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Default Jun 27, 2013 at 04:35 PM
I have most of the symptoms of schizoid personality disorder, except that I have high libido. I don't have sex with other people, and my arousal is never a result of anything external, so I'm asexual in that sense, but I do masturbate somewhat excessively. I also have a romantic side, and fantasize about the ideal person who(m) is so much like me that I can be alone with them and not feel imposed upon, so I'm not without emotions. And I do long for 'true love', but I'm ambivalently absurdist and misanthropic. I also struggle with paranoia, but I think I'm generally too logical to be schizotypal. I always though schizoids just got sort of bored around other people. I get enraged and even homicidal in my thought-process when my isolation is interrupted, though I am too passive and monotone-voiced to express it. The rage leaves as quickly as it comes, but it does come.

Does this sound more like schizoid, or can someone be schizotypal without being into horoscopes and auras?
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Default Jun 29, 2013 at 03:56 AM
You don't need to meet all criteria of Schizotypal to have it, for example I don't necessarily act eccentric and odd, I'm very quiet. There's more than likely a couple of things playing into it. I've been diagnosed with Borderline with suspected Schizotypal and Avoidant, as well as a possible DDNOS. When this happens, the illnesses tend to overlap and it becomes a bit more harder to work out.
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Default Jun 29, 2013 at 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Altinak View Post
You don't need to meet all criteria of Schizotypal to have it, for example I don't necessarily act eccentric and odd, I'm very quiet. There's more than likely a couple of things playing into it. I've been diagnosed with Borderline with suspected Schizotypal and Avoidant, as well as a possible DDNOS. When this happens, the illnesses tend to overlap and it becomes a bit more harder to work out.
As a kid, I used to believe things like that if I tossed a leaf up into the air I could channel the wind, and I used to dress kind of weird and think I almost was a character in an anime series I'd been reading, like it was created for me, but now, at 19, I'm more logical. I'm very much into the macabre, but I'm a bit skeptical of ghosts and a spirit world because I've never seen one. My poetry can be hard for people to understand. My dad said it reflects my "convoluted mind", but my speaking style isn't especially odd or anything. I have some bold and unconventional, cynical views about the world though that almost make me seem like someone with more of a sociopathic personality, but I'm not, although I do lack affective empathy most of the time. Sometimes, when I'm feeling more grandiose and I've been left alone for the day, I have felt like I might be someone like Marquis de Sade or Oscar Wild reincarnated. Once, I read an article about Sade and woke up with scratches all over my back.

For a while, mostly when I was alone for a good bit of the time, I'd experience subtle perceptual 'things' that I'd consider to be illusions but not downright hallucinations. Sometimes when I go for a walk I feel like I'm stepping in spider webs, but I'm not. There were some other examples, but none of that seems to be occurring presently.
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