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Confused Oct 24, 2018 at 08:09 AM
Hi everyone.

I'm having a huge problem with one of my friends, and it's making me feel really down and sad.

I met this friend at uni, and I knew she had mental health problems, but we always had a laugh anyway and helped each other through any rough times we were experiencing. My friend has anxiety and depression I'd say.

Since we left uni, we've had a really up and down relationship. My friend fell into a deep state of depression and I think felt like she had a lack of purpose. She went into a regular job (nothing specific to her degree), and was feeling very trapped from being stuck in her home town. She didn't have a social life and so no friends/no boyfriend etc. She regularly has fights with her family.

She ended up doing a course at a local college and became unhealthily obsessed with a teacher on the course. Since the course has ended, she has become even more obsessed and made several attempts to contact this person. She knows I don't think it's right so doesn't always tell me when she has contacted them. She goes through intense periods of feeling very up and down, going as far as to completely shut herself away from everyone for months. When we talk, it is very one sided, usually about her teacher. If I say anything about myself or my life, she will bring it right down and is generally very negative about everything except this person she's obsessed with, who she thinks is some sort of gift to the Earth.

This gets really frustrating for me and I regularly have to have a break from talking to her to re-energise myself as I find it really draining. I have a good relationship with one of my teachers, and she is so jealous that she doesn't like me mentioning anything about it. She is critical of my relationship (doesn't think he's right for me, has never liked him - she's never met him!), my job (thinks It's not what I really want to be doing), my social life (doesn't like me "being sociable") and even small things like my choices of TV program and music. If I now tell her about my worries, she won't make any attempt to calm me down or help, she'll just try to confirm that my fears will come true. For example (this could be a trigger for some), I suffer from quite bad death anxiety, to the extent that I get very upset about it. I use my beliefs and theories about it to comfort myself and give myself hope etc, but she just pulls my beliefs apart and tells me that "when we're dead we're dead, it's all a myth etc." It's fine if she believes that, but I don't think it's very sensitive to say that to someone who's petrified of dying. The weird thing is that on other days, she will tell me how she would like to join church or has written a letter to the universe! (end of trigger)

I'm at my wits end now and I'm at a loss about what to do. The friendship is so toxic. I try my best to be empathetic with her. I'm worried that if I take some time away to re-evaluate the friendship she will have nobody. I'm also too scared to tell her I might need to take some time away. She has in the past been a good friend, and is the one person who I used to feel I could say anything to. In a selfish way she is my best friend and I don't want to lose that either, but she just leaves me feeling drained and upset 80% of the time I talk to her.

Has anyone got any advice? I'm really in a conundrum Thanks!
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 11:42 AM
The only and best advice I can give is to dump her as a friend and move on. She’s toxic to u. You have to care enough and more about your own needs than to worry about hers. She’s dragging you down and draining you. What are u getting out of it? Seems she is no longer the friend she used to be. Get out and find better people who lift you up and who are supportive of you. I would just honestly stop calling her and avoid her calls entirely. Sounds mean but she’s toxic and is doing you NO favors. She’s not a good friend.
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 12:10 PM
Is she aware of how this is hurting YOU? You're trying your best to be a good friend to her, but I'm not sure she's doing the same. So perhaps you should make it clear that you don't like the way she is behaving and start to revalute your friendship with her if it's so toxic.
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 01:20 PM
At least start distancing yourself from her gradually.

Realize that she has no empathy or consideration towards your feeling. She treats you like an object to dump her negativity on. It is not acceptable. You are a human being who deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

Distancing yourself from her is also in her best interest:

She needs to learn to stand on her own two feet. You want her to succeed.

She needs to learn that being toxic has consequences--losing friendships. Without consequences, she may never take her mental health seriously. By accepting her, you would be reinforcing her behavior.
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 01:23 PM
You don’t owe anything to her to stay her friend because she’ll have no one else. If you back away, she’ll find others, or she’ll have to change her bad behavior to find new friends.

If she leaves you feeling upset 80% of the time, back away from her. What do you need a friend like that for? Go find a better friend.

Just make yourself too busy to have long talks or visits.

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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 01:38 PM
Have you told her at all how you feel? Maybe not this very angry version but a version that would tell her how her behavior is harming you? And what effect it has on you?

Also, can you just back off of contact with her and set some boundaries for yourself? Like of she starts being negative or talking about her teacher you could change the subject or say you have to leave. Eventually she'll get the idea that you won't sit around for negativity or for teacher talk.

I'm for trying to salvage friendships, if possible. But if someone is too toxic and you need distance, then that's it.


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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 01:57 PM
I'd say if you've tried to talk to her about it and she's not paying attention and is dragging you down, time to call the friendship a day
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 02:12 PM
I agree with the other posters that suggested you stop interacting with this person. She is only looking for you to entertain HER needs and simply cannot respect your needs other than to hand you constant criticisms about any positive you have in your life. As we experience life and interacting with different people, while a person we come across can be interesting and engaging somewhat, that person may not be someone we can grow in any good long term relationship with. It's really ok to distance when you start experiencing that challenge.
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by scarlett35 View Post
Hi everyone.

I'm having a huge problem with one of my friends, and it's making me feel really down and sad.

I met this friend at uni, and I knew she had mental health problems, but we always had a laugh anyway and helped each other through any rough times we were experiencing. My friend has anxiety and depression I'd say.

Since we left uni, we've had a really up and down relationship. My friend fell into a deep state of depression and I think felt like she had a lack of purpose. She went into a regular job (nothing specific to her degree), and was feeling very trapped from being stuck in her home town. She didn't have a social life and so no friends/no boyfriend etc. She regularly has fights with her family.

She ended up doing a course at a local college and became unhealthily obsessed with a teacher on the course. Since the course has ended, she has become even more obsessed and made several attempts to contact this person. She knows I don't think it's right so doesn't always tell me when she has contacted them. She goes through intense periods of feeling very up and down, going as far as to completely shut herself away from everyone for months. When we talk, it is very one sided, usually about her teacher. If I say anything about myself or my life, she will bring it right down and is generally very negative about everything except this person she's obsessed with, who she thinks is some sort of gift to the Earth.

This gets really frustrating for me and I regularly have to have a break from talking to her to re-energise myself as I find it really draining. I have a good relationship with one of my teachers, and she is so jealous that she doesn't like me mentioning anything about it. She is critical of my relationship (doesn't think he's right for me, has never liked him - she's never met him!), my job (thinks It's not what I really want to be doing), my social life (doesn't like me "being sociable") and even small things like my choices of TV program and music. If I now tell her about my worries, she won't make any attempt to calm me down or help, she'll just try to confirm that my fears will come true. For example (this could be a trigger for some), I suffer from quite bad death anxiety, to the extent that I get very upset about it. I use my beliefs and theories about it to comfort myself and give myself hope etc, but she just pulls my beliefs apart and tells me that "when we're dead we're dead, it's all a myth etc." It's fine if she believes that, but I don't think it's very sensitive to say that to someone who's petrified of dying. The weird thing is that on other days, she will tell me how she would like to join church or has written a letter to the universe! (end of trigger)

I'm at my wits end now and I'm at a loss about what to do. The friendship is so toxic. I try my best to be empathetic with her. I'm worried that if I take some time away to re-evaluate the friendship she will have nobody. I'm also too scared to tell her I might need to take some time away. She has in the past been a good friend, and is the one person who I used to feel I could say anything to. In a selfish way she is my best friend and I don't want to lose that either, but she just leaves me feeling drained and upset 80% of the time I talk to her.

Has anyone got any advice? I'm really in a conundrum Thanks!
I'm sorry that you are struggling right now! I had a friend similar and now my siblings are going through it. Perhaps now the time to reevaluate your friendship and really think about what do you want in your friendship. Ask your self how will it affected you if you cut ties or you stay in this friendship? What kind of boundaries are you willing to put up? Once you have that it will be easier to solve. Sometimes loneliness can cause a person to do things they never intended to do. Perhaps she doesn't know that she is hurting you. sometimes people give out advice thinking that they are helping you and really they are hurting you..
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by MickeyCheeky View Post
Is she aware of how this is hurting YOU? You're trying your best to be a good friend to her, but I'm not sure she's doing the same. So perhaps you should make it clear that you don't like the way she is behaving and start to revalute your friendship with her if it's so toxic.
That good advice! I wish that I had thought about that myself!
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by ennie View Post
At least start distancing yourself from her gradually.

Realize that she has no empathy or consideration towards your feeling. She treats you like an object to dump her negativity on. It is not acceptable. You are a human being who deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

Distancing yourself from her is also in her best interest:

She needs to learn to stand on her own two feet. You want her to succeed.

She needs to learn that being toxic has consequences--losing friendships. Without consequences, she may never take her mental health seriously. By accepting her, you would be reinforcing her behavior.
I agree! Great advice!
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by TishaBuv View Post
You don’t owe anything to her to stay her friend because she’ll have no one else. If you back away, she’ll find others, or she’ll have to change her bad behavior to find new friends.

If she leaves you feeling upset 80% of the time, back away from her. What do you need a friend like that for? Go find a better friend.

Just make yourself too busy to have long talks or visits.
Great advice!
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Open Eyes View Post
I agree with the other posters that suggested you stop interacting with this person. She is only looking for you to entertain HER needs and simply cannot respect your needs other than to hand you constant criticisms about any positive you have in your life. As we experience life and interacting with different people, while a person we come across can be interesting and engaging somewhat, that person may not be someone we can grow in any good long term relationship with. It's really ok to distance when you start experiencing that challenge.
Great advice! I will keep that in mind!
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 04:13 PM
Thank you all for your advice! I’ve read every single post and the support has really touched me!

I have spoken to her before and told her there may be times where I need to back away for my own mental health. She knows she is a negative person and has told me she’s surprised I’ve stuck around so long, as no one else has she also said though she thinks she’s too ill to get any help. She needs a huge amount of help to be anywhere near well and so won’t even try

I think my plan for now is to back away slowly and just spend less of my time on her. I’ll reply to messages but will just be less available than usual and spend the time doing other things and with people who are a bit more positive. I feel sad but today just really got on top of me and it triggered my anxiety pretty badly. right now I need to calm down a bit before I reply to her messages so will leave it until tomorrow and give myself some time to think.
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 04:21 PM
. I feel sad but today just really got on top of me and it triggered my anxiety pretty badly. right now I need to calm down a bit before I reply to her messages so will leave it until tomorrow and give myself some time to think.
Yes, it's best to give yourself time to calm down before replying when you are triggered. It's good that you are slowly allowing yourself to practice that too.
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by scarlett35 View Post
Thank you all for your advice! I’ve read every single post and the support has really touched me!

I have spoken to her before and told her there may be times where I need to back away for my own mental health. She knows she is a negative person and has told me she’s surprised I’ve stuck around so long, as no one else has she also said though she thinks she’s too ill to get any help. She needs a huge amount of help to be anywhere near well and so won’t even try

I think my plan for now is to back away slowly and just spend less of my time on her. I’ll reply to messages but will just be less available than usual and spend the time doing other things and with people who are a bit more positive. I feel sad but today just really got on top of me and it triggered my anxiety pretty badly. right now I need to calm down a bit before I reply to her messages so will leave it until tomorrow and give myself some time to think.
That sound like a great plan!
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Open Eyes View Post
Yes, it's best to give yourself time to calm down before replying when you are triggered. It's good that you are slowly allowing yourself to practice that too.
I think it a.great idea to give.yourself some time to calm down enough to talk to her before you say something that you might regret.
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Default Oct 24, 2018 at 06:44 PM
I agree to move on from this person. You can politely distance yourself without creating a conflict. Life is too short for this kind of nonsense. I’m not an expert in friendships.. not by any means... I have posted some discussion threads about how difficult it is... but this is part of the reason it’s so difficult... people can really drag you down.
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Default Oct 25, 2018 at 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Sisabel View Post
I agree to move on from this person. You can politely distance yourself without creating a conflict. Life is too short for this kind of nonsense. I’m not an expert in friendships.. not by any means... I have posted some discussion threads about how difficult it is... but this is part of the reason it’s so difficult... people can really drag you down.

I agree! It can really make or break your days who you spend them with. I just think I need less of a focus on her now as I’ve given her plenty of chances!
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Default Oct 25, 2018 at 02:55 PM
I’ve had some time time to calm down and I feel better. I have been talking to my friend but just trying to spend more time doing positive things and spend less time on her really :/ I feel very guilty about it though. Sometimes I wish I was brave enough to be able to tell her how I feel but I just hate any sort of conflict and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.
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