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Arrow May 21, 2017 at 02:41 PM
Hi Folks,

As you can see, the original thread regarding the discussions going on at the Student/Doctor Network about our Psychotherapy forum and it's members has been removed.

We totally understand how upsetting it may be for some of you to read the comments at another site about us. Personally, I'm sorry to anyone who has been hurt by this situation and I hope you can manage to either feel free to talk with myself or anyone else on the Community Support Team about it or any of your friends via pm or to bring it up in your therapy visits if need be.

That being said, since there are members here who are also members at Student/Doctor Network, we cannot discuss them here at our site. Our Community Guidelines don't allow that kind of unsupportive discussion and for good reason.

DocJohn has been flagged about this situation. How he will handle it, I do not know at this point. Anyone is more than welcome to pm DocJohn with your thoughts about the situation.

Please, do not start another thread about this problem or continue the discussion in any other threads (such as the Couch threads etc.). Let's take some time, a few deep breaths, let things settle down a bit and continue on our way.

Thanks for your understanding.
sabby is offline  
Thanks for this!
88Butterfly88, amandalouise, brillskep, coolibrarian, kaleidoscopeheart, LonesomeTonight, Out There, RubyRae, Skeezyks, unaluna

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