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Default Oct 01, 2024 at 03:27 PM
I don't know, on the one hand it' s like I think it's good many celebs don't feel they need to hide their mental health issues, BUT:

on the other hand, I get sort of bugged when it seems almost trendy or as if it's the "it" thing for another celeb to come out saying they're battling depression or bipolar or anxiety/panic disorder, etc.?

I don't know, I just think, what the heck, you're rich you can afford the best pdoc, all the therapy you need, all your medication, any alternative treatment like massage, acupuncture, etc. WITHOUT having to worry about money, crappy insurance like the rest of us AND you have to come out in the media like "poor me, look what I have had to deal with!" as if they truly understand what the rest of us going through these issues have to deal with.

IDK, does this just make me downright insensitive?

Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

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Default Oct 02, 2024 at 02:25 PM
I agree with you and I don't think you are being insensitive.
I think it comes down to if someone is being genuine or not.
A lot of them, their job is to seek attention and get attention.
They are trivializing something that is a true burden and already stigmatized by the general population, making struggles for people really dealing with a problem struggle that much more.

Those throwing around terms and really not trying to get better are different than those that really struggle.

Genuine people can help bring understanding to those that don't deal with the challenges of mental health struggle.
I love Robin Williams the more and more I learn about him. He was a really genuine guy and really felt empathy for people because he had his own struggles.
Someone like him can give reassurance that these struggles are really tough and even money or fame can't buy your way out of the issues.
It really is that hard to cope with.
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Default Oct 04, 2024 at 09:37 AM
I have mixed feelings based on the person's motivation. The ones just seeking notoriety it bothers me, as do the ones who claim they have XYZ because it's the current fad. They do it for attention.

Then there are people like Howie Mandel who is trying to raise awareness about OCD. Kudos to him for being willing to be open about his own struggles to educate people.
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Grand Magnate
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Default Oct 04, 2024 at 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by lizardlady View Post
I have mixed feelings based on the person's motivation. The ones just seeking notoriety it bothers me, as do the ones who claim they have XYZ because it's the current fad. They do it for attention.

Then there are people like Howie Mandel who is trying to raise awareness about OCD. Kudos to him for being willing to be open about his own struggles to educate people.
Same here. Though I feel like there are more celebs do it b/c it is trendy and for the attention and far fewer who come out with mental health struggles & try to educate people and raise money towards the cause. But I feel a lot of celebs do it for the attention and because it is the "it" thing to do.

I don't know, maybe I'm just cynical.

Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

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