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Default Feb 10, 2011 at 01:13 AM
Every antidepresant ive tried since 1992 has failed. I had to give up drugs and alcohol a few years ago because i couldnt take the unreal feeling any more. Thats after 25 years of doing a LOT of drugs and drinking to excess. Now that im sober all the meds i try put me in a dream state and make it difficult 4 me to go outside. I want to feel normal again. And i hope that is possible some day. So im not on anything anymore and im really anxious to see how that goes. Has anybody here have similair problems with antidepressants?
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Default Feb 10, 2011 at 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by Thomas67 View Post
Every antidepresant ive tried since 1992 has failed. I had to give up drugs and alcohol a few years ago because i couldnt take the unreal feeling any more. Thats after 25 years of doing a LOT of drugs and drinking to excess. Now that im sober all the meds i try put me in a dream state and make it difficult 4 me to go outside. I want to feel normal again. And i hope that is possible some day. So im not on anything anymore and im really anxious to see how that goes. Has anybody here have similair problems with antidepressants?
I just started my 6th anti-depressant and like you I used to self medicate a fair bit ( drink 3-4 nights a week). I don't know if its the alcohol that stopped the AD's from working or not but its so frustrating waiting for some relief. I hardly even get side effects and always go to max dose within the first 2 weeks. I quit drinking a while ago. Do you feel better since you stopped drinking ? I just feel the same.......maybe even worse because I don't have that little bit of relief that i got from drinking for a few hours. What medications have you tried ?
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Default Feb 10, 2011 at 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Odin5 View Post
I just started my 6th anti-depressant and like you I used to self medicate a fair bit ( drink 3-4 nights a week). I don't know if its the alcohol that stopped the AD's from working or not but its so frustrating waiting for some relief. I hardly even get side effects and always go to max dose within the first 2 weeks. I quit drinking a while ago. Do you feel better since you stopped drinking ? I just feel the same.......maybe even worse because I don't have that little bit of relief that i got from drinking for a few hours. What medications have you tried ?
I do feel better. I could start nameing off meds but there some that i jsut dont remember. I;ll try. My last was citolapram then before that was seroquel. The rest i dont know the order of but ive tried wellbutrin. amitripoline, prozak, And many others but i just lost track. Its been since 1992 that ive been trieng different meds. Im not even tempted to drink or drug anymore. I used to black out 3 or 4 times a week sometimes. I ve been in jail many times for drunk in public and i'll stop there unless you really want to know then youll have to PM me. I dont want to embarress myself too much here.
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Default Feb 13, 2011 at 10:44 AM
I do drink quite a bit - it's usually in social context and not over the top - but it's still alcoholo.

Wellbutrin is the first AD that seems to have worked for me

"I'd rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed. Robert H. Schuller"

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Default Feb 14, 2011 at 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Thomas67 View Post
Every antidepresant ive tried since 1992 has failed. I had to give up drugs and alcohol a few years ago because i couldnt take the unreal feeling any more. Thats after 25 years of doing a LOT of drugs and drinking to excess. Now that im sober all the meds i try put me in a dream state and make it difficult 4 me to go outside. I want to feel normal again. And i hope that is possible some day. So im not on anything anymore and im really anxious to see how that goes. Has anybody here have similair problems with antidepressants?

Yes, it took years (actually decades) to find the right combo for me. But, I still get severely depressed at times, but I think part of that is because Im still battling the SSA to get my disability, been going on 4 years now (with 2 attorneys) what a nightmare. I know I will be glad when it is over, and the depression should lessen alot I hope.

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Default Feb 14, 2011 at 04:51 PM
I have been through years of different anti-depressant medications, none of which ever made any difference. I am on something currently completlely different that is actually working to make me feel normal. I was actually misdiagnosed. The depression was a part of a bigger problem. I self-medicated for a short while with marijuana. It had an interesting effect on me, however, and allowed me to function and be productive. People would comment on how well I was doing that day, and had no idea I was stoned. It just took away darkness and fright and allowed me to live me life. I certainly understand why people do it, but it only complicates the issue. Especially when you are trying to take anti-depressants which simply don't work correctly when mixed with alcohol. In fact, mixing them can be extremely dangerous. I don't condone self-medication by any means. I empathize with what you are going through and hope you find something that works.
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