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Member Since Jul 2004
Location: somerset (uk)
Posts: 22
Default Jul 06, 2004 at 10:48 AM
help i am a cutter and i wanna stop any advice how 2? holla back pls kisha x

kisha gooding rules!

I wish didnt have a heart. Cause whenever i think i dont love you my heart says no you do

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Default Jul 06, 2004 at 06:10 PM
You know, I think it is more complicated than just stopping the cutting. There is a reason why you do it, and I think you have to understand yourself better than you do now, learn to trust, learn that you are a worthwhile person, and learn other, more effective ways to cope. It probably takes help from a therapist, or at least a very loving, accepting, supportive friend.

I wish you the best!

<font color=orange>"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill "</font color=orange>

“We should always pray for help, but we should always listen for inspiration and impression to proceed in ways different from those we may have thought of.”
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Default Jul 07, 2004 at 10:07 AM
Rap, is correct, and if you are not understanding why you cut, then you will never understand yourself..

You have to have a tirgger on why you cut, and why you do it..
Tell us more about yourself, and tell us why, you cut and what triggers you..
we will help you, if you help us understand why you came to the site ok..

<font color=purple>
take time to heal thyself before trying to help others, or you will never get better i am a cutter

i am a cutter
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Member Since Jul 2004
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Default Jul 08, 2004 at 06:40 AM
ok well wen i was 2 my mum dad and my bro all died in a car crash and then i have spent most my life in foster care! i also gte badly bullied at skool because i am a goth does that help? pls write back kisha x

kisha gooding rules!

I wish didnt have a heart. Cause whenever i think i dont love you my heart says no you do

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Default Jul 08, 2004 at 10:22 AM
That is a start..
It sounds like you have a great deal of anger, and a feeling of loss in your life, but are you seeking treatment for your deperssion..

That way we know you are getting help in 3d life as well..
We do not want to be the only help you are seeking, we can help some, but we are not doctors on here, we struggle with everday things just like you do k. sweeite..

hugs to you
i am a cutter

<font color=purple>
take time to heal thyself before trying to help others, or you will never get better i am a cutter

i am a cutter
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Default Jul 08, 2004 at 02:39 PM
Hi kisha! I want to help but your spelling is too high tech for me to follow! Maybe is also that English is my second language.

Anyhow, I am sure in the UK there must be agencies where you can get help. Some type of therapy through an agency that charges little or nothing at all.

I hear you want to address your behavior. That is great! It is probably not as simple as "black and white" so, maybe getting some help is the way to go.

Please keep on talking to us. We care, and again, we can be your extended family if you want.


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Member Since Jul 2004
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Default Jul 09, 2004 at 07:33 AM
heya thankyou that made me fill better pls pm me kisha x

kisha gooding rules!

I wish didnt have a heart. Cause whenever i think i dont love you my heart says no you do

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Default Jul 09, 2004 at 10:00 AM
The most important thing to do is to address the feelings that are causing you to want to cut, like everyone on here said. It sounds like you have a LOT of things to deal with, and this will take time. In the meantime, don't beat yourself up if you're not able to give up the cutting right away. It is a way of coping, and it will need to be replaced with other ways. But this is not going to happen overnight.

There are some things you can try. I reccomend making a list of any reason you can think of not to cut- even if the reasons seem ridiculous, and even if you can only think of one or two. That's a starting point, and maybe you can add to it as you think of more. I also reccomend making a list of things you will do first, before you cut, when you get the urge. For instance, I write my feelings in a journal before I will allow myself to cut. Sometimes that is enough to stop me- it keeps me distracted, and it helps me vent feelings. Other times I'm not able to write anything because I can't think logically and I don't really know what I'm feeling. Then I just draw and color and I begin to understand what I'm feeling when I see the colors and drawings that emerge. Another thing I did recently was I cut clippings from a magazine- words and pictures that caught my attention. I didn't really understand the feelings behind the clippings I chose. But it kept me occupied, and it really worked! You'll have to come up with your own things based on your interests and what sorts of things distract you. Posting on this site sometimes helps me, although I try to avoid reading any posts in the si forum when I'm feeling like cutting.

Just some thoughts! Best of luck to you! I'm here for you!


"Blessed be the cracked, for they let in the light"
-Author Unknown

i am a cutter

Soon I'll grow up and I won't even flinch at your name
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Default Jul 13, 2004 at 05:34 PM
I do agree that one way is to get help and the right help. If a therapist is not working out try and find another. For me I worked my way through and dont really do it anymore. I did have one blip recently but it was not like when I have cut myself, which was always in someway ritualistic. Here I hit my hand w a knife, I did not know which side I had hit with and was surprised to see blood. I do hit walls sometimes these days and well tht was a variation of that.

But the actual cutting ritual for me needed certain set requirements and one was not the rage I felt when I recently hit my hand w a knife (fool I am!) So when I was tempted a few months ago I did not go ahead. I dont know if this helps at all but some people find a way through and ok I am not perfect I do hit walls at times which is another form of self-injury but I am better than I was.

"I will not fear. Fear is the Mind-killer. Fear is the little death that causes total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. Where it has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain"

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Member Since Jul 2004
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Default Jul 22, 2004 at 09:51 AM
help the cutting hasnt stop pls help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish didnt have a heart. Cause whenever i think i dont love you my heart says no you do

I wish didnt have a heart. Cause whenever i think i dont love you my heart says no you do

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Member Since May 2001
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Default Jul 22, 2004 at 10:36 AM
Have you considered seeing a therapist and/or pdoc? I do not think but I could be wrong, that one can stop this dangerous practice on their own. It seems one CANNOT just stop this without help, help by a therapist can help I am sure it takes a lot of working on both parts, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a go, eh?
If you do not seek out professional help, you just may continue to do this to yourself, so I firmly believe if you get professional help you can get through this, give it a try.
Please take care,

In giving advice seek to help, not please your friend
<div class="foot">(Edited by darkeyes on 07/23/04 12:00 PM.)</div>
<div class="foot">(Edited by darkeyes on 07/23/04 12:01 PM.)</div>

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Default Jul 23, 2004 at 01:10 AM
I wish it were something so simple as that we could say something here that would make you not need to cut anymore, but it takes more help than what we can give you this way. Know that we are here for you, and you can always come here for support, but please go to a professional. Even go to the emergency room if you need to. There is more to it than any of us can deal with on our own. There is a reason why you cut, and that is going to have to be addressed. It takes time and the right kind of support, and even if we were qualified we just couldn't give that to you over the internet effectively.


<font color=orange>"If a light beckons to you, follow it. If it leads you into the quagmire, you'll probably find your way out of it again; but if you don't follow it, you'll be plagued for the rest of your life by the thought that perhaps it was your star." Friedrich Hebbet</font color=orange>

“We should always pray for help, but we should always listen for inspiration and impression to proceed in ways different from those we may have thought of.”
– John H. Groberg

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Member Since Mar 2002
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Default Jul 23, 2004 at 03:39 PM
It is important to get a therapist on your team. It takes one on one care to get to the bottom of the problem so that you can stop doing this to yourself. We are here to listen, to lend support and to offer suggestions on things that have helped us in the past but we just don't have the ability to fix your problem. I wish we could do more.
You are in my thoughts,

<font color=blue>If you have two dollars, spend one on bread and the other on flowers. The bread will feed your body and the flowers will feed your soul."--Arabic Saying
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