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Default Jun 13, 2023 at 12:45 PM
I am a 42 year old woman, and I feel deep loneliness and great emotional pain in my marriage. When I decided to get married at the age of 34, I thought it would end my loneliness and give me a better life. My husband seemed like a decent, non-aggressive, non-impulsive person. However, over time I discovered that he had his own world, a bedroom set up as his personal space where he sleeps, eats and works. Our contact has become extremely limited, to the point that we can go an entire day without speaking. Still, I gave it my all giving him my full attention and love, but he keeps me at a distance.

I have a 7 year old daughter, and I feel trapped. I considered leaving my husband, but I wanted him to take the initiative to end this marriage, because he sometimes threatens me to put my things out during arguments. However, he never takes action, preferring that I take the initiative to leave myself. The problem is, I have nowhere to go until I buy an apartment, and rents are expensive in this town.

My intention was to keep calm and strong, with my head on my shoulders, while saving to buy an apartment. Financially, I'm fine with it, but emotionally, I'm in a lot of pain. I feel neglected and neglected, while my husband takes on all the financial burdens of the house, leaving nothing from his salary. This situation separates us even further.

I'm sorry to express my feelings so bluntly, no sex since 2019. but it's important for me to be sincere with what I feel. I need to find a solution that allows me to regain a sense of happiness and emotional satisfaction
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Default Jun 13, 2023 at 05:27 PM
@kahina23 - welcome to MSF. I am sorry you are suffering from a dysfunctional relationship. It is sad when people grow apart and in different directions.

Have you considered getting a therapist to help you sort things out? If that is not financially feasible there are lots of support groups online like DBSA and NAMI that offer Zoom meetings to help people sort their lives out.

Hope you get the support you are looking for. @CANDC

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