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Old Jul 19, 2016, 12:48 AM
AnnabelleEliza AnnabelleEliza is offline
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Member Since: Jul 2016
Location: United States
Posts: 2
I got pregnant in the spring of my freshman year of high school. I was 15. At 24 weeks, I was barely showing, but the doctors said my baby boy was perfect.
At 25 weeks I fell in the kitchen, and went to the doctor just as a precautionary measure, and when the doctor asked me if I'd felt any movement since my fall, I told him I hadn't really felt any at all yet.
He instantly got a worried expression and wanted to look closer at my baby and run some tests. After 3 hours of poking and prodding they determined that my son had Osteogenesis Imperfecta; a disorder that causes a baby's bones to break in the womb.
There's nothing the doctors could do for him, and he was suffering. So they induced me at 25 weeks, 3 days.
I had to deliver my son knowing he wouldn't survive more than a few moments outside of me.
July 19th 2015, my son was born. He lived outside of my womb for less than 4 minutes before he died.

Last edited by FooZe; Jul 19, 2016 at 12:31 PM. Reason: added trigger icon
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Old Jul 19, 2016, 10:35 PM
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I am sorry. As a mom I can't even imagine the pain.

Have you considered looking for help from someone?
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