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Default Feb 06, 2012 at 01:37 PM
Get an education, get a car, get a house with a mortgage, have kids, spend 30-40 years paying the mortgage off and then die.

Is there a lesson in life? Or is the lesson that the only thing that matters is that we spread are genes and nothing else does matter? Morals, conscience, guilt and love. Why does it matter to have these things. You and I won't be around a 100 years from now so why the **** does it matter?

People just bore me. You can't be free in this world. There's no such thing as freedom. Society says you're free to do what you want. Really? I'm free to do what I want? I have to suppress the real me just to conform to society. I will age, wither and die and never will I truly have lived. The truth is I will live a lie, and I suspect I'm not the only one. I am admittedly a coward. But it's either be a coward or destroy myself even more in the long run.

So I guess I have to achieve those meaningless goals of getting a house, and working my life to pay it off until some day I keel over. How depressing, to know my choices in life are limited.

Time is my biggest enemy in this world.
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Indie'sOK, Justme_55

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Default Feb 06, 2012 at 01:49 PM
I've felt that before. When I first signed the mortgage for our property, I thought it might as well be a coffin. I was going to wait to die in it. I don't know what changed. I don't have any magic advice. I did get beyond that mindset. I enjoy my life, though it is like I "wait to die" here, if I choose to look at it that way. I mean, I was content living without a job or responsabilities. I had to choose between my birth family and that way of living. I choose my birth family. Sometimes I regret the choice, but it was my choice, I own it. It was difficult adjusting, but I've adjusted. I hope this story helps. Been there... peace of mind to you
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Default Feb 06, 2012 at 01:59 PM
Freedom.....Well, some parts of the world are freer than others. I mean, in the USA or EU, you may have problems finding job and adjusting and whatnot, but for most of the parts, you will not get killed for being different. Not greeting your Party Member neighbor will not wreck your life.

Been born to communist totalitarian country and heard too many stories. Ffs, LPs with rock music were smuggled as if they were drugs..........

so somewhere we are better off. We can chose not to be part of the system (of course they will call you various names. A radical, a liberal, fanatical, criminal........ (or ODD, since we cain't have anarchists no more).

To be honest I guess I prefer self-destruction, hoping I will leave cracks in the concrete walls in the process. And plant seed or two. I seriously contemplaining of being a free women professionally, live in few countries and never settle... or at least not anytime soon (but who knows. I wish I had more courage as well. I totally get what you mean about social control. Family. They'd worry if I went wandering off to far off lands with bad internet connection. One needs money and times of Kerouac are past. And I am not manually skilled and being travelling stripper is exactly not what I want to be).

I don't know. Maybe we all should rebel, little by little, starting today. Do something for yourself. Stand for yourself a bit. Enjoy the moment. Tell random stranger they are really pretty. Anything.

The world is what we create.... and revolutions don't have to happen on a large-scale state level.

Glory to heroes!


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Indie'sOK, Onward2wards
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Default Feb 06, 2012 at 09:12 PM
so, lycanthrope, who is the real you? please tell us who you are so that we can understand you better. what will add meaning to your life that you do not feel free to do?
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Default Feb 07, 2012 at 12:45 AM
It' s the other things that happen in the meantime that make life not boring. To me they are magic moments , a friend of mine calls them glimses of the eternal.
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Default Feb 07, 2012 at 01:01 AM
Time is on my side oh yes it is!
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Default Feb 07, 2012 at 01:18 AM
My boring life captures laughter and fumbles, dog vs squirrel, those things that are missed by living an exciting lifestyle. .
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Default Feb 07, 2012 at 01:57 AM
Lycan, a lot of these choices that seems boring are made for our personal security, so we choose security over more meaningful stuff like adventure, fun, etc.

But I think we can still live a fulfilling life with a mortgage and a family.

What do you want to do?
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Default Feb 07, 2012 at 01:31 PM
That is a feeling that has plagued me for some time now. I hope to be extraordinary, but ordinary keep rearing it's ugly head.
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Default Feb 07, 2012 at 04:42 PM
When I was younger, I used to think like this. There's nothing wrong with the way you think or feel. But what I've come to realize is that there is no truthful answer to what our purpose is, that is, if there even is a purpose for any of us in the first place. I feel like this is somewhat tied to religion and higher beings, and let me just say that I do believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible. I just find that I have found peace when I stopped looking for an answer. I think you should just live your life to the fullest, as cliche as that may sound. The purpose for me, at least is experience. How peaceful I find it is to just turn down all that background noise of life and listen to the wind blow, and feel it on your cheek, smell the grass or rain, and hear the birds chirping. To me, the people who don't do this, are dead inside. Is life boring? Yes, but it shouldn't be all the time. If it is, you should seek a challenge. I understand what you are saying that the majority of people do the same things, and yes that can also be boring, but look to yourself to make the changes needed for some spice.

I know the response was all over the place, so forgive me for my inability to write a coherent post. But I hope this has helped you in even the slightest way.
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Default Feb 07, 2012 at 07:37 PM
Personally I'd like my life to be a little more boring than it currently is. I'd like to finish rehab, find a job that pays enough to live on, find an apartment that I can afford, and live as average a life as possible. I've had my share of excitement, and crisis. I was also fortunate that I was able to afford to travel a lot when I was younger,

If I acheive my goals, I'll be the epitome of boring - a middle aged accountant living in the burbs. But I find meaning in my life in volunteering, in playing music, in knitting, in my friendships, all the ordinary everyday things that I am now healthy enough to do. Yes in a perfect world, I'd like to make enough to be able travel abroad once a year - I still really want to see Petra, but it may take me a few years to regain that level of income.

I'm in a rebuilding phase of my life right now - so ordinary and uneventul, which does not necessarily equate with boring is my goal right now.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

Why are most people happy with a boring existence?
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Default Feb 08, 2012 at 07:57 AM
I'm not sure where you live but there is no law where I live that someone must buy a house. There are plenty of lifestyles that don't involve getting a mortgage. I would discourage anyone from having children if the person doesn't want to maintain a stable home for those children. But otherwise, as long as you are not hurting anyone, do your own thing.
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Default Aug 10, 2017 at 03:28 AM
You are sure right about how boring most people life. But we are able to life how we would like to. Of course sometimes you have to make sure to have some money to be able to do the thing you want. Although at this moment there are also enough opportunities to life with little money so you would not necessarily need a lot.
There are indeed a lot of rules which makes life more difficult then it should be. Most people want security and these rules make that possible for them. Only for the ones which would rather have a life of freedom these rules do harm.
Do not get bothered by them and find your own work around or your advantages from these rules, or decide to follow your own without the security you would normally get. Of course except for those that prevent people from criminal behavior. Not all, but a lot of them makes sense.
I am sure ready to follow my on path. I will start with travelling around the world, doing just exactly what is right for me. I would like to be the digital nomad that can work from anywhere around the world and see lot of different people and cultures. Leaving behind the people that just settle down and meeting a lot of people who also life adventurous, gorgeous and challenging lives.
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Default Aug 10, 2017 at 11:23 PM
This is exactly why I am seeking a more entrepreneurial path in life. I hate working a regular job and working my butt off only to make mere pennies all while being ordered around like a slave and being forced to revolve my life around another person's dreams or company's goals.

I want more and I would rather die than not have it. What's the point of living if you are going to be miserable anyways?

I want to live my life doing things that I'm passionate about. I want to live on my own terms doing what I enjoy and hopefully making this world a little less of a dark and lonely place than it already is. Nothing else will do.
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beauflow, Krow, Maven, Onward2wards
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Default Aug 11, 2017 at 08:26 AM
WHO says you must do these things? WHO says you cannot do more? Why let society dictate to you? I think you need to kick up your heels and wag your tail a bit.
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Default Aug 11, 2017 at 05:24 PM
Maybe they don't think their life is boring or don't know any different.

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Default Aug 12, 2017 at 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by justafriend306 View Post
WHO says you must do these things? WHO says you cannot do more? Why let society dictate to you? I think you need to kick up your heels and wag your tail a bit.
To me it seems like lack of money says you must do these things. To earn money you must get a job. To stay at a job you must get a place to live to stay popular at a job a lot of pressure it put on your to marry and have kids.

I would love to hop on a plane to Europe and commune with monks but no moola to do that.

I would seriously like to know what makes the "muggles" tick. From a young age I had friends that got married at 17 and all they wanted in the world was a family and friends who would drink with them at some horrible little watering hole every Saturday night. And they would do whatever it took to have that. It was a shock to me the moment I found out my sister was one of these and the time she spent not doing this was all biding her time until she could.

I don't think we are seriously able to live our lives as we wish. There is some truth to that but for the most part circumstances conspire and your probably not going to get all of what you want no matter what your choice is.

A really good movie on this was "Ghost World".
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Default Aug 12, 2017 at 10:46 PM
oh.... i was talking to my wife and a friend about this. How most are taught to never ever reach above the social status of your parents because for some it would be a insult to what they have done to give you the best they could. There is also the whole thing with those who have the power hoarding it and doing everything to discourage anyone they see as a threat to take said power and status in society. This may come in form of low pay, telling people they will never be able to do their dreams or pushing a person to do their dreams in a way that they fail hard. In this day and age people are afraid to be outside the box because it's been made clear through theological bs, media propaganda and what have you that those who do not conform are the bad people and all have been told by their parents to not associate with bad people because it will make you a bad person.
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Default Aug 12, 2017 at 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Emily Fox Seaton View Post

A really good movie on this was "Ghost World".
The graphic novel it's based on is really good too and that is one of my top ten movies of all time because of how powerful the message is that most people don't understand.
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Default Aug 13, 2017 at 03:06 AM
Believe me, there is no life that I dread more. When I was little, everyone always noted that I would eventually "grow into it", yet something so bland never piqued my interest, even once I matured. Despite such a repulsion for a life bound by repetitive cycle, I was forced by governed law to pursue this very life -- for the first eighteen years of my life. Not once did any authority or elder ask for my own opinion on how I desired to live my life. Instead, we were all placed into a "one size fits all" mold. Still, I refuse abide by that life style, even if it was the sole knowledge in which I was taught.

Work a nine to five workday within a hierarchical business structure? I shall self employ. Place endless dollars into a home mortgage? Instead, I think I shall travel. There is little knowledge to obtain within utter stagnation, and repetition lacks sophistication. In accordance to what is humanly possible, I retain no greater desire than international exploration. No standard lifestyle will suffice. Ultimately, I desire no single home, no children, no family, no structured occupation, and no routine. The major I chose revolved around the premise of self employment, and the pay should easily cover traveling costs, especially without the burden of children.

So, while I do resent those who mandated my life to waste in the first two decades of my life, I never forfeited my life in the process. Frankly, I despise those who would sacrifice the free will of others for their own notion of "security". While no man has the right to violate the life, liberty, or property of another man, every man should claim full responsibility and authorship of his own life. The guiding hand of the child is the parent, not society nor its legislation.
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