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Default Jul 10, 2013 at 02:45 PM
Hi everyone!
Iīm new here and havenīt written anything on this forum before. My native language is not English so sorry for all the possible mistakes.

I donīt really have a question, I just need to vent and let out some steam. Iīm confused and sad and happy, all at the same tame. I just got out of upper secondary school a few months ago, graduating with the best marks in my school. Couple of days ago I found out that I have gotten into the university that I have always hoped to get into. Sadly in order to study I have to move to a bigger city 69 miles from my current hometown.

One of the huge changes (and oh how i HATE changes ) that happen upon moving is having to end therapy with a T with whom I get along very well and have been working with for a bit over three years, during the whole time I was in upper secondary school.

On one hand I am very excited because I got into my dream school and get to live in a city that I absolutely adore, but on the other hand I am devastated for having to end therapy. I worry constantly: what if Iīm not ready? What if I start to go crazy? What if I canīt manage my anxiety in the hectic environment of a big city? I am a small town girl, lived in the same place my whole life, what if i donīt make it out there? Worrying like this is quite a setback for me since my T has been trying to teach me how to stress less and I thought I was learning I have been managing my anxiety and panic attacks better for almost a year now but the constant support from my T has played a big role in it. What if I lose all the progress made during the last three years once I leave therapy?

I know I could search a new therapist from the city but I would rather try on my own first to see whether I have learned enough to make it. T says that she believes that iīll manage and that asking for help isnīt a bad thing if needed. My problems are a lot better and less urgent than they were couple years ago and a part of me believes that i will manage without therapy at least for a while. Iīm just sad and sort of scared about ending a successful therapy with someone who has really been able to help me.

Somehow it seems that other aspects of my move donīt seems as dauntingly scary as ending therapy because I will maintain regular contact with my friends and family. The T relationship however just ends. Going from sessions once a week to no sessions at all in just three weeks after my Tīs vacation is a big deal for me.

I will talk about these things in therapy before I leave in September but my T is on holiday for four weeks since last week and I just needed to tell someone what I feel.

Thanks if someone read through this overly long rant with lots of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes
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Default Jul 10, 2013 at 07:23 PM
Pandora94...not sure where you are located or what your T's feeling are on this but what about having a few phone sessions or skype sessions possibly every other week or so just to hold you over during the transition?

Congratulations into being accepted at University. !!!! something to be very proud of.
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Default Jul 10, 2013 at 08:12 PM
You are facing several quite big changes in your life. I like your plan to see how you do, knowing that you can ask for help at any time. That's a plan for lessening stress!
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Default Jul 10, 2013 at 08:58 PM
welcome to PC. congratulations on your accomplishments both in school and therapy. I know the transition is going to be a scary one but I think that you are going to do well. I am in the same place myself, going back to school, wondering if I am going to go crazy like I did the last time, but my t assures me that I am in a better place now and I can manage it. I think you will be able to as well. you have learned the skills to help get you by. you have the support of family and friends. you have your coping skills and you are going to be feeling really good about yourself in your new learning environment. these are all good things. you will recognize the signs if you start to slip and seek appropriate help. most colleges here have free counseling for students. you could check into that at your school to see if that service is available as a resource. good luck.

kali's gallery http://forums.psychcentral.com/creat...s-gallery.htmlQuitting therapy soon

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Default Jul 11, 2013 at 07:08 AM
Hi, Pandora, welcome to PsychCentral (PC). I take it you are in Finland?

Can you visit your T on holidays at all, have a well check or something occasionally when you are visiting back that way? I would not get too worried about the future, it's not here and could go well probably more likely than ill (since you did so well so far in school). I would remember the good and hard situations you lived through the last 3 years rather than worry about the future.

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Default Jul 11, 2013 at 01:06 PM
Ok...first, your grammar is better than many native English speakers. So, don't be self-conscious about that. Second, congratulations on having the best grades! That is called valedictorian here in the US. Also, I'm sorry that you are going to miss your T. I imagine that will be very hard, but at least you can have some sessions providing some closure. Furthermore, I'm not sure how universities are there, but here in the US, all large universities have counseling centers for students. Perhaps you will have the same? I suggest contacting the school and checking their website to see what you can find out about this. Good luck, and congratulations! This is a very exciting time in your life, even if it seems a bit scary.
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