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Old Apr 22, 2007, 10:33 PM
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spiritual_emergency spiritual_emergency is offline
Grand Poohbah
Member Since: Feb 2007
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For curiosities sake I took the test...

<blockquote>Your Sanity Score: 42

Based upon your answers, you appear to be in good mental health. Congratulations! You may experience specific mental health concerns, relationship issues, or other issues that come up from time to time in your life, but your overall mental health score suggests that you deal with these well. People with similar scores are more resilient than most people, handle stress appropriately, have good relationships with others, and are able to cope with the in's and out's of everyday life with grace and ease.

I wouldn't say that I've dealt with the events of the past few years with grace and ease -- it has, in fact, been a very ungraceful and clumsy process, but I've learned from it. The one area I really need to work on... I smoke and enjoy it most of the time, but I know I should quit.

Overall, I know it's just an online test but I feel good about it.


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