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Default Aug 27, 2009 at 10:55 AM
I have been seeing my T for 8 months now and have only had one dream about her. It was one where she was laughing at me, but not in a good way, it was done is a humiliating way...that's all I can remember about the dream.

Well, last night I had another dream about her. She had a house near her house, sort of connected to her really big beautiful house and my family and I were staying in it. I remember all of us getting ready for bed, my family's beds were all in the same room. My T and her husband ended up heading up to bed but their teenager daughter was not home yet.

The teenager daughter came home when everyone was asleep, except for me. When she came in she had a friend with her, but there was something wrong with the daughter. She was covering her face stomping her feet, it was like she was having a tantrum. So I went over and tried to talk to her, her friend said she was drunk, mind you she is only 16-17. She was definately upset about something as well, so I took her in the kitchen and started talking to her and she was crying and crying. I remember hugging her asking her to tell me what was wrong. She talked with me, but I can't remember what she said, I remember her feeling a bit better after we talked.

Her mom, my T must have heard the noise because she came down to see what was happening. Then she saw her daughter and grabbed her, in a good way, and plopped down on the floor hugging her and said, tell me whats going on, please, please tell me, her daughter was crying again....then that scene ends......

Then I remember being upstairs in their section of the house and again I remember lots of beds in one room off the kitchen and then I remember seeing my T bedroom and thinking oh that's her room.

There was this little old man there (I remember him being pretty small), his bed was in their room as well. I recall it being a relative that was old and sick and they were caring for him. But for some reason they didn't want people to know. He slept in their room because he had trouble with his lungs and they were afraid he would stop breathing and die......then the dream ended...

It was such a strange dream......it's like where in the world does all this stuff come from...

Do you ever have really strange dreams about your T like that ????


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Default Aug 27, 2009 at 11:15 AM
I had a dream just last night about my therapist. I do not have dreams about her that often but i believe I am missing her because she is on vacation right now. The dream was one of those dreams where you just do not want to wake up because it is such a good feeling dream. I am not sure why because all we were doing was walking in our local Metro Parks going to a concert I thought she would enjoy (classical music is her favorite) but it ended up being a loud rock concert (which I like) and she was ok with it and we stayed for a awhile but ended up just walking around and talking. it was peaceful.
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Default Aug 27, 2009 at 12:12 PM
I wasn't 100 percent honest with the dream. T actually snatched her daughter away from me, then fell to the ground hugging her and asking her what was wrong, to please tell her what was wrong.....That part of the dream didn't feel great whatsoever.
I have never met T daughter but she told me she had a 16 year old who is probably 17 by now....
Crazy, crazy.....hmmm guess that leaves me feeling like T really doesn't like me lol.....


When you feel your nearing the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on !!!
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Default Aug 27, 2009 at 12:13 PM
nice dream....sounds like you feel very connected with her !!


When you feel your nearing the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on !!!
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Default Aug 27, 2009 at 02:55 PM
I do, but then I have been with her for a very long time
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Member Since May 2007
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Default Aug 27, 2009 at 04:03 PM
I love when I have good therapy dreams but more often than not --- when I do remember my dreams --- it usually involves other clients interrupting my session or my therapist inviting other clients to come into my session. IRL - this is NEVER an issue. My t is always prompt and my privacy is always protected.

So I wonder where this fear comes from? Oh ... I guess it's me.
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Default Aug 27, 2009 at 10:58 PM
I've had a bunch of various dreams involving T. Some had her as the main focus, and others have been just her presence.

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