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Old Aug 15, 2013, 09:31 PM
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OK, let me start off by saying I live in Florida. We don't get a lot of opportunity to cross-country ski here.

I found an Elderhostel (educational trips for old farts) for cross-country sking next January. I'm thinking of signing up for it. Anyone have any experience with it that they'd like to share?

Old Aug 15, 2013, 09:34 PM
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haven't seen snow in over 20 years other than pictures ... I did do some cross-country sking a few times before that which was great fun, falls and all

anybody here cross-country ski?

Thanks for this!
Old Aug 15, 2013, 11:32 PM
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Wait... Elderhostel + crosscountry skiing. Give me a minute to process that. Is there a orthopedics clinic just next door?
And why did my font color just change. Look, a SQUIRREL!!!
Okay back now and I see why my font color changed.
Still working on that
Elderhostel + skiing thing. I'll get back to you.
Old Aug 16, 2013, 09:06 AM
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George, Elderhostel has DOWNHILL skiing trips too!
Hugs from:
Old Aug 16, 2013, 02:28 PM
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Yes, I used to cross country a lot. I'm out of shape now, but would dearly love to get back into it.

It's just about the best exercise you can get. You can go fast or slow, you can catch a lot of fresh air and scenery. When you really get going on a straightaway, it can feel like you're flying. It's great.

Make sure all your walking muscles are in good shape before the trip. Some light aerobics can help get you ready for it, too, as you'll want some flexibility incase you do fall. It's a super total-body workout, so be ready to do some deep breathing!

Stay with a buddy, ski in pairs. Wear layers, so you can peel them off as you go (you can get amazingly warm!)...good, UV-blocking sunglasses are a MUST, and sunscreen for lips, nose, and cheeks---you can get windburned and even sunburned pretty fast out there. Also bring a fanny pack and H2O.
Thanks for this!
Old Aug 16, 2013, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by lizardlady View Post
George, Elderhostel has DOWNHILL skiing trips too!
You can ski right into the clinic? Seriously I think it's a great idea. Do it! Print out Museum Ghost's post tho
Maybe take along knee and ankle support
Old Aug 16, 2013, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by lizardlady View Post
I found an Elderhostel (educational trips for old farts) for cross-country sking next January. I'm thinking of signing up for it. Anyone have any experience with it that they'd like to share?
I've only done xc-skiing a few times, but I loved it. Of course, I was younger. I presume you'll be going relatively slowly on relatively flat land if it's for older people. It's possible to use xc-ski equipment on hills, too, and that is more challenging. Do they have a map of the routes you'll be on? How long ism the actual skiing time?
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