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losthawk's Avatar
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Default Jun 11, 2016 at 05:53 PM
So, I screwed up today, In the fact I nearly reversed my car into someone else's. And I cant stop thinking about it or let it go eugh.

But I was leaving train station and there was a parade on so I already didnt know where to go because hey parade down the road hole high street blocked off (the only way i know how to get home from this train station as well was via that road) so i got to top of road and had a bit of a "what the hell do i do now?!" freak out.

In my amazing thinking I decided right lets reverse down this road again its only 10 or so metres so ill try another way out! And i nearly reversed into another guy behind my car in his own car... If he hadnt honked his horn i probaby would have hit him. (I checked the mirrors before and the 1 second of reversing and i didnt see a car there???) My sister was in the car with me and kept saying "you didnt hit him did you?! The car jolted i think you hit him" *i hit the breaks hard that was the jolt me slamming on my breaks* and so on which just got me even more nervous nad agitated cause now I was at the "i need to get out of this situation."

So I didnt see anyone on the road there was a big gap, and i pulled out, forgetting there was a parade, and I ended up in the middle of said parade!!!
I eventually found a road i could slip out onto after having to try find a way out with no diversion signs or signs at all for that matter and got back to the road i needed to be on in the first place.

TLDR: I cant drive, didnt see someone, nearly reversed into them got nervous no damage done drove off, ended up in middle of parade.

Today was one of those days....
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Default Jun 11, 2016 at 06:53 PM
We live and learn. Just do it better next time. If anything, it sounded funny. Could've been a whole crapton worse!

{ Kein Teufel }
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[ `id -u` -eq 0 ] || exit 1
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Michelea's Avatar
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Default Jun 11, 2016 at 07:59 PM
lol, yep, you definitely had one of those days...the ones we wish we could magically make disappear when they happen. Have a few of those myself.

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Default Jun 11, 2016 at 08:21 PM
I'm sure it was no dam fun when it was happening, but your description makes it sound like something from a sit com.

Crappy day for you, but no one was hurt. Cars weren't damaged. Everything was okay in the end. Maybe one day, when the upset of all of it has worn off, you can come up with a great story to tell people about the day you were part of a parade!
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Default Jun 12, 2016 at 08:28 AM
Aww... it does sound like a rough day. I'm glad everyone made it out OK! Did you know that stress can shut down the logical part of your brain, making it even harder to figure out what to do?! Yup. Stress (and surprises when you're driving!) truly suck!

Do you have a GPS or navigation program on your phone? Might be worth looking for one, they can be wonderful when you get detoured and need help finding your way back home! Or, anytime you're trying to find someplace new, really!
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Default Jun 12, 2016 at 08:30 AM
aww, i know that feeling well. hugs to you and glad that no one was injured or serious damage done. all is ok that is what matters.

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Default Jun 12, 2016 at 09:21 AM
Whew! Thank goodness no damage was done or anyone hurt
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