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Default Dec 05, 2017 at 10:37 AM
[QUOTE=Arbie;5911029]There are people who know full well that somebody has PTSD, and make a game of deliberately jumping out at them so they can laugh at the startle reaction. That is truly sadistic. I won't tolerate people like that in my life anymore.


I don't get how people get any type of enjoyment in watching someone react to something that causes another being distress. Would you laugh at the diabetic going into shock? No.

This one neighbor I had who also experienced mental illness and knew about my ptsd. Triggered me many times. He would pound on the door like he was the cops. I would answer and be distraught and then angry with him asking him to leave and when he can learn how to knock on the door normally leave me the hell alone. The other thing he would do is while in my house hit the test on my smoke detector for the hell of it (huge trigger for me) and laugh when it sent me into panic mode. We are not friends anymore.

Another thing I hate about PTSD is that all people with it are dangerous. I am not dangerous. I am low keyed and hiding way in the background (social anxiety) and i dont like being lumped in what is called dangerous by most media;s these days.
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Default Dec 05, 2017 at 09:33 PM
I wish people would quit asking me, "Why didn't you do something to stop it? Why didn't you say anything?"

I don't know, maybe because I was a kid who didn't know any better. A kid who didn't understand anything beyond, "It hurts. I'm scared. I wish they didn't do this." I didn't know it was wrong, I just knew these things. I was terrified. I didn't want to "betray" these people. It's so much more complex than, "They did something bad, better go tell someone."

It doesn't work like that. I didn't want this. I didn't purposely put myself into these situations. And I still don't know what I did to deserve it, other than existing.

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Default Dec 06, 2017 at 06:40 AM
That we can just get over it.
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Default Dec 06, 2017 at 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Só leigheas View Post
I wish people would quit asking me, "Why didn't you do something to stop it? Why didn't you say anything?"

I don't know, maybe because I was a kid who didn't know any better. A kid who didn't understand anything beyond, "It hurts. I'm scared. I wish they didn't do this." I didn't know it was wrong, I just knew these things. I was terrified. I didn't want to "betray" these people. It's so much more complex than, "They did something bad, better go tell someone."

It doesn't work like that. I didn't want this. I didn't purposely put myself into these situations. And I still don't know what I did to deserve it, other than existing.
I can relate. When I was in high school, I was telling my grandmother how it had been when I was five years old and an adult family friend **trigger warning** molested me. My grandmother actually said, "Well, it seems you would have been intelligent enough to scream."

Um.... I was five. I didn't even know what he was doing, let alone that the proper response was to scream.
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Default Dec 07, 2017 at 10:02 PM
That it’s a roller coaster ride, I have spans of being okay and functioning and then I will have a bad period and it’s a fight to get to work so I can keep my job. Usually it’s around anniversaries of trauma or when I have excessive stress in my life

That I don’t want to be this way and if I could just move on I would. It is a never ending nightmare. I can be with friends laughing and having a good time and the wrong noise, smell, movement just releases a bad memory and steals my joy
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Default Dec 11, 2017 at 02:15 PM
That the nightmares, flashbacks, and bad memories don't always go away, even with time.
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Default Dec 15, 2017 at 02:19 PM
That you know what happened to me and what triggers me. You don't. You have some idea, and that's partly right. But I get triggered a lot - this week alone three times by male genitals (someone drew one on the window in my classroom - well, I get triggered by that every time I'm in that classroom because no one has removed it -, a classmate thought it was funny to send a link to a picture of a naked man to the whole class (on the year group what's app group) with the message it would give information on which teachers wouldn't come in because of the snow, and when sharing pictures of snowmen on our family's what's app group, my cousin sent a picture of two snowmen "doing the deed") - and people probably wouldn't do that if they knew what triggers me, what happened to me, stuff like that. (At least I hope they wouldn't.) But people just assume "No one told me they've been s.assaulted, so no one I know has been s.assaulted, so I can send crude pictures and no one will get triggered". I wish people would be more careful in that area. Don't send pictures like that unless you know the person receiving it will be OK with it.

Or the people assuming my PTSD is because of my leg amputation, or sometimes the illness preceding it. Uh, not quite. My PTSD is mainly because of the medical torture that resulted in my leg needing amputation - the amputation itself wasn't actually traumatizing. And to a lesser degree, because of the s.assault and some other stuff. But mainly the torture.
When people assume PTSD is because of my leg amputation, it's kinda hurtful, because it feels like they're discounting that something REALLY AWFUL has happened (or, for those who don't know, might have happened). Or one of my teachers at school (I receive assistance and stuff from a special eduaction school that has an office at the adult education school, while following my classes at said adult education school - she's the teacher that mainly provides my SpecEd assistance) sent the rest of the teachers a short email saying I have PTSD (we discussed she'd do that, the fact that she emailed wasn't the issue) because of a nasty medical history or medical treatment. That's like saying I have PTSD from a tooth extraction. A tooth extraction might not be fun, but it's not abusive. It's "for the greater good" - it has a purpose. I have PTSD because of mindless violence. No purpose, just pain.
Any time someone says it's because of a treatment, I feel.. well, I don't know how I feel, but I don't feel heard.

Then there's some annoyances, such as people being too careful (people who know I don't like being touched in certain situations, or assume I can't stand being touched at all) and as a result won't come within 10 feet of me (OK, that's a bit of an exaggaration, but I trust you get my point).
On the other hand, my parents aren't careful enough - they know I have PTSD and tell everyone (even those who don't need telling because it's none of their business) about how they have to be careful in some areas, but they themselves never are.
Definitely one thing I hate the most - but that's mostly what I hate about my parents, not a wrong idea that I'd like to eliminate.
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Default Dec 15, 2017 at 05:35 PM
I would like people to know and understand that just because a person has PTSD from childhood it doesn't automatically mean DID.Many people seem to believe that's true and it's just not.

I would like them to know that PTSD symptoms are wide and varied for each person.No two people experience the same ones.

Not all triggers are the same either.And while it may seem silly or stupid to be triggered by a shirt color,a look on someones face or any kind of grape drink,it's very serious to me and really sets me off,not by choice.Triggers are not funny,they're not silly,nor are they b.s.

Depression is and can be a part of PTSD.And it definitely is for me.I don't need to be told I should also have a depression dx,or an anxiety dx,or any other diagnosis when I have already been to professionals and everything I experience falls under one dx,which is PTSD.

Not everyone with PTSD is heavily medicated.Some manage their symptoms without medication.Having the dx doesn't automatically mean meds are necessary to keep the person from becoming dangerous or violent.

PTSD doesn't cause a person to cheat on or abuse their partner.

People with it ARE capable of being loving,kind,caring,sympathetic and compassionate.
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Default Dec 19, 2017 at 11:56 AM
Neuroscience is young, so I don't expect people to know that PTSD is a brain disorder. It is not a mechanism that can be willed (solved) through character development. Once the science behind the disorder is understood, the healing work can begin. Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and university professor, explains on You Tube the mechanics of PTSD through neuroscience, but most importantly, gets to the root of the problem of malevolence and what that does to ones innocence whether in war or family combat, etc. Peterson's work with those having PTSD has helped me tremendously; I am grateful for the turning point he brought me to in my recovery.

Who better to get the word out than those of us with PTSD?
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Default Dec 24, 2017 at 11:33 AM
That non-combat vets with PTSD are not as necessary to treat than combat vets.
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Default Dec 24, 2017 at 02:39 PM
PTSD has shown me the worst that humanity has to offer. A lot of PTSD is caused by human nature and a lot of PTSD is worsened by human nature. Ultimately, I believe that human nature is to blame for PTSD and until humans shape up and stop traumatizing each-other, it will only get worse.

I wish that people were educated more about PTSD and made aware that it is a PHYSICAL BRAIN INJURY that effects EVERYTHING; not merely the inability to accept something and move on.

Victim blaming and shaming is horrendous and can be worse than the initial trauma!

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Default Dec 27, 2017 at 05:07 PM
Several things:

1. People seem to be bandying about the term PTSD. It seems the in thing to have these days and I get so very irritated by those jumping on the bandwagon and self-diagnosing the condition. That is not to say that some of these people might very well have trauma issues but it just seems that so many claim to have it because it is en vogue to do so.

2. That due to the above taking place, people seem to question and devalue the disorder's legitimacy. Even with a proper diagnosis, I still seem to need to prove its veracity. It still comes down to a case of my statements being a matter of heresay.

3. People jump to the conclusion that PTSD is a physical result of trauma. In the case of emotional injury they seem to refuse to believe that non-physical trauma could possibly result in a diagnosis of PTSD.

ie. Oh, you never saw combat so you either shouldn't have a problem or shouldn't dare to equate it with what the soldiers go through.

4. People seem to be of the opinion that those with PTSD are unable to function at all.

5. In the case of abusive traumas, the attitude seems to be, "Oh I was bullied too, get over it."
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Default Dec 27, 2017 at 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by justafriend306 View Post
Several things:

1. People seem to be bandying about the term PTSD. It seems the in thing to have these days and I get so very irritated by those jumping on the bandwagon and self-diagnosing the condition. That is not to say that some of these people might very well have trauma issues but it just seems that so many claim to have it because it is en vogue to do so.

2. That due to the above taking place, people seem to question and devalue the disorder's legitimacy. Even with a proper diagnosis, I still seem to need to prove its veracity. It still comes down to a case of my statements being a matter of heresay.

3. People jump to the conclusion that PTSD is a physical result of trauma. In the case of emotional injury they seem to refuse to believe that non-physical trauma could possibly result in a diagnosis of PTSD.

ie. Oh, you never saw combat so you either shouldn't have a problem or shouldn't dare to equate it with what the soldiers go through.

4. People seem to be of the opinion that those with PTSD are unable to function at all.

5. In the case of abusive traumas, the attitude seems to be, "Oh I was bullied too, get over it."

Interesting post! I liked what you wrote. I want to comment on some of the things you wrote.

1.) I would have to agree that there is a gradual shift in society towards mental health and identifying with it. While there are certainly some people out there who 'jump on the bandwagon' so the speak, (just like people think it is a fad to be gay) I have to give them benefit of the doubt. I believe a lot of the people you are referring to are coming forward, not because it is a fad, but because they finally feel comfortable to speak up about their struggles now that society is finally starting to spread awareness and validate mental health.

3.) Are you referring to the people who think that someone can only suffer PTSD after experiencing PHYSICAL abuse / trauma? It is interesting you mentioned this and soldiers: I recently had someone tell me that ONLY soldiers can have PTSD and everyone else has TRAUMA. The person worked in healthcare as well and claimed this is what the professionals were saying to her. I quickly challenged it and she stopped responding to me. It was really invalidating.


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Default Dec 28, 2017 at 10:13 AM
Thank you for your comments.

In my own dialogue I was intending to state that there is an opinion held by many that that PTSD is the result of either physical injury or that which has occurred from 'front line experience' (ie. military, emergency workers).

I encounter people who have questioned whether PTSD can result from trauma other than combat/emergency services experiences.

Incidentally, I have seen the reverse of this. I attended a few meetings of a PTSD support group. The 'victims' present were mostly those whom have encountered violence - the majority of which were women. Several gentlemen showed up whose PTSD was in fact pertaining to combat duty. It was really awkward and unfortunate as their (male) presence was really quite upsetting to many in the group. I was upset myself, what with my own PTSD stemming from violence (and at the hands of military persons no less). But I was even more upset when these gentlemen were asked to no longer participate. How cruel was that sort of message? That there own anguish was discounted on account they were male.
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Default Dec 28, 2017 at 07:21 PM
I just very recently had someone say to me "I think I have PTSD too,I get paranoid like you do"(This same person,just not too long ago said "I think I have PTSD too,I blow up in anger like you do").

This time I said "do you even know what PTSD is?" and they said "yeah it's when you get upset about stuff".

No..just STFU...is what I wanted to say.

I honestly don't get why anyone would WANT to have it or try to make their experiences fit the dx.Especially when they have no idea what it is or what can cause it.
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Default Dec 29, 2017 at 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by RubyRae View Post
I just very recently had someone say to me "I think I have PTSD too,I get paranoid like you do"(This same person,just not too long ago said "I think I have PTSD too,I blow up in anger like you do").

This time I said "do you even know what PTSD is?" and they said "yeah it's when you get upset about stuff".

No..just STFU...is what I wanted to say.

I honestly don't get why anyone would WANT to have it or try to make their experiences fit the dx.Especially when they have no idea what it is or what can cause it.
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Default Dec 29, 2017 at 06:33 PM
I was born with a high sensitivity level. Which also doesn't mean what people think it means.

Ironically, I have PTSD due in large part to the actions of people trying to toughen me up so I wouldn't be so sensitive.
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Default Dec 30, 2017 at 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by Arbie View Post
I was born with a high sensitivity level. Which also doesn't mean what people think it means.

Ironically, I have PTSD due in large part to the actions of people trying to toughen me up so I wouldn't be so sensitive.
Oh I can fully relate to this! "Just be rational, think positively, nothing so bad is happening!" although events I went through were difficult, it was the reaction of people to my fear/depression that was more traumatising than the circumstances themselves...
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Exclamation Dec 30, 2017 at 09:32 AM
I was diagnosed years ago with CPTSD. I have had many physical, and emotional traumas in my life. I have trouble with sleep, flashbacks, anxiety ect. I see a T, and a Pdoc monthy. I am able to function to an extent. The thing I find wrong, that I wish people would understand is that even if you don't see a problem, it doesn't mean that it isn't there. I have this, MMD, and many physical issues, but I don't have a disabled sticker for my car, or anything that would make a person think I was disabled, and I was diagnosed to be totally disabled physically, and mentally in 2009. I just wish people would treat others with more compassion. Because if a person might be waiting for a close parking spot to a store, it might be for a major reason. I don't normally tell everyone I am disabled, but I wish people would have more compassion, instead of giving another person the finger, or foul words.
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Default Dec 30, 2017 at 09:39 PM
I feel more awareness is needed to inform the general public that PTSD is not only a military issue. I was once told by a friend that she knew people a lot worse off than me. To me, that was about the worst thing she could have said. Nothing like getting judged when you re already judging yourself so harshly.
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