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Dan Raleigh
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Default May 19, 2018 at 05:27 PM
“Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.” Few years ago after going through a horrible life experience, I happened to believe that people in TV programs, radio programs are dropping hints on me. I thought they know exactly who I’m I, what I do, what I think, basically my whole life. I also happened to believe that people in Forbes, Microsoft, Guardian etc… knew me and they communicated me through emails by writing articles on Forbes, sending me newsletters etc… It was a mind boggling experience that I had. Everything started out of the blue, just after I was having a conflict with a friend. Due to the incidences that was taking place I happened to believe that this friend was behind everything. Day by day I came to an understanding that I don’t have a privacy at all. My activities are being monitored in the most unethical manner. I had no one to explain my experience and by saying certain things members of my family also got scared thinking that I’m having a trouble with my thinking in other words I’m going through some mental problems. The battle that I had to face everyday from morning to evening is not something that I could explain you in words. I was desperately looking for answers and I had to question the meaning of reality. Why suddenly the world that I used to know changed drastically in a weird way. I have never observed human beings behaving in a way that I’m observing now. And this happened to me after I living more than one-third of a normal human life span. The reason for me to end up in believing such a thing was due to abnormal events that I happened to observe every day and that is not something that I could consider as a coincidence. Out of the blue things that suppose to be a coincidence, a rare event, suddenly become a meaningful interaction and this kept on happening to me every day for more than a year. I kept on blaming friends and others for spying on me and I was furious. I had no explanation whatsoever to understand this abnormal phenomenon, I had no one to find help and I’m having this personal battle every day. And I have been cracking my head to find the truth behind this life experience. What makes people to deny after they actually doing certain things, participating on certain things? Why they indirectly say things or drop hints about my life events every day and then keep denying it? Every time my complaints became a surprised to them, so I finally ended up in talking about it with anyone, cause literraly there’s no point. And then I ended up talking to my friends too cause now I don’t trust anyone. I thought they lie to my face again and again. Friends still called me like they knew nothing but I don’t have an interest in talking to my friends anymore because of my experience. So according to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) technically speaking I’m a schizophrenic. Doctors will not have a clue or have a knowledge to critically analyse my situation, I’ll be treated as a schizophrenic and medicine will be given to me if I ever happened to visit a doctor to overcome my situation.

Having said that this will be the first time in your life you will hear a person claiming that he managed to come out of such a delusion, a false thinking, simply by doing a massive research, gaining the right knowledge, having the right view and then ending up in having the right understanding. THE CAUSE OF DELUSIONS ARE DUE TO MEANINGFUL INTERACTIONS WITH THINGS THAT SUPPOSE TO BE A COINCIDENCE. THIS IS TRUE FOR THOUGHT BROADCAST DELUSION, GANG STALKING DELUSION OR ANY OTHER DELUSION RELATED TO SO CALLED MENTAL ILLNESSES!! Highly advanced AIÂ’s (Artificial Intelligence) are being developed to induce thoughts to human beings and manipulate human actions by stimulating their brains using a GLOBAL SATELLITE GRID. This is a personal experience. A person who goes through such experiences will make false assumptions to understand this phenomenon, therefore, they end up in making false claims. A Victim would not understand this phenomenon due to itÂ’s complexity, this why a person who has never experienced such a phenomenon find extremely difficult to understand the claims of victims. Based on my research the ONLY government who should have this technology must be the SWISS government without their citizens knowing. In fact Swiss citizens are also victims of this technology. This is my best guess!! Having said that no other government MUST have this technology. This is something I could say beyond a doubt. After all, Targeted Individuals were absolutely right, the cause of these meaningful interactions with things that suppose to be a coincidence is a hidden technology. I hope my story would completely changed the way we have been thinking about these abnormal human experiences. ItÂ’s extremely, extremely difficult to understand this phenomenon if you are not a person who directly experience this.


Please read the article and if you can please share it too so others would also understand what I went through.

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Thanks for this!

Dan Raleigh
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Default May 19, 2018 at 05:30 PM
Dear All,

I also did a massive research to understand the true cause of these experiences. This is an in-depth discussion related to my experience and the research. After reading the above blog, please find time to read this too. Cause you will find a wealth of information here.


Please share with others!

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Default May 19, 2018 at 06:38 PM
Dan wrote:
Highly advanced AIÂ’s (Artificial Intelligence) are being developed to induce thoughts to human beings and manipulate human actions by stimulating their brains using a GLOBAL SATELLITE GRID. This is a personal experience. A person who goes through such experiences will make false assumptions to understand this phenomenon, therefore, they end up in making false claims. A Victim would not understand this phenomenon due to itÂ’s complexity, this why a person who has never experienced such a phenomenon find extremely difficult to understand the claims of victims. Based on my research the ONLY government who should have this technology must be the SWISS government without their citizens knowing.
I've studied neuroscience, I've studied philosophy of mind, and psychology, I follow academic journals to keep in touch with advances, and there is nothing close to this being made. ECT is the only things that sends signals to the brain to change mood and that is done by directly putting a hat on the head to stimulate the regions of the brain. A long distance satellite to make people believe X is true hasn't been made except if you mean the Russians hacking our election with disinformation on twitter and facebook. That's as sophisticated as it gets.

If you have links to show me this satellite I'll walk through it and give you my insights.
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Dan Raleigh
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Default May 20, 2018 at 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Day Tripper View Post
Dan wrote:

I've studied neuroscience, I've studied philosophy of mind, and psychology, I follow academic journals to keep in touch with advances, and there is nothing close to this being made. ECT is the only things that sends signals to the brain to change mood and that is done by directly putting a hat on the head to stimulate the regions of the brain. A long distance satellite to make people believe X is true hasn't been made except if you mean the Russians hacking our election with disinformation on twitter and facebook. That's as sophisticated as it gets.

If you have links to show me this satellite I'll walk through it and give you my insights.
Day Tripper, people have done a very poor research in this area. Whatever the research that they have conducted so far is with a wrong view. So they never understand the truth.

1). The voices constantly told me they were never leaving, and that I’d have to learn to deal with it. They told me that our entire society is inside of a quantum computer, and that we are all just lab rats, being studied by their people. In particular, they told me that I was being “stress tested” to see how stress affected my memory. The voices constantly asked me questions about my memory and asked what medications I was taking, whenever I took pills. I could hear these voices clear as day, as if through a radio of some kind. On a few occasions, I actually saw people that correlated with the voices, faint visual hallucinations. Mind you, prior to all of this, I led a fairly normal life with no history of psychosis or mental disorders, except mild PTSD and ADD.”” – http://hvn.forumatic.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=551

2). Raina Walks “if i needed to get somewhere i did not know the directions to…they would literally lead me there without me having looked at a map…just with them directing me…it is heady stuff…” – http://www.mentalhealthforum.net/forum/thread36344.html

3). one time though the voices told me something i couldn’t have known – they informed me that the 9/11 attack was about to happen in new york.. ten days later it transpired…(This voice hearers mind generated this voices? He knew this attack? Obviously he was surprised to see. When are we using our common sense?) –Hearing Peoples Thoughts On LSD [Archive] - Bluelight

4). “My voice gathers information from around the globe and gives me heads up months in advance for important events. –Basic Information About Voices & Visions

5). Actually, they can do any voice they want (man, woman, child, God, devil, British guy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Mexican, someone I know, etc.). It’s a skill they have that I’ve learned to appreciate, and I find incredibly entertaining. – (Can we imitate anyone’s voice? If not then why would someone get this ability when they are mentally ill ? Is that a mental illness or a skill? ) http://hvn.forumatic.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1203

6). ‘It’s so normal and between every breath….. ‘Kill yourself.’ ‘Kill yourself.” ‘Kill Yourself. ‘Kill yourself.’ ‘****ING KILL YOURSELF!!!’ ‘Kill yourself’ ‘Kill yourself.’ ‘Kill yourself.’ ‘Kill Yourself. ‘Kill yourself.’ ‘****ING DIE!!!’ ‘Kill yourself.’ After all, when you analyse this with a sane mindset it’s really hard to understand why human beings are TRULY BELIEVING OUR MINDS ARE GENERATING THESE VOICES. – https://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-j...iii/2017/10/37-schizophrenic-people-describe-the-terrifying-voices-they-hear/

These voices will sound like a mental illness to people who doesn't have the right knowledge and right view only.

I also wrote an in-depth article to explain why this is a crime and it's origin. I think you ALL MUST READ THIS TOO!!


First of all if I never had a such an experience I don't have a reason to be on these forums. I had a DIRECT experience with this technology, I deeply research into this and that's why I'm able to say these and I got physical harassments too. Therefore, please do not ignore any of these claims. This is an extremely difficult thing to understand even for scientists. This technology has achieved teleportation too. Since your body is made up of matter, this technology could materialise body organs too!

So if you have a missing RIB, this technology can materialise the RIB for you. The physics these people know is simply mind blowing. Non of our scientists have a clue.

Here are links to understand what I mean:

Here is an experience of a Targeted Individual:

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Dan Raleigh
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Default May 20, 2018 at 04:49 AM
These are some of the mind-boggling things that I came across when I started doing this massive research. If you read my article you would understand.

Now let’s take 9/11 attack, since this is one of the major events that we happened to experience in recent times.

Here can we find that our thoughts are being effected? Is it a pre-planned activity long time ago than we can possible think of? Again the simple answer is yes, this has been planned at least a couple of centuries ago or if not a millennium in advanced. This is why movies and cartoons even predicted this event. Since we are not aware if such a technology exist, these evil people induce thoughts to people and guide them to write scripts even prior to their evil act. These are not mere coincidences.


– 9/11 in Cartoons. Note that some cartoons goes back to 1940’s even.

- Was 9/11 Predicted in Cartoons and Movies Years ahead of Time?

- Has The Simpsons Predicted The Future

Such a high number of coincidences shouldn’t be there for this particular event. This itself gives us a clue that someone must have planned this event but how? Script writers never involved in this. Yes, script writers never involved in this attack but this technology has induced thoughts to these people so without they knowing these people has written these scripts so today we see these abnormal coincidences. Such manipulate scripts was the cause behind my false thinking too.

One could still think that these are mere coincidences only. If so can we find further clues to understand that these are not mere coincidences? Here is what I found:

Flight 11 crashed into the building. it had 11 crew members.
Flight 11 had 92 passengers. Again 9+2 =11
Flight 175 crashed and It had 65 passengers 6+5 =11. The impact and subsequent fire caused the south tower to collapse in 56 minutes after the crash. 5+6 = 11 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United...nes_Flight_175, (Verified with other sources as well.)
This event took place in New York, which is the 11th state of the US.
After this day, there were only 111 days left till the end of the year. Again, another 11.
Each floor had 47,000 sq ft (4,400 m2) of rentable office space. Again, 4+7 = 11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center
The original 7 World Trade Center was 47 stories tall. Again, 4+7 =11. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center
344 firefighters died on the day 3+4+4 = 11.

Therefore, I started seeing evidence one after another supporting my view. Then I also noticed another strange thing, in the official records, they have always counted the number of fire fighters as 343, not as 344. And then I further research into this mystery, I came across with the following articles.

"Despite all his family's insistence, the official list today still only has 343 names on it. Even Wikipedia only lists 343. And before you say that anyone can edit it, I already tried and it was deleted.”

"In the words of Roma's father, "Every time we hear that number 343, it hurts. It should be 344."

Sources: https://www.firerescue1.com/rescue/a...about-on-9-11/
FATHER'S WAIT ENDS Fire Patrol vet pulls son's remains from WTC - NY Daily News

Now if we take 343 itself, that is 7X7X7 (or 777) = 343 . One who research into these numbers would understand that these numbers show an importance, not just a random unimportant number. Who gave a great significance to number 7 in the ancient times? That’s Pharaoh’s or the Ancient Egyptian Empire. Are they running an invisible ruling on Earth? This mystery never end there, I further researched into this to see what other mysteries surrounding the 9/11 attack. And I found out that:

"The New York City Fire Department lost 343 Firemen. In our history as a Department, since 1865 there were 777 Line of Duty Deaths until September 11, 2001. Now the number is at 1120 NYC Firemen who have given their lives in the line of duty” Another 777, again, this is not a random number. Therefore, I understood that a controlled assassination has taken place, throughout the past to achieve this. Ancient Egyptian empire was obsessed with these numbers. So even 9/11 point towards Ancient Egyptian Empire. Which means people who hold this technology have used human beings to attack the world trade centre on a particular day and used human beings as pawns without they even knowing.

Can we find further proofs to say that non of these are coincidences? Yes, we could find a pile of evidence after all to understand that this was a well-planned attack.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...ber_11_attacks - Human thoughts are being effected. People would not understand why 9/11 attack has shown that much of coincidences. It’s like everyone talked about it but they never had an advanced knowledge too. The reason for us to see these coincidences are due to the capability of this technology. AI’s being used to induce thoughts to people.

Is there any other evidence to show that an advanced technology was behind this attack?

Dr. Judy Wood made some remarkable observations to understand the truth behind 9/11 attack. This will also help us to understand that a highly advanced technology was indeed operating on that day.

- 9/11 Breakthrough Energy Technology | Dr Judy Wood

What about Schizophrenics? Their voices knew this attack too and informed them? This is an experience of a Schizophrenic:

I have schizophrenia and i hear voices from time to time.. i find its easy on LSD to hear echoes of people’s voices you have heard recently.. like visual tracers – other senses leave the same brief sense memories.. hehe.. one time though the voices told me something i couldn’t have known – they informed me that the 9/11 attack was about to happen in new york.. ten days later it transpired… i don’t know what explains this
- Hearing Peoples Thoughts On LSD [Archive] - Bluelight

So is that a mental illness? This is another clear evidence to show that Schizophrenia is not a mental illness, these voices are being induced to them. Which also mean that people behind their voices directly involved in the 9/11 attack too. They hear voices due to abnormal electrical activities that arise in their auditory cortex, so they perceive hearing these voices. Similarly script writers wrote things due to the perceived thoughts. Those were not their own thoughts. They never knew the event but they wrote scripts just like knew the event.

Ok, still I’m not convinced that this was a planned attack and that’s what some of you might still think. If so let me show you one more thing. These evil people has not only induced thoughts to script writers, they have induced thoughts to people who designed the dollar bill. So without they knowing anything they have designed the dollar bill to reflect the 9/11 attack. Here is a proof.

- This is shocking.

This should help people to understand that US government is not the government who hold this extremely advanced technology. Though we could find links to Al Qaida, they are not the main perpetrators of this heinous crime. We can see this event has been planned way back in the past before the origin of Al Qaida even. Al Qaida has been formed by inducing thoughts to people by this people who hold this technology.

After all what are these numbers? Well, Pharaoh’s has given a great significance to numbers and they have given symbolic meanings to these numbers and so are obsessed with these numbers.

How about world wars that we had can we see evidence to show that this must have been a well-planned even too? When we analyse these numbers is something that we will see.

1). World War 1:

Started on 28th July 1914 as a local European conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia due to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by a Serbian nationalist (There were 7 assassins on that day). It actually became a global war on 1st of August 1914 when Germany declared war on Russia.

Therefore, the start date of Global war : 1 August 1914

End date of war: 11 November 1918

Duration between these two dates = 1564 days = 1+ 5 + 6 + 4 = 16 ( 7 )


“7 assassins lined Appel Quay on the morning of June 28th, under instructions to kill the archduke.”-


If we take July 28, 1914. The conflict lasted four years, three months and 14 days. 4 years and 3 months is exactly 7 + 14 days (7 + 7). Meaning this still come up with a 777 number. - You might think that I’m trying to come up with ways to show seven and there’s no real significance to this, however, when we analyse all the other events, these dates are not showing up as random dates.

2). World War 2:

Start date: 1 September 1939

End Date of War: 2 September 1945

Duration between these two dates: 2194 days = 2+ 1 + 9 + 4 = 16 ( 7 )


World War 2, beginning in 1939, lasted exactly 6 years and 1 day. (Another 7, human thoughts are being effected even to fight one single day to achieve these dates)

These are major world events, we should not be able to see this much of unique coincidences in these major world events. The actual cause of these coincidences is this hidden technology.

Does that mean a group of people called ILLUMINATI exist on Earth? And if so who are them? ABSOLUTELY they exist, these are descendants of Pharaonic families. This is why you can see “ALL SEEING EYE” on the Dollar bill too. All seeing eye is this Global Satellite Grid, these satellites captures every electrical activity of human brains and keep decoding and monitoring human beings 24/7. This is why it has become “ALL SEEING EYE”. Through these satellites, they are able to know what your eyes are seeing, what you hear, your emotions or whatever you felt, what ever you herd etc… these satellites could also induce thoughts to any person at any time and manipulate your actions without you aware of it.

- QuoteShare – Arrested Development (TV series) – It’s a different wall.

- Trackdown 1958 TV series.

Some of the words in the script:

“”Be careful son, I can sue you,” – Trump responds “The people were ready to believe. Like sheep they ran to the slaughterhouse. And waiting for them was the high priest of fraud”- Says the narrator” “I can built a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate” – Trump says. “Are you here about Trump? yes sir what are you going to do about him. What do you want me to do? Stop him. From what? From taking the town. That’s what he has in his mind. Well that’s obvious but can you prove it? In order to arrest him a sheriff has to have a charge and Trump hasn’t given him a thing to go on”

Now you might still think that these are mere coincidences only but then this should surprise you:

1). Trump was born on 14th June 1946 and became the presided of the United States in 2016 and his inauguration day was on 20th January 2017. Which means he was 70 years 7 months and 7 exactly days when this abnormal event took place(777). - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump

2). Israel’s declaration of independence took place on 14 May 1948 therefore, there 70th anniversary would be on May 14th (14th is 7+7) 2018. Which means, this date would fall exactly 700 days, after the trumps 70th birthday. This also coincides with the Hebrew year which will be year 5777.

3). Trump was born 700 days prior Israel became a nation(14/05/1948). - https://thedailycoin.org/2017/01/04/...became-nation/

4). Trackdown TV show (1958) had 70 episodes and on the last episode was entitled as “The End of the World”. A conman named Trump coming to a town saying the apocalypse is near and that he will build a wall around their hoes to protect them. -

5). Trump and Putin’s first meeting took place exactly after 777 months from the day where Putin is born. - How Russian media reported the first meeting between Trump and Putin - Business Insider

6). Donald Trump won by 77 Electoral Votes. (Did Russia hacked the systems or someone else had a GREAT PLAN?) - https://www.unsealed.org/2016/12/don...residency.html

7). Exactly after 77 days from the first date of he being in the white house he attacked Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles. 59 Tomahawks = 14 ( 7 + 7 ) - https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/06/us-m...-nbc-news.html

8). Trump and Putin’s first meeting took place exactly after 777 months from the day where Putin is born. - How Russian media reported the first meeting between Trump and Putin - Business Insider

9). 306 electors pledged to vote for Donald J. Trump, 304 (sum of this is 7) voted for him but 2 voted for someone else then Of 232 (sum of these numbers is 7) electors pledged to vote for Hillary Clinton, 5 voted for someone else. Therefore exactly 7 people voted for others, though they have pledged to vote. ( So we actually find a 777 here. Therefore, it’s clear that Russia was never behind this, however, there was a master plan and this must have planned before Putin even being born to this world.)

Let’s take another major event. How about the founding year of the USA?

- Top 10 Conspiracies Hidden in Secret on Dollar Bills.

All seeing eye, pyramid and various other symbols are giving clues to connections with Ancient Egypt. 1776 is the founding year of the US and sum of all the digits (1+7+7+6) would end up in 21 which is 7+7+7=777. MINDSET OF A PHARAOH. Human thoughts are being effected to achieve these abnormal coincidences. Human beings are being guided without they even knowing and this Global Satellite Grid is the cause of this.

Your knowledge will not be your understanding but by reading article you will gain a lot insight into this crime, if you read it with the right view. Not even 10% of what I read, I have mentioned in this article, so today I'm having an absolute understanding that this crime is happening and it's origin goes back to at least 10000 + years, though most of you might doubt. If someone really need to understand my research will be give clues to what information you should look for to understand this. And I'm still finding ways to explain this to the Humanity!!

Last edited by Dan Raleigh; May 20, 2018 at 06:08 AM..
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Default May 21, 2018 at 11:03 PM
What about negative symptoms
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Default May 25, 2018 at 06:21 AM
I was born may 22 1977. I got voices in july 2009. What does that mean?

Once you part the veil. And look. You might just be suprised.
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