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Old Sep 14, 2013, 08:06 PM
omofca's Avatar
omofca omofca is offline
Member Since: Sep 2013
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Classic schizotypal personalities are apt to be loners, having few to no intimate relationships. They exhibit extreme anxiety in social situations, often associated more with distrust and an inability to communicate with others than with a negative self-image. They view themselves as alien or forlorn, and this isolation causes pain as they disengage more and more from relationships and the outside world.
That describes me, pretty much exactly.

Also, my mother has schizophrenia.

And I feel I cannot think straight, but I'm not sure if that's because of ADHD, depression or what.

I also notice my speech can be odd at times.

I also had a friend that I knew for possibly five or six years, but my social anxiety around him remained. I never trusted him and thought he might even be using me. I generally just distrust people.

My maternal grandfather is diagnosed with schizotypal PD by my maternal grandmother who is a licensed social worker.

I'm in isolation, but I want a social life with quality friends. And also a romantic life. But I can't have those because of my social anxiety, excessive introversion and general suspiciousness of people.

I also tend to not be very facially expressive. I have to force facial expressions.

I also have had ideas of reference when someone posted something on social media. I made a whole bunch of connections but I don't know if that's just paranoia.

And I also thought a girl that was (temporarily) interested in me was working for the government.

I also tend to go on tangents unless I force myself not to.

I used to be a believer of many conspiracy theories and was an ardent fundamentalist Christian until I lost my faith. Now I've lost what little identity I had. I have had moments of believing in ESP and other paranormal/psychic things. I also felt evil presences without seeing or hearing anything.

I don't think I've ever had an episode of psychosis though. Only while under the influence of cannabis have I felt anything like psychosis, although that probably doesn't count. It was like, I felt spiders were biting me, I heard my thoughts, and I was sort of delusional but I didn't let anyone know. I just wrote down my thoughts and then when I was sober I looked at them and realized how crazy they were.

I'm also diagnosed with ADHD. I can't focus or anything.

I have deficits in my auditory processing.

So do I have schizotypal PD? Thank you if you read this whole thing.

Last edited by omofca; Sep 14, 2013 at 08:45 PM.
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Old Sep 15, 2013, 05:17 PM
tealBumblebee's Avatar
tealBumblebee tealBumblebee is offline
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I did read the whole thing , but Schizotypal PD (as well as any other PD) can't really be diagnosed by anyone but a professional and definitely not online. I do think that, from all you wrote, it would be worth looking into. Have you considered seeing a therapist? A diagnosis can be fairly easy to obtain (my T and I had about 2 months of sessions, then I took the Millon Test which showed StPd among other things and it all kind of was a big a'ha moment).

In my own experience, its easy to "assign" yourself with almost anything if we think long and hard enough about it. I was afraid Borderline, Narcissistic and Avoidant would show up on mine and none of them did - though now I can see some similar Schizotypal characteristics that explain my concern.

Regardless of if you do or do not, I think that if your social anxiety and behavior patterns are causing you distress - its already worth looking into. And if it is Schizotypal Personality Disorder than 1) you're already read up! and 2) it's not the end of the world. Help (to some extent) is achievable. =]
A majorly depressed, anxious and dependent, schizotypal hypomanic beautiful mess ...[just a rebel to the world with no place to go...]
Thanks for this!
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