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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 01:28 AM
Ok I'm venting more than anything here but I am really really angry at one of my neighbors.

The guy who lives directly below me (I live in an upstairs apartment) seems to want to play loud music during weekday nights when I have to be up for work the next morning. I already have enough trouble sleeping as it is thanks to my ****ing anxiety issues and this prick has the gall to make my life even harder than it needs to be?

He's lucky. 5 years ago, I would have wanted to hurt him. Even now, I am fighting the urge to go down there and throw a ****ing brick through his window. I have to be up in 6 hours yet I can't sleep because of him.

Oh it isn't the first time this prick has done this too.

If he keeps it up he's gonna regret crossing me. I'm a person you DON'T want to make an enemy out of.

Last edited by bluekoi; Dec 20, 2018 at 11:56 AM.. Reason: To bring withing guidelines.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 03:47 AM
Please please keep any confrontation with this upstairs person out of the equation. Contact relevant authorities to enact a 'noise abatement order'. Everyone deserves to have quiet enjoyment of their living space, however... This man may argue that he deserves to listen to his music for relaxation, which is true...but within the law and not at ungodly hours that cause disruption to his neighbours.

Going through the proper channels may take longer, but coming to an agreement where you can both enjoy your living space needs to be the goal.

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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 05:11 AM
I feel for you. My life has become unbearable since these creeps moved in next door (duplex, so we share a wall). I swear the husband is running an illegal furniture factory in there, he has power tools running for 6-8 hours a day, sometimes more. I work from home, so you can imagine how difficult it is to concentrate with the noise.

We could complain, as it looks like they are violating the noise ordinance, as well as operating a business without a permit. I am sure it violates their lease too. However, these are seriously scary people, we worry about retaliation. And, fingers crossed, we should be moving very soon.

In your case, if you plan to live there for a while, then I agree with the previous poster as far as checking with your local authorities. Most likely there is some sort of noise ordinance. I hope you can get some relief. I know how annoying it is!
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 06:04 AM
I know how you feel, DarknessIsMyFriend. I agree about contacting the local authorities and see how it goes from there. Hopefully things will get better for you soon. Wish you good luck! Let us know how it goes. Sending many hugs to you
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 06:13 AM
Agreed on nixing the extra legal means. I had the exact same thing happen to me. This idiot moved in below me and would take his friends out on the balcony at 2 AM. He seemed to think the place was a "flop house". I talked to him but he was only patronizing. I spoke to my fellow neighbors and they "claimed" they heard nothing.

Every time he made noise I complained to the condo and they fined him and finally one night he and his friends came back at 2 AM. They opened ALL the windows and were blaring the tv. They were drunk. I called the cops and the cops wisely snuck up on them and saw the open windows and blaring music.

They got ticketed for "disturbing the peace" and that was the end. I forwarded the police report to the condo and the guy sold.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by Quarter life View Post
Please please keep any confrontation with this upstairs person out of the equation. Contact relevant authorities to enact a 'noise abatement order'. Everyone deserves to have quiet enjoyment of their living space, however... This man may argue that he deserves to listen to his music for relaxation, which is true...but within the law and not at ungodly hours that cause disruption to his neighbours.

Going through the proper channels may take longer, but coming to an agreement where you can both enjoy your living space needs to be the goal.

I like music too and all but how hard can it be to get a decent audio headset? I mean it actually is better audio quality overall to listen through a good headset. Back when I didn't have a stable income, I was still able to gather enough money for a pair of Sennheiser 598s (which are entry level audiophile headphones) because music and good audio met that much to me.

If I can afford a nice headset at my worst he can too, especially, just by judging his house decor, I guarantee he makes more money than I do now.

Oh and for the record I don't like cops and don't like calling them. I've had bad experiences with cops in the past so I avoid them like the plague now. Besides, I can handle myself and my own issues.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 08:07 AM
Just stay safe and be careful, DarknessIsMyFriend. Sending many hugs to you
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 08:40 AM
I appreciate that you would prefer your neighbour use headphones, but they aren't always practical. I have a few sets of good headphones...but when I am working in my studio I prefer to work unfettered. I too had a neighbour(Fire Dept Superintendent) who would play pornography full blast on a loop whilst he was away on night shift...not hard to work out that he did this to simply annoy. He continued to do this for several years until he was held to account by authorities..A Noise Abatement order is usually handled through your City Council or The EPA. The Police 'as a rule' could probably care less.

And yes you could approach him and ask that he desist...but once he knows it really bothers you..then that may be an incentive for him to amp up his annoying behaviour. Some people are just creeps that way.

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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 05:07 PM
I've had really loud neighbors before and it sucks. What I did was complain to my landlord / apt. complex management. They took care of it and kept my name out of it completely. You have a right to peace and quiet as a resident during appropriate hours like nighttime. Everyone does. There might even be a clause or rule that says something about "quiet hours." I have that at my apt.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 05:17 PM
Yes, my complex has a rule that there are quiet hours after 10 pm. If I hear someone after that, I can report it to management.

Funny thing is, my downstairs neighbor stopped my place and complained that I was walking too loudly and caused his whole apartment to vibrate or something. I am very confused because I don't wear shoes in the apartment and most of it is carpeted. I also am away most of the day and go to bed early, so I don't walk around the apartment much. After some thought, I realized it could be my cat who is home all day and runs and jumps. But I don't think there is anything I can do about that.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
Ok I'm venting more than anything here but I am really really angry at one of my neighbors.

The guy who lives directly below me (I live in an upstairs apartment) seems to want to play loud music during weekday nights when I have to be up for work the next morning. I already have enough trouble sleeping as it is thanks to my ****ing anxiety issues and this prick has the gall to make my life even harder than it needs to be?

He's lucky. 5 years ago, I would have wanted to hurt him. Even now, I am fighting the urge to go down there and throw a ****ing brick through his window. I have to be up in 6 hours yet I can't sleep because of him.

Oh it isn't the first time this prick has done this too.

If he keeps it up he's gonna regret crossing me. I'm a person you DON'T want to make an enemy out of.
Make a complaint against the neighbor. Call the police an anormously complain against him.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by downandlonely View Post
Yes, my complex has a rule that there are quiet hours after 10 pm. If I hear someone after that, I can report it to management.

Funny thing is, my downstairs neighbor stopped my place and complained that I was walking too loudly and caused his whole apartment to vibrate or something. I am very confused because I don't wear shoes in the apartment and most of it is carpeted. I also am away most of the day and go to bed early, so I don't walk around the apartment much. After some thought, I realized it could be my cat who is home all day and runs and jumps. But I don't think there is anything I can do about that.

Side comment to you, d&l: My apt. has very "thin" walls and ceilings / floors as well. I'm on the middle floor with someone above me and someone below me. I had such a hard time with my upstairs neighbors when I first moved in. But part of it was just natural for the apt complex, looking back now, I see that. You can't do anything about the way the place is built.

Our quiet hours are after 10pm as well.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 06:28 PM
I've calmed down a bit and I'm not going to do anything crazy no worries.

But yeah, I honestly don't mind if people play loud music on weekend nights. Hell, I am usually up till 3-4 AM on weekends and sometimes I stream on Twitch weekend nights and I can get obnoxious during my streams.

Still though, at least I'm considerate and don't do that **** during the week and I've learned how to tone it down a couple notches when I DO stream so I don't wake up the whole building lol.

IDC how impractical headphones are for some people. I use them and he can use them too. Or he can play his loud music either during the day or during the weekend as well when I'm gaming or streaming late nights.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 06:32 PM
Also, for a more permanent solution, I'm looking into buying some type of headphones that are comfortable to wear while sleeping so I can play relaxing sleep therapy music so I can get some restful sleep. I struggle with sleeping even without loud neighbors. I will knock two birds out with one stone so to speak.

I remember seeing a pair of bluetooth headphones that are a soft headband that you can wear while sleeping a few years ago. I'll try to find a pair like that and wear them asleep from now on.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Quarter life View Post
I appreciate that you would prefer your neighbour use headphones, but they aren't always practical. I have a few sets of good headphones...but when I am working in my studio I prefer to work unfettered.
But not after hours. I have always said there is a special place in hell for people that play their music after 10 pm. There is just no excuse for it. If you live in shared space you can do what you want when you want. I hate people who think the basics of human decency don't apply to them.

I moved into a place and noticed my neighbors let the kids run up and down the halls screaming all night... not to mention the upstairs neighbors had like 10 people up there up at all hours of the night. I immediately left. Landlord let me out of the lease.

But at the moment he is charge. I think you go down once and let him know about it in a polite way (because legit sometimes people don't think you can hear) but after that... just be vigilant. If you are renting I would go to the landlord. There is a quiet enjoyment that is part of common law and required no matter what the lease says.
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Default Dec 20, 2018 at 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
Also, for a more permanent solution, I'm looking into buying some type of headphones that are comfortable to wear while sleeping so I can play relaxing sleep therapy music so I can get some restful sleep. I struggle with sleeping even without loud neighbors. I will knock two birds out with one stone so to speak.

I remember seeing a pair of bluetooth headphones that are a soft headband that you can wear while sleeping a few years ago. I'll try to find a pair like that and wear them asleep from now on.
Good idea.
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Default Dec 21, 2018 at 06:04 AM
Good idea, DarknessIsMyFriend
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Default Dec 21, 2018 at 07:21 AM

Thinking about buying these when I get my next paycheck.
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Default Dec 21, 2018 at 07:43 AM
Two years ago I was sharing the same floor with the reaaally loud neighbors. It was a real hell, I had to sleep in the living room every day. One day I had enough and called the police, seems like it scared them enough so I can enjoy my room now.

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Default Dec 21, 2018 at 07:48 AM
I had a hard time when we first moved in our home 20 years ago. The man who owns the woods next to our house was using his electric saw to take the trees down and it took 3 years of every summer from dawn to dusk to get it all done. In the end i ended up in the hospital on the psych ward as the neighbor on the other side of us decided to do his lawn work the day the other guy finally finished his woods work. I as a nervous wreck from noise pollution!!!I understand the music too as i live around the block from 2 bars but i do enjoy the music.
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