the house.

I found such irony to be utterly delightful

What a disgusting mother dude! Its that type of a commoner woman who would have her kid lobotomized "for his benefit". It looks like you were a bright unusual kid.

Being a survivor and maybe an outlaw is amazing. Hey you know that.

Last edited by Inaccurate; Dec 15, 2018 at 07:56 AM..
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
Well heres the thing: I believe that more developed people absolutely dont care what anyone thinks about them, their actions and their opinions.

You said it yourself: you have been yourself in this topic but then you turtle and apologize, while you have done nothing wrong on any level.

Hey its fine I guess 😊

To everyone: lets not be sad, its weekend and all!

It's not that I care about what people on here think because I really don't, it's more of a matter of having enough self awareness to know how I am when I get started on topics like this. If I start debating, I typically have to win no matter what which pisses a lot of people off and might affect my reasons for being here. When I was last here before I fell off the face of the earth a year ago, I had several enemies and mods got onto me a lot because I didn't give a **** about anyone or anything but what I wanted. PC eventually started being a threat to my mental health so I backed off.

So yeah, I have my own reasons for coming back and I have my own motives for toning it down on potentially controversial debates. I won't say much more than that
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
What a disgusting mother dude! Its that type of a commoner woman who would have her kid lobotomized "for his benefit". It looks like you were a bright unusual kid.

Being a survivor and maybe an outlaw is amazing. Hey you know that.

In a rather twisted way, I'm grateful to her though. If it wasn't for her forcing me to learn things myself and find my own way to survive, I would probably be one of those commoners you speak of.

No, I never had a mother's love nor have I ever knew love from anybody, however, I wouldn't trade the knowledge that I've learned over the years for such meaningless things like love and intimacy.

I feel kinda like a Warlock or Necromancer from a fantasy based RPG that sold their soul for forbidden knowledge in a sense lol.

But yeah, love is overrated.
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
In a rather twisted way, I'm grateful to her though. If it wasn't for her forcing me to learn things myself and find my own way to survive, I would probably be one of those commoners you speak of.

No, I never had a mother's love nor have I ever knew love from anybody, however, I wouldn't trade the knowledge that I've learned over the years for such meaningless things like love and intimacy.

Love is overrated.
Hmm this is a bit sad. Personally I have received and given lots of love in my life. In fact when Im in that crazy insane state I usually even enjoy giving it.

And its not overrated at all. It can be an inspiration to create stuff, to make money and to improve yourself as well. In fact its an amazing product that unfortunately is a rarity. There were two irrational encounters in my life and with both of these girls I couldnt lie or manipulate them, in fact I couldnt even troll or offend them.
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
Hmm this is a bit sad. Personally I have received and given lots of love in my life. In fact when Im in that crazy insane state I usually even enjoy giving it.

And its not overrated at all. It can be an inspiration to create stuff, to make money and to improve yourself as well. In fact its an amazing product that unfortunately is a rarity. There were two irrational encounters in my life and with both of these girls I couldnt lie or manipulate them, in fact I couldnt even troll or offend them.

I understand that love is important. After all, we wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for love.

However, I don't place such an importance on love. Yes, love would be great to have, and there are times where I genuinely want to be loved.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I even how to love. I'm not good with intimacy and bonding with people. I find dating discomforting and draining. Not to mention, the only women I ever attract and feel I can relate to at all seem to be borderliners and narcissists.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm an idiot with people because I'm not. Keeping a mask on and socializing is draining for me. After about 2-3 hours of socializing, I feel mentally fatigued like I just took a big exam. Combine that with difficulties with feeling empathy and connecting with people, and dating or bonding with people becomes a huge challenge.

I've just an ice cold person that has trouble forming lasting fulfilling relationships with people.
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
I understand that love is important. After all, we wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for love.

However, I don't place such an importance on love. Yes, love would be great to have, and there are times where I genuinely want to be loved.
"Loving" someone comes naturally when there is a click.
Personally I like every step of the process. From spotting the right girl (she cant be physically repulsive), and starting a conversation. If the girl knows how to create suspense, intrigue, maintain mystery, engage in push/pull cycles and if she has an interesting, developed personality then a very interesting game can follow. I dont really like sex for various reasons but for some reason, rarely, I can experience periods of strong passion and sex. I have had several of such periods in my life, each lasting for several months.

However being in my asexual, not romantic, not caring facet is how I like it often as well.

I've just an ice cold person that has trouble forming lasting fulfilling relationships with people.

Most of them are not worth even talking to.
Let me ask you this, and obviously this is rhetorical: how many commoners can make you think? By "thinking" I dont mean something negative like "stfu and leave me alone" but maintaining a conversation that makes you wonder and reevaluate certain things. Like offering you a prospective that you yourself never had for some reason. Most people can not do that to me so I simply ignore them since you are totally right about them being draining and overall useless. I mean in general.
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post

Most of them are not worth even talking to.
Let me ask you this, and obviously this is rhetorical: how many commoners can make you think? By "thinking" I dont mean something negative like "stfu and leave me alone" but maintaining a conversation that makes you wonder and reevaluate certain things. Like offering you a prospective that you yourself never had for some reason. Most people can not do that to me so I simply ignore them since you are totally right about them being draining and overall useless. I mean in general.

You make a valid point.

Unfortunately, IDK where to meet more open-minded intelligent people like the kind of women you speak of.

It also doesn't help that I live in a southern conservative Bible belt state in the U.S as an open minded free-thinking atheist. I've met maybe 3 people in this state that I can have intelligent conversations with. All 3 of them were other guys who have had some kind of abusive or tragic past. Only one of them I still talk regularly with. He's this death metal artist who makes music that speaks out against the corruption in the system and has these off the wall theories about the world that really make you think.

But yeah, I only stay in the state because the cost of living is very low (a large 1 bedroom apartment costs me under $500 a month) and I'm saving money and getting to where I can make stable money off my little online business ventures so that I can support myself without having to work a regular job in a higher cost of living city/state with more open minded people so maybe I can meet more women like you speak of.
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post

Unfortunately, IDK where to meet more open-minded intelligent people like the kind of women you speak of.
Unusual people are rare and finding them isnt evident but they do exist.

It also doesn't help that I live in a southern conservative Bible belt state in the U.S as an open minded free-thinking atheist.
oh, I was discussing the Borat church scene only a week ago with someone, thinking that some Ameircan churches are way too ****ed up lol.

I've met maybe 3 people in this state that I can have intelligent conversations with.

All 3 of them were other guys who have had some kind of abusive or tragic past.
in my experience not every unusual person is damaged too much, although we are all damaged to an extent.

But yeah, I only stay in the state because the cost of living is very low (a large 1 bedroom apartment costs me under $500 a month) and I'm saving money and getting to where I can make stable money off my little online business ventures so that I can support myself without having to work a regular job in a higher cost of living city/state with more open minded people so maybe I can meet more women like you speak of.
try selling real estate, most agencies will pay 4-5-6 percent to the middleman if you can find clients for them. Just a tip to make some lazy money. This may require running a facebook group and telling them lots of bs but at the end, each sale can make you 20-30k
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 06:13 PM
You might find some interesting information here:
I should add for people who don't like to click links that the video discusses narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy.

Last edited by IceCreamKid; Dec 15, 2018 at 06:27 PM..
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Default Dec 15, 2018 at 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
try selling real estate, most agencies will pay 4-5-6 percent to the middleman if you can find clients for them. Just a tip to make some lazy money. This may require running a facebook group and telling them lots of bs but at the end, each sale can make you 20-30k

If I recall though, real estate requires a substantial upfront investment.

I'm currently working a method that has the potential to make me well over 5 figures a month. It would take about 2-3 months for me to build it up so I am just focused on surviving until then.

If I'm successful, I stand to be a millionaire before I'm 30.

Done with this being broke crap. People who say money can't buy happiness are full of **** lol
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Unhappy Dec 16, 2018 at 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by IceCreamKid View Post
You might find some interesting information here:
I should add for people who don't like to click links that the video discusses narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy.

This is an excellent video and explanation. Just what I needed to hear.
Even if I can't distinguish between them, I know I don't want to be in the same room with either of those personality types.
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Default Dec 16, 2018 at 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by IceCreamKid View Post
You might find some interesting information here:
I should add for people who don't like to click links that the video discusses narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy.
Thanks Ice for sharing.

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Default Dec 16, 2018 at 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
If I recall though, real estate requires a substantial upfront investment.

I'm currently working a method that has the potential to make me well over 5 figures a month. It would take about 2-3 months for me to build it up so I am just focused on surviving until then.

If I'm successful, I stand to be a millionaire before I'm 30.

Done with this being broke crap. People who say money can't buy happiness are full of **** lol
Its not what I meant no. Here in Europe real estate agencies offer you a healthy commission if you can find clients for the properties they are selling. Thats what I meant.
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Default Dec 16, 2018 at 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
Its not what I meant no. Here in Europe real estate agencies offer you a healthy commission if you can find clients for the properties they are selling. Thats what I meant.

Ahh, I see.

I would consider your method if I didn't already have my own method I'm working on.

Thanks tho
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Default Dec 16, 2018 at 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
Its not what I meant no. Here in Europe real estate agencies offer you a healthy commission if you can find clients for the properties they are selling. Thats what I meant.
I think he is talking about being a real estate agent. It really isn't that hard to become one and if you get a commission on a real estate listing you get like 5%. So your listing is 400,000 and you get $20,000. Do that one or two times and you have a solid base.

I have skimmed the entire thread and I don't think anyone here is a narcissist or any of the other demeaning words that have been used. I think the simple truth is that there is a subset of the population that is just smarter. I don't say that in a nasty way.. it just is. I don't want to be able to look at the budget of my condo and know instantly that it is off and how to fix it when everyone else is just trying to figure out what it is.. I just do. When I say that with pride I shouldn't be called a narcissist.

I don't want to see that marriage and (frankly) relationships at this point in time are a zero net gain for me. I just do. That doesn't make me a sociopath.

I don't want to look at the state of the world today and see that most people are utter sheeple who are either unable or unwilling to think critically, I just do.

I wish there was a message board for us or one place where we could gather and just talk freely for greater knowledge. In fact I find it a bit of a conspiracy that you really can't find such a message board out there.

I used to hang out on a message board with people I thought I shared commonalities. But they were all emotional people and anytime I tried to have any sort of smart conversation they emoted their hysterics at me. I always had to keep my mouth shut and do what they wanted. No one wanted to critically examine anything or have any life view that wasn't vetted by some authority -- an authority I already considered a joke. Threads would be started about my profession and when I would come in with actual knowledge on things they wouldn't listen to me because it didn't fit with their emotional world view.

I ended up putting a lot of that focus into my health and finances and both

I am tired of not being me and the best me that I can be because it is going to cause someone else hurt feelings or others are going to have to "bring me down" by calling me a name.

If it means and it usually does that people aren't going to love me or get along with me or want to talk with me.. well, that is the price I need to pay. But I am done trading me for *pretend* friends who only tolerate me as long as I do what they want.
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Default Dec 16, 2018 at 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Emily Fox Seaton View Post
I have skimmed the entire thread and I don't think anyone here is a narcissist or any of the other demeaning words that have been used. I think the simple truth is that there is a subset of the population that is just smarter. I don't say that in a nasty way.. it just is. I don't want to be able to look at the budget of my condo and know instantly that it is off and how to fix it when everyone else is just trying to figure out what it is.. I just do. When I say that with pride I shouldn't be called a narcissist.

Thanks for your words of wisdom.

I am quite frankly, tired of people judging me because my brain is wired differently. I've had to deal with people treating me worse than **** my whole life because I'm different. Because I like computers, video games, and books more than people, I had to endure being abused and bullied most of my life for being "different".

I'm not a bad person who goes out using and hurting people by any means, yet because I am a little bit cunning, prefer cold logic most of the time, and have had to do shady things just to survive (not that I wanted to but had no other way to survive since my mother didn't teach me the skills I needed to survive in the real world and I had no help), people sometimes think I'm some kind of sociopath.

I don't have any desire or intention to hurt anybody. If anything, as I said in one of my earlier replies, I care about the majority of people too little to want to hurt them. Yes, wanting to hurt people requires one to care about said people enough to want to hurt them; I don't even have that level of care for the majority of people. I didn't choose to be this way either; I am the way I am because I had to endure such horrific abuse as a child that I was forced to become a bit of a heartless person to survive in the world.

Anyways, the point of my ranting is to help educate those who might be observing this thread so they might realize that maybe having people who think differently than you isn't such a bad thing? After all, if there weren't people like me and the OP in this world, you wouldn't have smartphones, computers, internet, or even a car for that matter.

/rant off
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