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Default Apr 12, 2020 at 06:32 PM
Letting people know they have a problem is a joke in itself. By the time they fill out the form they know they have a problem.

My score was 92 that has to be the best I’ve scored in 30 years. Prior to that I have been pretty messed up because of a 99% food intolerance. It’s not always your mental condition. It’s more likely to be a food intolerance.

But the health community won’t tell you that!
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Default Apr 13, 2020 at 01:16 PM
Thanks for sharing your results.

"I may be older but I am not wise / I'm still a child's grown-up disguise / and I never can tell you what you want to know / You will find out as you go." (from: "A Nightengale's Lullaby" - Julie Last)
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Default Apr 13, 2020 at 04:23 PM
The test don't include majority of issues. It doesn't include loneliness, one of our biggest factor for mental suffering. It doesn't take in count lack of support, poverty, being hungry, homeless or even having autism or ADHD. Also it claims you cannot suffer from a psyical ailment if you have it more than 6 mths. I guess after that your anxiety about the illness and the pain, suffering, discomfort and shame will disappear! Like magic!

It is for entertainment purposes. No one can take it seriously.

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Default Apr 15, 2020 at 03:59 AM
I am not saying this test is inaccurate but IMO most if not all online tests offer a basic guideline that can apply to a lot of people. Its alot like the meyers brigg test. You can take that test 4 times in a row and get different outcomes. I do not believe tests like these are good for anything other than prompting someone to look deeper for help. I personally do not put much faith in online tests. How many times have you googled an illness or condition only to find you have symptoms of some major illness or disease? Or checked out an online screening test that always confirms the reason for the test?

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Default Apr 24, 2020 at 11:21 PM
I’ve had to take various tests similar to the one here. They are actually relevant.. it’s not the figure that counts. It points to deprivation of substantial happiness in a person’s life. Doctors prescribe drugs in the hope of lifting the mood to ascertain a position of stability in a mind so that eventually happiness reappears. and the retaking of the test 6 months later is supposed to show a better mood. with luck! But, that does not happen in most cases because the person has unlikely changed their life to ascertain a happiness change. Loneliness is the pits and affects most when alone for long periods of time. But, the reason for that is because their not comfortable in their own skin, plus the fear factor. A person MUST first conquer their fear. Todo that, they must face the fact that there is nothing on this planet to ever fear. Then be happy by living the life you truly want to live without £££ affecting it. £££ is irrelevant to happiness.

Only other element to unhappiness is illness. I should know this one because I’ve been in pain since 1991 with Fibromyalgia but in the last 7 years severe pain. No tablets to take the pain away or alleviate it as the tablets cause me pain to. Also no doctor has ever shown concern for this condition, which truly bothers me the most.

Happiness is what I cling to, I strive for it each and every moment of the day. Problem is holding onto that. Come the day of my end the planet will have lost a great friend!
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Default Apr 25, 2020 at 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by MrBee View Post
Letting people know they have a problem is a joke in itself. By the time they fill out the form they know they have a problem.

My score was 92 that has to be the best I’ve scored in 30 years. Prior to that I have been pretty messed up because of a 99% food intolerance. It’s not always your mental condition. It’s more likely to be a food intolerance.

But the health community won’t tell you that!
Can you share some sources that support it being more likely related to food than mental health?

"I carried a watermelon?"

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Default Apr 30, 2020 at 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post

Can you share some sources that support it being more likely related to food than mental health?
Thanks for showing an interest!

Being a person of knowing a lot about my personal experience body & mind.I will give you a quick basis of my research of my conditions over the last 18 years. When I purchased a computer and collated my knowledge and the reasoning that Doctors know nothing of this area of research and the closest research being done is by the Australians.

On that note my wife was very knowledgable about the effects of spiritual experiences and their benefits/non benefits.

Reasoning with what I have just said means it would likely take me a week to explain everything. So on that premise I have come to the conclusion that a small precise is best and the likelihood of the fact that you likely wouldn’t believe the facts that I put down is quite high..

So, illness began 1987 with Fibromyalgia developed in 1991. Constant communication with doctor got nowhere so he then referred me to a Psychologist to whom I disputed there was nothing wrong with me except a tingling feeling that felt it was making me unstable. After 120+ hours with the Psychologist, on the days coming to the end of the service he asked if I thought I was any better for it! I told him firmly as I said in the beginning I felt a tingling feeling that was making me feel unstable. No change.

I met my wife at that point we got on well and found much happiness with her. In fact if I was healthy I’m sure I would still be with her. During this happy period more and more junk food was ate due to “doing things”. My health deteriorated and doctors began plugging me with tablets of varying sorts. By 2009 I had it. I couldn’t keep going as I was sleeping more than I was awake. Total exhaustion was experienced for 3 years before my doctor said stop!

I have not worked since as my health deteriorated even more due to all the tablets and this continuous tingling + now buzzing problem with a large amount of tinnitus. 2018 I left my wife to die on my own as I was destroying her. I really love my ex wife more than anything on this planet! But I had to save her first!

On being able to just concentrate on myself I have ended everything that affects me in any way shape or form. First to go was everything the doctors were prescribing. On that I felt better by 20%. On cutting out all foods that bother me severely I felt better another 40%. Since then 9 months ago and as much exercise I can physically handle which isn’t much I have achieved a 75% healthy body and a 60% healthy mind. Now when I just eat the foods set out below I achieve 80% body and 90% mind. But too much memory has been damaged by the food intolerances. As I understand it an intolerance is likely to cause damage to the brain as it is to your body but your brain is less likely to recover.

Maris piper potatoes
Unadulterated chips
Rice Bran oil.

Absolutely nothing else.
As soon as I eat anything else, there is either buzzing, tingling, pain, tinnitus, fogging, tension. Or all of these together.
The old adage applies... you are what you eat!

Start from my basic diet and after a week or two add a thing and notice exactly what it does to you such as what is described in symptoms. Plus also be aware that on my diet no IBS will occur. If you suffer from stiff stools on introduction of a new food then it is bad for you.

Tesco ginger beer is very good for you. If you don’t like any of the foods I eat! Then tough!
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Default Jul 05, 2020 at 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by MrBee View Post
Letting people know they have a problem is a joke in itself. By the time they fill out the form they know they have a problem.

My score was 92 that has to be the best I’ve scored in 30 years. Prior to that I have been pretty messed up because of a 99% food intolerance. It’s not always your mental condition. It’s more likely to be a food intolerance.

But the health community won’t tell you that!
Thank for sharing.
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Default Aug 07, 2020 at 12:25 PM
I recently watched a documentary about these quick quizzes. One of the speakers commented on them being arranged in such a way that you are meant to be left questioning yourself, your status, and therefore seek further guidance. This would be especially true if it were a quiz arranged for a specific condition, such as ADHD. For example, if you remember, a couple if years back, Adam Levine was a spokesperson for an ADHD med, i think it was Vyvanse? But on the commercial, he said something like, its my ADHD, own it, and to find out if this would be right for you, take the quiz...etc. I can understand skepticism about results, especially those generated by companies like the example, a pharmaceutical company sets up a quiz for you to basically fail so that you can show the dr the results and well, look at that, now you're prescribed the drug, isn't that convenient?! But its true, there are an awful lot of factors that go into mental health and how answers can affect the score. Like, i took the bipolar quiz and the bipolar test. One said absolutely, the other said unlikely. So, am I bipolar, or is the format of evaluation?
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Default Aug 07, 2020 at 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Ahnoid21 View Post
I recently watched a documentary about these quick quizzes. One of the speakers commented on them being arranged in such a way that you are meant to be left questioning yourself, your status, and therefore seek further guidance. This would be especially true if it were a quiz arranged for a specific condition, such as ADHD. For example, if you remember, a couple if years back, Adam Levine was a spokesperson for an ADHD med, i think it was Vyvanse? But on the commercial, he said something like, its my ADHD, own it, and to find out if this would be right for you, take the quiz...etc. I can understand skepticism about results, especially those generated by companies like the example, a pharmaceutical company sets up a quiz for you to basically fail so that you can show the dr the results and well, look at that, now you're prescribed the drug, isn't that convenient?! But its true, there are an awful lot of factors that go into mental health and how answers can affect the score. Like, i took the bipolar quiz and the bipolar test. One said absolutely, the other said unlikely. So, am I bipolar, or is the format of evaluation?

What was the documentary called?
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Default Jul 28, 2023 at 03:26 PM
Well turns out I have a serious issue with foods.
I'm fighting it but my mind is wavey.
My lower intestine has become non functional and I have to evacuate every 2 days.
The issues are mostly Dairy (swelling), Sugar (fazing), Shellfish (Hell on Earth) and Corn (Psychosis).

I have nearly forgotten what Normal is. No-one including 50+ doctors know what the (Dickens) is going on with I.


BTW... The foods above are the only safe foods except Beef which can be adulterated here with Quinine which is a preservative here in the UK... But by eck... It's absolutely lethal to people who suffer like me... and the issue is all likely to be EMA's (economically motivated adulteration) foods that has caused my issues. Vegetable oils are the most dangerous I've found as they were never designed for human consumption and are all GM (genetically modified).

One I can add here is Organic Oats. At this time no effects occur.

I don't have a great future here on this revolving rock.

But, chin up... There is a future...

John 8:32

Last edited by MrBee; Jul 28, 2023 at 03:46 PM..
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Default Jul 29, 2023 at 12:59 PM
The tests are basically "Impulsivity is a symptom of mania. Do you struggle with impulsivity? Yes? Then you may have mania."
Over and over. The individual doesn't know how to interpret the questions. What does "impulsivity" mean? I intended to grab some carrots for a snack, but at the last second grabbed a slice of pie. What if that happens at 2am and I'm not tired? Or even worse, what if I had a little bit of Baileys with it? Does that make me impulsive? Does that mean I'm in a manic episode and need to be hospitalized and then medicated for the rest of my life?
That's not just a problem with the online tests, that's a problem with diagnosing in general. You have psychiatrists with their own perception of the world and their own definitions of adjectives. Tell one shrink you had two threesomes that week and they say "good on you for exploring your sexuality" and tell another and they scream "HYPERSEXUALITY! BRING IN THE ZYPREXA!"
And sometimes they label you with "loose associations" or "disorganized thoughts" because they're just too stupid to see the connections, so they take away your ability to make those connections and leave you feeling stupid.
Sugar is one of the worst things you can do to your body. It can cause brain atrophy. We're getting ****ed over and over by the decade because we're going from coffee with a spoonful of sugar to 63mg of sugar Rockstars with Godknows what else is in there.
Look back at what we were supposed to originally eat back in the good ole' hunter gatherer days. Were we eatin' deep fried chicken and waffles then? Hell no.

After you make a mistake, you can either repeat them or learn from them.

I like repeating them just to see if it really is likely cause and effect.
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Default Jul 30, 2023 at 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by MuddyBoots View Post
The tests are basically "Impulsivity is a symptom of mania. Do you struggle with impulsivity? Yes? Then you may have mania."
Over and over. The individual doesn't know how to interpret the questions. What does "impulsivity" mean? I intended to grab some carrots for a snack, but at the last second grabbed a slice of pie. What if that happens at 2am and I'm not tired? Or even worse, what if I had a little bit of Baileys with it? Does that make me impulsive? Does that mean I'm in a manic episode and need to be hospitalized and then medicated for the rest of my life?
That's not just a problem with the online tests, that's a problem with diagnosing in general. You have psychiatrists with their own perception of the world and their own definitions of adjectives. Tell one shrink you had two threesomes that week and they say "good on you for exploring your sexuality" and tell another and they scream "HYPERSEXUALITY! BRING IN THE ZYPREXA!"
And sometimes they label you with "loose associations" or "disorganized thoughts" because they're just too stupid to see the connections, so they take away your ability to make those connections and leave you feeling stupid.
Sugar is one of the worst things you can do to your body. It can cause brain atrophy. We're getting ****ed over and over by the decade because we're going from coffee with a spoonful of sugar to 63mg of sugar Rockstars with Godknows what else is in there.
Look back at what we were supposed to originally eat back in the good ole' hunter gatherer days. Were we eatin' deep fried chicken and waffles then? Hell no.
Excuse me?

Please read this then you might understand the issues of most here on this forum.

Mechanisms and Health Aspects of Food Adulteration: A Comprehensive Review - PMC

Happiness is what I cling to, I strive for it each and every moment of the day. Problem is holding onto that. Come the day of my end the planet will have lost a great friend!


Go to section 8 Conclusions...
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Default Aug 01, 2023 at 04:49 PM
I think online tests should be taken with a big pinch of salt, I only pay attention if a actual professional was to say "I think you have X illness"

X being whatever the disagnosis is
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Default Aug 23, 2023 at 06:06 PM
Even then, sometimes the doctor (or psychiatrist, psychologist) can get it wrong.
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