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Old Nov 08, 2009, 06:38 AM
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Crew Crew is offline
dolphin elder
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Member Since: May 2008
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 4,718
Hey All :wavehllo:

Chronic Pain, disabilites and Chronic Health Conditions CHAT TODAY at

3pm and not 1pm I hope you guys could come and talk about what
ails you. This is a SUPPORT Group So I hope you guys stop by and try it out. Someone may just be able to give you some good infor.

Hey really, we hope to see you there out friends, ThaCrew

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My Support Forums is the online community that was originally begun as the Psych Central Forums in 2001. It now runs as an independent self-help support group community for mental health, personality, and psychological issues and is overseen by a group of dedicated, caring volunteers from around the world.


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