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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 17, 2020 at 02:13 AM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it

M. I'm pissed that SM didn't put much weight on meeting prep. Pissed me off.

C. Go on

M. I'm pissed that it's taking so f’ing long to get PM listed.

C. Go on

M. I'm pissed it's taking so f’ing long for ST to get going.

C. Go on

M. I'm frustrated that PN is so stalled

C. Go on

M. I'm pissed I put on weight

C. Go on

M. I'm pissed that the f’ing firm charged me big bucks and completely missed a huge issue.

C. What else?

M. That's it for now

C. Okay. Was it helpful to vent

M. Yes. It was. I can move on now.

C. Good to hear

M. Thanks

C. You got it
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 18, 2020 at 12:27 PM

M. Hi. I need to decompress.

C. Go for it.

M. I'm frustrated that I haven't heard back from RK or PL.

C. Go on

M. RK told me they wanted to make a decision in a couple of weeks. That was close to a month ago. Plus, he said he'd get back to me after he spoke with PL, which he said was happening on Tuesday. I have not heard back from him. Plus, I sent Paul a very friendly email telling him that RK said he was going to speak with him and I included the email I sent to RK complimenting PL. Said it would be great if we had a chance to work together. Never heard back from him. That's BS.

C. Go on

M. I'm also frustrated with DT and company. Enough already!

C. Okay if I ask you a few questions?

M. Sure

C. You have some good news on the ST front, right?

M. Go on

C. Well you have two new projects, right?

M. Yes, that's true

C. And that's good news, right?

M. It is

C. Plus, two new leads came in this week, right?

M. That's true. One from RS and another from DG.

C. Plus, SM is also a winnable opportunity, right?

M. Yes, it is.

C. So, it's not all doom and gloom, right?

M. I suppose

C. Plus you're getting paid by AR, right?

M. True

C. Plus, there is a lot of excitement at ST about PM, right?

M. That's also true

C. The news about KFS is encouraging, right?

M. It is

C. In some ways you can now say you have a team selling PM to LAs, right?

M. That's a good point.

C. In fact, they're building a whole program around PM, right?

M. I hadn't though about it that way

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely. I'm now feeling more optimistic. Thanks!

C. You got it. Talk later.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 18, 2020 at 08:15 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Let's hear it

M. Just finished having a meeting with SM and didn't get the outcome I wanted.

C. Listen, I understand why you might be upset. So, good to get this off your chest rather than stew on it.

M. Yeah, I needed to get this out of my system.

C. Can I ask you a few questions?

M. Sure

C. If I'm not mistaken, there's an opportunity for PM, right?

M. There is. They have well-defined ___ which lends itself to being ___.

C. Listen. I know you and you have a tendency to awful-ize, fair?

M. I suppose

C. Get it out of your system

M. Ok. I'm pissed that I made it seem so complex.

C. Here's my take.

M. Okay

C. This turned out to be a learning conversation, right?

M. That's true.

C. I know you're angry, but don't lose sight of the fact that you also have a number of other NEW opportunities, right?

M. Right

C. First, SM is now a PM opportunity. You can close this deal. The overall opportunity is still open.

M. These are very good points. SM and I just sent a follow-up. We actually created two opportunities.

C. Glad to hear. Was this helpful?

M. Absolutely. It helped me put things in perspective and prompted me to take action.

C. Great to hear. Take care.

M. You too.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 27, 2020 at 01:15 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it. Get it out of your system

M. I'm pissed that f’ing G didn't respond to my Merry Christmas text and that he left me hanging. F him! I'm going to blow him off this week

C. Good idea to take a mini-break. Go on

M. I'm pissed that it's taking SF so f’ing long to get PM approved and I'm passed that it took M so f’ing long to get PM out

C. What else?

M. I'm pissed at f’ing P. The m**** f**** didn't respond to my email and he put me in a tough situation by leaving me hanging the day of a key meeting.

C. Want some advice on these before we move on?

M. Sure

C. Regarding the G situation, blow him off this week and use this as motivation to keep pressing. Out work him.

M. Okay, good advice

C. Regarding the SF, my advice is that you use the time to have the site ready to rock and roll, the instant the site is up

M. Go on

C. Specifically, update the content and add it to the site and also do the research.

M. Okay

C. What else?

M. I'm feeling discombobulated and overwhelmed.

C. Go on

M. I feel like I have so much to do but scared to do the stuff

C. I can understand why you might feel anxious. However, look at the value of the tasks and projects you're working on once completed.

M. What do you mean?

C. For instance, once you complete the D+D you'll have a great PB because you'll leverage lessons learned plus the training you're going through. This helps you plus it enables you to create an even more effective system.

M. That's true

C. Also completing the EB gives you a valuable tool you can use for LG.

M. That's also true

C. Plus, creating the launch training deck for DJ is something you can use over and over including for AR.

M. Okay

C. Once you have this stuff done, they're done and you can turn your attention to BD, which is where you want to be. Make sense?

M. It does. Thank you. I now have more clarity on what needs to get done and the motivation to do it. Today I'm working on scriptwriting.

C. Excellent. Was this helpful?

M. Very! Thanks again

C. You got it. Talk later.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 30, 2020 at 03:40 PM

M. Hi, I want to talk about my health

C. Okay

M. I've put on 15 pounds over the last month or so. I totally pigged out during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I loaded up on carbs. Are lots of mac and cheese, stuffing and mashed potatoes. Also, ate lots of desserts. The other big issue I have is that I'm late-night snacking on carbs like chips.

C. Go on

M. I also have not worked out in probably two months, maybe even longer, and I've stopped taking vitamins. I'm also not drinking a lot of water.

C. Go on

M. I know what I'm supposed to do but have made excuses not to do it.

C. What's your excuse?

M. I've been telling myself that I'll start taking care of myself when I have more financial stability. It's almost like I'm justifying eating comfort food because it helps me deal with stress just like any other anxiety medication.

C. Interesting. First of all, you're not alone, especially during these crazy times.

M. Okay

C. Can I ask you a few questions?

M. Sure

C. First, do you think it's possible for you start taking better care of yourself starting today?

M. It's possible but hard, especially because I don't have an accountability partner.

C. Okay, but is it possible to take a step even if it's a small one?

M. Sure

C. Let's talk about some possible small steps

M. Okay

C. Let's consider some possibilities during the day

- Eat low carb
- Drink 30 ounces of water
- Walk around the block
- Do 20 dumbell curls with light weights
- Take your multivitamin

- Make a vegetable soup using chicken broth
- Have plain coconut yogurt
- Meditate and do deep-breathing
- Come back here at 7pm to check-in. I'll be your accountability partner.

Does this sound doable?

M. Yes

C. Okay. Go for it and don't forget to come back here to check-in at 7. Set an alert or alarm to remind you, okay?

M. Good idea

C. Was this helpful?

M. Yes, very

C. Great. See you at 7.

M. Will do.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 30, 2020 at 10:08 PM

M. Okay. Checking in.

C. How did it go?

M. I did a good job dietwise.

C. Tell me about it

M. Had a healthy salad for lunch and a tasty Keto spaghetti dinner.

C. Good. Here's what I would like you to do.. Do deep breathing and drink water. Finish the bottle. If you get hungry later, pray and do deep breathing. Have some broth and low carb yogurt. Okay?

M. Okay. Thanks.

C. Helpful to check in?

M. Definitely.

C. Okay. Be strong. You can do it.

M. Will do
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Default Jan 02, 2021 at 05:48 PM

M. Hi. Need to decompress.

C. Let's hear it. Just vent.

M. Okay. I'm frustrated about the SL situation. Pissed me off about the late notice. I paid on 12-31. Just frustrated about my whole commercial situation.

C. Go on

M. I'm f’ing pissed off that f*** SF didn't approve PM and when we asked to meet they scheduled it for February. That's so f*** up.

C. So whats the next step?

M. We sent our contact an email explaining that we followed their guidance and needed clarification and requested she arrange a meeting next week instead of a month from now. I told her that we can't afford to wait a month. It's been a very frustrating experience working with them.

C. I can understand why this would bother you. Fortunately, you're in good hands with M and M.

M. That's true. I did feel better when I read the email from M. He said that we did everything we were supposed to do and just needed clarification. Gave me the impression that it's a problem that can be resolved once we speak with them.

C. The good news is that Man knows his stuff.

M. That is a relief

C. What else?

M. Well I'm worried about the situation.

C. Go on

M. The SL situation is coming up this week.

C. Let me make a suggestion and let's look at this from a different perspective.

M. Okay.

C. It's not all doom and gloom

M. Go on

C. You're due to get paid for the first SPD project this month and you have another SPD project that also kicks off this month.

M. That's true

C. And you got paid for HL and AR so between HL, AR, and the two SPD projects you'll have enough to cover the majority of PM development and still have a good balance. Plus, you have three or more utterly feasible opportunities in January.

M. This is super helpful. I feel so much better. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

C. You got it. Now what I need from you is to focus on your projects. Get **** done. You've been making great progress. Keep after it. Don't let up. Outwork everybody.

M. You got it. Thanks again!

C. Feel better?

M. Definitely!

C. Great. Talk later.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Jan 03, 2021 at 09:49 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it. Get it out

M. I'm furious

C. Why is that?

M. First of all, I'm pissed that PM is still not approved. It's been something like six f*** months. It's so frustrating. It's very irritating for SF to have told us they couldn't respond until a month from now. I'm also pissed at M and M. They should have figured this **** a long time ago.

C. I can understand why you would be upset about this especially when you get notified on New Year's Eve.

M. Exactly

C. I'm sure it was also frustrating for you when M said they'd get to it after the break.

M. Yes, it was. I understand it was a holiday but having to wait 3 days to get any idea about what would happen next feels like an eternity. My initial reaction was that we would have to wait until Feb 4 to even get an answer so was under the impression that we would go a month without being able to work on PM which made me feel like it wouldn't be until March that we’d get PM out. Unbelievable!

C. You emailed A on Friday, so reasonable to expect she'll get back to you tomorrow. You were clear on how important this was.

M. I was

C. I know the timing sucks because you wanted a quick response from SF but it's a fixable problem and M&M have the ability to fix it. You have your email scheduled to go out in the morning.

M. Okay

C. What else?

M. Well, I now have to deal with the SP issue.

C. Go on

M. It comes down to having f*** to start covering the p***.

C. Well, fortunately, you have f*** now and opportunity for more f*** the next couple of months.

M. Go on

C. Summary: AR + HL + FB cover the rest of the PM payment which brings you back up to 40.

M. Good point

C. And you have at least 3-4 other opportunities in January

M. Go on

C. Summary: SP + I3 + HY + other ST pb opps + FU + CENT

M. Go on

C. These are real opps, right?

M. Yes, they are.

C. Want some advice?

M. Yes

C. Continue to work on the pb. You did a great job today. You put in straight 6 hours on a Sunday. That's an excellent effort. Love your intensity and dedication and effort. You made great progress. Get up early again tomorrow and stay after it. Work on running the complete meeting. I like the new graphic you created. Great model and a perfect way to tell the SPM story. Also love the idea of using the IMPROVEMENT to assess needs.

M. Thanks

C. My take is that this will have a significant impact on your ability to have great things happen consistently.

M. Thanks. I do feel good about it.

C. Make sure review the demo as part of the rehearsal.

M. Will do

C. Great. Was this helpful?

M. Big time!!

C. Excellent. Talk later.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Jan 12, 2021 at 12:46 PM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it

M. I'm pissed that f**** M has not responded to my email. More importantly, I'm pissed that PM is delayed because they f’d up a number of times, which has caused us precious time. The net of it is that the project is way over budget and way over time. I'm pissed because I have no leverage. In fact, he can in essence hold PM “hostage.” He's done it before. Plus, he hasn't gotten back to me regarding HL. This is so f’d up. They have completely mismanaged the project.

C. Want my advice?

M. Absolutely

C. Speak with V to find out what would be involved to transition PM to them. Mention your concerns to see how they would handle them.

M. Okay. What should I focus on next?

C. I would prep for the meeting with DJ and start working on the I3 document.

M. Okay. Thanks. I needed to vent, so this was helpful

C. Great. Talk later.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Jan 21, 2021 at 01:44 PM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it

M. I'm so f’ing pissed at M. They keep f’ing up. They made another mistake. This project started in August and was supposed to be done by end of October. It's end of January and we have no insight into when PM will be complete. WAY over budget and WAY over time. He doesn't give a crap on when it's done.

C. Let me ask a few questions

M. Okay

C. Is there ANYTHING positive about this?

M. Well, it seems like there was only one small issue that needed to be addressed, so there's a strong possibility that PM will be approved by the end of January. There is still work to do, which I'm guessing will take a couple of weeks. This puts us at around mid to late February. And the new PM will rock. It's already outstanding.

C. So you likely will get the I3 project, which will give you some income, right?

M. Yep, that's right.

C. This is an important point, D. Because this buys you time. Play this out with me.

M. Okay

C. Assume that PM is fully available to show on Feb 28. You have funds to last you through then and still make the WR payment, right?

M. That's true

C. Do me a favor and say: I have enough funds and more is coming to bridge me through the next 3-4 months, which buys me plenty of time to start actively building pipeline. Plus, there are a few other opportunities in play.

M. Okay

C. Now take a deep breath

M. Okay

C. Now put your foot on his fing throat. Amp up your intensity to create opps. Start your program tomorrow. No more excuses. Enough is enough! You've done incredible work. The SED is outstanding! Go work on this some more. Just nail it. Then work on NPS and just nail it. Do these two things well today plus tidy up the house, okay?

M. You got it

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely

C. Great. Talk later.
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Default Jan 23, 2021 at 01:49 PM
Wow that was alot of good counseling. I hope you stick with it!!!
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Default Jan 28, 2021 at 07:38 PM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it

M. I'm tired and stressed. I have been working nonstop.

C. Go on

M. The F meeting was frustrating. K was spouting a bunch of BS.

C. Go on

M. I was also frustrated with how the meeting with DJ went.

C. How so?

M. My friend spoke too much

C. Can I ask a question?

M. Sure

C. Is it possible you're looking at the DJ meeting through a negative lense

M. What do you mean?

C. Didn't SL tell you that DJ gave her some ideas on how to package S 2.0?

M. She did

C. Didn't she also tell you that DJ said he's a fan?

M. She did

C. Didn't DJ also say he couldn't understand wasn't part of EVERY ST deal?

M. He did

C. Also didn't a prominent company come out with a GS solution?

M. Yes

C. What's their messaging?

M. I'll work on that. Thanks.

C. Good. Let me know how it goes.

M. Will do
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Default Jan 31, 2021 at 01:50 PM

M. Need to get to decompress

C. Go for it

M. Frustrated about PM, finances, FC, so much stuff to do, and weight gain

C. Can I share a perspective?

M. Sure

C. Here are some real opps
- I3 will close
- HL set up
- FB still due
- PAN possible
- Ship possible

M. That's true. These are all possible.

C. Also once you have the new PM, then ST can start

M. Go on

C. How did you feel when R and DJ positioned PM as one of ST’s three PPs?

M. Made my day. I almost didn't believe it. It was in many ways a huge relief.

C. Let's net it out.

M. Okay

C. You have enough to get you through PM general availability. You have enough to get PM fully funded, right?

M. You're right

C. Focus on I3, HL and FB. Keep after it. Foot on the throat. And as for weight loss, start IF today. Just fing do it! Quit belly aching and get off your *** and do it. No more f’ing excuses! I want you to focus on 30 minute increments. STOP eating at 8pm period! You know what you need to do, so do it. Enough! Got it?

M. Got it

C. To summarize you have enough to get you to PM and you need to stop making excuses and being lazy about self-care. Got it?

M. Got it

C. My advice is that you spend sometime today on Why PM, okay?

M. Will do

C. Was this helpful?

M. Yes, it was. It helped me get these emotions off my chest, put things in perspective to see that I have enough and that things can eventually be great.

C. Good. No get after it.

M. You got it. Thanks!
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Smile Feb 20, 2021 at 05:35 PM
Hi No excuses! It IS good to vent! Now you have a great attitude!
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Default Mar 13, 2021 at 04:10 PM
M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it

M. I'm so f’ing pissed off

C. What about?

M. I'm pissed at SF and Al in particular. Their service has been terrible. Worse than terrible because they have not even responded. Unbelievable! So frustrating. All Al needed to do was let us know she was on the case. I've been frustrated about this since a week ago Friday when we first raised the issue. It's frustrating and angering because I have zero control other than sending emails. I've sent 3 to 5 and no response.

C. What else?

M. I'm also frustrated with ST.

C. How so?

M. Starting with Sh. She's worthless. Just seeing her pisses me off.

C. What else?

M. I'm also upset that DJ did not respond to my email. He completely ignored it. It wasn't my idea. It was f’ing Sh’s. I'm pissed that he never agreed to strategize with me.

C. What else?

M. I'm also upset with Sil.

C. Why?

M. I was the one who introduced her to EU and she never thanked me for it. Now she's saying she wants to back off from ST leaving me holding the bag.

C. What else?

M. I'm anxious about the TG and Sap opportunities

C. Anything else?

M. I'm anxious about the amount of work l still need to do.

C. Specifically?

M. I still need to create the d-tour

C. What else?

M. I need to finish the I3 BD project

C. What else?

M. I still need to finish the A/X listing.

C. What would make you feel better even great?

M. It would be great if:

- SF told us we passed the review. That would be fantastic!
- I got the TG deal. This would be so awesome
- I got the Sap deal. This would be such an incredible relief

C. Here's my take on SF. It will happen. You will get a response from Al on Monday. That's very likely. Wouldn't you say so?

M. I think that is likely. If I don't hear from her by 1pm, I'll email Nik.

C. I know this is q massive deal for you, but it's not like you'll never hear back, right?

M. That's right. It's not like all of a sudden SF is shutting the door on you never to be heard from again. You're right.

C. So, my advice is to wait until 1pm and then raise the issue with Nik.

M. Ok

C. Regarding ST, I suggest you bite the bullet and be a team player. Make an effort to prospecting. Schedule sending the webinar invite on Monday. You'll feel better about it and show you're a team player. Listen, there's always someone challenging to work with anywhere you go. Take the high road. Become the poster child. Okay?

M. That's good advice

C. ST still represents a phenomenal opportunity for you.

M. You're right

C. Move on without Sil. You have SPM 2.0 just around the corner. Just saying you're affiliated with ST is enormous.

M. You're right

C. Isn't Col super excited about the BE program?

M. That's true

C. Didn't DJ say you made significant progress?

M. That's true

C. Didn't Sh and Lisa say it's good to go?

M. That's also true

C. If I recall correctly you have been getting a super positive response to PM, right?

M. Yes, you're right I have. Every single time.

C. And, you my friend have done an outstanding, I mean phenomenal job with the HL training program. This now gives you a complete system.

M. Thanks. I appreciate that. I am very happy with what I created and it is scalable.

C. I know how easy it is to get caught up in the negative and completely negate the positive. That's how the brain works.

M. So I've heard and I believe it.

C. And this is especially true when you have so many crucial issues to deal with. It's easy to get stuck in the “quicksand.” Fortunately, things have picked up for you considerably. My advice is that you turn ST and Sil into super positive opportunities.

M. How so?

C. With ST, have Sil set up the meeting with the marketing person. Have Sil set up a call with Tina to show the BE program. Prep for the call with the team. You did an outstanding job with DJ and the team. Create an email template for ST prospecting. Send the webinar invite to 5 people on Monday. Start thinking about presenting the new PM to the Enterprise team in April. Create the demo tour. Incorporate what you're doing with HL with I360. Get excited about this. Especially, the rollout. Use it as a content development workshop where you're getting buying from the team. Use it as an opportunity to develop a GREAT prospecting course that's even better than ST’’s. Reference the material and your notes. Kick f’ing ***. Show Sil what you created and have her leverage this with EU.

M. These are great ideas! Now I'm fired up. I can use the PB training for anyone outside ST.

C. Exactly. Continue to make an effort with ST because lots of upside, but get ready to put full-court press on PM.

M. Love it

C. Foot on the throat time.

M. Abso****inglutely!

C. Regarding the diet. Start next week when you start getting the K meals.

M. Sounds good

C. Feel better

M. 100%. Thanks so much!

C. You got it
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Mar 22, 2021 at 10:19 PM
M. Need to vent

C. Go for it. What’s on your mind?

M. Feeling frazzled and frustrated

C. Why?


I’m flustered that CL asked us to make changes at the last second.
I’m flustered that DJ told SL not to rely on CL
I’m flustered that MM said that we can’t update PM
I’m flustered that I might lose Cent
I’m flustered that I don’t know next steps for SF
I’m flustered that the logo is not ready
I’m flustered that RC expects me to drop everything
I’m flustered that I need to get stuff to TG but can’t tonight because have to...
I’m flustered that I don’t have a game plan for launching PM
I’m flustered that I have to get up at 5
I’m flustered that I need to fill out another f’ing form for PP
I’m flustered that I still have a lot of work to do to show new PM
I’m flustered that I didn’t do a great job on the demo because felt rushed
I’m flustered that SL is leaving
I’m flustered that EU already has two customers

C. Did it help to get this stuff off your chest?

M. It did

C. Can I ask a few questions?

M. Sure

C. Is it a good thing to have CL on your side?

M. Sure

C. If I’m not mistaken, you were fired up about PM last week, right?

M. That’s true

C. It seems to me that SL now being a part of EU can actually be a positive for you. You still have ST as a partner and now you have EU.

M. That’s true

C. Here’s my advice. Call it a night. You can use the time after the ST meeting to regroup..

M. Ok. Thanks

C. Did this help?

M. It did. I just needed to get all this stuff out of my system. Overall, things are better than ever.

C. Great. Talk later.
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Default Mar 23, 2021 at 01:56 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it

M. Slept so-so last night because I had to get up super early for an important meeting

C. How did the meeting go?

M. It went very well. The net of it is that the team saw value in the offering and that we have clear next steps.

C. Great

M. I’m still upset at DJ for pooping the idea. I hate to say this, but f— him. He’s talking out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand he was the one who asked that we focus on BE. On the other, he’s now telling us to be careful with CL. Well, guess what? CL is fired up about this. And CL is the one who has the team to go make it happen. “Thanks” for the warning, but f___ you.

C. What else is on your mind?

M. Now that PM is on A/X, I’m nervous about launching it?

C. Why? I thought you were excited about this?

M. Well, I am but now it’s for real.

C. Want some advice?

M. Please

C. Ask SL to help you think through how to sign X number of new accounts by end Q2. There is a lot of alignment with what she’s doing at EU, so makes sense to partner. What do you think?

M. I like it. We’ll come up with a launch plan

C. I also suggest that you do a practice demo and review the listing deck. It seems like every time you do a demo, you get fired up more often than not.

M. Okay.

C. What else?

M. I’m nervous about DJ and Cent. I feel terrible that I haven’t engaged with DJ in over a month, at least, and am afraid he might have lost interest.

C. My advice is that you send him a heartfelt note tomorrow at the latest.

M. Okay. Have to run.

C. Okay. Was this helpful?

M. Yep. Thanks!
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Default Mar 28, 2021 at 08:35 AM
Wow, I loved the way you attacked those problems. That was a learning opportunity for me. Thank you for modelling a new way to deal with my rage and frustration. I feel bad for the emotions you're experiencing. I can relate to having to review your emotions for validity and to avoid not sabotaging yourself. I often don't say anything/respond because I don't know if my feelings are appropriate. This will help me evaluate them more efficiently. This has been so helpful.
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Default Apr 07, 2021 at 06:15 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it. What’s on your mind?

M. Lots. My call with RK did not go well today. He wanted me to do a lot more than we agreed to. Fortunately, I had documented what we agreed to and was able to show. He and I co-created the agreement. I created many different versions. The last one was what we agreed to. He said we had a “disconnect.” Thank goodness I had the agreement handy and was able to show it to him. Checkmate. It bothered me because I think very highly of RK and we have a strong personal relationship. I also don’t want him to think that I’m not living up to my commitment.

C. Fortunately you were able to put up the agreement up on the screen. You can tell him when you show him that you have his best interest at heart. My advice is that you build a killer BD PB. Make it look fantastic. Make it something you would use for LG. Set aside tomorrow morning to work on this. Over deliver within the context of the agreement.

M. Okay. Thanks.

C. What else?

M. Frustrated that it’s taking so f’ing long to get the new PM installed. F—-!

C. Go on

M. It’s been almost a year. It’s so frustrating that it’s so f’ing difficult.

C. Listen, I can absolutely understand why this is so frustrating. This is your livelihood we’re talking about. Combine this with the uncertainty. It is completely understandable.

M. Yep

C. For grins and giggles let’s imagine how the new PM might look.

M. Okay

C. Imagine how great it will be to emphasize the new scoring

M. That will be great. It’s so much easier to explain the calculation.

C. Imagine how great it will be to show how to use PS for scoring

M. This is something that will really resonate with HOS

C. Imagine how great it will be to have the tips show inside of ES

M. I’m really excited about being able to demo this. This the CTC feature. This is DC in a box.

C. Imagine how great it will be to show the B perspective.

M. This will completely align with PN and as far as I’m concerned replace PN. Why would you need PN when it’s built into PM?

C. Imagine how clean the CM section look without all the + stuff

M. Yep it will look super clean

C. Imagine how great it will look to have the new PS and DS labels

M. This will be super intuitive.

C. Imagine how nice it will be for PS and DS to have a different color scheme

M. Again this will make PM super intuitive

C. Imagine being able to show the notepad as part of the demo

M. This is a really nice little feature which adds a lot of value. I’ll need to create one for the demo. I’ll also need to recreate the one I use for PB and update the new PB PB.

C. On that note, imagine what a great demo you’ll be able to do. It’s already great. And it’s about to get even better

M. Absolutely. I’m really happy with the motion I followed yesterday with Pinto. This will be how I run every call from now on. It was a great way to recap the call.

C. Yes, very nicely done

M. Thanks

C. Tell me about USB

M. Oh my. What a great surprise! I was not expecting to see what I saw. I’m so grateful for this. Praise God! He answered my prayer.

C. This has to be a great relief.

M. It’s an enormous relief. It gives me ramp and I still have big input coming from TG and PW. Thank you, God!

C. I’m happy for you

M. Thank you. The key is to now get PM off the ground.

C. Let’s use the next conversation with SL to create a cookbook for PB and ST. Lean into ST.

M. Okay

C. On the health front, look into jump and start working out even if it’s a super light workout.

M. Okay

C. Also start planning fun. Look into the golf lessons and getting back to the driving range.

M. Okay

C. Also pay SL/SP. Just get that done.

M. Good advice.

C. Was this helpful?

M. Super helpful! Thank you!

C. You got it. Talk soon.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Apr 12, 2021 at 10:54 PM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it. What’s on your mind?

M. I’m furious

C. Why?

M. I’m pissed that f’ing SH is asking me to spend 8 hours per week with no description about what’s supposed to happen during each session. She’s a f’ing idiot. She gave me **** on Friday telling me that it would be my loss to not participate in the FS, but yet she can’t even describe what it is what I’ll be missing. It boggles the mind that she is allegedly an expert in ST but can’t even put on an effective STP. F’ing unbelievable!!!

C. What else?

M. I’m pissed that f’ing SP wasted my f’ing time today. He’s f’ing clueless. Waste of f’ing time.

C. What else?

M. I’m also pissed that I didn’t do a great job with the d___.

C. I think you’re being too hard on yourself. SP is not someone with whom you’d like to work. It was good for you to do a dry run with SP. This will help you prep for tomorrow’s meeting, right?

M. Good point

C. What else?

M. I’m pissed that it’s taking so long to get the instance up and running. I’m also a bit nervous about it.

C. It’s natural for you to feel anxious about this.

M. I still need to do the A//X work. So frustrated about how much work this entails. There is so much work left to do.

C. Here’s my take. Use this week to get the instance, A/X updated, and your PB up. You’ll also have I3 BDG 95% done, this will free up your time next week. Make sense?

M. Yep

C. My best advice is to keep plowing. Just stay after. Also, follow your instinct to get closer to Christ and your faith. Just keep plugging. You’ve been EXTREMELY productive.

M. Thanks, I kind of lost sight of this.

C. Okay, so the mantra is keep plugging. Just keep after it. Same thing with your diet. Keep after it. You can do it. You’ve done it before. You can do it again.

M. What about JE issue?

C. Just schedule a 15 minute meeting.

M. Okay

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely. It was useful to get all this stuff out of my system and put in perspective.

C. Great. BTW, you did an outstanding job with PW. You really nailed it.

M. Thanks. I appreciate that. I did do a good job if I say so myself.

C. Excellent. Talk later.
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