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Member Since Apr 2015
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I'm a male in my late twenties. I've had ADD for as long as I can remember, pretty bad OCD for the past 4-5 years, and started struggling with binge eating and sex addiction as of 2-3 years ago. I got the binge eating under control about a year ago and the sex addiction pretty well under control 2-3 months ago. I also started taking 20 mg of lexapro 2-3 months ago so that probably helped with curbing the sex addiction and it also helped with the OCD tremendously. The lexapro though made me need to sleep 10-12 hours a day.
I started 20 mg of vyvanse for the ADD a couple weeks ago and it helped tremendously. My OCD got even better, I was able to work and focus productively and was sleeping 7-8 hours again! However, after about 3-4 hours of being extremely productive after taking the vyvanse my libido gets out of control. Which is pretty scary for me. In addition to all the strategies to keep myself on track behaviourally, are there any medication options that could help? Basically I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar issue and what they found helpful. I'm specifically wondering if people have used Naltrexone for this purpose or benzos to keep from acting on urges? Or would switching to a stimulant like Focalin, Concerta or even Provigil be worth trying? I don't think I'm particularly interested in trying Straterra right now because, as I understand it, it's less likely to be effective, it'll take a month or so to figure out for sure and I will likely go back to sleeping 10-12 hours a day which I can't really afford right now. I may try it if I can take a month or so off work sometime soon but would like to avoid it for the time being. Anyway, I'd love to hear any thoughts, if you've experienced this side effect of vyvanse and what worked for you. Thanks |
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Member Since Dec 2015
Location: Washington
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At least the lexapro is reducing your ocd symptoms. I have experience increased libido from vyvanse and found that SSRIs helped. I would not recommend Naltrexone, and, Benzodiazapine dependency is worse than dealing with increased libido, so I wouldn't recommend that either. I think you should deal with the increased libido or stop the vyvanse.
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