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Default Jun 12, 2020 at 05:59 AM

I think there is a similar thread on another forum (great idea rv)

I have a lot of issues with sleep. I was wondering if this could be a thread where we share about ideas or experiences of good sleep (or better sleep than our “usual” if we have such a thing)

Or, ideas for rest

Or ideas for hibernation

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Default Jun 12, 2020 at 06:46 AM
Good posting. I think for me, good sleep comes in different ways. One thing that helps is exercise (though, exercise close to bedtime will sometimes keep me awake longer).

I also think when I have caffeine late at night it impacts my sleep negatively. Though I like a cup of coffee late in the night...
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Default Jun 12, 2020 at 11:06 AM
I usually sleep 10-12 hours of unbroken sleep...to me that’s good sleep.

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Default Jun 12, 2020 at 11:42 PM
We have narcolepsy but also have sleep issues at night related to PTSD and psychosis, mostly. So, sleep can go either way for us. We take a stimulant for the narcolepsy, but it wears off by the time we need to go to bed. As long as we don't take it too late. And then we take something to help us sleep, otherwise we will toss and turn all night. It's so weird.


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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 03:17 AM
116 AM and compleettly wide awake. It happens to me from time to time. I just sleep whenever I can sleep and try not to freak out about it too much.

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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 03:49 AM
Almost 3am.

When I was 16, I didn't sleep. I only slept for maybe 5 hours a night for a year. Then I was put on risperidone 2mg and started sleeping 18 hours a day.

I was put on a stimulant for this reason but also for ADHD-PI (Undiagnosed as a kid because in the country I live in, no one believes that ADHD exists).

After my bad psychedelic trip, I couldn't sleep at night and would lie in bed with episodic fits of laughter for 2-3 hours before I'd finally fall asleep - So I was put on 100mg of Seroquel which worked for about 3 years - Although I would still sleep about 12-14 hours a night. The Seroquel was then decreased to 50mg which allowed me to sleep 12 hours a night.

I then started getting heart palpitations for about a year (Which I dealt with by putting a pillow under my arm before I fell asleep). The palpitations got worse so I switched to Remeron which was even worse for palpitations - So I stopped both and was put on 7.5mg of zopiclone - I haven't had one palpitation since I was put on zopiclone.

I then started sleeping every night from 12am-12pm. I was told to set an alarm which made it even better because I would then sleep from 12-2am by taking zopiclone to 10-10:30am, taking Vyvanse, going back to sleep and waking up half an hour later.

I started taking 0.5mg of Xanax every evening to relax (I originally bought it so my doctor didn't have to give me Ativan refills for my dissociative psychedelic flashback panic attacks). The panic attacks are gone now but I was dependent on low dose Xanax - So my doctor prescribed Valium to taper.

For the past 1-2 weeks, I've been staying up all night and sleeping in to about 12pm-2pm - I was prescribed 5x 15mg Restoril in case I couldn't sleep.

It's been a mess. I have 3x Restoril left. I didn't take one last night but went to bed at around 5am with psychosis before taking one zopiclone and an Zyprexa.

I plan on going to bed at around 4am tonight with a zopiclone and an Zyprexa. If that doesn't work, I'll take a Restoril - Then, most importantly, I'll wake up at around 11am either way so I can sleep earlier tomorrow night.

The only thing wrong with my sleep is that I can't START (Go to) sleep and I can't FINNISH (Wake up) sleep - So I stay asleep and always have a very good sleep when I'm sleeping - I don't wake up in the middle of the night.
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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Desoxyn View Post
Almost 3am.

When I was 16, I didn't sleep. I only slept for maybe 5 hours a night for a year. Then I was put on risperidone 2mg and started sleeping 18 hours a day.

I was put on a stimulant for this reason but also for ADHD-PI (Undiagnosed as a kid because in the country I live in, no one believes that ADHD exists).

After my bad psychedelic trip, I couldn't sleep at night and would lie in bed with episodic fits of laughter for 2-3 hours before I'd finally fall asleep - So I was put on 100mg of Seroquel which worked for about 3 years - Although I would still sleep about 12-14 hours a night. The Seroquel was then decreased to 50mg which allowed me to sleep 12 hours a night.

I then started getting heart palpitations for about a year (Which I dealt with by putting a pillow under my arm before I fell asleep). The palpitations got worse so I switched to Remeron which was even worse for palpitations - So I stopped both and was put on 7.5mg of zopiclone - I haven't had one palpitation since I was put on zopiclone.

I then started sleeping every night from 12am-12pm. I was told to set an alarm which made it even better because I would then sleep from 12-2am by taking zopiclone to 10-10:30am, taking Vyvanse, going back to sleep and waking up half an hour later.

I started taking 0.5mg of Xanax every evening to relax (I originally bought it so my doctor didn't have to give me Ativan refills for my dissociative psychedelic flashback panic attacks). The panic attacks are gone now but I was dependent on low dose Xanax - So my doctor prescribed Valium to taper.

For the past 1-2 weeks, I've been staying up all night and sleeping in to about 12pm-2pm - I was prescribed 5x 15mg Restoril in case I couldn't sleep.

It's been a mess. I have 3x Restoril left. I didn't take one last night but went to bed at around 5am with psychosis before taking one zopiclone and an Zyprexa.

I plan on going to bed at around 4am tonight with a zopiclone and an Zyprexa. If that doesn't work, I'll take a Restoril - Then, most importantly, I'll wake up at around 11am either way so I can sleep earlier tomorrow night.

The only thing wrong with my sleep is that I can't START (Go to) sleep and I can't FINNISH (Wake up) sleep - So I stay asleep and always have a very good sleep when I'm sleeping - I don't wake up in the middle of the night.

Hey Desoxyn, sorry you're having so much trouble with sleep. Have you ever tried napping during the middle of the day to try to mitigate some of the effects of lack of sleep? I'm not saying you're having effects from lack of sleep. But I know that when I sleep a decent amount every night, I feel substantially better in mood. Maybe set a timer for a 30-45 minute nap in the middle of the day and see if that helps... Also, have you tried any guided relaxation or meditation exercises before sleep? Have you tried taking a hot shower before bed? Some of those things may help.

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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by WastingAsparagus View Post
Hey Desoxyn, sorry you're having so much trouble with sleep. Have you ever tried napping during the middle of the day to try to mitigate some of the effects of lack of sleep? I'm not saying you're having effects from lack of sleep. But I know that when I sleep a decent amount every night, I feel substantially better in mood. Maybe set a timer for a 30-45 minute nap in the middle of the day and see if that helps... Also, have you tried any guided relaxation or meditation exercises before sleep? Have you tried taking a hot shower before bed? Some of those things may help.
Yes! I take "mind rests".. I don't know if I told you? It must have been someone else.. It's open awareness meditation. I didn't take a mind rest today.. I get cognitive fatigue and usually would nap for 30-60 minutes a day - When I'm done, I felt more clear minded, relaxed, more focused, happier, etc..

I don't think I'm sleep deprived.. I was a few days ago when I went on that hike because I couldn't sleep when I tried to at 5am because the cats were meowing and scratching at the carpet.. So I took a lower dose of Vyvanse (40mg) in the morning and slept in the evening.

Right before I sleep, I do a breath-in (God/Mantra) and breath-out (God/Mantra).. I could explain it later if you want... I learned it from Alan Watts (He's a spiritual entertainer or philosopher that studied Eastern philosophy/religion/spirituality but when I focus on those two points while breathing, I don't think.. And then just fall asleep.

Mostly I'm deciding to stay up so long because I feel like I'm wasting time sleeping too.. I'm really hard on myself and care too much about what others think and start to get existential dread.

But everything will be ok. I believe in good sleep hygiene very much and getting better with practicing these things that don't require medication. I have a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) lamp on all the time because I use it as a light.. I should get a normal lamp because too much light isn't good for my sleep in the summer..

I'm being really patient in all of this chaos with my sleep... It will just take time and I'm not freaking out which is good.
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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 04:14 AM
Hey, Desoxn, I certainly am not judging here, given my own crazy history, but your meds sound like they are sort of a bit messy. Why all the 8 million different versions of sleep med? How about just one? Vyvanse will always make sleep difficult. Did they not tell you this?

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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Hey, Desoxn, I certainly am not judging here, given my own crazy history, but your meds sound like they are sort of a bit messy. Why all the 8 million different versions of sleep med? How about just one? Vyvanse will always make sleep difficult. Did they not tell you this?
I know. That's why I said it's a mess.

I would have had no problems if I didn't use the low dose Xanax. But it will get better eventually.

It's not going to be like this forever. Right now is the peak of how messy it is.

If the Seroquel didn't give me palpitations, everything would have been fine.

My doctor said that I can still use the Vyvanse at 50mg. I lowered it to 40mg before but he said that I can decide.

If you have any other insight on this, I'd be happy to hear. For now I'm just going to post here about my sleep until it gets better - Unless people don't want me to..

Edit: My doctor doesn't want me on Restoril long term due to it's longer half life than zopiclone - But he said zopiclone is ok long term.. But he gave 5 Restoril because two zopiclone wouldn't work.

I'm gonna try and sleep now...
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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 04:53 AM
I'm gonna take a walk around the block and listen to a song or two before I decide to sleep which really helps - You guys should try it.. It helps to clear the mind especially if you do it when it's becoming brighter (If you're in the situation like me) - I can see the clouds above the mountains, beautiful town houses and forest..

I do feel judged a little.. But it's my fault for not taking my meds exactly as prescribed. I knew how bad benzos and hypnotics are and used to be extremely conservative and tell people not to take them at all - Then I became slightly more liberal about them and took just one every few days, weeks or months.. Then I took one every day. At least it's not abuse of them which I wouldn't do - Yet it causes significant suffering.

I try to be positive in all of it and focus on my life and the world.. But what's happening in the world isn't good and is effecting my mental health.

But I'm still very positive. I use the late nights to reflect on myself and to try and not waste time to instead research things, play music, etc..

My sleep schedule is slightly tilted though so that's the main reason. I took the Vyvanse at 3-4pm and it lasts ~10 hours. If I woke up at 10am, it would have kicked in by 11am and I would have had it worn off by 9-10pm and I could sleep at 12am.. But I like to stay up until 2am usually.. And wake up at 10-11am.

So I'll wake up at 11am this morning and all of this will be cured. This really is the peak of how much nonsense it seems in my logical mind - Although I have a lot of strength left to deal with it.
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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by Desoxyn View Post
I'm gonna take a walk around the block and listen to a song or two before I decide to sleep which really helps - You guys should try it.. It helps to clear the mind especially if you do it when it's becoming brighter (If you're in the situation like me) - I can see the clouds above the mountains, beautiful town houses and forest..

I do feel judged a little.. But it's my fault for not taking my meds exactly as prescribed. I knew how bad benzos and hypnotics are and used to be extremely conservative and tell people not to take them at all - Then I became slightly more liberal about them and took just one every few days, weeks or months.. Then I took one every day. At least it's not abuse of them which I wouldn't do - Yet it causes significant suffering.

I try to be positive in all of it and focus on my life and the world.. But what's happening in the world isn't good and is effecting my mental health.

But I'm still very positive. I use the late nights to reflect on myself and to try and not waste time to instead research things, play music, etc..

My sleep schedule is slightly tilted though so that's the main reason. I took the Vyvanse at 3-4pm and it lasts ~10 hours. If I woke up at 10am, it would have kicked in by 11am and I would have had it worn off by 9-10pm and I could sleep at 12am.. But I like to stay up until 2am usually.. And wake up at 10-11am.

So I'll wake up at 11am this morning and all of this will be cured. This really is the peak of how much nonsense it seems in my logical mind - Although I have a lot of strength left to deal with it.

Hi Desoxyn, I hope you're not feeling like we're judging you here... Far from it. I think we're just trying to help you feel better. No judgement from my end. I can probably speak for the others, too, but I don't think its anyone's intention to judge you.

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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by WastingAsparagus View Post
Hi Desoxyn, I hope you're not feeling like we're judging you here... Far from it. I think we're just trying to help you feel better. No judgement from my end. I can probably speak for the others, too, but I don't think its anyone's intention to judge you.
Thanks (And to everyone else).. I'm just scared about telling people about what's wrong with me when it seems serious because it's like IM that person that I think "Woah... He's got a problem that I'm glad I don't have.. I would hate to deal with that.. I'm so lucky".. But I am that person that I'm reading.. I'm not lucky. And I wouldn't judge anyone else either.

I just know that one user put me in my place once here and I REALLY needed it.. I was not good back then. But I'm much better now than I was.

It's ok to give me a kick if it's really needed. Anything you guys can do to help, I really appreciate. But it helps just to write and vent too.
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Default Jul 04, 2020 at 08:09 AM
I found for some more natural ways to help fall asleep there is melatonin and green tea my dr told me about these but I only tried the melatonin. The melatonin helped me sleep one pill 5mg and theyv3 even made some timed capsules for it to.

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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by Desoxyn View Post
I know. That's why I said it's a mess.

I would have had no problems if I didn't use the low dose Xanax. But it will get better eventually.

It's not going to be like this forever. Right now is the peak of how messy it is.

If the Seroquel didn't give me palpitations, everything would have been fine.

My doctor said that I can still use the Vyvanse at 50mg. I lowered it to 40mg before but he said that I can decide.

If you have any other insight on this, I'd be happy to hear. For now I'm just going to post here about my sleep until it gets better - Unless people don't want me to..

Edit: My doctor doesn't want me on Restoril long term due to it's longer half life than zopiclone - But he said zopiclone is ok long term.. But he gave 5 Restoril because two zopiclone wouldn't work.

I'm gonna try and sleep now...
I support you 10,000 %, Des. Whatever you think you need to do. I just hope that, whatever it is, you do get some sleep at some point. I am going to be up all night tonight, clearly, myself, so it is not like I am some kind of a sleep expert. Ha!! Not!!

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Default Jun 14, 2020 at 02:25 PM
Fell asleep at 5am Really good sleep. Didn't take the Restoril or any benzo. I set my alarm for 11am, took the 50mg Vyvanse and then set my alarm for 12pm.. Then I slept again and set my alarm for 1pm.. All these two hours I was having intense dreams and REM sleep.

I feel much better for sleeping those two extra hours while on the Vyvanse.

I'll go to bed tonight at 2am.

See? Told you this would get better..
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Default Jun 15, 2020 at 03:14 AM
Might go to sleep at 3am tonight and try to wake up at 10am. Gonna take an olanzepine and zopiclone.

I haven't took an alprazolam, diazepam or temazepam (Benzos) in almost 4 days!

My doctor was smart to only prescribe 5 temazepam cuz if he prescribed more, I would have used one every night. But I have 3 left.

My doctor says that he knows me well over the past 2 years - Lets me be in control slightly. He knows what he's doing personally with me it seems.

I'm gonna take another walk around the block and listen to songs before I sleep.

The peak of madness, confusion and messiness is subsiding - I'm turning my sleep schedule back to normal.
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Default Jun 15, 2020 at 03:40 AM
I sleep well all of the time. I sleep, nap, and veg. I love to sleep.
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Default Jun 15, 2020 at 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by bpforever1 View Post
I sleep well all of the time. I sleep, nap, and veg. I love to sleep.
You are a cute sloth.
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Default Jun 15, 2020 at 03:33 PM
I got about 7 to 7.5 hours of sleep last night. I started my going to bed schedule around 7:45 PM but I was still awake at 8:30 PM. I took a couple of xanax and drifted off to sleep. I think I had to get up and use the bathroom but fell back asleep no problems. No weird dreams last night. Pretty chill. Woke up to the alarm clock. Hit snooze. Then got up.

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