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Default Apr 08, 2007 at 12:16 PM
I was just reading a book about the making and breaking of bonds and it talked about how young children develope this type of mourning, and how it can get split off. So it still goes on in the background but away from consious awareness.

You know today I was happy, really content then out of the blue this deep saddness started to hit me. I was annoyed because I feel like I am never going to be free of this "illness" But having read about this type of mourning it makes sense to me.

Helps me understand that this alien saddness that just comes over me at times is infact just THAT MOURNING!

I sit and wonder what in the hell I have to feel so down about, but if this unresolved mournign for the loss of my "birth" mother is still working in the background then it makes sense that I am going to be hit by these moments of alien saddness.

I am going to try and own it the next time it hits. Its scary to think this stuff is so deep but so real! I think I maybe slighty afraid that it will eventually be known to me and I wont be able to contain the pain!

I dont think I have been "mad" I've just been in mourning for all my life!

that undeveloped part of me that was split off is still in despair and wanting and yearning. "Mum come back where are you?" LOL oh if only LOL
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Default Apr 08, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Mouse, this is so weird... Just beore I sat down to read your post, my husband had asked me, "Are you okay today?" And I said yes, but I was thinking about how really I'm not. It's Sunday, I should be relaxing and enjoying my new house... I have to go to work tomorrow, but I'm off on Tuesday... but instead this familiar, yet unnamed feeling of emptiness and sadness has come over me yet again. It knocks out my contentment whenever it feels like it.

The book sounds really interesting. I don't know if mine is mourning. Could be. Feels more like this evasive, weird, floating emptiness that is neither here nor there. That's probably why it feels so uncomfortable for me. Because I'm so used to the black and white, the extremes. I sort of just wander around when I feel like this, going from one thing to another, never settling down, never finding comfort in one thing.
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lauren_helene's Avatar
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Default Apr 08, 2007 at 03:53 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
mouse_ said:

I dont think I have been "mad" I've just been in mourning for all my life!

that undeveloped part of me that was split off is still in despair and wanting and yearning. "Mum come back where are you?" LOL oh if only LOL

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

Mouse, this makes sense. My mother was given up for adoption and so were another brother and sister. They were adopted out together. When she was a teenager, she found her birth mother in California and other brothers/sisters....I think 'mourning' describes my moms feelings to a tee.

I don't know if you have considered finding your birth mom, there are pros and cons to that. But it did help my mom quite a bit.

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