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Default Mar 05, 2010 at 01:17 PM

I recently met a very nice fellow from India who had some interesting things to say about schizophrenia. He has consented to allow me to reprint his notes here, along with some of the discussion surrounding them in this space. Note that what he has to say may not be helpful to everyone but it may be helpful to some...


Although not much happened on facebook during last one month from LTRF, but a lot happened on the ground.

I was busy treating patients and we had some incredible success in dealing with disorders which are considered un curable by medical science. Among 5-6 cases which I have been handling since last one month, one specific case is path breaking. It is about Schizophrenia dis order.

Like you, even I can not pronounce the name of disease even after curing it in flat 8 days.

The patient is MBBS, MD himself and developed mental disorder. When I met him first at VIMHANS hospital where he was admitted as mental case, his family complained of

1. Hallucinations ( he was hearing voices in his mind which were conflicting in nature and forcing him to go mad

2. suicidal tendency ( 4 unsuccessful attempts)

3. No desire to live or having any attachment with people

He is 40 years old and had been victim since he was 14. He lost his father and then he was ragged in MBBS and then got into bad marraige for 12 years which finally broke him down to what he became...

His mouth will be open all the time and he will talk like a kid at times or very mature person. Regardless of topic, his attention span on any subject was very low and was taking more than half a kilo medicines every day to remain sleepy all the time and yes, he had one body gaurd round the clock to stop him from any impulsive behaviour.

In first 3 days, his hallucination were gone and he began to relax. He started visiting me every day and I ran therapies on him for 2 hours on average. In 8 days flat, all symptoms disappeared and he has now desire to live, applying for job and also have feelings for his wife and wants to settle score and attend divorce proceedings..

Mental disorders are nothing but imbalance of energy in the body triggered by sustained bad events of life. If not mental disorder, it is bound to form a disease in the body more fatal than disorders are. Once that happens, chakra go completely out of balance and energy flow is blocked.

Hence we find disoders very simple to deal with be it parkinsons, schizophrnia, alzmeier, depression, hyper tension and diabetes...

Yes, We are confident that we can now handle almost any case and apply energy medicine concept which are invented by us. To share with you, I gave no medicine and did no magic. I just worked on restoring healing mechanism, balanced chakras and used some meditation therapy.

While the treatment is still going on to help him restore to normal life than he ever led before, but he is already 60% better.

Source: Breakthrough in Cure for Schizophrenia


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Thanks for this!
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Default Mar 05, 2010 at 01:22 PM
My comments to this note:


Very interesting Naveen. I've long been intrigued by the fact that the World Health Organization has repeatedly demonstrated that the recovery rate for individuals in developing nations are much higher than those in developed nations.

This is a confounding fact for if schizophrenia was entirely due to a biological/neurological disorder that required life-long medications, we shouldn't be seeing the degree of recovery we do see. This is because long-term medication and hospitalization is simply not an affordable or available option for many people in developing nations.

For this reason, I feel it's valuable to ask: What are people in other countries doing differently that is contributing in any fashion to recovery?

It has been my own speculative observation that bipolar disorder seems to be related to lower chakra issues whereas schizophrenia is related to issues within the higher chakras. Can you offer any thoughts on this?

~ Namaste

See also: Culture & Mind: Psychiatry's Missing Diagnosis


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Default Mar 05, 2010 at 01:27 PM
Further comments...


Naveen: I am happy to put a post in discussion forum. However, let me first give you some optimism based on my research and work in last 20 years.

1. Mental/emotional disorders are not at all medical problem but engineering problem. Energy has moved from one chakra to another one and triggers for sure are external more often than not.

2. Schizophrenia has trigger in tragedy. More precisely, in loosing trust. death or loss of relationship are common triggers. However key trigger is not finding purpose in life, becoming victim and having poor ability to defend self(not having well developed ego)( these are cause and effect).

3. Mental disorders are very very simple to treat. However what remains a bit of an art is how to ensure that it never gets triggered and honestly that is not difficult or expensive.

4. Bipolar, OCD, AHAD are far simpler issues and Parkinson is far simpler than any thing.

what I have done is that I am in the process of writing a book where I give out the mass level process to trigger self healing mechanism of the body and it is all scientific. I do not know why we have complicated the world.

please see my notes on schizophrenia and also on OCD. My only apprehension is that such a simple solution may not go well with our rational mind, hence I took a route of book writing on self help category...if I see response, I am happy to learn and teach with each other....

My own response...

Schizophrenia has trigger in tragedy.

Yes, that's certainly been my experience although I accept it may not be valid in every single instance. Nonetheless, the role between trauma and schizophrenia seems to be much more than causal...

"Schizophrenia and PTSD Connection...

The psychiatric establishment is about to experience an earthquake that will shake its intellectual foundations. When it has absorbed the juddering contents of the latest edition of one of its leading journals, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, it will have to rethink many of its most cherished assumptions. Not since the publication of RD Laing's book Sanity, Madness and the Family, in 1964, has there been such a significant challenge to their contention that genes are the main cause of schizophrenia and that drugs should be the automatic treatment of choice.

With his colleagues, guest editor John Read (whose name I shall use as a generic term for this body of evidence), a leading New Zealand psychologist, slays these sacred biological cows. The fact that some two-thirds of people diagnosed as schizophrenic have suffered physical or sexual abuse is shown to be a major, if not the major, cause of the illness. Proving the connection between the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia, Read shows that many schizophrenic symptoms are directly caused by trauma.

The cornerstone of Read's tectonic plate-shifting evidence is the 40 studies that reveal childhood or adulthood sexual or physical abuse in the history of the majority of psychiatric patients (see, also, Read's book, Models of Madness). A review of 13 studies of schizophrenics found rates varying from 51% at the lowest to 97% at the highest.

Source: http://spiritualrecoveries.blogspot.com/2007/02/presumed-causes-of-schizophrenia-and.html
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Naveen. Chakras did play a role in my own experience, notably, those of the fourth and fifth.


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Default Mar 05, 2010 at 01:28 PM
Can you explain more about - what is a 'balanced chakra' I looked it up on Wikepedia but I'm still confused - is it a prayer or massage?? Is it done to you or do you do it yourself? Very interesting and thanks for sharing.

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Default Mar 05, 2010 at 01:53 PM

In order to understand more about chakras, it might be helpful to look at the concept of kundalini...

Energy & Schizophrenia


Kundalini is innate for all people: At the base of the spine, subtler than the physical body, lies the Kundalini energy, or spiritual energy, in a latent form. Regardless of what religious, spiritual, or meditation tradition one follows, the awakening of this energy, by whatever name you call it, is a most innate and essential part of spiritual advancement, unfoldment, or realization.

Source: Kundalini Awakening
The following links are also relevant to the topic at hand...


Cause: Qigong

Manifestations of Psychiatric Disorders
It is quite interesting that most patients have relatively acute attacks of short duration. After the attacks, they feel relatively exhausted and many have partial or complete amnesia about their behaviour. The most common syndrome is an acute psychotic reaction, quite a significant proportion of which are similar to that of schizophreniform disorder.

These psychotic syndromes usually occur a couple of days after Qigong practice. Other presentations could mimic affective disorders, dissociative (hysteria), and other neurotic disorders. For those diagnosed with schizophreniform disorders, the clinical symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and disorganised speech. Quite often, there is accompanying over-talkativeness and elation of mood. There can also be abnormal behaviour, especially that of 'posturing' using the various exercise postures of the Qigong practice. The first rank symptoms of schizophrenia described by Schneider such as thought control or alienation may be apparent, but are not always present.

A number of patients could be described as suffering from an affective disorder, with either depressive or manic episodes. For those diagnosed as having various forms of neurotic disorders, the clinical manifestations can be divided into physical and psychological forms. Nearly all patients have a special complaint of something like "the Qi moving within the body, and dashing or rushing into the head". Often, such `qi' becomes stagnated somewhere, leading to headache, dizziness, or strange perceptions in the lower abdomen (called the `Dan-Tian point'). Psychological symptoms include hypochondriasis, obsessive thoughts or images, phobia, suicidal ideas, and feelings of sadness, anxiety, and worries about being out of control. For those who manifest with the dissociative state (previously labelled the 'hysteric syndrome'), there are features of disturbed consciousness, disorientation of time, place, and person, and visual and auditory hallucinations. Such features usually occur after Qigong practice for 2 weeks or a month.

Source: Culture Bound Psyciatric Disorders Associated With Qigong Practice in China


Cause: Kundalini

Two patients are described who had been diagnosed as schizophrenic, but had actually instead been going through spiritual crises, which in Eastern spiritual tradition are called raising the kundalini. Perhaps this experience is not a disease, but many--especially if not understood by oneself, the nearest relations and the medical profession--cause mental illness. In WHO ICD-10 the experience could be classified as F48.8, disordines neurotici specificati alii. The process falls outside the categories of both normal and psychotic. When allowed to progress to completion this process culminates in deep psychological balance, strength, and maturity.


Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning "coiled up" like a snake or spring, charged with latent energy or power. It refers to the energy that rises along the spine in the process of spiritual awakening, working through the egoistic obstructions to our final Self-realisation...

Source: Forms of Spiritual Emergency

See also: Spiritual Emergency: New DSM IV Category


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Thanks for this!
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Default Mar 05, 2010 at 02:42 PM

Further notes from Naveen...


I grew up hearing the famous saying "vaham ka ilaaz toh lukmaan hakim kei pass bhi nahi hai"" ( there is no cure for compulsive doubt thoughts).

Last week, I began treatment of such a case. I estimated that it would require at least 8-10 days with 2 hours each day to cure it completely...However after 4 days, patient was back to normal life...

My discoveries with this case and also in curing schizophrenia is that the root cause of these compulsive disorders and mental disease is Break of trust. This can happen by loosing some one loved one or divorce or a case of cheating... where your trust is broken. This explains why developed nations have schizophrenia as 4th largest epidemic with more than 40% divorce rate and single parenting. The trust factor is already very fragile in such people and fear of loosing any relationship is at its peak...

How does it work: When we loose trust, energies are moved from HARA (swathishtan) chakra to third eye chakra. While doing so, it sucks energies out from root chakra also and third eye chakra is overcharged. hence symptoms like you find no meaning in life or struggle to find purpose in life becomes common... In absence of attachment to worldly desires, patient begin to behave more like a straight line ( complete neutral to happiness and sadness) because they no more can take hurt and pain...

In fully developed case, they begin to hear conflicting voices in their head and it further adds to their so called madness...

It was rather very simple to cure them and it does not need any special skills. You can feel these symptoms even in your happy relationship that as and when you begin to feel that you can not trust your partner ( even if it is just for a moment).. observe how your energies and thoughts get stuck in a loop and one thought leads to another one...Till you finally break away due to some other engagment of mind or your routine or your own positive energies pull you out...

Another factor which makes one person fall for this disorder over others is development of ego. If ego is not well developed, you are more likely to fall pray to this disease in case of loss of trust ( real or perceived).

precaution, symptoms, warnings and early signs: few simple steps are

1. watch your breathing... chances are you are not breathing right and you are breathing through mouth

2. Bipolar effect: Watch spikes of emotions. You suddenly get very angry and nothing exists and next moment you are normal...

3. You can not relax. difficult to sleep. hyper active mind. meditation is just not possible and yoga you can not do...

4. your feet are seldom on ground...

5. your head is more looking towards ground and whole body is bent towards front...


1. Crying helps. In most cases, these diorders come because when the event happened, you did not cry and flushed out the impact. Hence that frequency of betral goes deep and remains frozen. crying helps melting it.

2. correct breathing

3. do yoga/meditation on root and swathishtan chakra.

4. relax if you can..

problem is none of it can be done by patient himself... he needs protected environment. However there is no one who does not suffer from frequency of doubt and there is almost no one who has not feat being cheated...degree and intensity may vary...hence in otherwise normal looking people like you and me, above said cure shall do wonders...

My intent is to let people know that any disorder is actually very simple to cure and there are simple scientific methods which over last years I have experimented and cure is possible...so let optimism prevail...

Source: Cure for compulsive disorders

My own comments to that note...


This is very consistent with my own experience Naveen...

"My descent into "madness" began when my mother died. Within days of her death I would experience the first eruption of what I now call unconscious content, manifest as intense, unexplainable fear. I didn’t know what to do with that kind of fear. It felt foreign and overwhelming to me so I pushed it away and pretended it wasn’t there.

Over the course of the next several months I would go on to lose my two closest and dearest friends, my community, my sense of purpose, and my most persistent form of self-identity. I would give myself to a cause that couldn’t be won, and bear witness to a catastrophic tragedy that involved the deaths of others – people I felt a distorted sense of responsibility for, along with an accompanying sense of distorted guilt for the circumstances of their tragic and premature deaths.

I would become estranged from my husband, children, friends and extended family. I would be unable to follow-up on the career path I had confidently charted for myself only a few months previously. I would rarely sleep through the night. I would be plagued by nightmares and visions of destruction. My sense of trust would be utterly destroyed. I would lose all faith in the goodness of people, the balance of justice, or the possibility of divine order. Expectations that were too high, too many losses, too much fear, too fast, with no time between to assimilate each. I became stuck – frozen in a state of grief, fear, loss and failure, unable even to cry over those events. In the shadowed recesses of my mind I secretly believed that I too was dead, just like those others...

Source: Psychosis, PTSD and Story as a Vehicle of Healing

See also: How to Produce An Acute Schizophrenic Break


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naveen varshneya
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Default Mar 06, 2010 at 03:56 AM
Balanced chakra:

LYANN P: let me try to simplify chakra system. I know a lot of material exist on the net to the extent that there is almost no need to read the book on this topic. however here are my 2 cents which helped me understand it better....

We all are vibrating body and nothing is solid in this universe ( as per quantum physics). It is also believed that light is sound and sound is light and we are source of energy. Recall Einstein's equation E=MC. It is during the birthing process we become mass from energy...
Now, our body has 7 points in our body ( look at the diagram above). These 7 points are major energy source and correspond to 7 colors, 7 sounds and dis eases or healthiness of specific part of the body...

When these chakras ( points) vibrate in union with each other, they work towards your optimal destiny.. if they are out of synch, then you begin to feel various negative emotions depending upon which chakra went out of order.

now how do they go out of balance?? you trusted a friend with your money and when next day you went to him and asked for money back, he refused to recognize him..

now, there are few things which you can do...get angry and recover money, fight for your right and file complaint with police... cry and feel cheated

regardless, if you land up saying now you have learnt a lession and you will never make friends ever in your life...and close yourself, then your second chakra will go out of order because desires to have friends has not disappeared, you have just shut yourself...so gradually, it has potential to form a dis ease in your body...

however, if you learn a lession that you will never go blind trusting people and yet continue to have friends ... you are moved up in your frequency.. and if you without loosing your cool, pursue your friend and recover your money, your 4th chakra will begin to vibrate higher and you will have so much confidence about yourself that you will go and take more bigger challenges in life... so you can now lift your energies up and take control of your life...

so we make choices and we create belief system and acordingly our chakra come in balance or out of balance...

hope this helps you somewhere...
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Default Mar 06, 2010 at 11:49 AM

If I understand you correctly Naveen, what you are saying is that life experiences can either bring the chakras into balance or create imbalance within them.

It's been my own observation that among the many "schizophrenics" I've spoken with over the years there is nearly always a triggering event that seriously challenges their sense of self-identity to the extent that the ego fractures, shatters, fragments, collapses. Sometimes this event may appear to be quite insignificant to those around that individual but it will always be of critical importance to that individual. If people can identify such a trigger, I feel it's nearly always to their benefit to address those issues.

Once the ego collapses, contents from the personal and collective unconscious spill past the egoic boundaries that had been keeping them at bay. This can be very frightening, terrifying even, but it also possesses the opportunity to address repressed material and even to enter some transpersonal states. This is why some psychotic episodes are identified as healing and beneficial to some.


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Default Mar 06, 2010 at 12:27 PM

A free resource (book) by a Western trained psychiatrist for those seeking more understanding of kundalini and its possible effects on mental health: Lee Sannella, M.D. - Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence

See also: An Interview with Dr. Lee Sannella


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