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Old Jul 01, 2022, 05:13 PM
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I think its called something when you only eat vegetables? I have a ton of steamed and cut up raw vegetables in the fridge that I just got today. I do have hummus too so its not totally only vegetables. But won't you get sick without a lot of protein? My current protein is around 30-40 grams a day. Vegetables are something my stomach can handle I don't necessairly like them. I'd eat Wendy's and Mcdonalds all the time if my stomach and waistline could deal with it but it can't. People don't eat cauliflower stuff because they want to.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire

Old Jul 01, 2022, 07:00 PM
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WFPB - Whole foods plant based. There are tons of videos and groups on youtube and facebook.
Old Jul 03, 2022, 09:40 AM
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It doesn’t sound like long term it would be wise to only eat from one food group, although if it was just a day or so it’d probably be okay. Hummus has protein so that’s good.

I’m vegetarian so I do eat a lot of vegetables but try to incorporate as much plant based protein as possible (plus some dairy).
Old Jul 03, 2022, 10:41 AM
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Yesterday I had a lemon poppyseed muffin and half a cookie for breakfast so that was my carbs. Then during the day I just snacked on celery and zucchni sticks. I ate some london broil for dinner. I'm not a vegetarian but when I do eat meat its mostly london broil, pot roast, or tuna. I'm not really into burgers much and I don't eat much pork or chicken anymore. Sometimes I'll eat a hot dog. I drink a lot of soda though. I had a slim fast today which had protein but I've just been eating the rest of the zucchni and I plan on having some broccoli today too. So it will mostly be vegetables again today. I did have a couple sodas though so I am getting in a good amount of carbs. Eating has been a bit of a struggle ever since I started this new stomach pain med.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire
Old Jul 28, 2022, 05:17 PM
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Whats funny now about this is I did a food sensitivity test and quite a number of foods I'm either highly or moderatly sensitive to. But any type of vegetable is fine on my stomach. So I wasn't going crazy.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire
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