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Trig Mar 29, 2020 at 01:06 PM
Hey guys,
Recent months showed me how messed up my life is and how little i can do about it. I could write 100 pages about my 26 years of life but I know not everyone wants to read it all. I really beg you people to try to help me understand why my life looks like that. I want to point my issues and events from life, year after year events, that could cause that.
- I see myself as low inteligent.

- Not doing things that should be done in order for example to avoid further damage ( didnt see dentist for years even though i got pain, didnt get any blood tests, got eye floaters that is not checked up etc )

- now with that pandemic im afraid to call for unemployment
- i got issues in general to call anywhere and get something done, i would rather do everything online but not always its possible. For this reason i have no insurance

- Difficulties with thinking at all. No thoughts are created in my brain. I cant have conversation even about weather. I struggle so much with talking. Thats the main reason, in my mind, for not having friends, talking to people, achiving anything in life.

- Social phobia. I am afraid of talking to people. I have nothing in my mind to talk about.I dont like when people want to ask me anything. I am scared not to be able to respond.

- Life in virtual reality. Thats the big one. I spend last 10 years in games, on forums talking about not importants stuff and trying to feel good about myself. I would pretend to be someone that I wasn't. I would act like I have something when i didnt have it.

- Lack of real family. My parents as far as I remember never lived together. It was never discussed. I never had real conversations with my family. Just simple ones. Nothing. I bounced between my mom, her parents, my dad again. At some point I stopped caring. My feelings were shut down for anyone.

- Not keeping with touch with my family. I didnt talk for years to my father's family and mother's as well.

- No goals in life at all. All i wish is for everyone to leave me alone. Life could too.

I would like to try go over last years and tell what happened that could cause how I am today.

Before 2005
I lived in small village with my father's parents and my mom. My dad never lived there with us. He was always around places, different countries. He promised to finish one level in this house so we could live there. This never happened. As far as i remember I was pretty normal there. I was hanging out with people. They visit me, i visit them. We played in the garden, ride on bicycles, played some games.
After 2005
It was a year where my mom won green card and everything has changed since then. This year my father's mom had accident and couldnt take care of us. For this reason we had to move out to my mother's parents ( the other side of country ) because she had to take chance and go to united states. She was afraid to take us with her because she didn't have anything planned over there. Thats how we lost our green cards. My father lived where my mother's parents lived. Same city. The thing is he was always doing his suspicious business. I had to finish school away from people I grew up with. It was in the middle of semester. And now I also lost my mother by my side.. I remember to this day that she was calling from US and i didnt want to talk to her. I feel like change started back then and I was backing out from everything. I dont know if this was this year or before 2005 but when I was at my moms parents house dad texted me and asked when he is going to see me. I responded that he would wait as long as I was waiting for him. I remember to this day this very moment. I remember how I didnt want to see him. How they struggled to take me out from the car so I could hang out with him. I simply didnt want to. We had like time scheduled to be together because I think I didnt want to be with him any longer than needed.
Once I finished elementary school which was next to my grandparents house, the next school was too far for me to go to. Thats when me and my brother moved to the father.

This were school years that were so horrible. People in this school were retarded, abusive, not respectful that I remember throwing up before going into this school. I even got some pills from doctor. At one point I found my father as wanted on police website. I also wont forget that. I remember my mother coming back for few weeks and she was sleeping on a couch. My dad in a room, she was in the couch. And nobody explained anything. I think I was explaining it to myself back then.

It was also a time where i started to play one game. It become my escape from reality along with forums. I started virtual live there not even knowing im escaping something. Thats where I felt safe, important and needed.

High school years. I was in the best school in a city. Not by a choice. I just followed 3 people that i went to school for last 3 years. I knew i would die without them. I wasnt meant to be in this school. So much to learn, so much stress and I couldnt keep up with that. Horrible experience.
During this years I was asked by school psychologist to invite one firend to my home. After years ( i asked recently who come up with that ) it was my mom idea. It never happened. I didnt let anyone come to my home. I was also send to some meetings with shy people. Well I went maybe twice and never came back. I was also send to school where they help you improve your memory but I also didnt last.

It was also a year where something shady started to happen with my father. My mom was aware of that. Dad was taking money from people, promise to import cars and people never seen money and cars. I think one time dads friend confronted my mom and she wasnt aware of anything. After that while she was in country, when my dad left she locked door and never let him back. I remember it to this day. Tears are coming to my eyes that things like that had to happen in my life. But again it wasnt discussed. It just happened. Nobody asked questions. From this moment my grandparents moved into our apartment and lived with us. I was more into virtual life. I wasnt into any family time, hangouts, trips. I was no to everything even more than ever. I was struggling to pass at school, i hated every minute over there.

Now, once you pass the school there is a test that you have to take and based on that you go further into another schools. There is a speech that you need to give on selected topic, wiriting an essay and other math tests. That day I didnt even want to go. They called me from school where am I. I went there not prepared at all. I barely said anything. They gave me passing score anyway based on prestigue of this school. Well, I failed on essay and this they couldnt cover up. I got to do it again and somehow I passed.. I was the only one in this school to fail..
Also at the end of 2012 we left to United States... after getting green cards..
One month later my dad passed away..

It was a year that I got myself into positive addiction. I started to workout and it become my obsession. I never was into any workouts, especially interval trainings but i really loved it. I was taking some English classes here, then my mom signed me into college but I really didnt want to go. I just hoped for things be okey somehow... I already wasnt thinking about future or anything. I wanted everyone to leave me alone. This year I worked for the first time in my life. It was work from school and as you can imagine i didnt want to. My mom was forcing me.
It was sad year. I was in ESL class in January for short semester. Now, there was a girl who seemed to look at me every few minutes. I didnt think of it too much. I didnt talk to her. Deep inside my head I knew this is not for me. But at the last day of the class when we were signing for next one, we signed up for the same class. She said i should sit next to her. I felt that what I just did was wrong. I know my place in this world and i shouldnt even try to get closer with her. Well, me her, one girl and guy even managed to go to the movies. Like my mom and brother couldnt believe that. Movie was Endless Love. I remember how she was sitting next to me and looking at me. We texted a lot with each other. More texting than talking in class. We texted late at night. Right after we got to our homes. But in real life it was different. I couldn't do anything with her, make a joke, ask her to go out and after few weeks it become wierd. Even she said we have nothing to talk about and I started to go crazy. Like I wanted more but I knew I can't. I started to follow her. I knew that once this semester is over I may never see her again. Its horrible experience. I think later on she blocked me and by the end of the year unblocked and we talked again. She wanted to hang out but i never made it happen. One thing that I did was when she asked me to bring charger to lab with computers I connected it to the pc and managed to copy all pictures from her phone to sd stick. I dont even know why I did that. One picture had her home address and it turned out that she lives 7 minutes away from me. From that moment, 6 years later whenever I want to go for a walk for some reason I always pass her house. I dont think she lives there anymore but it become my routine to just walk by her home. It was also a time that for the first time in my life I had this feeling that I dont know what to do with myself. It was so bad to find a place for me to have a peace in my mind. I cant put it into words how does it feel when you dont know what to do with yourself. So horrible.

If this wasnt bad enough my brother used to abuse me for how i am, for avoiding everything. He called me human wreck and vegetable. When we were on vacations this year, we stayed at home alone and he tried to abuse me physically and I never got pissed in my life so bad that i texted my mom that im gonna kill him if he does it again. From that moment everything between us was different. Even though we slept in the same room for years, we didnt speak a word to each other. Like a ghosts. 6 years later I still dont trust him and dont consider him my borother. We exchange few words but its not family love.

During this year i had 2 jobs. In one i was fired because in supermarket I didnt want to deal with people where i had to slice the meat.

I was also in liquor store where they fired me after i told them i go for vacation in the busiest period for them. I also felt i dont fit there. I didnt like to talk to customers about alcohol. I always tried to call someone to help.

I continued to workout, it was still my obsession.

It was a year where mom found me another delivery job and as of right now i still work there. I happened to like that job very much.

I continued to workout


Mid of 2016 was a changing period for worse. Again i met someone at work but this was only as a friends. Again i texted with this person a lot and she was happy to have a friend because nowadays its difficult for someone who doesnt want anything more. And I didnt want to. She was so cool and funny that I was scared im gonna fail again. I managed to hangout with her, even tell her about my problems. I think it was first time in my life that i had a drink with a dinner. We went to NBA match, we hangout in shopping malls etc. But when it came down to coming to her birthday or seeing more of her friends i started backing out. It was just too much pressure in my mind. With time she found a boyfriend and she couldnt give me as much time as i needed. This was horrible to wait for text from her for hours. I again didnt know what to do with myself. I felt so bad inside. I felt like im alone again and problem was i didnt want to be alone. I was so bad to the point that i made a decision to see a psychologist. Believe me I didnt care about anything in my life, i didnt ask anyone for help, i always held my feelings and emotions inside but this time i couldnt. I cried a lot, during my meetups with doctor too but after 6 visits this feeling was going away and i stopped coming. I was asking my doctor about stuff i am asking you. She seemed not to know how to help. Thats why i stopped going there and i came back to my world.

After that I stopped working out. I never felt this fire inside of me to do it anymore. I realized how amazing it was to have a friend, how great it would be if i was on the same intelectual level as she was. I started to hate my self.

2017 Life changing year.

This was a year that after reading any of above you wouldnt see that coming. I had a girlfriend. What? Yeah.. thats right. At place where I work there was a girl that wasnt my type at all. She seemed to be crazy, liked parties, going wild but somehow I was into it so much you guys dont even know!
It started when I noticed she was drinking at work. People from the kitchen would give her something. It was first time I bought vodka and asked her if she wants something. We drank in a basements for a while and then she asked me if I want to go the the club with her. I was frozen to death. We exchanged numbers and I went with her. Guys, prior to going out I was so scared I drank all day. I felt more confident while being dizzy. She was alcoholic at the time so she would ask me for a sip. When we got to the club, i was getting shots and then tape was over. I lost touch with reality. Il ost my glasses, wallet and hat that night. I woke up with her in a motel. We got back somehow to her house, she ordered me a cab and when i got home i felt so different. I felt like something new is coming, i dont know what is it but i wanted it so bad.

Changing moment for us was when one night she was so drunk with other friends that she didnt know what was happening to her. She was bipolar on her meds and drinking. She was calling me and i run back to the city to find her. Somehow she said name of the hotel and i got there.
Possible trigger:
She told me when she saw me that night it was turning point for her. Like she fell in love with me. She said everyting at the moment went quiet and she saw only me. But it wasnt the end yet. Her mom came to pick her up and when i thought shes safe it turned out she got worse at home. She called me
Possible trigger:
I was on the phone for so long, i didnt know what to say. Then her mom came to the room and called ambulance. She was screaming. Then she called me at night after she was detoxicated. We talked whole night. The next morning i skipped day at work and went to pick her up at the hospital. And you know what she said? If I have a sip for her. Like it wasnt the first time she ended up like this. For some reason I went with a flow. I wanted to be around her. We even started to stay on the weekends in the hotels. There was something cool about her that i wanted to be with her. I didnt care she had mental issues. She was so smart, so intelligent, funny. I felt so good with her. For the first time I started to have strong feelings to her. With time I helped her to stop drinking. Somehow I managed to move her into place where I lived even though it was small and no private room. We lived in living room and everyone was walking through. My stepfather wasnt so happy about it buy i guess my mom talked to him. My borther at the time moved to another country. So we had all living room to ourselves. Same year we even went to a vacations and my mom said she wouldnt believe until this happens. And yeah we did go. Like its so difficult to put into words how all this started for us. Looking in the past it is just crazy. From nothing we had something. She accepted me for who I was.


Around May we got our first apartment and we were so excited for it. I didnt believe this is happening. We loved each other so much that we wanted to do it. But at the same time things did slow down once we were here. I didnt have a reason to go out. When we lived with my mom we wanted to be outside so nobody bothers us. Here things got worse. We had many fights, many moments where we thought its over. But we were still together, somehow. My girlfriend was the one holding everything in one peace. I was getting too comfortable by not doing anything. We again went twice for vacations. Also another shorter trips.

2019 Beginning of the end
Around vacation time my girlfriend's grandmother started to have issues with her health. She was the one that raised her and she had so much love for her. She didnt know at the time she will have to take care of her for months. Thats where also religion played bigger role. Her family members are Jehovah Witness and she never believed into that. She was abused because of religion. But at one day it all changed when her grandma had heart attack while being in her arms. She said it was this day when she prayed and she feels like God listened to her. She told me she still loves me but is not in love with me. I did so many things wrong during our relationship that it got to the point she had enough. And i agree with it. Even if it hurts. To this day I have in front of my eyes all messed up things that i did. Every time i said no to something. It hurts so much.

In last months I cried so much. I was broken to peaces, i drink a lot, im depressed, im just a broken human. She was the one I was waiting my whole life for. And just like that its all gone.

From having the best human being by my side I was left alone in my apartment. I dont understand any of that. I dont have any energy to be alive. If i had a switch that could turn my life off I would do it. I experienced so much of bad stuff that I dont know when it ends. There is nothing good about my life. I suffer on every step that I make.

Please explain to me what is wrong with me, am I autistic? Do i have a brain damage? What do I do about this life? I am not heading anywhere. If you have any questions please do ask. I have nothing to lose anymore...

Last edited by bluekoi; Mar 29, 2020 at 10:21 PM.. Reason: Add trigger icon. Apply trigger code.
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Default Mar 30, 2020 at 02:22 PM
In reading the history you shared mark27 I don't see any mentor figure in your life that you could observe and get an idea of what a functional relationship is all about. Also, you did not really experience a presence that provided an actual healthy lifestyle and sense of direction either. I don't see you expressing that either parents talked to you and helped you understand the changes taking place that constantly affected your life.

Also, while you managed to have relationships, I don't see them as "healthy" ones. The girlfriend you had was every bit as lost as you were, so no true stability there. That relationship was also with a dysfunctional individual.

It's not surprising you are at a point right now that you feel so lost. It doesn't mean you are a lost cause though because you are still young enough where you can still find some direction. That being said, the place to start is to end your dependence on alcohol. You may need help with that depending on how badly you are physically addicted to it. Right now all you can do is what everyone else is doing, be patient with how everyone is ordered to isolate in hopes to stop this virus from speading. Quite honestly, a lot of people feel lost with all they are facing with the restrictions due to this virus.

Once that eases up, you need to focus on no longer being alcohol dependent and thinking about learning a trade or something you may enjoy doing for a living so you have a way of supporting yourself. If you liked delivering then you may benefit from getting a license to drive trucks that involve delivering. Lots of people do that an make decent money.

You can learn to be productive despite your history.
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Default Mar 30, 2020 at 03:05 PM
When it comes to alcohol I put it wrong way. At the beginning I would drink a lot just to get dizzy and feel numb but then it stopped working for me. In a sense that I would drink, feel so bad and didnt get any numbness. And again when I was depressed I would drink a beer or something but my body let me know that it doesnt work anymore. I stopped drinking. Even if i wanted I wouldnt be able to get addicted to alcohol.

When it comes to this relationship, what many wont understand is how amazing this person was. She really loved me and I was the one that screwed it up on many levels. Memories how great she was to me squeeze tears to this day. I get depressed thinking that she used to be next to me, i used to wake up next to her. She always knew how to make my day. She was so mature, strong and funny. I never rejected her because of her bipolar. She even told me I should find someone else but it was never a case for me. This thoughts dont leave me, they hunt me, pictures of us, old texts messages just put me so down. Last 2 years were the best years of my life and it just ended..

In the bigger picture i dont know what to do with myself because i feel like i need to be diagnosed by someone, psychiatrist?
I feel like if i was on some kind of medications I would be able to be more myself. You know while being drunk there is this feeling that you can do or say anything. You dont worry to much about whats and who is around you. At least thats how i felt that if i could have this feeling last from being drunk, my life would be easier. And I dont feel weird then. If I could get some medications perhaps, would it help to be more open and not to stress about anything? Please share any thoughts what do you think I may have and what can possibly help me.
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Smile Mar 30, 2020 at 07:11 PM
Hello mark: Thank you for bringing your concerns here to PC. I see this is your first post. Welcome to Psych Central.

We here on PC cannot offer mental health diagnoses. Plus I'm not a mental health professional. So I can't suggest what may be going on with you. For that what you will need to do is to seek the services of a mental health professional, perhaps a psychologist or a mental health therapist with whom you can explore all of the experiences you've written about here, what they mean to you & how to move on from here.

One thing you might do, here on PC, is to take some of the quizzes & tests that are on offer. There's a link to them in the banner at the top of the page. However here's another link as well:

Psychological Quizzes and Tests

And then here are links to a selection of 11 articles, from Psych Central's archives, that (hopefully) may be helpful in gaining some perspective with regard to your situation:

Depression: Symptoms, Types & Treatments | Psych Central

Living with Depression: A Guide for Coping with Depressive Feelings | Psych Central

Anxiety Disorders: Symptoms, Types & Treatments | Psych Central

Social Anxiety Overview | Psych Central








I hope you find PC to be of benefit.

"I may be older but I am not wise / I'm still a child's grown-up disguise / and I never can tell you what you want to know / You will find out as you go." (from: "A Nightengale's Lullaby" - Julie Last)
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Default Apr 10, 2020 at 11:36 AM
Does anyone have any other thoughts? I was somehow stable in past days but today it hit me so hard how I miss life that i had before my ex left me. I miss this times so much and I feel so helpless about anything.

Do you think that there are any pills that could help me somehow? I have problems with making decisions and I know it may take me long time to do anything with it.
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Default Apr 10, 2020 at 05:25 PM
Yes, it's possible that if you see a professional that can prescribe medication and diagnose you that you may be prescribed a medication that can help.

With what is going on right now with this Covid 19 and social distancing, it's not surprising you have a longing for that old girlfriend because how it felt. Allow yourself to be patient until this social distancing eases up and you can figure out a way to finally see a professional.
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Default Apr 10, 2020 at 11:20 PM
Chronic stress most definitely would affect one's learning ability. It can impact working memory, word recall, focus.. among other things, I'm sure. Reading your story undoubtedly made a dent in your overall school performance - the academics, social skills, and desire to even participate. Do you have a learning disorder or Autism? It's hard to say. Childhood neglect and trauma can mimic one or the other, depending on its severity.

It sounds to me like there was a lot of neglect in your childhood.. a lot of secrets and unknowns you were expected to move forward from without any understanding and support.

I suspect a lot of what you're going through is more to do with trauma that manifested itself into anxiety, depression, and antisocial behaviours. It's possible your fears and trust issues have everything to do with your upbringing.

Have you asked your mother why she left you to defend yourself all those years? Did she ever test you for learning disabilities? Have you considered talking with your brother, as an adult, to understand his perspective about your childhood? Maybe about why he physically assaulted you. He may have struggled with all this, himself.

Your girlfriend was an important figure in your life and she taught you something about yourself. I'm not sure if love was a factor for either one of you, though. Maybe look into emotional hunger and see if that resonates with you.. which would be typical for a person in your situation.. at least that's my opinion.

I'm not sure it's necessary for you to find a diagnosis just yet. I think it's time to really dig into your past and finally get some answers and closures. Perhaps give your therapist a simplified version of this post, in chronological order. Peel it like an onion.

It'll take time and will be emotionally draining but at the end of it will lead you into a more positive direction. If you're able to maintain a job and keep up with your financial obligations, good for you!

You are not a waste. You are a young man with a future waiting for you. You never expected that girlfriend to come around the corner just as much as you don't know what's coming around next.

Stay strong!

I'm sorry you've had such a difficult upbringing.
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Default Apr 12, 2020 at 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Open Eyes View Post
Yes, it's possible that if you see a professional that can prescribe medication and diagnose you that you may be prescribed a medication that can help.

With what is going on right now with this Covid 19 and social distancing, it's not surprising you have a longing for that old girlfriend because how it felt. Allow yourself to be patient until this social distancing eases up and you can figure out a way to finally see a professional.

When I was busy at work, time somehow kept going but you know, it's not gonna solve anything long term. Many times when I left work, I broke down, in a bus on my way to home thinking that im going back to empty space, space that had a life once..
I know I messed so many things in that relationship but I cant get over that someone gave me a chance. I never expected this in my lifetime. I actually broke down on this Friday.

Do you have a learning disorder or Autism?
Not that I am diagnosed with. But just by looking at autism symptoms I can relate to many of them. Not sure if it makes me autistic.

My stepfather's son has autism. He hears voices in his head, takes medications. I saw this guy maybe 3 times in my life so cant tell really much.

Have you asked your mother why she left you to defend yourself all those years?
After moving here to united states, I remember having dinner with her and my stepfather and, um, we had a discussion about something. It came down to me blaming her for how am I now. Like, I did acknowladge my issues and tried to find a reason why my life is this way. No friends, no interest in talking to my grandparents, poor performance in school. I feel like she doesnt want to take a blame for that, not sure if I should blame her or anyone. It has also a lot with my dad that wasnt there for me.

When she was in united states, she would come back once a year for few weeks. But still.

Our reality was back in our country that there was no future for us, job too in that small village. She was working in the office and had a side job as a English teacher.

Did she ever test you for learning disabilities?
Nobody did. I dont think anyone understands my problems.


Have you considered talking with your brother, as an adult, to understand his perspective about your childhood?
No. I dont feel like he is the type for real honest talk. He would rather joke and make fun of something. I feel like we have to stay like this pretending to be okey. As long as there is no bad blood now i guess its ok.. we wont have that bond.. and you know if he died I dont think it would touch me at all.. I remember few years ago my grand granma passed away. It didnt touch me or I didnt cry once since. Thats how disconnected I am with my family members. I really dont have a connection or bond with anyone. To say I love them. To understand love. Its just not who I am now.


I'm not sure if love was a factor for either one of you, though.
She is and was very loving person. She quit her job 6 months ago to take care of her grandmother. She was giving her bath, dressing her etc. She is really good person. I know she loved me, she wanted to get married. The way she expressed herself, I knew she did love me. Me however with time going back I was just getting numb I guess. I wasnt set in my mind for something bigger to come. I didnt try much to make it work. I just hoped for us to be okey...


If you're able to maintain a job and keep up with your financial obligations, good for you!

If I lose this job, semohow, even because if virus, I am screwed. I dont have skills to find new one, to call, to ask. I really struggle with simple things.

I remember one time before I got current job that mom found me one in car wash. I was texting with her back and fourth that I dont wanna go inside, I dont wanna talk to the people, I dont want that job. I said back then in my messages that i have issues, i need to see a doctor. She was like ok ok and nothing ever happened. Even recently after I broke down with my ex, i was texting mom while drunk why its like that, why do I fail all the time and she couldnt give good advice. I know I wont get help from her. Not unless maybe I bring a notes from a doctor saying that yes I do have a mental problems and its not a temporary problem like everyone thinks.


You are a young man with a future waiting for you.

I wish I could see that future. If my family disappeared now, I would be in so much trouble. I cant survive alone.
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Default Apr 17, 2020 at 09:30 PM
Does anyone have any other thoughts
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Default Apr 17, 2020 at 11:58 PM
Here's an online screening for Adults Autism

There may be other free online screening tools but it's a start. Give it a try and if something comes from it, talk with your doctor about it and see if you can get a proper assessment.

I'm not at all suggesting this is it for you but I know you've questioned it so why not?
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Default May 01, 2020 at 04:14 PM
does anyone have any thoughts?
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Default May 01, 2020 at 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by mark27 View Post
does anyone have any thoughts?
I've said this here already. Maybe you too can look into Dialectical Behaviour Therapy workbook. There's multiple themes you can choose from and you can order the workbook via Amazon. It's a start?
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Default May 02, 2020 at 02:59 PM
For me even to make a baby step its hell of a challenge. This long days, nothing to do, it really gets to me how messed my life is and I feel like I want someone to fix it for me. I dont know if its fixable at all.. I feel like its me vs world.

Im trying to see myself as a normal person with no social issues, having friends, having phone calls with them or family, simple conversations.. but its like on another level that I cant possibly be promoted to.

Worst part is I would love to be normal but i cant.

Its horrible who I become and nobody else sees that.
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Default May 02, 2020 at 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by mark27 View Post
For me even to make a baby step its hell of a challenge.
I really believe this is a challenge worth exploring. You can take in as much advice until you're blue in the face, but if you don't bring yourself to use any of it, then you become stuck.

I think part of the problem is that you're looking at a big picture with a whole lot of "flaws". As valuable as that is sometimes, you also need to figure out your starting point.

What do you want to address first? Can you make a list of "troubles" (for lack of a better word) and rate them in order of priorities?
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Default May 02, 2020 at 04:45 PM
First of all im very depressed in past weeks since this pandemic began and I have nothing to do to keep my mind busy.

Since break up, I really started to hate myself for who i've become. How life shaped me. How little i've accomplished. Many people at my age have stable work, finished school, family, kids, cars, house, just a normal life.

It really hurts me that I have non of that. I had a part of it for past 2 years and now i dont have anything. It hurts so bad. Im crying all afternoon because thoguhts are eating me alive.

As my stepfather was recenlty talking about his mom that she was very picky during her life and now she has no friends and shes going crazy being alone. He's tired of her calling him few times a day. It got to me somehow that my life will look exactly the same. Without stable ground, without people I can trust and get help from. Its really scary and I never thought I would worry about it.

The one and the biggest trouble is lack of being able to talk about anything. This creates all issues that go along with it. Im scared to call anywhere, get a driver license, to pickup phone calls, to do any errands, to have freinds etc. It all comes down to emptiness inside my head. I see people joking, hanging out, being happy and I dont understand it. I didnt question that for years and now its hitting me with huge strength.
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Default May 02, 2020 at 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by mark27 View Post

The one and the biggest trouble is lack of being able to talk about anything. This creates all issues that go along with it. Im scared to call anywhere...
Then this is where I'd start. You can't hide behind fear. You need to break through it.

Try and set daily goals where you're putting yourself out of your comfort zone and contact "someone". It could be an over-the-phone hotline for support. It could be making small talk with a cashier at a grocery store. It could be booking a virtual doctor's appointment (or physical if your country allows it). It could be reaching out to someone you trust for a small chit-chat.. a neighbour? Talk about the pandemic.. easy conversation to maintain.
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Default May 03, 2020 at 05:07 PM
I'm sorry that you're going through this feelings, but please consider it could be just okay to experience this
Try to be kind to yourself

I agree with what MsLady says about daily tasks, they could somehow help you to see a bigger picture
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Default May 03, 2020 at 05:18 PM
The problem is I dont have thoughts being created in my brain.

I used to fake having a phone call while being at school so nobody was talking to me, I used to do the same when my manager at work was standing next to the entrance so I didnt have to say anything. If I leave an apartment and I hear someone coming or leaving their apartment I wait for them to go..

I even asked few weeks back a guy at one restaurant how is he doing because I went to pick up a food and he started talking and I felt like I have no idea what is he talking about and I didnt know what to respond or what to add to it. It was horrible from my point of view.
I know from your point of view thats what has to be done which is getting out of comfort zone by doing this and that but for me its like a wall that I cant go above.

My eyes hurt from crying non stop, I keep breaking down the more I think how much I missed out in life and every other day is the same.

Fact alone that 5 days ago was anniversary when we moved with my ex to this apartment 2 years ago causes so much emotional pain. I still live with thoughts what could I do to avoid this break up. What could I do differently to make this work. What would it be now. This unknown and memories of our beginnings in 2017 around this time make me cry so much. This summer vibes are just so bad for me right now.
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Default Aug 15, 2020 at 03:53 PM
I messaged 5 psychiatrists and i asked few questions. 3 didnt get back to me. 2 only told me price for visits and ignored the rest.

I just dont see way out from this situation..
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Default Aug 15, 2020 at 05:21 PM
hi mark27. Oh man, oh man, oh man. I feel for you! All I can say right know is baby steps. Take baby steps. My heart is with you. Really.....
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