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Default Jul 07, 2009 at 05:36 PM
im not exactly "split" am i though?

so why does everyone keep telling me to see someone outside of here?
you dont have to be a t/psych to support someone - thats all i ask from people anymore.
if people cant handle giving me that, or dont want to, or whatever, then dont post. others could. others DO. so why keep telling me to?!
ive been seeing them for NINE years.
you really think i want to see anymore?
besides that, i already HAVE an appt with some stupid psych who diagnosed me with adhd and other lovely disorders.
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Default Jul 07, 2009 at 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pupp View Post
im not exactly "split" am i though?

so why does everyone keep telling me to see someone outside of here? Because having offline support is important, especially since we're not always able to be supportive and listen. And you get better support from someone who knows you more fully than a person on the other side of a screen.
you dont have to be a t/psych to support someone - thats all i ask from people anymore. You're right... but there are different levels of support, and honestly I feel that everyone could use some actual therapy support to sort themselves out a bit.
if people cant handle giving me that, or dont want to, or whatever, then dont post. others could. others DO. so why keep telling me to?! Because we care about your wellbeing, and only talking about your problems online isn't effective to dealing with your issues - coping doesn't equal healing
ive been seeing them for NINE years.
you really think i want to see anymore? Probably not, which is why you're resisting our telling you to seek help. But we will come across ineffective people who can't help us, you must keep trying until you're comfortable with someone (who can help), enough to work through your problems.
besides that, i already HAVE an appt with some stupid psych who diagnosed me with adhd and other lovely disorders. I don't like being diagnosed with stuff either, I bet not a lot of people do. But perhaps through a diagnosis you can be put in a therapy program or on different medications that would benefit you, and make you a much happier person.
Pupp, I'm not trying to fight with you. I can see you're resistant to getting help. That's fine, most of us have been in that spot before... but please, really consider offline support. Having friends online is great, I've met FANTASTIC people online but PC does NOT EQUAL THERAPY OR REAL HELP. It can't... perhaps if you're so attracted to this online environment, you'd consider looking into online therapy with a therapist? It's generally cheaper than in person and is good for some people.

*sighs* Please reply. I'm in need of some support... *triggering*
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Default Jul 07, 2009 at 06:18 PM
1. i have a father "on the other side of this screen", hes not on PC regularely and ive known him for more than 2 years, so its away from PC but nonetheless, hes my dad, my bestest friend, and he knows more about me than any PROFESSIONAL, BLOOD RELATED FAMILY MEMBER, "OFFLINE" FRIEND. He may not be Blood related to me, but love is stronger than blood tyvm.
Im insulted by this comment but im really not in the mood to even argue anymore.
2. offline support is WORSE.
3. i dont care about the diagnosis, i care about the fact me and professionals will NOT click. they are useless and i dont feel like seeing one whos been useless to me andnot helpful to me in the past but whatever.
4. ive coped, not only coped, but HEALED, from A LOT, from support on here, and without those a holes.
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Default Jul 08, 2009 at 05:30 PM
I won't make any assumptions at what or who you need right now. I'm not qualified to do so. I will offer to listen or sit by you if you want.
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Default Jul 08, 2009 at 05:59 PM
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Default Jul 09, 2009 at 04:07 AM
Pupp, Ive been away for a while - I am hoping this T you are going to see will be able to help you - if not then maybe you could lookf for another one - my first T was crap for me - he was nice but he didnt give me any help - onl listened and I neede help - the 2nd T - we didnt fit - he seemed to me to be condescending and dismissive - the 3rd T was and is brilliant - I knew I could trust him frm the moment we spoke - and he has helped me a lot - why am I telling you this? to try and let you know that there are some good T's out there - its hard work but they can be found.

on the other side of this... sitting down next to you..... sending hugs if ok - willing to listen when you are ready to talk

Its not how many times you fall down that counts
its how many times you get back up!
*sighs* Please reply. I'm in need of some support... *triggering*
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When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown,
Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
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Default Jul 09, 2009 at 12:23 PM
there is only so many people i can see. ive seen so many at this stupid camhs clinic
ive been coping on my own without them for like ayear and a half now.
and een then, when i seen them theywere useless
i was told i could be referred to adult services
Peopole haveno idea
i cant explain it
not going to try either
ive already tried
people wont get it
and itll make me more upset and more scared and more anxious if they misunderstand it and say sokmething so i wont talk about it
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Default Jul 10, 2009 at 03:32 AM
thats ok - im here ready to listen when and if you are ready to talk - other than that just sitting with you ok

Its not how many times you fall down that counts
its how many times you get back up!
*sighs* Please reply. I'm in need of some support... *triggering*
(Thanks to fenrir for my Picture )

When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown,
Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
by Patrick Overton, author and poet
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Default Jul 10, 2009 at 01:52 PM
Thank you.
I have wrote a letter for my Psych, it's in the first forum, if you want to read it...
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Default Jul 10, 2009 at 05:34 PM
will do .

ok just read the letter - well done. - let us know how you go when you see the psych ok

Its not how many times you fall down that counts
its how many times you get back up!
*sighs* Please reply. I'm in need of some support... *triggering*
(Thanks to fenrir for my Picture )

When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown,
Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
by Patrick Overton, author and poet
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Default Jul 10, 2009 at 06:09 PM
okay, will do...
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Default Jul 10, 2009 at 06:14 PM

Its not how many times you fall down that counts
its how many times you get back up!
*sighs* Please reply. I'm in need of some support... *triggering*
(Thanks to fenrir for my Picture )

When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown,
Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
by Patrick Overton, author and poet
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Default Jul 10, 2009 at 06:19 PM
im not feeling good today...
same old then.
pityful attention seeking loser idiot.
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Default Jul 11, 2009 at 07:50 AM
Im sorry you are not feeling good

Dont be so hard on yourself Pupp, try and treat yourself as you would a close friend - be kind and gentle wiht yourself ok - sittingwith you still

Its not how many times you fall down that counts
its how many times you get back up!
*sighs* Please reply. I'm in need of some support... *triggering*
(Thanks to fenrir for my Picture )

When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown,
Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
by Patrick Overton, author and poet
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