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bluenarciss's Avatar
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Default Mar 07, 2009 at 11:39 AM
I don't see why this seems to be such a big thing to avoid any special referring to organized religions.

I very much share the sight of the board administration that this should stay a place for sharing personal thoughts and feelings, but not a place for being on any mission of convincing others of whatever it may be.

The reason given is absolutely understandable: It will sooner or later disturb this place that is designed to be a peaceful retreat and refuge.

Whoever thinks he is on his right way finally - congratulations. But a solution that works for one may be a complete failure for the next one. Or at least misleading.

Spirituality is a very personal and individual matter. And it should remain so. The TOS here, as I see them, guarantee exactly that. I can neither see fault nor any harm in that.

It is the way it is. I can't change that. But there might be a way to change how I react.
(Meanwhile I found out, there are such ways.)

To cope or not to cope - that is the question.

Healing comes from within. As I see it, the trick is to find the lost way back to safe home. Wherever I am, whatever happens to me, my safe home is always with me.

Last edited by bluenarciss; Mar 07, 2009 at 11:40 AM.. Reason: corrected
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sky dancer
sky dancer
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Default Mar 07, 2009 at 11:49 AM
What I think we all share who have a form of personal spirituality is some kind of open spacious presence. It is direct experience. What we label that experience is nominal. It is not the healing presence in the now. It is just a label, a convenience.

I understand that some forms of organized spirituality have 'missions' involving proselytizing and that comparing paths can lead to hurt feelings, and comparisons and debates.

What I've found, is that it doesn't matter to me the source of a person's spirituality--but it does seem silly to me, to not be able to use a term-like buddha--but it's ok to use the term God and Holy Spirit.

One of the most beautiful chants I ever heard was in an ancient indian language and it was the thousand names of God.

I'm just interested in hearing about and sharing whatever is uplifting to myself and others.
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Capp, Miracle1986, Rapunzel
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Default Mar 07, 2009 at 12:11 PM
The only reason why spirituality is restricted because back in the day when it was more open people started getting into arguments because both people believed that they and nobody else was right
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Default Mar 07, 2009 at 12:54 PM
sky dancer,

It might help you to understand why the rules are so strict if you go back and read some of the locked threads in the Spirituality Forum.
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Default Mar 07, 2009 at 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by bluenarciss View Post
I don't see why this seems to be such a big thing to avoid any special referring to organized religions.

I very much share the sight of the board administration that this should stay a place for sharing personal thoughts and feelings, but not a place for being on any mission of convincing others of whatever it may be.

The reason given is absolutely understandable: It will sooner or later disturb this place that is designed to be a peaceful retreat and refuge.

Whoever thinks he is on his right way finally - congratulations. But a solution that works for one may be a complete failure for the next one. Or at least misleading.

Spirituality is a very personal and individual matter. And it should remain so. The TOS here, as I see them, guarantee exactly that. I can neither see fault nor any harm in that.
Couldnt of put it better myself, if you feel you are missing out why not go to another site for your 'religion' then no one is made to feel upset. Religion causes rows that is a fact and this is a supports site also a fact.
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Default Mar 07, 2009 at 03:00 PM
And let me be very clear here -- spirituality discussions are most definitely allowed on the Spirituality forum.

Religious discussions are not allowed because when we allowed them, many of the moderators and admins spent a great deal of time trying to smooth over the hurt that was caused by some people who couldn't let others be with their own religious beliefs and felt they had to try and "convert" everyone to their belief systems. Sadly, not all religions are compatible with one another (especially when they suggest that non-believers in their particular religion need to be "converted" or otherwise suffer).

Being that we're primarily a mental health support site -- not a spiritual or religious support site -- we changed the guidelines to emphasize the spirituality component and de-emphasize the religious component. That doesn't mean you can't say, "Oh, I was raised as a Catholic but am now a Buddhist." It just means you can't have in-depth discussions about the pros and cons of the two religions.

As others have pointed out, however, we do have social groups that do not fall under this restriction, and so we have a few religiously-oriented social groups that anyone is welcomed to join and discuss religion until your heart's content. But we will not moderate any interpersonal differences that arise from such discussions, so you're on your own if you find someone who vehemently disagrees with your own religious beliefs.


PS - For the record, I've been accused of being a heathen, atheist, Christian-lover, satanist, and worse throughout the years because of the various religious arguments that have gone on here. I find it amusing that no matter what I say or do in this regard, nothing seems to be good enough or sufficient for some members here. Luckily, I've also received a lot of positive feedback for our policies in this regard, so I guess it all evens out in the end.

Don't throw away your shot.
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Default Mar 08, 2009 at 01:57 AM
I feel the need to explain my statement above by adding a very personal report. Here it is:

I have been a seeker. And I am still looking for help and relief in order to feel better, which might mean that I am still in need for support in what I would call a healing process.

In the last years I made progress, and now I feel a lot better than before. And I want to share not only my downs, setbacks, flaws and myseries, but also my small successes, improvements, step-aheads and ups.

The most important insight I had during this phase of recovery (or healing, although this is not completed and may never be) is this:

Spiritual support was one of the sources on the helpful side. I consciously avoided anything that was or could have been mentally disturbing or harmful. Instead I tried to preoccupy myself mostly with strengthening and encouraging things.

But going for good influences and avoiding bad influences and environments is only one step, a good first step I would say.

More important and finally most effective (to me) was what I would stress out as the decisive second step: To let the healthy part within oneself grow.

Spirituality given from others, coming in from outside, only helped me when I "responded". To me, the search for balance, peace and harmony in the teachings and scriptures of others, finally proved nothing else than a search for a way to my own inner sources and resources.

I thought I was looking for guidance. What I found instead was that there is no guidance necessary, because all I need is already there, and always has been, like a kind of a inner sanctum or a inner core that never was hurt or spoiled.

To all those who seek I want to say just this: don't forget to look deeply into yourself. That what resonates within might be what you are looking for.

I knew that my search was successful when I could stop desperately looking for external wisdom. So there is no more need to follow other voices. I admit, this has always been my aim, because I appreciate my personal freedom very much. Seeking is not the whole thing and not the only point. Finding is very important, too. That's all.

That is what I wanted to point out in order to make my point of view given in my posting above a bit more understandable. And maybe this is a little help for all those who are still in phase one (search), on the way to phase two (having found).

Best wishes,

It is the way it is. I can't change that. But there might be a way to change how I react.
(Meanwhile I found out, there are such ways.)

To cope or not to cope - that is the question.

Healing comes from within. As I see it, the trick is to find the lost way back to safe home. Wherever I am, whatever happens to me, my safe home is always with me.
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Default Mar 08, 2009 at 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by DocJohn View Post
And let me be very clear here -- spirituality discussions are most definitely allowed on the Spirituality forum.

Religious discussions are not allowed because when we allowed them, many of the moderators and admins spent a great deal of time trying to smooth over the hurt that was caused by some people who couldn't let others be with their own religious beliefs and felt they had to try and "convert" everyone to their belief systems. Sadly, not all religions are compatible with one another (especially when they suggest that non-believers in their particular religion need to be "converted" or otherwise suffer).

Being that we're primarily a mental health support site -- not a spiritual or religious support site -- we changed the guidelines to emphasize the spirituality component and de-emphasize the religious component. That doesn't mean you can't say, "Oh, I was raised as a Catholic but am now a Buddhist." It just means you can't have in-depth discussions about the pros and cons of the two religions.

As others have pointed out, however, we do have social groups that do not fall under this restriction, and so we have a few religiously-oriented social groups that anyone is welcomed to join and discuss religion until your heart's content. But we will not moderate any interpersonal differences that arise from such discussions, so you're on your own if you find someone who vehemently disagrees with your own religious beliefs.


PS - For the record, I've been accused of being a heathen, atheist, Christian-lover, satanist, and worse throughout the years because of the various religious arguments that have gone on here. I find it amusing that no matter what I say or do in this regard, nothing seems to be good enough or sufficient for some members here. Luckily, I've also received a lot of positive feedback for our policies in this regard, so I guess it all evens out in the end.
this I think has been settled
Doc has also posted this

best wishes to all
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sky dancer
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Default Mar 08, 2009 at 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Tishie View Post
Couldnt of put it better myself, if you feel you are missing out why not go to another site for your 'religion' then no one is made to feel upset. Religion causes rows that is a fact and this is a supports site also a fact.
I don't need this site for my 'religion'. I do have issues I am working through that involves my 'religious roots' and how my PTSD interferes with and affects my connection to my spiritual community now.

This is what I'd like to be able to discuss here, without having to worry about anyone thinking I want to 'debate religion'.

There are cultures within spiritual communties, and if I am not free to discuss how mine worked in the past and works now in the present, then I have one less resource for exploring something that is key to my healing.

I doubt I'm alone in this.

I have started a Seekers of Truth support group and everyone is invited. I'm hoping the rules are relaxed enough in that part of the forum that I and others can discuss topics related to our healing that touch on our past and present experiences, and either help or harm.
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Default Mar 08, 2009 at 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by sky dancer View Post
I don't need this site for my 'religion'. I do have issues I am working through that involves my 'religious roots' and how my PTSD interferes with and affects my connection to my spiritual community now.

This is what I'd like to be able to discuss here, without having to worry about anyone thinking I want to 'debate religion'.

There are cultures within spiritual communties, and if I am not free to discuss how mine worked in the past and works now in the present, then I have one less resource for exploring something that is key to my healing.

I doubt I'm alone in this.

I have started a Seekers of Truth support group and everyone is invited. I'm hoping the rules are relaxed enough in that part of the forum that I and others can discuss topics related to our healing that touch on our past and present experiences, and either help or harm.

I agree with you sky. I also have religion issues because of my childhood upbringing, it is honestly a shame that its not allowed to be discussed here at a board that promotes mental wellbeing. Religion is a huge issue for people whether its giving them peace now in there recovery or whether it caused them much pain because of its limitations in childhood and the shamebased feelings it can cause. Whatever the case the lack of discussion leaves a huge emptiness for some folks who need to discuss the effects religion in general has on them positively or negatively. I understand the anguish and perhaps heated debates in the past it may have promoted yet that is the very point to me. It IS such a powerful emotion on everyone that is certainly warrants disccussion on its long term impact individually. I look forward to your social group discussions sky.
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Default Mar 08, 2009 at 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by sky dancer View Post
I do have issues I am working through that involves my 'religious roots' and how my PTSD interferes with and affects my connection to my spiritual community now.

I doubt I'm alone in this.
Hello sky dancer,

no, you are not alone in this. I just wanted to let you know this. You are not alone, and you are not misunderstood.


It is the way it is. I can't change that. But there might be a way to change how I react.
(Meanwhile I found out, there are such ways.)

To cope or not to cope - that is the question.

Healing comes from within. As I see it, the trick is to find the lost way back to safe home. Wherever I am, whatever happens to me, my safe home is always with me.
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Default Mar 08, 2009 at 01:32 PM
you can check out social groups that are in place to talk about religious stuff here at pc. you can join them too. if you don't see one you like you are free to make your own and invite people to join in as well.


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Unhappy Mar 08, 2009 at 02:04 PM
I don't know how valuable my opinion is, but I am very very glad that religious topics are contained within social groups and are not permitted at all on the main forum.

This means that you can have a generic spiritual area where people can talk about matters of the human spirit.. subjective personal things.. without getting into specifics. Religion is different from "normal" beliefs/opinions imo because it seems to be sort of a natural defense against existential angst. Consequently, people seem adamant to defend this natural defense to the death and it oftentimes results in violence or hurtful actions.

It is great that social groups are permitted and that people can use these groups to discuss religious/spiritual topics with like-minded people. It is great that you are seeking a path to be a fully realized human, and I think that you are completely correct in saying that you have a lot to offer to everyone, I would personally be very interested in your teachings. In saying that, the spiritual journey is a personal one.. Everybody should feel absolutely free to wander in the spiritual direction that they wish...without feeling fear about how a particular rhetoric frowns on that direction.

My 2/c . Love/Peace!
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cantstopcrying, Miracle1986
sky dancer
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Default Mar 08, 2009 at 03:39 PM
Anyone interested in checking out the social group section, and the Seekers of Truth in particular is welcome.

May all find help and healing wherever you seek it. May the power of facing 'how things truly are' free all beings.
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Thumbs up Mar 09, 2009 at 11:53 AM
Ok, I'm not understanding why all the discussion and problems when HERE, ON SITE, we have these available to us:





Open discussion of all types of faiths and RELIGION is available on PsychCentral in these Social Groups.

If you don't find a group that suits you, you're free to start one of your own.


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sky dancer
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Default Mar 09, 2009 at 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by SeptemberMorn View Post
Ok, I'm not understanding why all the discussion and problems when HERE, ON SITE, we have these available to us:





Open discussion of all types of faiths and RELIGION is available on PsychCentral in these Social Groups.

If you don't find a group that suits you, you're free to start one of your own.
Pardon me. I'm new. I've got it sorted out now thank you. I started a social group.
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Smile Mar 12, 2009 at 03:51 AM
Generally it's best to PM a Community team member with such questions and mini-rants...but then, being new... how would a newbie know this unless reading it here? TC

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Default Mar 12, 2009 at 11:08 AM
Locust: Sometimes certain mental illnesses revolve around religion a lot, such as delusions, paranoia, and OCD. In fact, I don't know how it is possible to avoid it when discussing the third.

A few weeks ago, in the Schizophrenia topic, I had made a book recommendation titled Archetype of the Apocalypse. The subtitle of the book was: A Jungian Interpretation of the Book of Revelations. Apparently the book has been recently re-released with the subtitle Divine Vengeance, Terrorism, and the End of the World. This is how a schizophrenic experience can feel -- one's sense of self-identity is shattered, blown apart, annihilated; what amounts to an "Inner Apocalypse" and may include all the attendant characters one might expect if they were dead.

I'm not certain how anyone could read that thread and arrive at the conclusion that I was discussing religion but all it took was one individual to make the accusation that the "schizophrenics were getting to do something others couldn't" and suddenly... schizophrenics could no longer freely discuss schizophrenic experiences in the schizophrenia topic.

I've not posted in the schizophrenia topic since then although I do continue to speak openly and candidly with other individuals who carry a diagnosis of schizophrenia -- I just don't do it here.

I have also, with a bit of coercion, been having what I think is a very interesting and intelligent conversation in the social groups area. The bulk of that conversation has taken place between myself and another individual who I believe was also once considered schizophrenic. That discussion is largely hidden away where the world can't see it although certainly, the world at large will have ample opportunity to see other aspects of schizophrenia and form some conclusions accordingly.

Oddly enough, no one outside of that social group seems to have felt the need to come into that discussion even though we have used all the bad words at least once. I fail to grasp why the same degree of respect and tolerance that seems to be extended to other members in the social groups area could not find a place here, in the main discussion area.

I do know this much though -- failure to do so is damaging and produces harm.

~ Namaste

See also: Fight Club: A Schizophrenic Process?



~ Kindness is cheap. It's unkindness that always demands the highest price.

Last edited by spiritual_emergency; Mar 12, 2009 at 11:26 AM..
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