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Default May 06, 2021 at 12:15 PM
Sorry for being AWOL for so long. We had an out-of-town birthday party. Lot of fun. Then, when I got back, I hit a whole bunch of problems and wasn't up to doing much. I'm hitting snag after snag after snag.

Anyway, here's hoping for good things.

Will and Jody are about to hit a big snag, speaking of snags. She's about to be deported. My audiologist wanted to be a character in the book. I'm making her a Mountie. That's the good part about writing. When it's good, the imagination and the creativity is Heaven with a capital H.

I hope today goes well. I'm working on the scene I guess I shouldn't write it here, but it's tempting.

What else - husband, plumbing, and drywall issues, in that order.

Have a good one.
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Default May 13, 2021 at 09:32 PM
Dealing with life, a step at a time. D, breathe and tell each issue to "take a number."

I'm whelmed with writing a grant. Seems spring is the grant writing season. Third one in 3 springs. New client, complex application, and always the complexities of building a clear enough image in the reviewers' minds that they award the grant.

Feeling drained from "carrying it around" most of the time and actually working on task about 3 hours a day. Plus, of course, previously planned installation of the new patio sliding door with screen. Cleared and washed the deck. Moved my standing desk. Also, up at 7:15 tomorrow morning to get ready to let them in.

I don't think my Dear Partner appreciates how hard my work is and how consumed by it I need to be to it well. Ideally I'd have an office away from anyone for a month and food left on my front door step.

Well, let's all just carry on,


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Default May 15, 2021 at 11:45 PM
Yes, proofing is too dang hard!

I'm always amazed at the projects you do.

Me - I was going great guns, and then ran out of steam. So no I'm slugging along. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I'm managing to do a little bit every day. which is good. I'm even running out of steam posting here.
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Default May 18, 2021 at 01:08 PM
Hi World,
Taking a breather from writing/editing. As in, a few minutes to do other stuff so my backmind can sort things out.

Today: after putting my time on this grant I'll consider a break. I like to combine getting outside with a destination. Today, we need bread. A constraint is riding my bike too much being this idle for so long would exhaust me and I couldn't work well tomorrow.

Also, funsville to polish off a book: Insanely Simple. About Steve Jobs and his leadership/design philosophies. Also reading Borges and Me, about J L Borges and Jay Parini's luck encounter with him 50 years ago.

OK, this breather has breathed. Revu2


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Default May 22, 2021 at 12:04 PM
Today: 2 hours of dual proofreading with my assistant. We'll get as far as we get. Found 3 Steinbeck quotes that'll see me thru:
There is in the air about a man a kind of congealed jealousy. Only let him say he will do something and that whole mechanism goes to work to stop him. The Greeks worked this out to their satisfaction. Jealous gods always present.

God save me from amateurs. The don't know what they are reading but it is much more serious than that. They immediately start rewriting. I never knew this to fail. It is invariable. For that authority of ignorance and that is something you simply cannot combat.

From East of Eden: In human affairs of danger and delicacy successful conclusion is sharply limited by hurry. So often men trip by being in a rush. If one were to properly perform a difficult and subtle act, he should first inspect the end to be achieved and then, once he had accepted the end as desirable, he should forget it completely and concentrate solely on the means. By this method he would not be moved to false action by anxiety or hurry or fear. Very few people learn this.

To the day, Revu2


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Default May 22, 2021 at 07:18 PM
I really like your quotes, especially the first one which is oh so true!

Good dental news! (How often does that happen?) My bridge was loose, and dentist #1 tried to pull it off and recement it. Tried several times and couldn't do it. We talked a lot about implants (I can't afford them) plates, pulling teeth, partial plates, and other unhappy things costing a few thousand dollars. Dentist #1 tried to recement the bridge. It lasted about a week. Dentist #2 drilled a hole in the loose crown which held the bridge, sterilized the space inside, and packed it with cement. So far - looks good. Yes! (Cost - about $50.) Today was a low energy day. I'm trying to get a little writing in so the day won't be a total loss.
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Default May 23, 2021 at 11:39 AM
Hello World,
D, seems dentist #2 knows how to improvise better.

A bit irritable yesterday but a social gathering in person (!) outdoors in a park lifted my mood a lot. Under time and "amateur" pressures so know I'll need to watch my interactions through the week. No fixes, just endurance and attention.



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Default May 25, 2021 at 05:43 PM
R, We need the social interaction, and we need to be outside more. No wonder your spirits lifted. I find I got used to sheltering, and now it feels normal. But it's really important for my mental health to get out and be with friends, so I'm bucking the temptation to be a couch potato (computer potato.) To that end, I'll make two phone calls after I finish this post, and then I'll go for a walk/jog. (consider it my steps for today.)
Happy gathering in person!
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Default May 29, 2021 at 01:33 AM
So great to get a Big Project done & Delivered. Ahead of schedule. Alas, over the budget the client had set aside in her thinking. Wrestled all day with thoughts of conceding part of my fees. Totaled my hours today and I'll bill all of it & see what she says.

Did order a few small things to cheer me up. Bot a small device about the size of a toaster that's a personal air conditioner. Evapolar brand. Saw it discounted on one of my feeds but their buying process proved too much. So then found it for even less, still new, on Poshmark. Scored it.

It's powered via USB cable, draws just 7.5 watts, and cools by blowing water through a filter. Filters run about $25 and they say refresh twice a year. First, don't need AC all year, Second, even when I do it's about 30 days total across the summer months. So, I'll see. My heat pump AC draws 15,000 watts for comparison, 2000 times more electricity.

The other was looking to solve something. I bought "popping" sorghum, that I can't seem to get to pop. Pivot, maybe I can grind it & blend it in with corn grits. So I had to crush them to the right size. Cuisinart and coffee bean grinders turn it into flour. And a bunch escape intact. Picking them out for another round is a pain. Along the way I bought a strainer from Daiso with the right grid size. Better, still a pain.

Whatever I got needed to be small and hand powered cuz I'm only grinding 1/8 of a cup each time. Salt or pepper grinders! Finally settled on one by PepperMate and got it today. A bit of precautionary cleaning before giving it a drive. Yes, the coarse grind does the trick.

Sometimes I think I must finish a project and buy stuff as a reward. But in another sense, I like buying mid-project because it's a distraction, yet concrete in that I end up with something in hand I can use when I do finish.



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Default May 30, 2021 at 02:33 PM
Beautiful day in California.

A friend offered to help me set up a web site. A step for me - write a mission statement - what am I all about? An interesting question.

I'll goof off a bit more and then go do fun things in my garden.
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Default May 31, 2021 at 05:20 PM
Hi D, try this site for making a wild computer generated artist statement: 500 Letters - Generate your artist biography

Just used it to create a statement about a fantasy company for a training project. This is what it spewed out:

Pr!meme (°2010, Austin, Texas, United States) is an artist who works in a variety of media. By parodying mass media by exaggerating certain formal aspects inherent to our contemporary society, Pr!meme makes works that can be seen as self-portraits. Sometimes they appear idiosyncratic and quirky, at other times, they seem typical by-products of American superabundance and marketing.
His artworks often refers to pop and mass culture. Using written and drawn symbols, a world where light-heartedness rules and where rules are undermined is created. With the use of appropriated materials which are borrowed from a day-to-day context, he touches various overlapping themes and strategies. Several reoccurring subject matter can be recognised, such as the relation with popular culture and media, working with repetition, provocation and the investigation of the process of expectations.
His works are saturated with obviousness, mental inertia, clichés and bad jokes. They question the coerciveness that is derived from the more profound meaning and the superficial aesthetic appearance of an image. By using popular themes such as sexuality, family structure and violence, he presents everyday objects as well as references to texts, painting and architecture. Pompous writings and Utopian constructivist designs are juxtaposed with trivial objects. Categories are subtly reversed.
He creates situations in which everyday objects are altered or detached from their natural function. By applying specific combinations and certain manipulations, different functions and/or contexts are created. Pr!meme currently lives and works in Global.


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Default Jun 02, 2021 at 11:55 AM
A buzzword generator, only much more sophisticated!

I might be coming to a good writing place. But the question, "Am I any good?" keeps popping up.

On an entirely different subject - I often bury kitchen scraps in the back yard and let them turn into compost. In one of these piles, tubers are growing, and the leaves of the plant look like those of a potato. The tuber looks like a Yukon Gold potato. So I pulled one up and cooked it. Question - What looks like a potato, has the texture of a turnip, and tastes like - nothing? I threw most of it away, but if I don't show up for awhile, you'll guess what happened.
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Default Jun 03, 2021 at 02:17 AM
Hi Support Forums, D—keep the toxic hotline near!

Rolling slowly into my next writing assignment, another grant proposal. This one a lot shorter, simpler, and flexible than the last. I like this trend.

Our Kitchen Aid freezer starter slowly warming up, so we went after 8 years of accumulated dust around the coils! Turned off the circuit and pull it away from the walls, opened the back plate and vacuumed in a very cramped space with coils out of reach for complete cleaning. It's now back on and we'll see how it freezes. Hope to dodge a visit by a tech, so the next day or two will tell.

Not much time or energy for more personal stuff. Oh, saw that Sprint is being killed off by T-Mobile and beginning to prepare for what that will mean for my flip phone pay-as-you-go-a-very-low-monthly-service. Virgin Mobile sold to Sprint, then VM/Sprint was no help transferring my active phone and account to their system, so moved to Tello. Seems Tello is challenged by this shift, so next might try US Mobile.

Funny, when I put my numbers in for my now dead phone into Tello's "use your own phone" page it showed up available. Sprint/VM/T-Mobile missed their chance. But I'm such a small market, they could care less, just like they're acting.

US Mobile seems to have the lowest rates, including pick your own plan for $2 for 100 minutes; $3 for 150 minutes. And choice of ATT or T-Mobile networks, to boot!


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Default Jun 04, 2021 at 08:18 PM
Still alive. And I still say it looks like a potato.

I'm getting together in person with my book club and one of my writers' groups. And we're going to have a barbeque on the Sat. before Father's Day. It feels weird. Good, but weird. I'm so used to not doing anything, that acting normal feels abnormal.

Your friend.
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Default Jun 05, 2021 at 01:24 PM
D, enjoy the change.
Steps today: slowly get into this grant. Sorted through some papers and realize I'll have to reprint one of the other grants. Nothing's like flipping through paper when looking for a section of text. Or for making margin notes.

I'm going about it with a alter-tasking approach, do as much as feels right, when energy wains, shift and do something else. So far, put in half an hour and had a flash of text come to mind. Grabbed my USB recorder, and got it "laid down." Also along the way found several other docs that may prove helpful for speeding the work..
I have 3 questions (all multi-part), so will address 1 every 2 days. A good pace to get ready for a call with my client who is handling the budget and pacing questions.

Article: Forget Focus—Here’s When Task Switching Makes You More Productive

Some tips I caught:
  1. Four hours max on the most intense daily goal. This is my limit, often I'm clocking out at about 3 hours.
  2. Intentionally switching tasks is productive if each task gets our full attention.
  3. Chip away at boring but essential stuff during switching times.

And making this note was my intentional switch for now.


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Default Jun 05, 2021 at 10:30 PM
I think I've always switched tasks after about two or three hours. I never thought about it.

Today, I went to the magic all-you-can-eat Indian/Pakistani restaurant, and worked like crazy.
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Default Jun 09, 2021 at 03:50 AM
Wed, 6/9 - a bit behind the pace I thought I could hold, but nothing's doing. Fatigued. Know from laying down for a few minutes ... only to awaken 4 hours later.

Adding some sleep aid tinctures (valerian & St John's wort) to my last sips of water and hope to put down some quiet ZZZs and get back into this tomorrow with more vim.

Plus, spoke to a potential new client this morning. I'm pre-vetted by the county and will draw twice my customary rate, if approved.

Pending developments,


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Default Jun 09, 2021 at 03:24 PM
I'm glad things are going well for you. I'm plugging away at the writing and ignoring the marketing. I'm heading for a part of the story where I'm vague about the plot line. Hopefully it will clear itself up as I approach the tricky part. I'm planning a back-yard party and barbeque on the Saturday before Father's Day. More steps.
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Default Jun 14, 2021 at 01:41 AM
Off the intensity of the past 5 weeks for a refreshing rest. Rained in today, so just read idly and napped.

Don't know, D, if you keep a dream log, but as you approach your murky section your dreaming mind might hint at ideas.

I know mine does. Most times I sweat the approaching hard stuff, but most times I get a bit of support during the night.
Happy writing,


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Default Jun 21, 2021 at 01:13 AM
Hi world. 5 worrisome, wearying weeks wind down with the end of my edit/drafting duties on the latest grant. Curious how I will relax with Monday being a working day with several necessary things to do.

I'll just have to find out. There's a month of all sorts of things I've put off, some duty, some pleasure, some social.

Plus the piles of books I've collected from the free libraries. And books I've pulled from the public libraries.

Soon, I'm off to sleep, perchance to dream,


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