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Default Feb 20, 2007 at 12:12 PM
k, i have done the pleading, begging route, that didnt work, today i went to the workplace of her boyfriend today, took his phone of him and phoned her on his phone, violence was used, but that was the only option left to me, i didnt hurt him to much, just enough to make him stop and back off, i see my son on saturday alledgedly, i am expecting a full blown battle and my son not to be there, this i have covered, i am classed has a socioapath and i intend to show my full potential has a sociopath by taking out anyone that stands in my way, will let you know what happens on sunday.

to say i have nothing to lose is an understatement, granted you may not approve of my methods but it is simple, screw with me or my son and i will take you out
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Default Feb 20, 2007 at 12:26 PM
in case you are wondering, i punched him unconsious, but stopped myself from stamping his head into the floor, after all i am not an animal, come saturday my outlook might change,

to be honest i do not care whether you think tihs is the right thing to do or not it was the only option left to me and i took it.
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Default Feb 20, 2007 at 05:46 PM
to reply to the people that pmed me over this post, i did what had to be done, all other options had been exahusted, i tryed the talking route and got noware, i tryed the subserviance route, i tryed begging, i tryed everything i could think of, and every time i got shot down big time, this time i took direct action, something i have tryed to stay away from for a long time, but you know what enough is enough you stand up and put up, i did that, do i care what the consequences are? at this point no, i got further today kicking the %#@&#! out of him than i have for the last 7 months "talking" to her and if / when i have to do it again i will not think twice about it, you may forget in this that it is my son i am talking about in this if you were in my shoes and the same thing was happening to you and your child what extremes whould you go to too seee him or her? so dont judge me, no really dont, just back off and think about what i had to do, do you think this looks good from my sons point of veiw? how the exwife is going to spin this to him? how i am going to have to explain to him that i had to kick the $*%@ out of his step dad just to talk to him? these are all questions i cant answer using violence, so really, dont go there
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Default Feb 20, 2007 at 06:25 PM
Not judging - Would you have acted differently if your son was watching?


have got visitation

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Default Feb 20, 2007 at 07:09 PM
as you may know some things are best dealt with via words, others by actions, when words fail, actions count, so in answer to your question if my son had been there i would have not had to use neither, but he wasnt and the man in question was standing in the way of me seeing my son, what would you rather have a dad who talks and does nothing when rebuffed, or a dad that is prepared to fight for you whatever the consequences? i know what kind of dad i had and it wasnt the ideal, i am prepared to fight for my son if / when i need to, i would prefer to verbally battle but that doesnt always work, sometimes direct physical action is the only way and this time it has worked for me, we will see on saturday when i see my son what the full extent of the damage is going to be, but at least i am going to be there to put my side across this time.
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Default Feb 21, 2007 at 11:50 AM
hi mellor
im not going to judge you because i would of done the same if someone was stopping my see my kids. i hope you get to see your son on saturday.

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Default Feb 21, 2007 at 04:22 PM
I hope you get to see your son also...

I don't know the whole story and you probably have answered this already somewhere- what are your visitation rights? If you have court ordered visitation, what right does this individual have from preventing the visitation?

Since you asked, I would want a father to fight for me; however, not with verbal or physical assualts to other individuals.

With the verbal and physical assualt you could end up being prosecuted or have a restraining order put on you. Also, because of this event you may be reduced to monitored visitation or visitation removed.

I'm not judging, just giving you something to think about as when we are in the midst of it - an outsider can add some clarity.

Good luck...


have got visitation

Ripple Effect - Small things can make a difference
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Default Feb 27, 2007 at 06:41 PM
mellors, i haven't seen you around for a while...... just wondering if you got to see your son on saturday.

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Default Feb 27, 2007 at 07:29 PM
i saw my son on saturday, had a blazing row with the ex at the same time, i told my son that i have been trying to see him since before xmas and that because of his mom it has taken 2 1/2 months for me to see him,

she denied this so i showed him the emails i had sent to his mom asking to see him has i have saved every single one for the last 4 years, this also at the same time showed my son that she does have my email address and has always had it, so is able to contact me at any time, something she told him she didnt have, so she was pretty miffed at being proved a lier with her own words

her boyfriend didnt show up when we met but she did tell my son i had beaten him up, i didnt deny it and i think my son understood why i did what i did

after that she asked my son if he still wanted to spend the day with me, he said no he wants to spend the whole weekend with me, this got her mad, her little plan had backfired, she had expected him to say no and go home with her, instead he got on the train into central london for a day out with me instead, he wants me to take him rockclimbing again next time we meet, i took him once before but he didnt like it to much, i have most of the equiptment required for this already so it should be fun, and now he also wants me to teach him how to fish has he lives next to a canal that runs behind his house thats full of perch.

anyway i took him to the shop and bought him a few ps2 games i had promised to get him last time we met, i didnt bother getting the list he had compiled last time i saw him has i knew he would have changed his mind when we met again, we played kickass on the streets of kilburn and he fed the snakes after playing with them for a while then i kicked his *** on the ps2 for a bit before taking him home to his mother.

i have already sent the email asking for visitation again in 2 weeks, this time i asked her in front of my son has well, so he could hear loud and clear me asking, she said she will get back to me, so now its a case of ding ding round 2 sit and wait.
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Default Feb 28, 2007 at 06:36 PM
glad you got to see your son, you are a good bloke.
but next time it might pay you not to kick his *** so badly on the ps2 .lololol

lifes a game, i no longer wish to play
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Default Mar 04, 2007 at 03:59 PM
my ex emailed me today and asked me if i could take my son fishing next weekend, apparently he has been bugging the crap out of her to contact me for the last week, i new it was a good idea last week to let him know she had my contact details,

i am now in a mad rush to get spare equptment from ebay, floats, barbless hooks, non lead weights, new line, ect to cover the inevitable loss and breakages of equiptment and to get it all delivered to me by friday at the latest, should be fun

i will probably find a fishing shop locally as a backup in case something doesnt get delivered in time.
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Default Mar 07, 2007 at 07:50 PM
i got all my fishing gear delivered of ebay today, i swear my son could not have known but it is out of season for fishing this month, i kid you not, i could get arrested for freshwater fishing this month, yet i still want to see my son and take him fishing, so here is the solution i ahve come up with, i am paying my only friend to drive me to brighton, drop me and my son off, then pick us up 7 or 8 hours later and drive us back to london after a day sea fishing where ther are no restrictions for rod fishing, just so he can go fishing, should be fun.
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Default Mar 19, 2007 at 07:21 AM
well i saw my son last week, we did not go fishing at the seaside, she vetoed that so i was forced to take him to the local canal, the day turned into a nightmare, i got arrested for poaching, fishing without a licence, and fishing out of season, i also had my air guns confiscated by the armed police, my room got turned over by the police looking for other weapons, they didnt find any but they did confiscate some of my camping / survivalist equiptment, knives, wire rope saws, wire hunting snares ect,

i will get it all back, has it is not illegal to have any of these peices of equiptment if i can prove they are part of a camping / survivalist kit,
has for the guns i will get them back also, but that will take longer has they have to test them to see if they are legal or not, the legal PSI is 12lb PSI ( per square inch) and mine are right on the limit

she tryed having a go at me at the police station and i went into one big time, the police had to seperate us, my son was going mad after i told him his mom wouldnt let him go fishing at the seaside, she told him i was the one who said i didnt want him to go when in fact it was her who said no saying it was to far to travel, he is becoming seriously disilussioned with his mother now, she is repeatedly lying about what is said between us, putting all the blame on me everytime she vetos any ideas i have in regards to seeing my son and activities to do when we do meet.and he is getting sick of it has am i.
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