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Default Dec 29, 2018 at 03:18 PM
Personally I value the truth. I always go to amazon or yelp and look at the negative reviews first. If I see two similar detailed posts, I will know there is a problem.

But often, when I do the same for people, post a detailed review of something that is negative (but not even that negative) people HATE IT.

A hobby I have is posting reviews of movies that don't have a ton of reviews on IMBD. I always try to be detailed and fair and just state the facts.

But I always get "not helpful" votes.

It seems to me most people don't want to know the truth. When I post a positive review (5 stars) I always get a lot of helpful votes.

Just seems odd.
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Default Dec 29, 2018 at 06:42 PM
I 'm with you....I believe in telling it like it is or like I have experienced it & I want to gear the good, the bad & the ugly about whatever so I can make an educated choice.

Lots of people want to learn the hard way themselves then complain about it. (If only they had researched)....that is their problem. Maybe some day they will learn...but it is their choice as much as it is our choice to educate ourselves.

I have always said their are a lot of ostriches with their head stuck in the sand around us.


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Default Dec 30, 2018 at 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by eskielover View Post
I have always said their are a lot of ostriches with their head stuck in the sand around us.
Yup... but something that puzzles me all the more is that some people, it seems, are simply unable of critically looking at something. It seems people see something, it does its job and then, the decide that just doing the job is a 10 on a scale of 1-10.

Like they are not even capable of seeing the truth or purposefully lie because they feel that they should give a good review. Like it is a bad thing to state the truth?
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Default Dec 30, 2018 at 07:22 PM
Sometimes it’s how the message is conveyed, rather than what was conveyed. I own a small business and I value feedback. I would obviously prefer negative feedback delivered to me directly rather than posted on social media, so I have a chance to fix the situation.

What is the purpose of your negative feedback? If it’s just a hobby, I would encourage you to re-examine what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Usually when people give negative feedback it’s because they want to use that business again, but they also want their concerns heard and resolved.

I can’t imagine having nothing better to do than go online giving businesses negative feedback just because I can. No one is perfect, we all have our bad days. If you have a bad experience, try to resolve it with the company before going to social media.
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Default Dec 30, 2018 at 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by piggy momma View Post
What is the purpose of your negative feedback? If it’s just a hobby, I would encourage you to re-examine what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Usually when people give negative feedback it’s because they want to use that business again, but they also want their concerns heard and resolved. If you have a bad experience, try to resolve it with the company before going to social media.
See I completely do not see it this way. Most companies just want you to shut up. So if you go to them with the problem they will just yes you to death and go on to do it to someone else. The only way to makes sure they can't do it to anyone else is for YOU to state what happened to you, in public.

Yes, this is my hobby. There is nothing more delightful than going to a business that has a zillion 5 star reviews (by who I do not know) and blowing the whistle. I always just state the facts and let other people decide.

I also do this for movies. Far too often it seems do I see insanely positive reviews of a just horrible movie. I enjoy blowing the whistle.

If I do go to a good business/ movie I am happy to state that too.
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Default Dec 30, 2018 at 07:39 PM
I saw a couple of really bad doctors and I felt it was my duty to leave negative reviews to prevent other patients from seeing them. I don't know if people will actually read the reviews, but I am trying to save them from incompetent doctors.
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Default Dec 30, 2018 at 09:54 PM
This thread kinda reminds me of how I got back at my old apartment complex for treating me like ****.

When I moved out Oct 2018, I was trying to get my deposit back. I went out of my way to clean the apartment spotless before I left them the key even. When it came time to get my deposit back, they made every excuse not to deliver. I waited patiently for a few weeks then called them. Kept getting excuse like "oh the manager is sick", never could get a straight answer about when I am getting my check or even if I'm getting it. Then the people that worked there had the nerve to continuously put me on hold and hang up on me which REALLY pissed me off. I wrote a detailed review on Google and Yelp telling in detail every single thing that is wrong the the apartments (the apartments had a LOT of issues). I also told the world how I was treated. I ended up getting my review featured and top rated on Google. Bet they hate their lives now.

But yeah, only time I write a review is if it's about something either really bad or really good. Most times I am too lazy to write a review. Also I prefer to fix my own issues whenever possible (such as when I buy tech stuff). If you treat me bad enough for me to want to take action, watch out because I could ruin your business if I so desired.
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Default Jan 03, 2019 at 09:10 AM
Good points above.

I'd like to add though that some people might see or hear a truthful statement as a personal slight on themselves. I doubt many people wish to hear something that is a negative reflection on them. It means having to acknowledge a situation or character flaw.

I DO fill out comment sheets and post honest reviews of products and services too. I almost feel like I am duty bound to do so. I notice too that they aren't as well received as the positive comments and I have gotten some hurtful posts in response - usually from the company or firm involved. Note, I will also make my displeasure known directly to the company too. It isn't about raking them through the coals rather about an honest review.

And, btw, I don't understand why a company would invite reviews if they are not prepared to get bad ones. In a way isn't it their own fault to then get them in such a public manner?
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 11:09 AM
heres why I dont read and rely on the reviews I find , dont even read them....

whats good to one person is not good to another... we all have different reasons why we are looking for something, a movie, a book, a doctor.... my reasons for finding things may not be another persons reasons.

anyone can be any one online. just because a person does a review for a movie, book or treatment provider does not mean they actually have personal experience in reading that book, seeing that movie or being that treatment providers client.

Any one who is writing reviews can have alterior motives for doing so, there are companies like telemarketing that hires people to do reviews and it doesnt matter what they say in the review, they just have to put in their hours like any other job or show proof that they wrote so many reviews that day. some do depend upon getting results for payment but again there is nothing stopping someone from logging on as another person and clicking like on the reviews to jack up their pay (not saying you do this, just that I know someone who;s job is to do that jack up the reviews so that this or that gets priority that day)

I consider reviews like those tv commercials or inline ads and telemarketers. they are annoying and I will make up my own mind based on why I am going to see that movie, read that book or buy that product. ...

let me give you an example...one time I was looking online for a movie to take my children to.. the reviews said it was a great family movie, its horrid, its ok..... good thing I go see movies before I take my children to it because despite what all the fantastically worded reviews were saying was far wrong for me and my family. for my family I found it to be a very distasteful movie, and the animation to be choppy, sloppy and would not have held my childrens interests. I am guessing a great many of the reviews for that movie was not one where the reviews had actually spent their money to go see. more than one review didnt contain any real elements from the movie other than the trailer and what you find online.

my suggestion is not to worry about how others dont mark your reviews with stars. most people dont mark reviews. they find what they are looking for then get offline and go but that item, go see that movie and so on or not based on what they want to do in their own lives. everyone has different reasons why they are looking for what ever they are looking for and its not gonig to match up with reviews any way.

if you get paid per ratings my suggestion is before making a review of each movie take time to actually go see the movies then write a review that is different than the millions of other reviews out there. put into your reviews something about things that most people would put into it, no trailer info, be different. someone I know spends about 400 a month actually seeing movies in theaters, then writing reviews that are totally different than what most reviews contain. they find that obscure moment in the movie that has not been in the trailers, commercials or clips on youtube. and writes something about that. this is how they get the max stars every time.
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 02:47 PM
Also most people that make many of these reviews are idiots.

There is a reason why there are so few people with a high IQ compared to those with low IQ. If the majority of people posting online reviews are average or below average, than the quality of the reviews are going to me understandably low.

I do my own research most of the time on stuff. I'm not in any way swayed by commercials or ads. I don't watch regular TV anymore and stream or torrent everything because I don't want to pay a premium to be advertised to. I run ad blockers on all my browsers that I disable only if I'm on a non profit site or a smaller YouTube channel that I like. I also run a global ad blocker on my smartphone that blocks ads from all apps.

I also almost never write reviews simply because I'm lazy and don't really care. The time I spend writing a review could be spent doing something that interests or benefits me. The only exception is when I am treated extremely good or extremely bad by a business (that apartment example in my previous reply is an example of the latter).

Last edited by Anonymous52222; Jan 04, 2019 at 05:14 PM..
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
I also almost never write reviews simply because I'm lazy and don't really care. The time I spend writing a review could be spent doing something that interests or benefits me. The only exception is when I am treated extremely good or extremely bad by a business (that apartment example in my previous reply is an example of the latter).
I usually do it at work.

But, I always try to provide detail in my reviews so people can decide for themselves if it is something that would bother them. And I always think I will get positive feed back, but usually, not. Honestly I wonder sometimes if people don't like to read.

While I find a lot of reviews to be vague (I presume that they are paid for their services).

There is a reason why there are so few people with a high IQ compared to those with low IQ. If the majority of people posting online reviews are average or below average, than the quality of the reviews are going to me understandably low.
Yeh it is really getting bad out there. People are so... dull. I really don't think of myself as smart but I swear to god most of the time I feel like I am from another planet.
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Emily Fox Seaton View Post
While I find a lot of reviews to be vague (I presume that they are paid for their services).

As somebody that used to sell a lot online, I can confirm that buying feedback is easier and cheaper than you might think.

I built one of my eBay accounts up by posting cheap useless junk from dollar tree, posting said items as a charity auction while charging more money for shipping fees than what the item at the store costs and putting on the item description that I am a new seller and trying to earn positive feedback. I basically got paid to support charity and got free positive feedback and 5 star detailed seller ratings for nothing.

Yet, I left out the fact that said account was my third one and I got my main account banned for opening multiple Amazon prime accounts and selling stuff from Amazon on eBay for a profit. I would announce free same day handling and 2 day shipping and people couldn't resist. I would get a bunch of prepaid visa gift cards and order the products directly to my customers from Amazon. The moment the 30 day free prime trial wore off I would close said account and move on to avoid paying the $99 per year fee. I made 4 grand a month in profit with under 10 hours of actual work a week doing this before eBay shut me down LOL

Also there are services on places like blackhatworld for black hat internet marketers to sell feedback. They typically charge several dollars for a perfect review either on eBay or Amazon or on your own e-commerce site via Google or Yelp.
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
As somebody that used to sell a lot online, I can confirm that buying feedback is easier and cheaper than you might think.
Yes I remember a restaurant got caught doing that on craigslist (getting paid fake positive reviewers). It seems obvious to spot the fake reviews though because they typically offer no detail.
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Emily Fox Seaton View Post
Yes I remember a restaurant got caught doing that on craigslist (getting paid fake positive reviewers). It seems obvious to spot the fake reviews though because they typically offer no detail.

That's not always the case.

Some of the better services that sell fake positive reviews go into detail about the product or service.

Granted I do admit it is a bit easier to make use of fake positive reviews on a site like eBay or an Amazon seller account than it would be for somewhere like a restaurant. Still though, it is entirely possible for anywhere to get fake reviews and avoid detection if they're smart about it.
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 07:18 PM
Also, there are plenty of bots out there you can get for cheap that can write reviews. You can even get bots that bypass Capchas entirely and post a positive feedback message of your choice. Also, this is a method you can use to do the opposite and flood a business with negative feedback (which was why I said earlier that I could ruin a business if I wanted to). These bots aren't that expensive to obtain either.
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Default Jan 04, 2019 at 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Emily Fox Seaton View Post
Personally I value the truth. I always go to amazon or yelp and look at the negative reviews first. If I see two similar detailed posts, I will know there is a problem.

But often, when I do the same for people, post a detailed review of something that is negative (but not even that negative) people HATE IT.

A hobby I have is posting reviews of movies that don't have a ton of reviews on IMBD. I always try to be detailed and fair and just state the facts.

But I always get "not helpful" votes.

It seems to me most people don't want to know the truth. When I post a positive review (5 stars) I always get a lot of helpful votes.

Just seems odd.

I think you’re right. People tend to dislike the truth.
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Default Jan 05, 2019 at 06:49 AM
I'm bummed to hear about all this fake review stuff. I read reviews and use them when purchasing on amazon. I know you can buy them but I thought it was limited to the bigger companies and not your average joe. I will have to read up on how to spot them.

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Default Jan 05, 2019 at 07:15 AM
I agree, Emili Fox Seaton. I think it's important to be kind but truthful. Sending many hugs to everyone
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Default Jan 05, 2019 at 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
I'm bummed to hear about all this fake review stuff. I read reviews and use them when purchasing on amazon. I know you can buy them but I thought it was limited to the bigger companies and not your average joe. I will have to read up on how to spot them.

If you're curious about fake reviews, start with a site called blackhatworld.com. Haven't used them in awhile but last time I did, there were listings in the marketplace for cheap purchasable feedback. Warriorforum.com is another similar place where such a service might be available. Also Fiverr used to (and might still) have people that would sell feedback for cheap (I even used such a service on one of my eBay accounts).

Been a few years since I dabbled in this to any great lengths but I'm sure such services still exist.
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Default Jan 13, 2019 at 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Emily Fox Seaton View Post
Personally I value the truth. I always go to amazon or yelp and look at the negative reviews first. If I see two similar detailed posts, I will know there is a problem.

But often, when I do the same for people, post a detailed review of something that is negative (but not even that negative) people HATE IT.

A hobby I have is posting reviews of movies that don't have a ton of reviews on IMBD. I always try to be detailed and fair and just state the facts.

But I always get "not helpful" votes.

It seems to me most people don't want to know the truth. When I post a positive review (5 stars) I always get a lot of helpful votes.

Just seems odd.
Don't know your age but you don't sound like a kid. I too have always been a straight shooter and want the same in return. My take- it's hard for people to hear the truth because it upsets their own 'world' view, causes them to have to think beyond where they're at.
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