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Default May 27, 2008 at 07:41 PM
Doesn't take much to confuse me.. I guess..not these days..

May I ask???

What would you do if the two therapist that are treating you - do not agree on the course.. or plan of treatment...

working with a body work T
working with a talk T..

Body work T.. says every week for body work...
Talk T... says every few weeks for body work..

talk T - says it stirs up feelings memories.. takes time in between to process thru talk therapy..

body work - yes it does stir up those feelings... but it is in body work therapy.. that you learn how to process these feelings..

ME... am deeply confused... body work.. is very expensive.. talk therapy is expensive..

perhaps it should be "heal myself" and to "hxx" with therapy???

please.. what do you all think??? or how do I thoughts on how to reslove this???
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Default May 27, 2008 at 08:50 PM
Well, that certainly is a tough spot to be in. I think that you should do what makes YOU feel better. It is not about the T's and their wants, but what YOU feel better doing.
If you like doing both, then continue. If you think you can do with only going to one or the other every other week, then do that.

I hope you are able to come to a decision that works best for you. Maybe you could even talk to your T's about how much this is bothering you? They are here to help you, not cause you more distress or confusion

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Default May 27, 2008 at 09:11 PM
((((((((((((( freewill ))))))))))))))))))
I'm not sure what I would do, I agree that you should explain how you are feeling to both therapists and see if you can work out a solution.
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Default May 27, 2008 at 09:20 PM
Do they both know that they don't agree with one another? They should be working together to help you... not to confuse you!!

I think you should do whatever you feels is right... that may change from time to time, but therapy is about helping you!


confused... deeply confused...
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Default May 27, 2008 at 11:02 PM

How do YOU feel about it, freewill?? How often are you going right now? And how does that feel?

When I have to make a decision like this one, I remind myself that I can always change my mind later if I need/want to.

confused... deeply confused... I'm sorry you're in a tough spot.
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Default May 27, 2008 at 11:27 PM
Can you call a meeting with both of them, and work it out all together? Talk t might not know how much bodywork t is helping you. Bodywork t might not know how much those memories are messing you up. Ultimately, you know what helps you, what you can handle, what you need right now, etc., better than anyone else does. Maybe you could contract with both of them about how you will make sure that you are safe when you do the bodywork. If not safe, then you will get help and slow down on it until you are safe again - something like that anyway.

confused... deeply confused...

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Default May 28, 2008 at 02:17 AM

It is all about you and how you feel. Maybe you can talk to them both together and sort this? You are going very fast just lately in therapy and seem a bit overwhelmed? The two therapists maybe hindering you rather than helping right now, please please try and talk to them both together so they know how you are feeling and they are confusing you .... take care hon, take a step back and think about all this for a while ..... the last thing you need is to be confused over your therapy .... best of luck, thinking of you, Kerry xoxoxoxoxoxoxo confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused... confused... deeply confused...
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lauren_helene's Avatar
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Default May 28, 2008 at 09:53 AM
Tell them to consult with each other and take the pressure off of you. They are making you the go between, there is nothing therapeutic about that.

Sorry freewill

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Default May 28, 2008 at 10:58 AM
The last time you posted about the bodywork T, you seemed to feel that it was really helping you. Has this changed? Has it caused you to struggle more with other things? Have you reached a point of diminished return with either approach? I can appreciate the expense as being a major concern for not continuing with the status quo. But is there any other clear therapeutic benefits from changing your current approach? Processing time seems like it would be a totally individualized thing. Is your talk T, seeing something clinically that indicates that you are pushing yourself too hard?

Sorry to hear that you are in this position.

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Default May 28, 2008 at 12:33 PM
i agree... make them talk to each other and get back to you on what the one (and only one) treatment suggestion is. This is their professional domain, to work out the discrepancies and give you their recommendation. When you have one you can decide if you can work with that or if it is too expensive. Right now you can't even get that far... if you try to weigh out based soley on costs you are neglecting one or the other's suggestions..

tell them to talk to each other sugar

confused... deeply confused...
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