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Default Dec 18, 2011 at 05:46 PM
Your P45.

Have you heard back about your ESA appeal yet?

That's why it's such a serious thing to ask a Centaur to stay for the weekend. A very serious thing indeed.

- The Silver Chair
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Default Dec 18, 2011 at 05:48 PM
nope not yet, am not pushing for a reply as the longer it takes the longer they are not hassling me to get a job!
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Default Dec 18, 2011 at 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by yellowted View Post
nope not yet, am not pushing for a reply as the longer it takes the longer they are not hassling me to get a job!
yeah that's true.

Good luck with the appeal, I hope you get the verdict you want. It seems most of the appeals are successful. If yours is rejected you still might get another chance to challenge that verdict.

idk WHY exactly all these people who are too ill to work then have to go through the stress of assessments and appeals. I am applying for ESA because of my depression, but I am also considering finally telling my doctor (or mentioning it during the assessment) about my problems with dissociation, as it can make things quite difficult at times, including for the past few days, when I've started doing it involuntarily because I was in so much pain from the depression. It happened once before when I was severely depressed, in 2003, and when my emotions returned I was far worse than before so I am scared of what will happen when my emotions come back I have probs with dissociation at other times too, I mean, not just when depressed.

That's why it's such a serious thing to ask a Centaur to stay for the weekend. A very serious thing indeed.

- The Silver Chair
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Default Dec 18, 2011 at 07:44 PM
its worth talking to your doc about it, i definitely would mention it in your ESA as the more you can put in as to your inability to work the better chance you will have, especially if you later mention it to your doc and get a definite dx, they may wonder why you didn't mention it in your application/assessment.
dissociation can really screw your emotions, it has taken me 3 years to master just about holding it together in public, though i still do not manage it when i get tired, hungry or have to really concentrate! (lost it in the supermarket today, impatient idiots expecting me to move my mobility scooter out of the queue i had been in for an hour at the checkouts so they could pass. I never have worked out why people buy six months worth of food shopping when the supermarket is only closing for one day!) sorry, thats my rant for the day!
good luck with everything and do tell your doctor.
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Default Dec 19, 2011 at 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by yellowted View Post
its worth talking to your doc about it, i definitely would mention it in your ESA as the more you can put in as to your inability to work the better chance you will have, especially if you later mention it to your doc and get a definite dx, they may wonder why you didn't mention it in your application/assessment.
dissociation can really screw your emotions, it has taken me 3 years to master just about holding it together in public, though i still do not manage it when i get tired, hungry or have to really concentrate! (lost it in the supermarket today, impatient idiots expecting me to move my mobility scooter out of the queue i had been in for an hour at the checkouts so they could pass. I never have worked out why people buy six months worth of food shopping when the supermarket is only closing for one day!) sorry, thats my rant for the day!
good luck with everything and do tell your doctor.
Thanks, yellowted. The problem with telling my doctor though is that I don't want to go in and say 'I dissociate/ I have problems with dissociation' because I am scared he will think I've just been reading up about the symptoms and pretending to have problems to help me with the ESA.

I am not exactly confident that mentioning it at the doctor will help me at all, as it is more than likely he won't know what I'm talking about because I don't think diss disorders get much mention in med school apart from the usual 'DID/ MPD does not exist' (which I was also told by a lecturer in my first year of a dual honours psychology degree last year!) so it isn't likely a doctor would know much about them, or even recognise the symptoms if/ when I tell him.

That's why it's such a serious thing to ask a Centaur to stay for the weekend. A very serious thing indeed.

- The Silver Chair
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Default Dec 19, 2011 at 01:32 AM
To Just A Girl:

I've sorry for hijacking your thread. I've only just noticed that yellowted isn't the thread starter.

That's why it's such a serious thing to ask a Centaur to stay for the weekend. A very serious thing indeed.

- The Silver Chair
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Default Dec 19, 2011 at 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by silver_queen View Post
To Just A Girl:

I've sorry for hijacking your thread. I've only just noticed that yellowted isn't the thread starter.
Not a problem! I've been interested to read how others are going on with this ESA stuff - 'hijack' away
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Default Dec 19, 2011 at 02:50 PM
my giro is peanuts,less than £100 a week.
I know people get alot more than that. eat xxxx david cameron
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Default Dec 19, 2011 at 04:04 PM
I understand that it is Regsitered General Nurses that are undertaking these assessments and while their knowledge of physical health problems may be good - IMO they have limited knowledge of mental health conditions. It is therefore so unfair that they are deemed qualifed to make judgements of people with mental health problems.

For those who are deemed fit for work but may have concerns - it may be helpful to contact Access To Work, they can provide support and funding to enable people with a health problem into work - for example support workers to give you assistance when you first get a job, drivers, equipment - they can be found at http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Disabled...mes/DG_4000347

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Default Jan 12, 2012 at 06:51 PM
I just got a letter today (Jan 12th) saying I'm not entitled to ESA anymore since 30th December 2011. Thanks for giving me notice?! I'm assuming they've already stopped payment, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to live on now, I guess I'm going to have to make a bunch of phonecalls tomorrow and find out. It does say something about appealing but if they aren't going to pay my benefits in the meantime I can't afford to do that. I guess I'll have to go on jobseekers, but I really, really, don't need that kind of stress right now. I still don't feel ready to work but I feel like I'm not going to have a choice - that's if I can even get a job. A job that I don't want. To afford to live a life I don't want.


Am I wrong in hoping everyone in the British government who supported this 'crackdown' and these 'assessments' all personally suffer nervous breakdowns, panic attacks, anxiety, and suicidal depression -- just so then maybe they will understand just what I have been through this last couple of years?!

I don't know how I can deal with all this stuff right now - making phonecalls, making enquiries, filling in forms, worrying about my lack of a bank balance and if or when I'll get any money - wondering if I'll be able to afford to eat or pay for therapy - yes, that's right, the therapy I PAY for in my attempt to get BETTER. I COULDN'T EVEN GET ****ING THERAPY ON THE NHS!!!! Nevermind me. Never mind if all this causes me anxiety and for my mood to spiral down again. Never mind if I want to kill myself. As long as I'm not BOTHERING anyone.

I just want to get better. But I've been TRYING. I'm doing everything I can. This isn't helping. This makes me want to give up.
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Default Jan 13, 2012 at 07:17 AM
((((hugs)))) just some girl, you are not wrong in your hopings for this government they are on a different planetfronm us and a little taster of what we deal with would certainly make them think differently.
maybe asking for help at your local citizens advice beuro would be a first step, they can make the phone calls and fill out the forms on your behalf and a call from them is more likely to get the results you seek than a call from yourself as they know what to ask and what to say and do not get emotionally overwhelmed.
good luck x
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Default Jan 13, 2012 at 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by SoupDragon View Post
I understand that it is Regsitered General Nurses that are undertaking these assessments and while their knowledge of physical health problems may be good - IMO they have limited knowledge of mental health conditions. It is therefore so unfair that they are deemed qualifed to make judgements of people with mental health problems.

For those who are deemed fit for work but may have concerns - it may be helpful to contact Access To Work, they can provide support and funding to enable people with a health problem into work - for example support workers to give you assistance when you first get a job, drivers, equipment - they can be found at http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Disabled...mes/DG_4000347
I am not convinced they even are RGNs doing the assessments, mine could barely speak English, asked nothing about my mental state, had to get a secretary to wheel me out of his office and still deemed me fit to work!
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Default Jan 13, 2012 at 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by silver_queen View Post
To Just A Girl:

I've sorry for hijacking your thread. I've only just noticed that yellowted isn't the thread starter.
I am not the thread starter, just someone who knows quite a bit about this as i have already been through the process and I volunteer in a great place which deals with advice on this and many other disability related topics.
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Default Jan 13, 2012 at 02:36 PM
I'm sorry you got turned down just_some_girl It is ridiculous that they put seriously ill & suicidal people through this kind of stress! I think that you continue to get 'assessment phase' money during the appeal, so I would definitely get your appeal in asap.

I've had 2 assessments (1 for DLA a few years ago and one for ESA recently) and neither of them knew anything about mental illness. In fact the last one was down-right rude and treated me as if I didn't exist! I had to fill out the form again about 6m after I originally applied and am currently waiting to hear if I have to go for another assessment. I hate it! I'm really worried about what will happen long term, as I've heard that ESA entitlement will change to a max of a year, and then you have to go on jobseekers for a max of 6m and then you are screwed if you can't work/find a job

Can you get a social worker who can help you fill out the forms? Even just filling out the forms causes my stress levels to sky-rocket (I hate just seeing it all on paper; it makes me feel so ashamed), and then the waiting to hear, and the anxiety about the assessment...it's horrible! Plus the Govt and media making out that anyone claiming disability is lazy, lying scum crippling the economy. I definitely second going to CAB or a legal aid benefit place. Even though it was really hard for me to go, they sorted out my appeal for DLA so easily, which helped in the long term with stress.

Good luck!

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Default Jan 13, 2012 at 03:11 PM
Sorry that happend just_some_girl

I'm still waiting for a letter back.

If giving in is pointless, then get out of bed or this might be the end.
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Default Jan 13, 2012 at 04:21 PM
Thank you all for the support and hugs. I did go to the Citizens Advice Bureau today for some help and advice, although one of the women was a little patronising and joky at first and I ended up having a bit of a strop ("Yes I can carry a cardboard box! Yes I can sit still for an hour!... I scored 0 points on their little form! I need 15! How is appealing going to help? I'm never going to fit their criteria, but that does NOT mean I'm okay - I still want to kill myself!" etc) and then a cry I'm sooo emotional right now! Anyway, in the end they were really helpful and filled in all the forms for me. They said it will probably take a few weeks for them to get back to me with another response, and if it's 'no' then it will go to a tribunal and the CAB will have someone represent me. It's all a bit scary. It is NOT good for my state of mind, all this worry and the way the whole thing makes me feel like worthless scrounging scum. The CAB did say I probably will get payments in the meantime (maybe a timeframe of around 6 months) but that they'll be lower than they were (because £65 isn't a small enough amount to survive on?) but, I guess it's better than nothing. What makes me mad is that they'll only consider information from my doctor and my therapist if there's a tribunal, and not before, yet they are the two people best qualified to judge my mental state. And at the end of the day - why is a doctor's note NOT good enough?! Why do they have to put us all through this?!

FYI, Yellowted: the guy who did my medical assessment barely spoke English either - as if it's not hard enough trying to explain depression and anxiety (I'm still trying to UNDERSTAND it!) to someone to whom English IS a first language. Language is just another barrier. And no, the questions were not at all geared towards mental illness, depression or anxiety at all, the questions were more about physical and mental disability. So, I had trouble giving relevant answers that would reflect how my mental health issues affect my everyday life. The 'criteria' just do not apply to me - or I'm betting anyone with depression or anxiety - no matter how suicidal, agorophobic, whatever. It's like they're saying it's not real illness. How can they get away with this?
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Default Jan 19, 2012 at 08:55 AM
Hi all,

Just a quick comment on the post, if you get any forms concerning ESA ask someone from a volunteer agency to help you filling it out. These people fill out the forms every day and know how to word what you are trying to bring across. I had a similar situation and the moment the volunteer agency got involved it was far easier to communicate.

By the way I had to go through an appeal as well and won by even being upgraded on the scale. It wasn't easy, but dont give up. The medical check ups these people do is a joke and there have been countless complaints and appeals... Half of which apparently were won.
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Default Jan 23, 2012 at 09:26 AM
I don't need to have an assessment interview, my dad called, because I hadn't heard anything and they told him.

If giving in is pointless, then get out of bed or this might be the end.
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Default Jan 23, 2012 at 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by KUREHA View Post
I don't need to have an assessment interview, my dad called, because I hadn't heard anything and they told him.
Excellent, I'm so glad for you.
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Default Jan 26, 2012 at 03:07 PM
just heard that i have been moved onto the support part of ESA after appealing their decision that i was fit for work. so if any of you are not happy with the decision they give you, APPEAL! you do not lose any money as there is a guarantee of income during the change over process.
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