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Default Mar 30, 2013 at 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by Lovebird View Post
Oh, this really concerns me. I don't mean to harp on you or nag you, but there are a few things problematic here.

1. Not being your boss's new wife wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with being stupid. He's old enough to be your father and his worldview is entirely different. His having conversation with you is probably not meant to be leading you on, and if it is, you need to find another job quick. It would be very inappropriate of him to give you the green light.

2. Does he give you any indication that he's waiting for you to turn 18 so you'll be available to him?

3. WHY do you "have to" make love to someone?
Its ok Lovebird i feel lucky that you reply to me and are so nice and caring, i know you are wiser than me too and i know you are right

The more he talks to me the more i'm needing him so it seems like a green light. I cannot live without him so i wanna stay in this job because i am in love 10/10

I dunno if he gave me the indication but i pretended i was asleep on the couch and he looked at my lingerie when my skirt was out of place. I know he looked closely with his face and then stood back and woke me up after he had walked away. And he lets me hug him when i go every night and it feels like my breasts are pressing hard onto his yummy chest :0

If we make love soon maybe it will make me less addicted to doing it myself, it is not good at home, my mum and stepdad know about it because their bedrooms closer to mine. I heard them talking about me when they were at breakfast and i was in the hallway listening
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Default Mar 30, 2013 at 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by yellowted View Post
it totally depends on the man, some are fantastic, some are great for a while then are not so good and some are axxholes from the minute they step through the door, but one will be exactly right for you, whether you find this one i can not say, some people do, some people don't, some find eachother young and some find each other when they are in the latter days of life.
Kissing and cuddling has to be a mutual thing, if either one does not want a kiss at the exact time as the other it can be awkward and even cause friction between the pair at times.
being in bed with a man can also vary considerably, some snore, talk in their sleep, even hit out in their sleep ( or even pee the bed), some are extremely gentle and loving, so there is no single answer to your question.
men are as different as the clouds are.
Definitely the cuddling is my favourite part and kissing is the 2nd best part, but almost equal
In bed would be the most interesting thing to learn about and i want to be in bed a lot with my bf before we marry for sure!

Originally Posted by Maven View Post
You said your so-called "friend" told you you wanted it because you were wet. This person is a potential rapist. He molested you, at the least. I don't care if were or weren't wet, or horny, or whatever. He didn't have the right to put his hands on you. He doesn't get to tell you what you want. You decide and you say yes or no. And no means no.

I'm going to tell you the truth, even though you won't like it. You're way too young to pursue a relationship with an older man, and still will be at 18. You're very naive and have a lot to learn about life, love and self-worth. You need to learn self-worth because you call yourself dumb and say negative things about yourself. You're not ready for life yet. I'm not saying love is all a fantasy and romance isn't real. But you're fantasizing it way beyond reality. You need to grow up, but you have plenty of time for that. Don't be in such a rush. Movies and books are fun, but they don't always depict life the way it really happens.
Thanks for being so caring
My friend has been with girls a lot (2 of my friends are his exgfs) so at first i thought it was wrong but then i thought he knew best etc, but then it felt really wrong cos i realized he was breaking my promise to myself because my promise was always to keep my clothes on until i was in love. I was not in love with him and i wish i jumped away before he broke my promise. I wish i was more grown up to match my feelings!
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Default Mar 30, 2013 at 06:46 AM
I am from Melbourne, Australia too.
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Wink Mar 30, 2013 at 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Illegal Toilet View Post
I am from Melbourne, Australia too.
lol hi your profile picture is the best on the internet!
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Default Mar 30, 2013 at 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by olive98 View Post
I will just run away if it happens again. i was really surprised cos it was a close friend but i know now to be aware. i am dumbbbbb because before his year i was cuddling male friends on their laps [not for romance but just because they are a lot taller than me so its easy] and now i know they have feelings for me in a gf/bf type way even though they are my friends

If i'm too stupid to be my bosses new wife maybe i can be his girlfriend [when i'm 18 of course]. i have to make love to someone and i trust him more than anyone

"I will just run away if it happens again"......This is naivity/ignorance speaking. You don't always have the chance to run away. But you know what? you are very young and your hormones are screaming out of control. So I hope for your sake as I hoped for my own kids, that you won't get into too much trouble by the time you're mature enough to process all this.

You would be wise to break away from this man - give yourself 2 years and see how much you've matured by then, given that you haven't found another guy to obsess about. You might look back and actually think, what on earth was I thinking?!?!?!?!

You don't have to make love to anyone. Believe me. Its not always everything its cracked up to be. Making love isn't so much about the body as it is about using your brain.

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Default Mar 31, 2013 at 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by Meisjes View Post
"I will just run away if it happens again"......This is naivity/ignorance speaking. You don't always have the chance to run away. But you know what? you are very young and your hormones are screaming out of control. So I hope for your sake as I hoped for my own kids, that you won't get into too much trouble by the time you're mature enough to process all this.

You would be wise to break away from this man - give yourself 2 years and see how much you've matured by then, given that you haven't found another guy to obsess about. You might look back and actually think, what on earth was I thinking?!?!?!?!

You don't have to make love to anyone. Believe me. Its not always everything its cracked up to be. Making love isn't so much about the body as it is about using your brain.
You are lucky you have kids

I won't be his gf until i'm 18 but he pays A LOT of money for my sitting, i really want to stay employed, i can buy a lot of new things now

But just curious after i make love will my erogenius zones be less crazy?
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Default Mar 31, 2013 at 09:10 AM
You are lucky you have kids

I won't be his gf until i'm 18 but he pays A LOT of money for my sitting, i really want to stay employed, i can buy a lot of new things now

But just curious after i make love will my erogenius zones be less crazy?
How do you know you WILL be his gf when you're 18? Remember you're only fantasizing and dreaming. After you make love hopefully you'll be in a healthy relationship with someone who'll love your erogenius zones but will also want to have an intellectual relationship with you.

Like I said earlier, fantasizing and dreaming can be healthy but it seems you don't think about much else. You are 15? There's been a lot of posts here that indicate concern for the way you view this relationship that you're so hung up on. You avoid responding to the posts that show common sense in a way that might consider/discuss those thoughts but good thing this is only your fantasy. Hopefully you'll come to realize that too.

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Default Mar 31, 2013 at 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Meisjes View Post
How do you know you WILL be his gf when you're 18? Remember you're only fantasizing and dreaming. After you make love hopefully you'll be in a healthy relationship with someone who'll love your erogenius zones but will also want to have an intellectual relationship with you.

Like I said earlier, fantasizing and dreaming can be healthy but it seems you don't think about much else. You are 15? There's been a lot of posts here that indicate concern for the way you view this relationship that you're so hung up on. You avoid responding to the posts that show common sense in a way that might consider/discuss those thoughts but good thing this is only your fantasy. Hopefully you'll come to realize that too.
I said "I won't be his gf until i'm 18" as in its legal for me to be his gf when i'm 18. Its up to him if he wants me lol.

All i think about is fantasize and dream? I think about my school, my job, tennis and my crush.....so not sure what you mean..

All i do is respond to posts in this thread, including your posts. I thought you said i avoid responding to the posts that show common sense. All i do is respond.....

And all i wanted to know was "whats it like to live with a man?" as the thread title say.
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Default Mar 31, 2013 at 10:51 AM
I'll answer you with a little marriage story:
The past couple weeks my husband has really been getting after me for leaving cabinet doors and drawers open- it bothers him, just close it for crying out loud, he says. I recognized my problem years ago when I lived by myself. I’d walk up the stairs and see the linen closet door wide open and think, “Who left that open? Well, it must have been me.”
The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? So I’ve worked on it over the years, and I’m 100% better. Of course, slip-ups are inevitable, if I’m extra tired, or in the middle of a project or if I’m in a hurry. I don’t know why I have this problem; is it genetic or (environ)mental?
So after my husband let me know how my deficiency was bothering him (once I left a dresser drawer open almost two inches!), I really tried to improve, because I love him. Every time before leaving a room I’d take a look around to make sure everything was in its proper place. I was genuinely trying to be perfect.
My husband's been so great lately, with all the yard work he’s had to do. So when he picked me up from work last week and we came home and the back door was open, I didn’t say a thing.
Then the other night I saw the bread drawer open after we cleaned up dinner. But I was doing the dishes-I didn’t put the bread away.
I called to him, “Could you come here, there’s something I want to show you.”
He blamed it on being exhausted and sleep deprived because I’d kept him up sighing, moaning and exclaiming,“Yowsa” in my sleep.
Last night he was in the extra bedroom moving furniture and painting. As I walked by, I noticed the dresser drawer open an inch. When I pointed this out to him, he blamed it on concentrating on moving heavy furniture and getting the painting done.
When we woke up this morning, I said, “Whew, I hope you didn’t leave any drawers open last night!”
“DICK!” he replied.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you survive marriage.

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Default Mar 31, 2013 at 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by eggsinfinitum View Post
I'll answer you with a little marriage story:
The past couple weeks my husband has really been getting after me for leaving cabinet doors and drawers open- it bothers him, just close it for crying out loud, he says. I recognized my problem years ago when I lived by myself. I’d walk up the stairs and see the linen closet door wide open and think, “Who left that open? Well, it must have been me.”
The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? So I’ve worked on it over the years, and I’m 100% better. Of course, slip-ups are inevitable, if I’m extra tired, or in the middle of a project or if I’m in a hurry. I don’t know why I have this problem; is it genetic or (environ)mental?
So after my husband let me know how my deficiency was bothering him (once I left a dresser drawer open almost two inches!), I really tried to improve, because I love him. Every time before leaving a room I’d take a look around to make sure everything was in its proper place. I was genuinely trying to be perfect.
My husband's been so great lately, with all the yard work he’s had to do. So when he picked me up from work last week and we came home and the back door was open, I didn’t say a thing.
Then the other night I saw the bread drawer open after we cleaned up dinner. But I was doing the dishes-I didn’t put the bread away.
I called to him, “Could you come here, there’s something I want to show you.”
He blamed it on being exhausted and sleep deprived because I’d kept him up sighing, moaning and exclaiming,“Yowsa” in my sleep.
Last night he was in the extra bedroom moving furniture and painting. As I walked by, I noticed the dresser drawer open an inch. When I pointed this out to him, he blamed it on concentrating on moving heavy furniture and getting the painting done.
When we woke up this morning, I said, “Whew, I hope you didn’t leave any drawers open last night!”
“DICK!” he replied.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you survive marriage.
This reminds me of when i stayed at my gfs home for 3 days when my mum/stepdad were on a holiday, cos her parents had like identical convo as what you just typed hehehehhehe! That was funny when you said "Yowsa" in your sleep
I like that kind of conversation you and hubby had, it sounds nice, like not violent and criminal but just a light debate over something. Sounds mentally fun in a way even if frustrating a bit too
I'm going to say Yowsa all the time now!
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Default Mar 31, 2013 at 01:07 PM
I was married to a man who was my friend, but who had no idea of romance. I knew this from the start, and I, naively, thought it would "evolve" into a romantic love relationship. It didn't ! Sex was mechanical, but expected, and became quite a chore for me. Since we had a daughter early on in the marriage, I stayed for that reason...since ...when trying to discuss divorce, he would threaten to "take her away from me and kick me out into the street!" Oddly...because I was so submissive, we rarely argued, and never "fought." I just hung in there till she went away to college, at which time I announced I was moving out. The latter years of the marriage were me sleeping in the guest room, preferring to be away from his snoring...and him! Now single for 15 years, having dated to find "mr. right," LOL, I feel fortunate to still have my own space, my solitary bed, and my pets. Not dissing the idea of true love; I know it is out there. I just never found it!
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Crazy Mar 31, 2013 at 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by seeker1950 View Post
I was married to a man who was my friend, but who had no idea of romance. I knew this from the start, and I, naively, thought it would "evolve" into a romantic love relationship. It didn't ! Sex was mechanical, but expected, and became quite a chore for me. Since we had a daughter early on in the marriage, I stayed for that reason...since ...when trying to discuss divorce, he would threaten to "take her away from me and kick me out into the street!" Oddly...because I was so submissive, we rarely argued, and never "fought." I just hung in there till she went away to college, at which time I announced I was moving out. The latter years of the marriage were me sleeping in the guest room, preferring to be away from his snoring...and him! Now single for 15 years, having dated to find "mr. right," LOL, I feel fortunate to still have my own space, my solitary bed, and my pets. Not dissing the idea of true love; I know it is out there. I just never found it!
True love sounds really tricky to find absolutely. Seems unfair when guys don't sign divorce papers. I mean it should be ok to divorce even if just one spouse wants a divorce i think. Not nice marriage that you had but its good you got a daughter, cos i guess if you never married him then you might not have married another and maybe never had children :0
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Default Mar 31, 2013 at 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by olive98 View Post
I said "I won't be his gf until i'm 18" as in its legal for me to be his gf when i'm 18. Its up to him if he wants me lol.

All i think about is fantasize and dream? I think about my school, my job, tennis and my crush.....so not sure what you mean..

All i do is respond to posts in this thread, including your posts. I thought you said i avoid responding to the posts that show common sense. All i do is respond.....

And all i wanted to know was "whats it like to live with a man?" as the thread title say.

sorry.......just sounds like a lot of your time is taken up thinking about being with this guy... dream on...

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Default Apr 07, 2013 at 11:55 PM
I see no harm in dreaming about the current boss, fantasizing about being with him, and even planning on being with him in three years, as long as you remain flexible: if a new person crosses your path so to speak and seems interesting, you should be flexible enough to consider him.
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Default Apr 08, 2013 at 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by hamster-bamster View Post
I see no harm in dreaming about the current boss, fantasizing about being with him, and even planning on being with him in three years, as long as you remain flexible: if a new person crosses your path so to speak and seems interesting, you should be flexible enough to consider him.
in bed i think of my boss and never any other guys but my mixed doubles partner at tennis has let me use his ball machine at his home and we just started kissing and chestrubs which feel lovely but i don't feel as happy as a cuddle with my boss
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Default Apr 08, 2013 at 01:46 PM
Your boss is caring and that is what is attracting towards him. On other hand at 36 he is taking advantage of 15 year old.
Take care of yourself. There is lot in life stored for you
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Default Apr 09, 2013 at 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Soups View Post
Your boss is caring and that is what is attracting towards him. On other hand at 36 he is taking advantage of 15 year old.
Take care of yourself. There is lot in life stored for you
thats true he is caring i love him and would do anything for him
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Default Apr 09, 2013 at 05:07 AM
Olive, you're only seeing what you want to see. People are trying to tell you that having a relationship with your boss is inappropriate. If he is looking at your lingerie when he thinks you're asleep, and if he is sexual with you in any way, this is wrong. You are 15 years old and have no business going after a grown man.
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Default Apr 09, 2013 at 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Lovebird View Post
Olive, you're only seeing what you want to see. People are trying to tell you that having a relationship with your boss is inappropriate. If he is looking at your lingerie when he thinks you're asleep, and if he is sexual with you in any way, this is wrong. You are 15 years old and have no business going after a grown man.
thats ok i'll just talk with him like normal
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Default Apr 09, 2013 at 06:24 AM
you said you just wanted to know what its like to be with a man but all this thread is doing for you, even though people are trying to help you see the reality of your thinking this way, is encouraging you to obsess about him in unhealthy ways. this is not healthy dreaming. but it doesnt really matter what people say, you don't want to know what is healthy, you just want to obsess because you are addicted to what you feel when you think about him. it has nothing whatsoever to do with him. in a fantasy world that you want to lose yourself in, its easier this way than facing reality - for that you need professional help in order to have a healthy relationship because of where you are going in your own head. if only your parents could see what is happening to you...maybe they could get you some help.

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