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Thumbs up May 09, 2017 at 05:48 PM
A co-worker shared this video with me today. I LOVE IT! It shows five young girls speaking out about feminism. Be forewarned the language is VERY rough! Hey the title of the video is F-Bombs for Feminism. What do you expect? If the F-bomb and other such words offend, please don't click on the link.

I truly love the little princess in pink. She sounds like me!

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Default May 09, 2017 at 06:48 PM
I've seen a shortened version of that video before! The full thing is awesome! Now, I know kids cursing is "bad" but it definitely got the point across. Sometimes, cursing can be used to add to the message in the same way that it can take away from a message.


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Default May 10, 2017 at 03:11 AM
Yes, I have seen the video before. However, I must note that my opinion of it is notably different than I suspect yours to be. Frankly, I am not particularly fond of political groups featuring young children for persuasive narrative. And not to be too controversial, as I would prefer to avoid a predicament on such a peaceful website, but some of the statistics presented by the video are somewhat misleading. There are innumerable methods in which statistics are capable of being represented-- many of which can support any given side of a debate, but many also tend to be half-truths. Furthermore, within the presentation of statistics, one must be capable of supporting his or her claims through a well-founded study, conducted through a methodology of random sampling of appropriate respective populations. Claims cannot be assuredly staked upon populations not represented within the sample, which is a common projection in modern political studies. Oftentimes the findings are through a small cluster of Ivy League colleges but then inappropriately projected onto the rest of a national or international population, which is deceitful considering the confounding variables and variances to populations that it does not account for. Not to mention, I was not capable of locating their citation database to begin with, meaning that I cannot properly validate studies which are not even provided.

Actually, I myself took a sociology class for a general education course at my own college. After analyzing the statistics and data provided by the textbook respective to the course, I actually found that even "professionally" documented information is frequently tailored towards a strict narrative. They too utilize the same strategy of statistical projection onto unrelated populations for conducted studies. Additionally, studies are commonly cherry-picked based on various semantics, where the definition of an event will be redefined by the surveyor. Unfortunately when it comes down to the topic of statistics, in-depth analyses of original sources are absolutely critical for developing unbiased observations of the full situation.
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Default May 10, 2017 at 05:50 AM
I'm not usually in favor of using kids in political ads either. In this case having young girls make the statements ads to the impact. If they'd used adults it would have come across differently.

As for the stats they quote, yeah stats can be manipulated. You miss the point though. Women are treated differently than men in the US. Things are better than they used to be, but we still have a long way to go.
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Default May 10, 2017 at 05:57 AM
I've seen this on Facebook before. I can understand the point of the video and where they are coming from, but frankly it makes me cringe. Just knowing that these things that the girls are saying are not from themselves, but rather told to them by adults, just cheapens the whole thing for me. Regardless of the message, these little girls are being controlled by someone else for a personal political agenda. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

That being said, I do recognize that although there have been great strides over time, we do have a ways to go in terms of achieving gender equality.
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Default May 11, 2017 at 07:40 AM
As Mark Twain said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

The stats not debated as being in question and though not a fan of the language either as some have mentioned, the message of the video in how women are perceived and treated is right on.

This to me is speaking to a younger audience and even an older one for that matter to shock them and us and to make us all more aware; we should be made aware so we can change it or this is their future, unfortunately, because it IS how we live now.

Thanks for the video LL!


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Default May 11, 2017 at 12:12 PM
Cute video although I'm not of fan of profanity especially among children. I KNOW the inequality is there. Yes, statistics are not perfect because they're created by humans. Riddle me this? Why are these men deciding if women get maternity care? By this logic, virgin birth is real in 2017!

little girls speak out about feminism

little girls speak out about feminism


Last edited by notz; May 11, 2017 at 12:48 PM..
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Default May 12, 2017 at 10:26 PM
I find it interesting because many women like myself have always been treated as an equal even as far back as the 70's. In those days my career was basically mostly males (computer design engineering). I expected my H to take equal responsibility in raising our daughter. My career was flexible enough where I could take time off I needed & my parents did help us out when we were both stuck on a time critical part of a project.

I was always treated as an equal & anyone that didn't, I just ignored & blew off & did what I needed to do anyway.

I had my daughter 10 months before getting my degree. I didn't want time off for that because I wanted my degree & that was my focus. Nothing, not even having a baby was going to change that.

Lol having my own farm has been interesting as I have encountered some men who wondered just how much I knew about the mechanical operation of the equipment I was looking at buying until I started talking about the repair work I was doing on the current piece of junk I owned & my own repair work I've done on my own truck.

Just as most women don't look at men as their equals in the home & in typical female roles unless they PROVE themselves equal, I think men do the same in their typical male roles. I also think that many professional careers are more geared to the flexibility that opens the door to equality....I do think that there are areas where the issues exist & seriously need to be addressed & dealt with but I do not agree that it is this way across the board.


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Default May 13, 2017 at 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by notz View Post
Riddle me this? Why are these men deciding if women get maternity care? By this logic, virgin birth is real in 2017!
Notz, I wonder the same thing about men making decisions about abortion rights.
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Default May 16, 2017 at 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by lizardlady View Post
Notz, I wonder the same thing about men making decisions about abortion rights.
There are many women who also agree. It's not JUST MEN making that decision


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Default May 16, 2017 at 10:49 PM
The point is well put in this Tweet
If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.” @elizabethforma https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/844987338765799425
There was NO FEMALE REPRESENTATION at the meeting (in the picture) of the House Freedom Caucus when discussing eliminating maternity and newborn care, birth control and breast cancer screenings for women in the Republicans version of health care. (I only named a few of the essential services) Female lawmakers were not there! Just a bunch of white men making crucial decisions about WOMEN'S health care that could affect thousands upon thousands for years to come. How is that right? I'll save anyone and everyone the trouble of answering, it's not right, it's reprehensible.

little girls speak out about feminism

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lizardlady, Nammu
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Default May 17, 2017 at 06:08 AM
Eskie, I'm glad for you that you never experienced discrimination because you are female. I have. My mother did. My friends have. We, as a society, have come a long way since the bad old days, but there is still plenty of room for change.
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