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Default Jun 01, 2022 at 09:14 PM
Went well. I think they learned a few things and I did as well. Really intense, I guess because today I am tired.

Focused on next week and getting inspired for how to get this done. A feeling I didn't fully have when we started off on Tuesday.

Tomorrow, a train and 2 buses to go 10 miles with hopes of a ride back to where we're getting free catered meals 3 x a week. Today was fun as they had run out of takeout containers and we have a couple we keep in our trunk. My partner missed her improv "yes and" moment and questioned me about them being in the car when I said we had some. Oh well, you can lead people to an improv moment but you can't make them think.



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Default Jun 08, 2022 at 05:23 PM
I'm not sure what your improv moment was, but I had an improv weekend years ago, and it was great fun.
I'm not sure if I was sick or not, but I stayed low for a few days anyway. COVID test negative. I'm having a lot of lazies lately. I found out that I do have an excuse for it. My lung capacity is a bit over half what it should be.

Meanwhile, I have a lot of "should do" things to do. I'll write a list here and see if it helps.

Change sheets.

email to Lois

hedge clippers

email sookum Joe's friendship centre

find out how to spell sookum Joe

edit Will search for info on Johanna

That's it for me for now.

Good stuff for you.
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Default Jun 09, 2022 at 12:21 AM
An improv moment is when you get to perform "yes and" in real life. We walk up the steps of this cool home-made-gallery to get free "plates" they are sponsoring from terrific chefs. On Wed. they were out of takeout containers.

Me: Oh, we have some.
Her: We have take out container with us? In the trunk?
[thus, a missed improv moment—the presupposition is that I know there are some in the trunk that she doesn't know about, apparently, though they've been there for months.]

Alternative take:
Me: Oh, we have some.
Her: Yes, please go get them. Don't get my grandmother's Corning; don't want to risk tripping and dropping them."

May you get traction on your list.



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Default Jun 09, 2022 at 11:50 AM
Sounds yummy. I hope you were able to take the goodies home. I'm not sure what to say about the Corning ware. It seems that the risk of dropping it is slim. "Don't have a nice trip." seems to cover it.

First three items on my list completed. Yay! Onward!
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Default Jun 11, 2022 at 09:43 PM
As of two minutes ago, I completed everything on my to-do list. Yay! I contacted the Sookum Jim Friendship Centre; I'm scared that they won't answer me, or even worse, that they'll answer me and say that what I wrote is all wrong and disrespectful. (Biting nails.) But wouldn't it be cool if it worked?
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Default Jun 13, 2022 at 01:22 AM
Hi Ms. D, yeah, S. Joe's can go any of several ways. You did what you needed to do, and now it's their turn.

About a year ago I realized Dee Hock, the genius behind negotiating the VISA credit card system, was in his 90s. If was to have a conversation with him I'd better get on the handle.

I love his work, so I re-read his book and got both of his books of aphorisms and skimmed those. I looked at interviews and reviewed the binder I got from taking a workshop based on his thoughts about organizations. I read everything on his blog.

When I felt ready I found his email and invited him to answer a few questions via email in 3 rounds.

He responded! Yes.

So I sent my first questions, which he didn't really answer. I adjusted my questions and sent a new message, and he dodged again essentially the same way he's dismissed my first questions.

I'd suggested 3 rounds, but I called it after my disappointing first 2.

I tried and have no regrets.

So, do what you must.



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Default Jun 18, 2022 at 11:43 AM
Interesting! Disappointing that Dee Hock gave you a pat answer. Still, given that he/she is a marketing genius . . .

An internet friend typed that she'd take a look at my work that has to do with a First Nations healer. Yay! And she has a friend who worked with First Nations in the Yukon. Double Yay!!
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Default Jun 19, 2022 at 03:13 AM
HI Ms. D, my failed outreach to Mr Hock felt annoying for a a couple of days and then I turned to other matters. So it goes.

At a tween space—a bit of time before my last session with my client. Do I keep working or accept a few days away for it? Turns out, I've cashed out those days. Happened to come across The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder and as I'd thought of it a few days ago I took it out of one of those little free libraries. Spent to day racing through it (I'd read it maybe 35 years ago). Turns our Mr Kidder and the hero of the book, Tom West, attended the same school I did, Amherst College.

Tomorrow is promised to be a terrific day, weatherwise, so I'm taking the ferry to Bainbridge Island to walk about, visit the museum, & get some ice cream. Those are my goals.

If I wake up eager to dash off some notes for work, I guess I'll have let my dash off some notes.

All will be revealed in time, R.


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Default Jun 29, 2022 at 10:25 PM
I visited Bainbridge Island many many many years ago. I hope you had a great time there.
Meanwhile, life in California goes on. Seems as if everyone I visit is old and sick these days. Fortunately, they're all interesting people. Meanwhile, everything else is just plugging along. My plum trees are producing tiny but tasty plums. The crows are loving them, and there are plenty of plums for me and for the birds, but unfortunately, the crows tend to drop them all over the place and leave a mess. I was hoping, once they'd stripped the tree, they'd come back and eat what's on the ground, but so far no luck on that.

Today, I went visiting sick people. Put in almost a full day of work. That's a big deal for me. Yay, me.
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Default Jun 30, 2022 at 10:22 AM
Hello World! My biorhythms are in decline. Good time for it as my work intensity is low right now. Will build: one client added an intense bit of work on some legal stuff we need to complete, and I have a new client requiring lots of help. Plus my condo leadership duties have picked up pace because things I needed to do I've deferred until now so I could focus on paid work.

So, instead of hard work during the work-week and party-rest over the weekend, I'm braiding them together. So, for example, between appointments at 10 and 1, I'll eat breakfast and take a nap or do some small but needed task (I have a drain that needs clearing).

And so on like that throughout the day. My personal growth focus is on details, as in fewer typos and inaccuracies in my email messages. Begins with a search for blogs that chat about this, then maybe a podcast and I can learn while whiling away the minutes.



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Default Jul 01, 2022 at 03:28 PM
Hi, I have discovered a pretty fast notes saving idea. Since I'm checking email several times a day, when I have an idea flash across my head I open a message and dump it all in. This is saved automatically as a draft and close at hand when I get back to it.

I use yahoo, and the process of clicking away to the notes, naming the note, typing it, etc. nearly lost my idea several times. Too much pain.

I also cleared a drain today as "punishment" for missing an appointment. I somehow pictured it as 1 pm in my mind/daily notes, when it was actually 10:45 am. Yikes. Picking your punishment is a technique Milton Erickson developed within his family for times when you're berating yourself for a mistake or miss.


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Default Jul 05, 2022 at 12:43 AM
I'm doing OK today. Very busy with work stuff: lots of detailed thinking to finish one project and detailed thinking to contract for another. Local illegal fireworks blasting all about. A friend lives in a town which either never got around to making it illegal or allows it. Anyway, he's pinned down every 4th at his house ready to hose it down should a spark ignite something.

About 10 weeks ago I swept all out of the way to deal with this client. As I near the finish I'm preparing for the post-partum let down. Yes, it's hard, but it's challenging and draws from me my talents. Intensity is never quite perfect, either too slack or too bunched. Oh, well, so it goes.



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Default Jul 07, 2022 at 08:09 PM
A day & plans are soon parted. Running a few errands this morning snagged 4 hours, AND we've had intercom issues which I as board prez must step up to resolve. I also got up at 6:30 because my partner was, where I ordinarily sleep till about 8.

This messed with my plans to send the crucible draft to my client's staff today. I'm too tired now to do a credible job. So resting, twiddling with voice to text web sites, and reading.

I'll reset for sending this tomorrow morning by 11:00 am in a mostly good version which I'll keep improving through the weekend.

And stay away from the phone and email while I do.

PS—Interesting problems with Chrome mishandling Google's own products like google drive and google phone. Having better success with Firefox, though how each browser renders fonts cause minor hiccups.



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Default Jul 11, 2022 at 12:29 AM
Close to re-sending a collectively created draft for my client's work. I'm also constantly sleepy, and I suspect it's because there's so much psychic and other meta-physical blockages and weights I'm navigating through. In about 40 hr I'll be freer ... I think. They are making hints they may want to continue to hire me.

Yai! i'll do a ritual tonight to release the binding on ME. It's theirs to work thru, I'm only the guide.



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Default Jul 15, 2022 at 05:53 PM
I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. Big apology for that.
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Default Jul 15, 2022 at 06:13 PM
I continue to be impressed by the things you accomplish which would be so far out of my comfort zone that I can't imagine taking them on.

Meanwhile - Book club met last Saturday, and we had a great time - at least I did, and everyone else said that they did. The Friday before book club, I was putting out chairs and scraped my hand on the rocks. I slathered it with antibiotics and kept on bandaging and slathering. Today, I decided that I needed professional help and trudged down to Urgent Care. They didn't have the staff to see me, so I just went home, where it felt better, so I put off trying to see a doctor in case it heals itself. Hope springs eternal.
I don't like doctors. When I retired, I figured that I had to resolve this problem because I was likely to need western medical care, and I wasn't likely to get healthier the older I got. So I found a doctor with whom I felt comfortable. She went to work for the veterans, but I liked her replacement as well. All was good until my insurance and this doctor parted ways, and the insurance assigned me another doctor. He's probably very nice and very capable. I haven't seen him yet. Hence the trip to urgent care. I want to try to switch insurance and go back to the doctor I like, but I'm scared with my problems dealing with computers and such, that I'll either end up paying for two insurance companies, or I'll end up with no insurance. Hence my inertia.

Enough *****ing? I'll save my passport story for another time.

May the force be with you.
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Default Jul 18, 2022 at 02:06 AM
Getting much needed rest. Very slow moving last couple of days. Made a Coco Flan cake in a bundt pan tonight. Waiting for it to cool.

Seems exceptional maybe, but I'm doing what I trained to do. It's always hard because it's creating something. My medium for my art is other people. This is where it gets fun—I'm playing croquet with hedgehogs and swans.

For diversion, I read widely. Right now I have a 3 books of interviews. I love interview compilations. Each one is usually short so I can finish it in the limited window of time I have for it. There's a chance of an interesting question getting an interesting answer. I sort of meet new people like Alan Moore a cartoonist; and also get more chummy with people I "know" already like Kurt Vonnegut and Toni Morrison.

There's a book of prose stories/poems by Rachel Zucker. I listen to her Commonplace podcasts (more interviews) but have never read her stuff. Plus a stack of books I can return which helped me get through my project. Stuff on effective agreements, fair division, and product naming.

And I played bridge today and enjoyed a long bike ride home.



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Default Jul 20, 2022 at 11:24 AM
I'm still crawling back to a better level of energy and emotions. Far less irritable and grumpy which is how I get when maxxed out on attention to high performance in a high stakes situation.

I'm continually tricking myself into getting stuff done. Right now, I've returned to autofocus which I call Jacquard because how I run it is based on the card system Monsieur J. devised for running patterns through looms. The cards were adapted for the earliest computers.

What I do is give all active domains a 000 address: friends are in the 100s, paid work to the 200s, and so on. Then with the ease of my spreadsheet I just list things and they occur and give them a number in the series. Contact James goes on as: 151 James, and 152 hold reach out to Mary: 152 Mary.

When I've done something I strike it through.

What I like is I can sort at any time to cluster similar items. I can also add in any order and tasks roll in or they occur to me.

I think the original concept and thus articles written about it are too complicated. Much similar to my feelings about the Dot Journal calendar method. And also the Second Brain stuff out there. What these over-wrought methods do is shift ones attention away from the work to the tool. It's as if every time I reached for pencil I had to rotate it so the label side faced away from me. Why? I may only want to put a time on my calendar?


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Default Jul 23, 2022 at 05:28 PM
Goals today pretty basic. Still not tracking 100%, lucky most of my swapped dates haven't happened yet.
  1. Nap
  2. Finish library book w/ no renewals
  3. Lay out work and schedule on next project
  4. Prep last invoice for previous client to send out Monday
  5. Listen to 10 minute segment on the Radio show I like
  6. Research random stuff
  7. Follow up with friends
  8. Catch up with Email
  9. Various household chores
  10. Rest
Hoping to get back to the many small tasks and close them out that I've skipped the past several weeks. Especially interested in my transcript of quotes from Patricia Highsmith's diaries I read into a new AI transcription app/site (Grains.io). My prior goto was Otter.io but it cuts off after 45 minutes. Grains free offer allows 50 recordings, no limits that I know of for length.

I also know Objects on the Todo list take longer than they appear.


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Default Jul 26, 2022 at 12:41 PM
I'm am just getting over freaking out. I went to a second urgent care place, where I think they stole my Identity. I don't bank online, and I blocked my credit card, and according to experiens, no one has been doing anything with my credit info.
I didn't read your posts yet. I'm going to relax with my cup of tea and see what you have been up to.

May the force be with us.
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