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Default Feb 10, 2018 at 05:49 AM
"Jordan B. Peterson on 12 Rules for Life" by How to: Academy

I've watched only a part of this video, he mentions 'collective unconscious'. He looks so captivating on stage, if you are a type of parent who watches too much reality tv shows, I think it's time you throw away your flat screen tv for your descendants and be the best lobster that you can be, starting today.
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Default Feb 11, 2018 at 05:44 AM
Postmodernism @RationalWiki

It's different from reading HuffPost articles, isn't it?

I don't understand the half of it at this point but I get the general ideas. For the lack of a better word, I say I go with my guts and think some stuff on this notion of things being postmodernism (left)... I don't know, man, I'm indirectly sceptical and critical on people in general, please use your own rational judgments when you think of the stories that I'll be telling you here.

The first story comes from this vague memory I have about this thyroid doctor from England, she does orthomolecular medicine too, and she got her medical licence suspended. The psychopathology of mental illnesses are unknown, I don't remember reading this doctor harming anyone, so the medically and politically opposing parties may have been taught bad philosophy of science during their careers, it may very well have been the case of good ole medical community political conflicts.

I strongly believe that Bio-psychiatry is a folk science, so my feeling is like wtf?? I suspect a slight postmodernism line of thought from this incident. The last time I heard about the doctor, her licence was reinstated. I think we could find postmodernism anywhere if we look into things deep enough.

On an additional note, think of someone talking about 'Mental Health Inc.', and someone immediately jumps on and tells "It doesn't exist!". Back and forth like this is again, I suspect it roots back to something in the postmodern era. It's incorrect on multiple levels, the substance of a claim, metaphor or analogy must be weighed and analyzed carefully before it gets tossed out, I ask of you parents, please don't corrupt the young minds, I know I could be charged with the same crime though.

Presumption of innocence
ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies)

I know this is unrelated to postmodernism but the concept is very important to me since Japanese Justice system completely disregards this. Some Western visitors to my country have been naughty when they claim racism, and the country has been attractive to left wing nuts for some reasons. (It was a French woman, lol.) Please, heed my warning from previous post about my country of origin.

We exist in different epistemological paradigms, ****pants!
—SMBC Theater
So, without being too pedagogical and stuff, we understand that this new paradigm of epistemology has something to do with this whole topic called postmodernism, it's about "How do you know what you claim to know?". At the same time, life necessitates that we presume certain things. You got the toughest job, not because the kids of yours are difficult but the environment, the various value systems are presumed and we are living in it. If I were a parent(), my kids won't be playing with monism kids, because our reality and the way it's been set up is predicated upon the condition of people believing in this external world, this is the moment I'd go, "I'd do anything, I mean ANYTHING to protect my kid.".

The second story is a little example in the form of hypothetical conversation.

Lady A: "I always fall for an unavailable man. What should I do?"
Lady B: "Leave him at once, he's unfaithful, he will one day leave you. "

If I were to truly support the Lady A from mental health perspective, I would point out and correct her illogical way she understands,,,l-o-v-e, sorry for saying this but it's just s-l-u-t, I would teach my kids about this, ykwis? I would begin by teaching types of love that they can explore,,, I'm thinking about 'story telling' bonding time, there were no tradition like that when I was little.

Anyways, the fake conversation was a result of a confused thinking at the time of the question being asked, and the misuse of relationship concept between man and woman. I shan't say no more.

Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science @wikipedia

So, to conclude this messy post, it feels all post-blah-blah-blah, and it's not all bad. I just want the readers to know the real science matters, I'd like to keep my memory in the brain to be in a good shape, reading stuff like these forces us to theorize better tomorrow and forever.
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Default Feb 13, 2018 at 10:21 PM
Digital Descartes by LOSTBOYEVSKY

It's a song about today's kids on social medias. A psychologist, Dr.Peterson says it's important that we let the kids do what they want to do, I trust his expertise as someone who reads a lot of brain scientific stuff, including many of our evolutionary theories as species and this is just scratching the surface.

I was watching Dr.Viktor Emil Frankl's short video clip from his lecture while he was alive last night, and wondered if this 'crabbing technique' metaphor from aviation is something that needs to be taught or not. We can't lose the sight/position/disposition of this mountain, which could be Maslow's or Camus's for me, and Jean Piaget's theory is something we could use to prepare our kids for the future.

I don't know what the point of my thoughts are right now,,,

Psychologically our thought-apart from its expression in words-is only a shapeless and indistinct mass. Philosophers and linguists have always agreed in recognizing that without the help of signs we would be unable to make a clear-cut, consistent distinction between two ideas. Without language, thought is a vague, uncharted nebula. here are no pre-existing ideas, and nothing is distinct before the appearance of language.
+Cours de linguistique générale (1916), PART TWO. Synchronic Linguistics
What would you say your guiding principles when it comes to parenting? I was having this tiny fantasizing few days ago, just to see and understand what it'd be like to adapt a children, and I used to hate when my parents acted like they own my body, because we are related. Confirming or legitimizing one's own feeling without any sort of feedback is criminal.

Kids are exposed to our human history, and the little we learn from medias and in school curriculum contains evil-minded incidents, I personally prefer synchronic understandings on parts of the history, and when I think of a whole and 'Here and Now' together with what I know, I can not be afraid to be inconsistent.

I'm not that good to be able to author my words anyways, but I feel that I'm getting close to the truth when I pay attention to things. Distinguishing what is tragic from what is evil is a very basic kickstarter that could be useful in kids' life. I'm just telling what I wished were taught to me. Please try to be your own guide with your SO if you have one, I don't see any other way, man.

Edited to Add:
There are things that we normally consider juvenile, or infantilizing in today's society, good or bad maybe we could think this as something close to gentrification of property development, affordable housings not being built (, being opposed by rich a-holes), there are things that concerns us all and we do analyzing as they are happening. You may not think it, but I'm thinking learning about 'Political or Social' SCIENCE! too might help in good parenting maneuvering.

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Default Feb 15, 2018 at 11:05 AM
Rule 5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
Rule 12 Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

I was misremembering the rule No.5 somewhere in my post, so I checked up on it in this 3 hrs 'The Rubin Report' interview from last November. The explanation of the rule 5 begins with below quotation.

You are not a good guy. And you will take revenge on your children if they misbehave...


Here's the book list recommend by the artist.
12 Books That Destroyed and Rebuilt My Mind

HighExistence | Challenging The Way You Live!

You go Google "Healthy Parenting" and can you find what you like? The thought of dumb and lazy parent medicating our children with ADHD drugs came across my mind yesterday. I've read too many stories of kids ruined by their parents, I don't know how to get out of this dark-emo-kid state of mind right now.

You need 'Love' for parenting, what a joke. "Healthy" parenting sounds like just a feel good thing not taking into account the big sacrificing part of being a caretaker to a human life. Parenting needs to given ethical consideration, and it's certainly not a duty or an obligation of citizens to make tax paying offsprings as I understand the constitution.

The trend of medicalizing kids behavior from poor psychological standpoint needs to end. For regular folks, 'good-enough' parenting is pathetic, it has to be good. For parental personality disorders, it seems almost impossible for someone to monitor this 'good-enough' parenting skills. The abuse does seem to repeat itself in some cases, if we as a society cares for abuse victims, the same protection of human rights shall applied to little defenseless children as well.
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Smile Feb 15, 2018 at 10:23 PM
Good Morning! I don't know why I can't stop posting here. This healthy discussion/conversation inside of my uneducated brain doesn't worry if I'm a parent or not, one thing is for sure though, I'm no Oprah Winfrey.

I was at a HighExistence website again this morning, I'm new at this place and there was this 'most active discussion' displayed on the side of the screen. Check out 'Is ADHD ********?' talk, I followed up on this one comment 'ADHD revisited' by NeuroLogica, it's just so happens that my attention is not good so I couldn't read much of it. Does that mean my brain is disordered? It seems fine this morning, I don't need to read Arianna Huffington's book to know that I've had a good sleep.

This logical counter against scepticism on the Neurologica blog was quite interesting to read. Parents of today would be facing new generations of teachers and school administrators, I'm sure a lot depends on the policies of school districts, it's just my humble opinion that sending kids to school without first checking what the board of education is thinking about this main stream trend is an integral part of being a smart parent.

I don't know how to explain this but this big idea of 'scepticism' in general seems to differ a lot to the ones in my own culture, and dialogue between 2 sides, or between all available sides work again, differently. I say West(North America) does productive and meaningful, this makes me think of good and evil sides of efficiency.

Sam Harris, I was watching his TED talk from 2 yrs ago last night, I think there's nothing wrong with being impressed by charisma of certain people on our computer screens. He was talking about AI, and John von Neumann was mentioned in that talk.

Things being 'irrelevant' to certain people, I don't believe in such certainty. If you ever wondered if you're kids are smart or not, there are many pedestrian ways to convince one with truth/untruth, I don't think many of made up facts on the sidewalk are not so moral. Good vs Evil stories teach us about our intelligence, most people seem to know how to feel about children and their behaviors, the right/tru-ish way just might be the reverse...

Here's one rule from an Economist.
1. Assume your temperament will always be somewhat childish and impatient, and set your rules accordingly, knowing that you cannot abide by rules for rules sake. Hope to leverage your impatience toward your longer-run advantage.
The emotional vantage point of mothers are illogical, and this of course is NOT my medical opinon.

"In real life, these taxpayer-supported parasites are inculcating students the precepts of the Socialist Party of America — as understood by retarded people."

― Ann Coulter, Godless

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Default Feb 16, 2018 at 01:28 PM
"Neil deGrasse Tyson Destroys Bill O' Reilly!"

I want to see more Dawkins. He speaks truth @21:52 by saying,
There's an attitude in the culture that says that everybody's entitled to their opinion, you got to respect their opinion... No you damn well haven't got to respect their opinion!
Dr.Peterson says the exact same thing. He used to be an atheist, I wish he were a little more nicer to new atheists, they are pretty cool in my opinion. Religious people can be overbearing, the bad moral attitude usually comes from them and not from atheists. The burden of proof falls on the person who makes a claim for an existence of certain things, empirical science is not that radical, I dislike the disrespectable theists on this planet.

Richard Dawkins on Canning Bill O’Reilly
Question: Are our debates over ‘big’ issues effective?

Richard Dawkins: Well, some of them are. I mean, if they're debates between two intelligent and educated people, they are conducted effectively. But if they're conducted between an intelligent, educated person on the one hand and Bill O'Reilly on the other, they're probably not, no.

Question: How could we better our public discussions?

Richard Dawkins: Perhaps have more intelligent people as television interviewers, rather than people like Bill O'Reilly, for a start. That might not be great for ratings, I suppose, but perhaps we should become less influenced by ratings.

Recorded on: October 21, 2009. Interviewed by Paul Hoffman.
My research indicates that the America wasn't founded on this Christian theology idea, I've spent quite lots of time on the history of Pledge of Allegiance, so I know stuff. This would be the point of this post, IF you're kind of a person who disrespects human intelligence and the scientific development of mankind.

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Default Feb 17, 2018 at 01:21 AM
Dr Jordan B Peterson | *full-length* 2015 interview by Transliminal
61: Jordan B. Peterson finally asked about the Catholic Faith by PatrickCoffin.media

I still haven't watched Cathy Newman interview so I will be watching the second video some time later. I'm not a big science fan, I didn't mind learning the basic elementary science stuff at school though. I don't agree with 'half the scientists should be women' idea from the video in the last post, there are big character traits differences between men and women, that's what research suggests and the opinion was thrown by the Hollywood type, encouraging or discouraging particular subjects because of gender seems a bit irrational. Truth or ideas serves us in any case, it's an existential disposition of perceiving the world, and of course there are jobs to make and orient our 'self', and there's a work of aligning in the process of making a progress.

Every parents raise their kids evolutionarily and psychologically, I know I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. The usual notion of 'goal-oriented' habit/routine was never taught to me, "I'm earning this much, so you should be able to as well, with better education that I am paying for you.", this was my parents attitude now I think back on it. I did good at school and they ruined it so perfectly... For this reason, I can relate to students of the East with suicidal thoughts, but I'm not saying the 'empathy' works as scientific truth, doing things that doesn't work for people in real crisis is what the postmodern neo-Marxist type does best.

“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong. If we will only allow that, as we progress, we remain unsure, we will leave opportunities for alternatives. We will not become enthusiastic for the fact, the knowledge, the absolute truth of the day, but remain always uncertain … In order to make progress, one must leave the door to the unknown ajar.”

― Richard Feynman
Our 'consciousness' is unknown, it's an indefinable term and if we ask the function of it, I feel that it's already derailed by 'the search for meanings'. To be continued.
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Default Feb 17, 2018 at 08:52 AM
Math Science 'n Stuff

Empiricism and Rationalism by Philosophy Bro

Richard Wesley Hamming (February 11, 1915 – January 7, 1998) @wikiquote

In science if you know what you are doing you should not be doing it.
In engineering if you do not know what you are doing you should not be doing it.
Of course, you seldom, if ever, see the pure state.
The fundamentals of language are not understood to this day. ...Until we understand languages of communication involving humans as they are then it is unlikely many of our software problems will vanish.
Many assumptions could be made by knowing contemporary smart people. What here today could be gone tomorrow.
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Default Feb 19, 2018 at 12:11 AM
"Jordan B Peterson Clips"

This looks like an official channel, been around for 6 months or so. The playlists look nice. 'Bite-sized Philosophy' still works for me, it's just that the titles of clips from lectures or interviews have to be on point, I respect both team for spreading wisdoms.

"We know less about the sexual life of little girls than of boys. But we need not feel ashamed of this distinction; after all, the sexual life of adult women is a 'dark continent' for psychology"

—The Question of Lay Analysis (1926), p212
Compassion kills, like in a Freudian Oedipal situation, this is what I was learning today. (I don't like dogmatic-compassion talk, it's not something people 'demand' of others, it's oppressive. It's not considered as virtue for nothing, many things go wrong if we take it as a face value, like, do you expect it? Judge people harshly by it? That's like thinking too highly of oneself, it's not a surprising fact or anything, I think it's opposite of being self-evident if one has to advertise by saying it, especially in the area of engineering and stuff. It's basically pessimism, and often talk like this comes from very narrow personal point of view, it's not a commodity or currency we use for trading, it's probably apt to say that 'we understand' it, and I hesitate to say that I know it. The concept is better utilized through other means of art-form, it's a matter of how I value the word, I guess. There's an act of compassion, it's not compassion-ing it. Things get watered down if we keep talking about it, saying **** where it don't belong. Words alone don't have higher value unless the work is done by the person who's expressing the words. Stupidity spreads like plagues, like a mouse attracted to Swiss cheese, and the void/holes are often ignored. Nobody demands compassion from animals, sure, some people may get disappointed when they face cat logic but we categorize, discriminate things for good reasons. It makes me very uncomfortable having to share the word with most people, I'm thinking the idea is stored near this ethic structure of my neural network, and the way it works could be more instinctive than I used to think. )

My Left Foot (1989)

This film was mentioned in this short clip I was watching, I only watched the film once long time ago, this would be a great date film if some couples were seriously considering having a future together.

The rule No.5 on the post #24 seems quite deep even on the surface text analysis. There is this thought of what 'dislike' is in my head and umm,,, I only have one definite answer for the question of what my dislike is, (there's an associated inquiry into the question/morality/worth/nature(!) of the value, but this is for another day...), and for now, the answer would be women filled with negative emotions(!), that's what I most dislike about in human being. This goes for both gender, I no longer dwell on it though, emotions are something that I pass through, I'm beginning to understand that the logic in the right order is the world view that I'm most comfortable with, and this includes 'what we cannot talk about', I think this is from early Wittgenstein.

Thanks to my mother, I understand the world better now. Women's book of logic is thicker and guys' would be compact, that's just lower level understanding, more abstraction, more understandings through the lens of archetypes, peeps.

Edited to Add:
D'you know those stories where a mother kicks her son out of her house so the son end up being homeless or whatever? Drug problem may be involved, sure it sounds tough. I'm not a type of guy who enjoy watching Dr.Phil, so I know no stories, not interested in learning real stories. That being said, little news headlines catches my eyes while browsing on the internet, and the thought bothers me. They must be damaged women I suppose, I just can't stand the kind of 'betrayal', immoral would be the word I describe such toxicity in those tales. Pop/Folk psychology offers explanations, which could be named as processed digestible narratives, it soars and sells, and it sure will drop somewhere, at some point. I would subtract the time and many of marketed ideas first,,, well, I ain't your reality tv producer, everything offered contains things that I dislike according to my probability theory, what matters more is to say 'Keep the Change' at the right time at the right place to someone. So please do keep changing, the end doesn't ever justify the means, the tv rarely do follow up on life stories and when they do, it usually goes like 'We're were f-ing wrong' n years ago.

“I know what you are thinking about’, said Tweedledum: ‘but it isn’t so, nohow.’ ‘Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be: but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.”
― Graham Priest, Logic

This is my dark continent, right? that likes to talk incessantly, it probably is, yes. I just wanted to add that nobody pre-designed the biological gender, that's a secular understanding of how our existence came to be, right here for you and me. Then there's a decision for every action, it's a little unfair to ask to make one without first teaching a person how.

If we have our own why in life, we shall get along with almost any how. Man does not strive for pleasure; only the Englishman does.

Twilight of the Idols
Maxims & Arrows, #12

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Default Mar 02, 2018 at 08:58 PM
Stanford marshmallow experiment

I think what one can learn from this wikipedia entry differs greatly from person to person. Of course I'm posting the link here because I think it'll be helpful, and I don't have any of my own memory from the age 4-6, 10, whatever. I was pretty obedient though. Yet, I can't help but to think like, so what? Human psychology rarely strikes me as exceptional, the generalization done by scientific method gets to me sometimes.

Are you spontaneously enthusiastic about everyone having everything you can have? I am.
These are words from Bucky. A lot of mistakes go obsolete. And a child will test parents who have completely different cognitive abilities. Please don't say "I know my child.", that'd be a bad imprinting, I'm guessing...

Last edited by Takeshi; Mar 02, 2018 at 09:01 PM.. Reason: Because "The opposite of nature is impossible."
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Default Mar 05, 2018 at 11:39 PM
New Real Peer Review @RealPeerReview

Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill

Neuroskeptic @Neuro_Skeptic

I need to work more on my cognitive biases. For that 9 months, what were you thinking??
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Default Aug 23, 2019 at 04:21 AM
Thank you to everyone who shared resources on this thread! I was looking around for blogs to share with my pregnant friend, and I came across The Parenting Co. They have a lot of informative posts about pregnancy and parenting! I think it'd be really helpful, and it's not just for first-time parents. They have stuff about appropriate beds, traveling with your baby, bedtime, pets with children, etc. I remember linking the blog to my friend because they also had a week by week guide for pregnancy.
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Default Nov 15, 2019 at 06:13 AM
I have found bean bag chairs for children are great for them where they can sit, read, sleep, watch cartoons, play etc.

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Default Nov 08, 2022 at 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous81711 View Post
Hi folks,

I'd like to introduce this thread as a spot to post your favorite resources regarding parenting!

Anything you have found of value may be posted here via links to the sites, or by posting the names of books for example. Feel free to leave a personal review, or simply post the link or info for others to view.

I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that these resources will be coming from all of us, so what works for one may not work for another. I suggest you take what you like out of it and what you don't discard and move on to the next resource.

I hope we see lots of resources!
Thank you so much.

Everyone can do magic - Cassie Nightgale the good witch.

Dear Diary today will be different today I can smile it will be genuine because today is the day I get to live.

This life will be good and beautiful, but not without heartbreak.

In death come peace. But pain is the cost of living.

Like love, it's how we know we're alive.

And life goes on.

That my life weird, messy, complicated, sad, wonderful, amazing, and above all epic and I owe all to Stephen. - Eleanor Gilbert Vampire Diaries
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