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Old Oct 25, 2010, 11:59 PM
-Whitman- -Whitman- is offline
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My wife is a fan of Bon Jovi and went to one of his concerts of last spring. I was asking her why is it ridiculous for me have grandiose thoughts about who I am. To sing my praises, to give myself a standing ovation.

Take the constructs that Bon Jovi represents. Fame, fortune, good-looks, and good music, i.e. if that is your style. All of these are false constructs that our culture covets intensely. Compared to the true reality, the universe, the great complexity of the human experience, what we see/hear in someone like Bon Jovi it is all illusory.

So when I see some one applauding Bon Jovi, wasting their adulation on such things, I ask why can I not at least give myself that adulation. Now of course both might be equally futile. However I will at least benefit from one and not the other.
Thanks for this!
H.R.Kain, Hables, tealBumblebee

Old Dec 15, 2010, 05:06 PM
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LostSavant LostSavant is offline
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Okay, now bring into your thoughts the difference between "Normality" vs. "Reality". Also almost all of Normal Society hides behind a mask.
If you believe you need no explaination, if you don't believe no explaination is possible - I.Newton

Thanks for this!
JadeAmethyst, tealBumblebee
Old Jun 08, 2014, 03:51 AM
ZehR ZehR is offline
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We can't even seem to control it unless we try really hard.. But hey, that's what's good about this random psychedelic magical thinking..
Old Sep 30, 2014, 06:10 PM
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I very much agree with everything you said. I think that much of society is built on lies because it really is probably all ultimately just a means of control to encourage people to attain money and fame. Money, fame, and the other prized traits in society are really just invented by the elite. People tend to be quite superficial these days indeed
Old Apr 26, 2017, 10:54 PM
obee obee is offline
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Agreed that society is the culprit.everyone shares in it but only sensitive hold it inside. The others can act it out, at least in some sense of sharing it.

This is why I am here, this is my first post.
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