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Default Jun 24, 2017 at 03:28 PM
I used to get foggy days as teenager. My friend would laugh when I sat in English and did nothing but doodle for the whole period.
The teacher did some stupid task one time, one of those thinking outside the box ****** things. We had to imagine we were adrift on an ocean in a boat, with three others. The class would decide who to throw off the boat as we had to think of an important person to be stuck on the boat.
The teachers example was mickey mouse as you could use his ears as a paddle. I remember one of my friends said Hermione Granger, a boy opposite me said Richard Branson. I feel bad for calling him a homo, I was such a brat at times. But I met him years later, working in a poxy shop and I sked him if he had a girlfriend so I think he forgave me.
Who did I say? Bear Grylls because my father would harp on about him, I had never even watched it. They still voted to kick me off, bas^&rds. I hated unrealistic things like that. I mean what if u say batman or superman? One can fly. And a Harry Potter character, well they wouldn't get stuck in a month of Sundays. Who is so important to the world we save them at all costs?
I had no heroes as a youngster, that I wanted to be like. Ijust wanted a way out, a better life than what fate had in store for me. I know many intelligent people who have wasted their life.
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Default Jun 24, 2017 at 07:05 PM
Thank you for sharing that. I felt your pain.
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Default Jun 25, 2017 at 12:35 PM
I had to deal with similar B.S most of my life all because I'm nerdy myself.

I simply never had the same interests as most of these kids. I was more interested in games, computers, and fictional stories back than then "normal" people hobbies like sports, getting in relationships at a young age, fashion, or any other things that I find pointless.

I consider these "normies" who have to put others who are different down as lesser beings. It's not just my opinion though because many of these idiots spend their adult lives doing drugs and alcohol, working fast food and retail, living off welfare their whole life, and being all around losers while us "nerds" are the ones who run the world these days with our ideas and passions and make more money doing so.

The normies or sheeple or commoners as I like to call them are nothing compared to us. Our lives have more value than theirs because we generally have more of a positive impact on the world than they ever will.
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Default Jun 26, 2017 at 10:17 AM
To be nerdy is not the problem, you just have to be more confident. For instance, I had the same problem but later I understood that it's advantage, what makes me different. In the high school, I was a popular guy and nerdy. It just the way how you present yourself to the audience.

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Default Jul 29, 2017 at 09:53 AM
I think I know why it was so excruciating for me to think of someone important, it was because I was afraid of being made fun of. I had put up the barriers up p2 when that teacher who left acted unprofessionally. I don't know if she left because of me or if she was pregnant.
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Default Aug 11, 2017 at 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by SapphireRed View Post
I think I know why it was so excruciating for me to think of someone important, it was because I was afraid of being made fun of.
Damn insightful of you especially in the middle of such feelings! Well done. I promise you, that type of self-reflection with be worth much more going forward than being the most popular person in school.

For what it's worth, I was also a nerd in school. I have Aspergers but it wasn't something the doctors were looking for back in the day and so I went undiagnosed and blamed and shamed for my social awkwardness. Since then I've starred in an infomercial, had two documentaries done on me (for my achievements, not my shortcomings), written two books, etc. Life got better and a willingness for self-examination led the way. I have high hopes for you.

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Default Jul 31, 2017 at 07:29 AM
The nightmares could be due to depression and anxiety. I suggest you to enroll your kid in some activities that interest him and keep him engaged all the time

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Default Jul 31, 2017 at 07:33 AM
It’s okay, don’t be bothered about what opinions others hold for you. Enjoy whatever you do either its being studious or sports.

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Default Aug 01, 2017 at 05:33 PM
How about Oliver Queen, and his dad, and that sailor dude, adrift on a life raft after the Queen's Gambit was sabotaged and sunk. We all know who survived... good ol' Ollie
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Default Aug 02, 2017 at 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Feral-kun View Post
How about Oliver Queen, and his dad, and that sailor dude, adrift on a life raft after the Queen's Gambit was sabotaged and sunk. We all know who survived... good ol' Ollie
He survived and 4 seasons later became an utterly pathetic little white knight coward.

I used to love the hell out of that TV show because I saw Arrow as a more realistic hero that was forged through going through some type significant hardship and wasn't afraid of doing what is necessary for the greater good, even if it means torturing and killing. I thought such a hero was more realistic and easier to relate to for me than one of these "meta humans" like The Flash, for example. The Flash, like many other heroes, has a personality that I simply cannot stand. He is way too naive to how the world really works and if it wasn't for his powers, he would be nothing.

But then they force this goody two shoe crap on us in the pathetic excuse that was season 4 which made me give up that show entirely. At least Batman still remains easy to relate with for me and is still a total badass

Anyways, I should stop with my superhero rant while I'm ahead.

I will just leave this bit of wisdom before I leave: these bullies will just be the people who flip our burgers and make our tacos. We are better than them because we were tempered in the fires of hell that those weak little cowards put us through. We are stronger, smarter, and better than they could ever hope to be.
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Default Aug 05, 2017 at 02:53 PM
Work is Work. Those who opt to flip burgers and prepare fast food to support their children, rather than drawing a welfare cheque.... are hero's one & all in my opinion.

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Default Aug 05, 2017 at 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Quarter life View Post
Work is Work. Those who opt to flip burgers and prepare fast food to support their children, rather than drawing a welfare cheque.... are hero's one & all in my opinion.
I agree whole heartedly. I do not think it matters what someone does for a living (as long as it is legal of course) I would never look down on anyone. Some people are unable to work too, that shouldn't make them second class citizens. Some people like having a job that they do not have to take home with them, so they can relax and enjoy life.
I must admit I am not one of them. I am too ambitious for my own good.
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Default Aug 05, 2017 at 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Quarter life View Post
Work is Work. Those who opt to flip burgers and prepare fast food to support their children, rather than drawing a welfare cheque.... are hero's one & all in my opinion.
I was in no way trying to insult those who work fast food.

I was insulting the bullies who end up working fast food or becoming drug and alcohol addicts or criminals or whatever else solely because of their own bad choices.

Yes, some people are forced into unfortunate life circumstances that causes them to have to work at fast food or retail for a time; these people I have respect for because at least they're trying to get by on their own. Those who have to work at fast food because they made a bunch of poor choices and ruined their life all because they were a piece of crap cowardly bully who hurt many innocent people don't get any sympathy nor pity from me.

Bullies who end up being forced to work at a job that most people would hate that they would likely be miserable at and looked down upon by society when they used to put down people who they deemed "weaker" or "worse" than them is nothing more than an act of justice in my opinion.

I am normally respectful to people who work fast food because I know that nobody in their right mind would want to be there, however, if I ever met one of my former bullies at a fast food joint taking my order, I would delight on tormenting them as they did me back in the day just to make them hate their life a little bit more all while grinning wickedly at the fact that they can't retaliate out of fear of them losing their job.
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Default Aug 11, 2017 at 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
I was in no way trying to insult those who work fast food.

I was insulting the bullies who end up working fast food or becoming drug and alcohol addicts or criminals or whatever else solely because of their own bad choices.
All the cool kids I went to school with peaked in high school.

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Default Aug 14, 2017 at 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by yagr View Post
All the cool kids I went to school with peaked in high school.
Here in Scotland, it is not as simple as that. It mostly boils down to money and your social/economic back round. Some of the brightest students have ended up on minimum wage( not necessarily me I am talking about, I am an exception to rules)
I have a friend who went to university and says to me I didn't miss anything and it didn't help her get a good job.
There is no such thing as scholarships. Nursing used to be funded by government so you had no fees to pay, do not know if that still applies. Anyway Scotland is different from England no upfront fees. Great right??
Not that simple. If I had went to university just to please my family, I would have had to get a job so I had money to spend, pay my accommodation, cost of living etc. I would have got a grant but a measly 1200 ish pounds for an entire year. Well and a loan of course which would have covered my digs but then I obviously would be in debt.
I wish I had the attitude back then of "I should live for now" and been confident that I would have landed that dream job. I was jaded at the ripe young age of 15 and I lost focus.

But as your theories go all the "cool" gang from my high school have better jobs than some of the more clever students because they were supported emotionally and financially by their families who were comfortably off.
I was just pissed at everyone before I even reached university. I wanted to study Theology or something useless like philosophy. But coming from a working class background, I had the pressure of doing something "realistic" or tangible. A few years back I even considered nursing. Considering I have been in the psych ward on numerous occasions, it was the worst possible choice someone in my shoes should have considered.
All I have now is my art. If I could reach just one person I would be happy.
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Default Sep 30, 2017 at 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by SapphireRed View Post
Here in Scotland, it is not as simple as that. It mostly boils down to money and your social/economic back round. Some of the brightest students have ended up on minimum wage( not necessarily me I am talking about, I am an exception to rules)
I have a friend who went to university and says to me I didn't miss anything and it didn't help her get a good job.
There is no such thing as scholarships. Nursing used to be funded by government so you had no fees to pay, do not know if that still applies. Anyway Scotland is different from England no upfront fees. Great right??
Not that simple. If I had went to university just to please my family, I would have had to get a job so I had money to spend, pay my accommodation, cost of living etc. I would have got a grant but a measly 1200 ish pounds for an entire year. Well and a loan of course which would have covered my digs but then I obviously would be in debt.
I wish I had the attitude back then of "I should live for now" and been confident that I would have landed that dream job. I was jaded at the ripe young age of 15 and I lost focus.

But as your theories go all the "cool" gang from my high school have better jobs than some of the more clever students because they were supported emotionally and financially by their families who were comfortably off.
I was just pissed at everyone before I even reached university. I wanted to study Theology or something useless like philosophy. But coming from a working class background, I had the pressure of doing something "realistic" or tangible. A few years back I even considered nursing. Considering I have been in the psych ward on numerous occasions, it was the worst possible choice someone in my shoes should have considered.
All I have now is my art. If I could reach just one person I would be happy.

I was never going to study nursing. It was just a cover because I had friends saying to me what's the point in studying what I wanted to study. I always had vision to be a writer.
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Default Aug 05, 2017 at 06:01 PM
Darkness..you are a riot!!!

I go about my own business, and keep my mind on myself and my life. I expect the same courtesy from the rest of the world.
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Default Aug 05, 2017 at 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Medusax View Post
Darkness..you are a riot!!!

What's the point of living without a touch of chaos and madness?
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Default Jan 03, 2018 at 03:31 AM
In reality, human psychology is a rather complicated thing. A person gets stuck in a certain framework of his ideas about what she is better to be, and not about who she really is. Recently, I worked on research with one essays-service.com and conducted a parallel questionnaire. My suspicions have been confirmed, in the middle of everyone live a second "I". Because the style of people's behavior is overrated. This is just an image and not a real person.
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